How to set to Android Facebook LoginButton to force authentication every time? - facebook-android-sdk

Using com.facebook.login.widget.LoginButton is there any way to make the user reauthenticate if the permissions change?
Right now if I put different permissions every time on mFacebookLoginButton.setReadPermissions(); and the user is already logged it dont grant the permissions and the user logs in.

If the user is already logged in, then adding more permissions won't change the behavior on the login button (since it won't actually do anything if there's already an access token). If you want to incrementally ask for more permissions, of if you need additional ones because of an update, you should use the LoginManager directly.
What you can do is put the new set of required permissions on the LoginButton so that new users will accept them as they login, but for existing users, get the current set of permissions from the AccessToken, compare them against the permissions you need, and use LoginManager to ask for the new ones.
You should do this anyways because users can decline to give you certain permissions with the login dialog, and if you need those permissions later, you need to use the LoginManager.


vue.js update current user data from api when change route?

im new in vuejs and i build small control panel and i have roles and permissions.
when user login i store data in local storage with user data and he roles and permissions
but when the admin attach or change role or permission for any user
not update in that user if he login even he logout and login again
my solution is get current user every time from api when route change!
i put my call function in app.js
is that good solution ?
I would not store profile and permissions in localStorage as user could inspect it and modify it.
I think you should store user id encrypted and in each route change validate if he as permission for the desired page or action.
So essentially yes but don’t forget about security.

Parse Server app with only one admin user who can change data via Facebook login

Newbie to Parse Server here.
I have an app which reads data from Parse Server and displays it to users without logging them in.
I want to create another 'Admin' app which will allow ONLY ONE pre-populated admin user to login and change the data. Is this possible via Facebook login? I would prefer Facebook login because with normal (user, password) login I can't implement 2FA easily on Parse Server. Facebook login would take care of the issue since the user is already logged into Facebook using 2FA.
Is this possible? Any suggestions / pointers would be appreciated. I am coding both apps in React Native. The first app is complete.
The type of login has nothing to do with the abilities a user has. The simplest solution for your desired setup is using class-level permissions:
create a new Role object and name it accordingly, e.g. admin
add your admin user to that role
set class-level permissions for your data classes: grant public read access, limit write access to the admin role
Now every user can see all the data, but only members of the admin role are able to manipulate them. If you want you can add more users to the role to also give them write access.
BTW: all these steps can be performed in Parse Dashboard, no coding required.
Actually you can have it even simpler, the class-level permissions can also be granted to a single user -- so no need for a role, if you really only need one admin.

Creating user with no password in Meteor

I have a unique user creation flow which is as follows:
User comes to my site for the first time and they click a button.
I create a User in the DB for them and set a localStorage key with the UID.
Use goes about creating data and I save the data in the DB and associate it with the UID.
User comes back, and if they have UID set in localStorage, I show them the data they previously created.
User can click Register to create a "real" account from which point they will have to login with username and password or another service (e.g. Facebook).
So, how would I accomplish this with Meteor Accounts and the User model?
In a nutshell:
I need to create User mongo document with no information (about the user).
I need to authenticate a user by just having a UID (acting as a "password").
Register onCreateUser to add an "anonymous" field ({anonymous:1})
when a random password is used, maybe generated with Meteor.uuid().
Add a timestamp field
({created:new Date()}) to clean out old, anonymous accounts.
Perform old anonymous user maintenance, like deleting anonymous users more
than one hour old:
{Meteor.users.find({anonymous:1,$where:"new Date() - this.created >
360000"}).forEach(function (user) {
On the client:
Always prompt
for a "nickname." This will become the official username, or will
sit in the system forever used.
Check if client is logged in. If
not, create a user with nickname and a "magic number" password,
which logs you in. When they click register, write "Register" at the
top, but actually just change their password and $set:{anonymous:0}
Don't use localStorage, and don't use UIDs. The session cookie IS your UID.
I don't know how to help with the authentication, but as for creating a blank User object, I've successfully done the following on the server-side (with a different name...):
Meteor.users.insert({profile: {name: 'Oompa Loompa'}, foo: 'bar'});

Grails Spring Security forcing user to a specific screen after successful authentication

Here is the scenario. I have two objects Users (with username/password) and UserInfo with rest of the data related to user. The Users is an old table with thousands of records and UserInfo is fairly new. I want to get as much UserInfo as I can when the user first logs in.
I'd like to force user to a custom screen after first login and ask for the UserInfo data. Once I get the "required" data in the new screen, I dont show it till the user voluntarily wants to fill in the data under "Profile".
Since there are multiple entry points to the application, I dont want to update all the controllers to check for this.
Is there a way I can use a Spring Security filter or something which is executed on successful login? I had a look at ApplicationListener<AuthenticationSuccessEvent> but it doesnt solve the problem as if I copy paste the link in the browser, it lets me go ahead to the destination without asking for "extra information".
In a nutshell, I want a check after each login which, if fails, user is not allowed to enter the application. No matter how he tries to get in.
In your Config.groovy, configure Spring Security's defaultTargetUrl and tell it to always redirect there:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.successHandler.alwaysUseDefault = true
grails.plugins.springsecurity.successHandler.defaultTargetUrl = '/userInfo/edit'
In your UserInfoController's edit action, you can check that the required fields are present (userInfo.validate() perhaps?) and if they are, redirect to wherever you like, perhaps '/', otherwise render the edit info view.
You can adopt what #doelleri proposed and enhance the rule by those steps:
run a batch task to assign a temporary ROLE_DISABLED role to each user who does not provide supplemental information yet. If the user already had some roles, save them in some property.
setup your authorization rule as that users with ROLE_DISABLED role only allowed to access /userInfo/edit.
in /userInfo/edit, if the user has a ROLE_DISABLED role, render the information input view, and resume user's role after it successfully updated its information. Otherwise redirect to '/' or the path it requested.

Website Permissions: Changing a user's rights while they're logged in

I could be wrong about this, but it is my understanding that it is a very common practice to handle permissions like so:
The user goes to the login page and provides a username and password.
The username and password are verified. If valid, the user's information (including permissions) is set to a session variable.
As the logged in user navigates the site, certain features are available to the user based on their permissions, which are referenced in the session.
This makes sense since it would be impractical to frequently query the database for the user's permissions. However, from a security standpoint, I'm not sure what the best approach is. A simple example would be if you were to remove a certain permission from a user while they're logged in. An extreme example would be if you were to mark a user account as inactive while they're logged in. I don't know how you could get that user's web browser to know about the change other than to code database permission checks (as opposed to session permission checks) into every part of the website. Again, that seems like overkill, but is that really the only way if you want a secure website?
I believe you've got it stated correctly:
I don't know how you could get that user's web browser to know about the change other than to code database permission checks (as opposed to session permission checks) into every part of the website.
Depending upon how your site is designed, it might make sense to invalidate the user's session when you perform drastic enough modifications to the user's privileges. Deleting sessions mean the user will be faced with a new request to log in, but if you've just disabled their account or severely downgraded their privileges, that might be acceptable.
But you wouldn't want to invalidate the session for every little thing and certainly not for almost any permission enhancement operations.
If you expire all sessions N seconds after the last authentication you can place an upper limit on the amount of time that your application code would grant permissions that have actually been revoked. This might be suitable when the stakes are not very high anyway.