-restcomm configuration for Windows - restcomm

I am beginning to set up on Restcomm Mobicents framework.
In particular I am trying to set up Restcomm on my Windows 8.1 laptop.
Can anyone assist with how to set up RESTCOMM on Windows Server please. The reason I ask this is that most of the information is presumed to be on Linux, Ubuntu. Environments like "installation of screen" and also any sample configuration shared are for Ubuntu, Linux environments, but not specifically on Windows.

Restcomm is currently prepared to run natively on Linux operating systems, indeed.
Considering the diversity of OSs and configurations, a Docker image was created to gather everything Restcomm needs to run properly, as an independent layer.
Please check the following links to install Docker in Windows 8.1 and use Restcomm docker image.
About docker: https://www.docker.com/what-docker
Docker installation: http://docs.docker.com/windows/step_one/
About Restcomm docker image: http://www.telestax.com/docker-image-for-mobicents-restcomm-7-3-0/
Restcomm docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/gvagenas/restcomm/

You should avoid installing Restcomm on windows, although the simulation will work, when you will have to go live, you will be unable because Windows does not implements the SCTP stack need by Restcomm.


testContainers and Rancher

I have a Spring Boot application with integration tests that are using testContainers.
Till recently, I used Docker Desktop and was able to easily run the test from within Intellij or from CLI.
Recently I changed my Windows machine to Rancher desktop.
Now when trying to run the integration tests gradle integrationTest I'm getting this error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Previous attempts to find a Docker environment failed. Will not retry. Please see logs and check configuration
at org.testcontainers.dockerclient.DockerClientProviderStrategy.getFirstValidStrategy(DockerClientProviderStrategy.java:109)
at org.testcontainers.DockerClientFactory.getOrInitializeStrategy(DockerClientFactory.java:136)
at org.testcontainers.DockerClientFactory.client(DockerClientFactory.java:178)
at org.testcontainers.LazyDockerClient.getDockerClient(LazyDockerClient.java:14)
at org.testcontainers.LazyDockerClient.authConfig(LazyDockerClient.java:12)
at org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer.start(GenericContainer.java:310)
Is there an additional configuration that is needed in Intellij or Rancher or Windows to make it work?
UPDATE Feb 2022: As reported here TestContainers works nicely with Rancher Desktop 1.0.1.
Based on the following two closed issues - first, second - in the testcontainers-java github, Testcontainers doesn't seem to support Rancher Desktop, at least officially.
I'm running rancher desktop version 1.0.0 on my windows mashine and could get testcontainers to work just by simple adding 'checks.disable=true' in .testcontainers.properties (located under C:\Users<your user>)
updating Rancher Desktop to version 1.0.1 fixed this issue for me
I got this error because my Rancher was using containerd. If you also use Rancher Desktop try to switch to dockerd under settings, but first back up the data you have just in case.

Where to get Windows container base image to run in Docker or VirtualBox on Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit)

I am running Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit) in virtual environment.
I have installed Docker and VirtualBox in it.
For my work, I need a Windows container base image (with .NET support).
I tried getting one at https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-windows-base-os-images?tab=reviews
But, could not pull a Windows or Windows Server Core image.
Please let me know if you know how to get and use Windows container base image.
According to the documentation available on docker-hub:
Windows requires the host OS version to match the container OS
version. If you want to run a container based on a newer Windows
build, make sure you have an equivalent host build. Otherwise, you can
use Hyper-V isolation to run older containers on new host builds.
You are probably trying to pull a non-compliant image. Check your windows version and accordingly select the proper tag to pull.

Are libraries built using the Linux subsystem in Windows 10 accessible to a Windows development environment?

I'm currently trying to connect MongoDB to a Windows QT C++ application and am following the tutorial here. While there Windows installation instructions are presented, to avoid having to install Visual Studio or other tools, I'm wondering if I can follow the package-manager or Linux instructions on the inbuilt Linux/ Ubuntu subsystem of Windows 10 and build the libraries in my Linux environment, later somehow accessing them from my Windows development environment.
I don't fully understand how compilation/ byte-code works in the Linux subsystem on Windows, so I haven't been able to piece together an answer for this myself based on my understanding of the various systems involved. Any explanation or assistance would be appreciated.
You can run a Windows executable from a WSL console window or a Linux executable from Windows command line / power shell. And capture the output, pipe between applications etc. But the application must run entirely on one platform; you cannot mix a Windows executable with Linux libraries or vice-versa.
I don't know how you will connect to MongoDB but, if it has a socket interface like MySql, you could create a bash script on WSL which runs your QT application to access the database, wherever it is.
But if you're using QT as a GUI you're going to struggle. People have been able to get a Linux desktop running on WSL by installing an X server on the Windows host but you might find that more trouble than it's worth.

Server not starting in IBM API connect toolkit

I have created API's in API connect toolkit. For testing the API locally in Explore tab, I am trying to start server.
But getting "Error: It appears that Docker for Windows has not been installed. To install Docker for Windows, please visit https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/ For more information, check the docs" error.
From my understanding you don't need docker to test locally in toolkit. Any suggestions to fix the issue?
More Info: APIC version: API Connect: v5.0.8.3 (apiconnect: v2.7.209) NPM version : 6.1.0
It used to work before suddenly I am getting the above error. I tried re-installing but issue persist.
With new versions of APIC you must have Docker installed and working properly on your Windows environment to be able to install the API Connect Toolkit with DataPower.
Please find the steps to install the APIC toolkit on these pages:

Automatically install programs to vm

I've got a question about VMs and installing programs.
I've got a vsphere 6.0 running on my server and I try to automatically create new VMs (or use clean installed snapshots) an then automatically install software on these VMs.
A user wishes to create a new Windows 7 with xampp installed and firefox + thunderbird + eclipse. The VM will be created and during the first start these programs will be installed.
Is this possible or are there any tools that can help?
Or can I use the VMware API to realize this?
Thank you very much.
There is no way that Vsphere can do these installations that I know of. In fact I don't know of a way to install an application to a running windows box remotely - you can imagine the security implications of that.
There is an easy way to do this however.
I would build my windows VM, install all the required applications (leaving them as configured or not depending on your needs) then convert the VM into a template and then deploy new vms based on that template. Then you have your windows vms ready to go with the installed applications.