Generate SQL Query From Two Tables (MS Access) - sql

I have two tables in my in my database
Interim Storage Orders Table
|ID|Date Product Was Made|RecipeID| Recipe Name |ProductID|Product Name|
1 November 10th, 2015 1 100LB S Batch 1 Saltbread
2 November 10th, 2015 2 100LB B Batch 2 Bran Fruit
Recipes Table
|RecipeID| Recipe Name |ProductID|Product Name|ItemID| Item |Amount
1 100LB S Batch 1 Saltbread 213 Salt 100
1 100LB S Batch 1 Saltbread 56 Sugar 60
2 100LB B Batch 2 Bran Fruit 213 Salt 34
2 100LB B Batch 2 Bran Fruit 56 Sugar 12
What I would like to achieve is a Query Table displaying
ItemID | Item | Date Used | Amount | ProductID | Product Name |
213 Salt November 10th, 2015 100 1 Saltbread
56 Sugar November 10th, 2015 60 1 Saltbread
213 Salt November 10th, 2015 34 2 Bran Fruit
56 Sugar November 10th, 2015 12 2 Bran Fruit
what would be the SQL code to achive this result in MS Access

This would be your query:
--Iso is Interim Storage Orders Table
--Rec is Recipes Table
--As stated in query
SELECT Rec.ItemID, Rec.Item, Iso.DateProductWasMade,
Rec.Amount, Iso.ProductID, Iso.ProductName
FROM Recipes AS Rec
INNER JOIN InterimStorageOrders AS Iso ON Rec.ProductID = Iso.ProductID


Pandas: Group by two columns to get sum of another column

I look most of the previously asked questions but was not able to find answer for my question:
I have following data.frame
id year month score num_attempts
0 483625 2010 01 50 1
1 967799 2009 03 50 1
2 213473 2005 09 100 1
3 498110 2010 12 60 1
5 187243 2010 01 100 1
6 508311 2005 10 15 1
7 486688 2005 10 50 1
8 212550 2005 10 500 1
10 136701 2005 09 25 1
11 471651 2010 01 50 1
I want to get following data frame
year month sum_score sum_num_attempts
2009 03 50 1
2005 09 125 2
2010 12 60 1
2010 01 200 2
2005 10 565 3
Here is what I tried:
sum_df = df.groupby(by=['year','month'])['score'].sum()
But this doesn't look efficient and correct. If I have more than one column need to be aggregate this seems like a very expensive call. for example if I have another column num_attempts and just want to sum by year month as score.
This should be an efficient way:
sum_df = df.groupby(['year','month']).agg({'score': 'sum', 'num_attempts': 'sum'})

Subtract nonconsecutive values in same row in t-SQL

I have a data table that has annual data points and quarterly data points. I want to subtract the quarterly data points from the corresponding prior annual entry, e.g. Annual 2014 - Q3 2014, using t-SQL. I have an id variable for each entry, plus a reconcile id variable that shows which quarterly entry corresponds to which annual entry. See below:
CurrentDate PreviousDate Value Entry Id Reconcile Id Annual/Quarterly
9/30/2012 9/30/2011 112 2 3 Annual
9/30/2013 9/30/2012 123 1 2 Annual
9/30/2014 9/30/2013 123.5 9 1 Annual
12/31/2013 9/30/2014 124 4 1 Quarterly
3/31/2014 12/31/2013 124.5 5 1 Quarterly
6/30/2014 3/31/2014 125 6 1 Quarterly
9/30/2014 6/30/2014 125.5 7 1 Quarterly
12/31/2014 9/30/2014 126 10 9 Quarterly
3/31/2015 12/31/2014 126.5 11 9 Quarterly
6/30/2015 3/31/2015 127 12 9 Quarterly
For example, Reconcile ID 9 for the quarterly entries corresponds to Entry ID 9, which is an annual entry.
I have code to just subtract the prior entry from the current entry, but I cannot figure out how to subtract quarterly entries from annual entries where the Entry ID and Reconcile ID are the same.
Here is the code I am using, which is resulting in the right calculation, but increasing the number of results by many rows. I have also tried this as an inner join. I only want the original 10 rows, plus a new difference column:
, [T1].[CurrentDate]
, [T1].[Annual_Quarterly]
, [T1].[Value]
, [T1].[Value]-T2.[Value] AS Difference
FROM Table T1
Your code should be fine, here's the results I'm getting:
EntryId Annual_Quarterly CurrentDate ReconcileId Value recVal diff
2 Annual 9/30/2012 3 112
1 Annual 9/30/2013 2 123 112 11
9 Annual 9/30/2014 1 123.5 123 0.5
4 Quarterly 12/31/2013 1 124 123 1
5 Quarterly 3/31/2014 1 124.5 123 1.5
6 Quarterly 6/30/2014 1 125 123 2
7 Quarterly 9/30/2014 1 125.5 123 2.5
10 Quarterly 12/31/2014 9 126 123.5 2.5
11 Quarterly 3/31/2015 9 126.5 123.5 3
12 Quarterly 6/30/2015 9 127 123.5 3.5
with your data and this SQL:
te.Value AS recVal,
tr.[VALUE]-te.[VALUE] AS diff
t AS te ON
tr.ReconcileId = te.EntryId
Your question is a bit vague as far as how you're wanting to subtract these values, but this should give you some idea.
Select T1.*, T1.Value - Coalesce(T2.Value, 0) As Difference
From Table T1
Left Join Table T2 On T2.[Entry Id] = T1.[Reconcile Id]

