Using dispy with port forwarding via ssh tunnel - ssh

I have dispynode running on a remote server. I'm trying to open an SSH tunnel from my computer (client) and configure dispyJobCluster to use this tunnel. But it's not working. Am I not configuring this right ? Here's how I'm doing this :
( p.s . i don't have a deep knowledge in distributed & parallel computing nor networking, I'm a civil engineer so please excuse me if I don't use the right technical words sometimes)
SSH tunnel​ :
plink -v -ssh -L 61:localhost:21
This will forward connections to port 61 to localhost:21 on the server where dispynode is running
dispynode :
sudo -d --ext_ip_addr localhost -p 21 -i localhost
will listen on port 21 and transmit using localhost which leads it though the tunnel back to the client
with this dispyClient JobCluster code :
cluster = dispy.JobCluster( runCasterDispyWorker,
nodes=[('localhost',61)], \
ip_addr='localhost', \
ext_ip_addr='localhost', \
port = 61, \
node_port = 21, \
recover_file='recover.rec', \
When I launch the I get the following error in the command prompt from which I opened the SSH tunnel :
Opening connection to localhost:21 for forwarding from
Forwarded port closed
At least I guess this means that dipsy is trying to access the opened SSH tunnel but I'm not sure what's happening server side. It seems that dispynode receives nothing.
Running a quick traffic capture with TCPdump on the server confirms it. For some unknown reason, the port changes to 64027.
I have also tried to open 2 SSH tunnels simultaneously :
One for client-to-server communications
plink -v -ssh -L 61:localhost:21
One for server-to-client communications
plink -v -ssh -R 20:localhost:60
but with no luck. I'm not even sure whether it is best to use remote forwarding or local forwarding
I tried this solution that the developer of dispy himself suggested but it didn't work for me :
Is the configuration i used above wrong ? Should I use remote or local forwarding ? Why does the port change automatically, can it be because of my company's firewall blocking the connection through the ports i'm trying to use ? Has anyone managed to run dispy through an SSH tunnel before ?

This worked for me. It should work for you :
SSH tunnel ( i'm using PuTTY's plink.exe to create the tunnel ):
plink -v -ssh -R 51347:localhost:51347 [username on server]#[server's Public IP or DomainName] -pw [USER PASSWORD on server] -N
dispynode (running on the server - linux):
sudo -d --ext_ip_addr [public IP or domain name of server]
JobCluster (dipsyClient):
def Worker():
os.system('echo hello') #prints hello on the server running dispynode
return 0
import os
import dispy, logging
cluster = dispy.JobCluster( \
Worker, \
nodes=['IP public or domain name of server'], \
ext_ip_addr='localhost', \
recover_file='recoverdispy.rec', \
job = cluster.submit()
print "waiting for job completion"
print('status: %s\nstdout: %s\nstderr: %s\nexception: %s' % (job.status, job.stdout, job.stderr, job.exception))
Try this piece of code .. Make sure the required ports are allowed to be used


scp: "Host key verification failed. lost connection" when attempting to copy files from remote server to WSL

I have a user at a remote server, let's call it remote_user#remote_server.
I also have a user on my WSL2 Ubuntu, let's call it wsl_user#<localhost>.
When I tried to use the command scp -v -o StrictKeyChecking=no remote_user#remote_server:/path/to/file.txt wsl_user#<localhost>:/path/to/directory on my host computer, it asked for the remote server's password (which successfully authenticates), but then it outputs
Host key verification failed.
lost connection
when I use localhost as <localhost>.
I have tried using both the IP address of the host computer and the IP address of the WSL2 instance, but both just hangs, and then does a Connection timed out.
P.S: I can ssh into both of them.
Well, I somehow kinda circumvented the problem using by breaking it into smaller commands, aka
scp -v remote_user#remote_server:/path/to/file.txt file.txt\
&& scp -v file.txt wsl_user#localhost:/path/to/directory \
&& rm file.txt

How to connect to expo via private tunnel (not ngrok)

I have the problem that at work I can not connect via network to expo, so I need to use tunnel, which is fine. However sometimes the tunnel is really slow destroying any developer expierience.
Since I can also host expo locally on localhost I had the idea of simply ssh-tunneling to a remote server that has an open port.
my remote host runs ubuntu
so i SSH there like so:
ssh -R user#ip
in order for this to work i also added
GatewayPorts clientspecified
to my /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo netstat -plutn
shows me
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 20183/2
so accepting requests (i also tried to forward port 19001 to get something back when i enter it in the browser which worke fine)
However when i enter:
exp://serverip:19000 into the expo client on my android phone he can't connect.
Any ideas on help?
It looks like Expo uses multiple ports 19000, 19001, and 19002. So you will need to forward all of these.
$ ssh -f -N -R 19000:localhost:19000 user#ip
$ ssh -f -N -R 19001:localhost:19001 user#ip
$ ssh -f -N -R 19002:localhost:19002 user#ip
Also, you can set the REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGER_HOSTNAME environment variable to use the remote host.
$ expo start

Autokill broken reverse ssh tunnels

I have 1 server which is behind a NAT and a firewall and I have another in another location that is accessible via a domain. The server behind the NAT and firewall is running on a cloud environment and is designed to be disposable ie if it breaks we can simply redeploy it with a single script, in this case, it is OpenStack using a heat template. When that server fires up it runs the following command to create a reverse SSH tunnel to the server outside the NAT and Firewall to allow us to connect via port 8080 on that server. The issue I am having is it seems if that OpenSSH tunnel gets broken (server goes down maybe) the tunnel remains, meaning when we re-deploy the heat template to launch the server again it will no longer be able to connect to that port unless I kill the ssh process on the server outside the NAT beforehand.
here is the command I am using currently to start the reverse tunnel:
sudo ssh -f -N -T -R 9090:localhost:80
I had a similar issue, and fixed it this way:
First, at the server, I created in the home directory a script called with this contents:
#this finds the process that is opening the port 9090, finds its PID and kills it
sudo netstat -ltpun | grep 9090 | grep 127 | awk -F ' ' '{print $7}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9
Then, at the client, I created a script called with this contents:
#this opens a ssh connection, runs the script and exit
ssh "./"
#this opens a ssh connection opening the reverse tunnel
ssh -R 9090:localhost:80
Now, I always use to open the SSH connection, instead of using the ssh command directly.
It requires the user at the remote host to have sudo configured without asking for password when executing the netstat command.
Maybe (probably) there is a better way to accomplish it, but that is working for me.

scp + error Name or service not known + custom port

I have read lot of post about this problem but i still can not solve it on my side.
I have a server i used to connect like this:
$ ssh -p yy
user = is not root = ipv4 of my server
yy = custom port for ssh
Connexion works well.
I try to make a copy of a folder from my local machine (ubuntu) to the server(ubuntu 14.04) like this:
$ scp -r -p /home/user/my/folder/ ssh://
I get this error:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname ssh: Name or service not known
lost connection
I guess the connexion works well. So what could happen? A problem with rights of the folder?
For information, my local machine get both ipv4 and ipv6 address. Could it be that?
Thank you in advance for any help.
Check manual page for scp. It describe the usage of scp with all the switches and options:
scp [...] [-P port] [[user#]host1:]file1 ... [[user#]host2:]file2
Your command should be:
$ scp -r -p -P yy /home/user/my/folder/
Note port comes as -P yy, you don't write ssh:// in front the user and separate host from the remote path using colon (:).
You don't need "ssh://".
Here scp believes ssh is the name of the server you want to copy to. That's what the message says : "Could not resolve hostname ssh"
Try :
$ scp -r -p -P yy /home/user/my/folder/