Creating Pivots based for a rowcount in SQL

I have 2 tables T1 and T2.
T1 has the following columns:
Id, EntityId, TypeofValue, Year, value
EntityId can have 7 values:
Typeofvalue can have 2 values
1 indicates Actual
2 indicates Target
T2 has the following columns:
I need to fetch the number of records (if existing) for Target corresponding to an Id. The record count (1 if any record is present 0 if none) for Target needs to be grouped into two categories: First having Entityid 1 and Maximum records under Second group with entityids 2,3,4,100,101 [Not 5]
However, the catches are:
Sometimes Target value might not be present for a year
I need to get only last records for targets on the basis of NoOfRecordsToDisplay (The number of records to display comes from T2) for actual
NoOfRecordsToDisplay =3, ID =123
The data below should return
CountGroup1: 1, Countgroup2: 1
as Entityid 1 has least one value for target for last 3 years -2015, 2014,2013 in this case
as Entityid 2 or 3 has at least 1 value for years -2015, 2014
Id EntityId TypeofValue Year Value
123 1 1 2015 55
123 1 1 2014 56
123 1 1 2013 57
123 1 1 2012 58
123 1 2 2015 50
123 1 2 2014 50
123 1 2 2013 50
123 1 2 2012 50
123 2 1 2015 55
123 2 1 2014 56
123 3 1 2015 57
123 3 1 2014 58
123 2 2 2015 55
123 2 2 2014 56
123 3 2 2015 57
124 1 1 2015 55
124 1 1 2014 56
124 2 1 2013 57
124 2 1 2012 58
124 1 2 2015 50
124 1 2 2014 50
124 2 2 2013 50
124 2 2 2012 50
Another dataset
NoOfRecordsToDisplay =3, ID =123
The data below should return:
CountGroup1: 0, Countgroup2: 1
as Entityid 1 has no target value for last 3 years (entityid 1 has a target value but for 2012)
as Entityid 2 has at one value for target years -2015 (entityid 3 has a target value but for 2010)
Id EntityId TypeofValue Year Value
123 1 1 2015 55
123 1 1 2014 56
123 1 1 2013 57
123 1 1 2012 58
123 1 2 2012 58
123 2 1 2015 55
123 2 1 2014 56
123 2 2 2015 55
123 2 2 2011 56
123 3 2 2010 57
Thank you so much for your help.
I have been trying to find this solution for a long time, I am not sure if Pivot will help
The question is different from the other one that I had posted as I am trying to create a group count based on entity groups.