ssh -L forward multiple ports

I'm currently running a bunch of:
sudo ssh -L PORT:IP:PORT root#IP
where IP is the target of a secured machine, and PORT represents the ports I'm forwarding.
This is because I use a lot of applications which I cannot access without this forwarding. After performing this, I can access through localhost:PORT.
The main problem occured now that I actually have 4 of these ports that I have to forward.
My solution is to open 4 shells and constantly search my history backwards to look for exactly which ports need to be forwarded etc, and then run this command - one in each shell (having to fill in passwords etc).
If only I could do something like:
sudo ssh -L PORT1+PORT2+PORT+3:IP:PORT+PORT2+PORT3 root#IP
then that would already really help.
Is there a way to make it easier to do this?
The -L option can be specified multiple times within the same command. Every time with different ports. I.e. ssh -L localPort0:ip:remotePort0 -L localPort1:ip:remotePort1 ...
Exactly what NaN answered, you specify multiple -L arguments. I do this all the time. Here is an example of multi port forwarding:
ssh remote-host -L 8822:REMOTE_IP_1:22 -L 9922:REMOTE_IP_2:22
Note: This is same as -L localhost:8822:REMOTE_IP_1:22 if you don't specify localhost.
Now with this, you can now (from another terminal) do:
ssh localhost -p 8822
to connect to REMOTE_IP_1 on port 22
and similarly
ssh localhost -p 9922
to connect to REMOTE_IP_2 on port 22
Of course, there is nothing stopping you from wrapping this into a script or automate it if you have many different host/ports to forward and to certain specific ones.
For people who are forwarding multiple port through the same host can setup something like this in their ~/.ssh/config
Host all-port-forwards
User username
LocalForward PORT_1 IP:PORT_1
LocalForward PORT_2 IP:PORT_2
LocalForward PORT_3 IP:PORT_3
LocalForward PORT_4 IP:PORT_4
and it becomes a simple ssh all-port-forwards away.
You can use the following bash function (just add it to your ~/.bashrc):
function pfwd {
for i in ${#:2}
echo Forwarding port $i
ssh -N -L $i:localhost:$i $1 &
Usage example:
pfwd hostname {6000..6009}
jbchichoko and yuval have given viable solutions. But jbchichoko's answer isn't a flexible answer as a function, and the opened tunnels by yuval's answer cannot be shut down by ctrl+c because it runs in the background. I give my solution below solving both the two flaws:
Defing a function in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:
# fsshmap multiple ports
function fsshmap() {
echo -n "-L 1$1:$1 " > $HOME/sh/sshports.txt
for ((i=($1+1);i<$2;i++))
echo -n "-L 1$i:$i " >> $HOME/sh/sshports.txt
line=$(head -n 1 $HOME/sh/sshports.txt)
cline="ssh "$3" "$line
echo $cline
eval $cline
A example of running the function:
fsshmap 6000 6010 hostname
Result of this example:
You can access the same as hostname:6000~6009
In my company both me and my team members need access to 3 ports of a non-reachable "target" server so I created a permanent tunnel (that is a tunnel that can run in background indefinitely, see params -f and -N) from a reachable server to the target one. On the command line of the reachable server I executed:
ssh root#reachableIP -f -N -L *:8822:targetIP:22 -L *:9006:targetIP:9006 -L *:9100:targetIP:9100
I used user root but your own user will work. You will have to enter the password of the chosen user (even if you are already connected to the reachable server with that user).
Now port 8822 of the reachable machine corresponds to port 22 of the target one (for ssh/PuTTY/WinSCP) and ports 9006 and 9100 on the reachable machine correspond to the same ports of the target one (they host two web services in my case).
Another one liner that I use and works on debian:
ssh user# $(for j in $(seq 20000 1 20100 ) ; do echo " -L$j:$j " ; done | tr -d "\n")
One of the benefits of logging into a server with port forwarding is facilitating the use of Jupyter Notebook. This link provides an excellent description of how to it. Here I would like to do some summary and expansion for all of you guys to refer.
Situation 1. Login from a local machine named Host-A (e.g. your own laptop) to a remote work machine named Host-B.
ssh user#Host-B -L port_A:localhost:port_B
jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.token='' --no-browser --port=port_B