return the last row that meets a condition in sql

I have two tables:
ID SerialNumber
1 ABC1
2 ABC2
3 ABC3
4 ABC4
5 ABC5
6 ABC6
ID MeterID ReadValue Consumption PreviousReadDate ReadType
1 1 250 250 1 jan 2015 EST
2 1 550 300 1 feb 2015 ACT
3 1 1000 450 1 apr 2015 EST
4 2 350 350 1 jan 2015 EST
5 2 850 500 1 feb 2015 ACT
6 2 1000 150 1 apr 2015 ACT
7 3 1500 1500 1 jan 2015 EST
8 3 2500 1000 1 mar 2015 EST
9 3 5000 2500 4 apr 2015 EST
10 4 250 250 1 jan 2015 EST
11 4 550 300 1 feb 2015 ACT
12 4 1000 450 1 apr 2015 EST
13 5 350 350 1 jan 2015 ACT
14 5 850 500 1 feb 2015 ACT
15 5 1000 150 1 apr 2015 ACT
16 6 1500 1500 1 jan 2015 EST
17 6 2500 1000 1 mar 2015 EST
18 6 5000 2500 4 apr 2015 EST
I am trying to group by meter serial and return the last actual read date for each of the meters but I am unsure as to how to accomplish this. Here is the sql I have thus far:
select a.SerialNumber, ReadTypeCode, MAX(PreviousReadDate) from Meter as a
left join RegisterLevelInformation as b on a.MeterID = b.MeterID
where ReadType = 'ACT'
group by a.SerialNumber,b.ReadTypeCode, PreviousReadDate
order by a.SerialNumber
I can't seem to get the MAX function to take effect in returning only the latest actual reading row and it returns all dates and the same meter serial is displayed several times.
If I use the following sql:
select a.SerialNumber, count(*) from Meter as a
left join RegisterLevelInformation as b on a.MeterID = b.MeterID
group by a.SerialNumber
order by a.SerialNumber
then each serial is shown only once. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Like #PaulGriffin said in his comment you need to remove PreviousReadDate column from your GROUP BY clause.
Why are you experiencing this behaviour?
Basically the partition you have chosen - (SerialNumber,ReadTypeCode,PreviousReadDate) for each distinct pair of those values prints you SerialNumber, ReadTypeCode, MAX(PreviousReadDate). Since you are applying a MAX() function to each row of the partition that includes this column you are simply using an aggregate function on one value - so the output of MAX() will be equal to the one without it.
What you wanted to achieve
Get MAX value of PreviousReadDate for every pair of (SerialNumber,ReadTypeCode). So this is what your GROUP BY clause should include.
select a.SerialNumber, ReadTypeCode, MAX(PreviousReadDate) from Meter as a
left join RegisterLevelInformation as b on a.MeterID = b.MeterID
where ReadType = 'ACT'
group by a.SerialNumber,b.ReadTypeCode
order by a.SerialNumber
Is the correct SQL query for what you want.
Difference example
ID MeterID ReadValue Consumption PreviousReadDate ReadType
1 1 250 250 1 jan 2015 EST
2 1 550 300 1 feb 2015 ACT
3 1 1000 450 1 apr 2015 EST
Here if you apply the query with grouping by 3 columns you would get result:
SerialNumber | ReadTypeCode | PreviousReadDate
ABC1 | EST | 1 jan 2015 -- which is MAX of 1 value (1 jan 2015)
ABC1 | ACT | 1 feb 2015
ABC1 | EST | 1 apr 2015
But instead when you only group by SerialNumber,ReadTypeCode it would yield result (considering the sample data that I posted):
SerialNumber | ReadTypeCode | PreviousReadDate
ABC1 | EST | 1 apr 2015 -- which is MAX of 2 values (1 jan 2015, 1 apr 2015)
ABC1 | ACT | 1 feb 2015 -- which is MAX of 1 value (because ReadTypeCode is different from the row above
Explanation of your second query
In this query - you are right indeed - each serial is shown only once.
select a.SerialNumber, count(*) from Meter as a
left join RegisterLevelInformation as b on a.MeterID = b.MeterID
group by a.SerialNumber
order by a.SerialNumber
But this query would produce you odd results you don't expect if you add grouping by more columns (which you have done in your first query - try it yourself).
You need to remove PreviousReadDate from your Group By clause.
This is what your query should look like:
select a.SerialNumber, ReadTypeCode, MAX(PreviousReadDate) from Meter as a
left join RegisterLevelInformation as b on a.MeterID = b.MeterID
where ReadType = 'ACT'
group by a.SerialNumber,b.ReadTypeCode
order by a.SerialNumber
To understand how the group by clause works when you mention multiple columns, follow this link: Using group by on multiple columns
You will understand what was wrong with your query and why it returns all dates and the same meter serial is displayed several times.
Good luck!
Kudos! :)

Joining tables with different column name but same value in sqlite

I'm using SQLite to work with my database
I have two different tables, with key columns that have different names but the same value.
As such:
Identification | Name | Shoe size
1 Bob 10
2 John 12
PaymentID | Price | Year
1 20 2013
2 38 2015
I need
Identification(or PaymentID, no matter) | Name | Shoe size | Price | Year
1 Bob 10 20 2013
2 John 12 38 2015
I've been searching, and trying to understand the tutorials to no avail. I guess im just too stupid
select s.identification,, s.`shoe size`, p.price, p.year
from shoes s
join payment p on p.paymentid = s.identification