Then you can open a browser and enter: http://localhost:port_A/ to do your work on Host-B but see it in Host-A.
Situation 2. Login from a local machine named Host-A (e.g. your own laptop) to a remote login machine named Host-B and from there login to the remote work machine named Host-C. This is usually the case for most analytical servers within universities and can be achieved by using two ssh -L connected with -t.
ssh -L port_A:localhost:port_B user#Host-B -t ssh -L port_B:localhost:port_C user#Host-C
jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.token='' --no-browser --port=port_C
Then you can open a browser and enter: http://localhost:port_A/ to do your work on Host-C but see it in Host-A.
Situation 3. Login from a local machine named Host-A (e.g. your own laptop) to a remote login machine named Host-B and from there login to the remote work machine named Host-C and finally login to the remote work machine Host-D. This is not usually the case but might happen sometime. It's an extension of Situation 2 and the same logic can be applied on more machines.
ssh -L port_A:localhost:port_B user#Host-B -t ssh -L port_B:localhost:port_C user#Host-C -t ssh -L port_C:localhost:port_D user#Host-D
jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.token='' --no-browser --port=port_D
Then you can open a browser and enter: http://localhost:port_A/ to do your work on Host-D but see it in Host-A.
Note that port_A, port_B, port_C, port_D can be random numbers except common port numbers listed here. In Situation 1, port_A and port_B can be the same to simplify the procedure.
Here is a solution inspired from the one from Yuval Atzmon.
It has a few benefits over the initial solution:
first it creates a single background process and not one per port
it generates the alias that allows you to kill your tunnels
it binds only to which is a little more secure
You may use it as:
tnl 1234
tnl {1234,1235}
tnl {1234..1236}
And finally kill them all with tnlkill.
function tnl {
TUNNEL="ssh -N "
echo Port forwarding for ports:
for i in ${#:2}
echo " - $i"
TUNNEL="$TUNNEL -L$i:localhost:$i"
alias tnlkill="kill $PID && unalias tnlkill"
An alternative approach is to tell ssh to work as a SOCKS proxy using the -D flag.
That way you would be able to connect to any remote network address/port accesible through the ssh server as long as the client applications are able to go through a SOCKS proxy (or work with something like socksify).
If you want a simple solution that runs in the background and is easy to kill - use a control socket
# start
$ ssh -f -N -M -S $SOCKET -L localhost:9200:localhost:9200 $HOST
# stop
$ ssh -S $SOCKET -O exit $HOST
I've developed loco for help with ssh forwarding. It can be used to share ports 5000 and 7000 on remote locally at the same ports:
pip install loco
loco listen SSHINFO -r 5000 -r 7000
First It can be done using Parallel Execution by xargs -P 0.
Create a file for binding the ports e.g.
then run
xargs -P 0 -I xxx ssh -vNTCL xxx <REMOTE> < port-forward
or you can do a one-liner
echo localhost:{8080,9090} | tr ' ' '\n' | sed 's/.*/&:&/' | xargs -P 0 -I xxx ssh -vNTCL xxx <REMOTE>
pros independent ssh port-forwarding, they are independent == avoiding Single Point of Failure
cons each ssh port-forwarding is forked separately, somehow not efficient
second it can be done using curly brackets expansion feature in bash
echo "ssh -vNTC $(echo localhost:{10,20,30,40,50} | perl -lpe 's/[^ ]+/-L $&:$&/g') <REMOTE>"
# output
ssh -vNTC -L localhost:10:localhost:10 -L localhost:20:localhost:20 -L localhost:30:localhost:30 -L localhost:40:localhost:40 -L localhost:50:localhost:50 <REMOTE>
real example
echo "-vNTC $(echo localhost:{8080,9090} | perl -lpe 's/[^ ]+/-L $&:$&/g') gitlab" | xargs ssh
Forwarding 8080 and 9090 to gitlab server.
pros one single fork == efficient
cons by closing this process (ssh) all forwarding are closed == Single Point of Failure
You can use this zsh function (probably works with bash, too)(Put it in ~/.zshrc):
ashL () {
local a=() i
for i in "$#[2,-1]"
a+=(-L "${i}:localhost:${i}")
autossh -M 0 -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -NT "$1" "$a[#]"
ashL db# 6480 7690 7477
ashL db# {6000..6050} # Forwards the whole range. This is simply shell syntax sugar.