Code "delete my account" button -

Im using vb 2013. I tried to code my delete button after adding SQL delete in my Database. I wrote code in the class (I called it userFunc) calling the SQL DeleteItYourself with the variable DeleteIt. I created button with the toolbox and double clicked it, now I'm lost. I have session in the Login button to make sure it presents the user nickname. I redirected it to the homepage when the "I want to delete my account" located. Iactually don't know what to do with the button. I want it to call the function DeleteIt, but before the function Delete I want it to ask the user with some pop up alert if he's sure. Any ideas how to code my button?
(I'm a high school student and it's my project, they don't ACTUALLY teach us Java, unfortunately... They tell us to copy paste and try to understand)

Use this as a starting point:
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete your account? This cannot be undone.", _
(MsgBoxStyle.Critical + MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel), _
"Confirm Account Deletion") = MsgBoxResult.Ok Then
End If
MsgBox displays a message box to the user, waits for a response, and returns the value of the button pressed. In the code above, the three arguments are:
The message to display
The style of the message box. Note how these are numeric values and can be added.
The title of the window.


MS Access one form to select table values and use to populate multiple fields on other form?

I have a table called GL_Account and IM_Productline
The table IM_Productline has various fields that need to be populated with a value from the field GL_Account.AccountKey (i.e. IM_ProductLine.InventoryAcctkey and IM_ProductLine.CostOfGoodsSoldAcctKey)
To populate the IM_ProductLine table I made a form "Product Line Maintenance" with all the fields. To populate the field IM_ProductLine.InventoryAcctkey I put a (magnifying glass) button behind the field with the following code:
Private Sub CMD_Select_GL_Account_Click()
If IsNull(Select_ProductType) Then
'do nothing
Forms![Product Line Maintenance].InventoryAcctkey = Me.SelectGLAccountKey.Column(0)
Forms![Product Line Maintenance].Refresh
End If
End Sub
So the button opens a form Called "Select GL Account" with a combo box that enable to SELECT GL_Account.AccountKey, GL_Account.Account, GL_Account.AccountDesc
FROM GL_Account; and when the OK button is clicked it writes the value from GL_Account.AccountKey to IM_ProductLine.InventoryAcctkey, closes the form "Select GL Account" and then refreshes the form "Product Line Maintenance" so the account number and description become visible for the user.
This all work fine but here's my question:
Now rather than creating a new form for every account field I need to populate (i.e. "Select Inventory GL Account" select "Cost Of Goods Sold GL Account" etc) I'd prefer to use the form "Select GL Account" to select and populate the 11 different account fields. So behind each xxxAcctkeyfield on form "Product Line Maintenance" is a (magnifying glass) button that when clicked pulls up the form "Select GL Account" and when "OK" is clicked it writes the selected AccountKey to the correct field on form "Product Line Maintenance"?
I'd greatly appreciate anyone's efforts to understand what I am trying to explain and point me in the right direction.
Ok, there is the issue that all 11 fields should not require to be "copied" since you have a relational database (you would ONLY store the row PK ID of that selection in the current report. (a so called FK (foreign key) value). That way, say you want to change the choice? Well then you could pop up that form - search + select the one record with all that information, and then upon return ONLY store the one value.
So, I would give some thoughts to the above - you want to leverage the relational database features. And as a result, you don't need to "copy" all that data. This is not much different then say creating a invoice. I can create the new invoice, but all of the address information, and the customer that this ONE invoice belongs to? Well, that is one column with a FK value that points to the customer. Once I select that one customer, then display of the customer name + address can be say a sub form or some such - but no need exists to "copy" that information. It would also means with near zero code, you could move a invoice between customers!!! - (just change the one fk column with to the new/different customer ID (PK) value.
Now, back to the question at a hand?
You can certainly pop up a form, let the user select, enter, pick and do whatever. And THEN you can have the calling code grab + pick out the values from that form.
The way you do this? It involves a not too wide known trick.
The code that calls the form can simply open that form as a dialog form. This will HALT the calling code, the user does whatever, and when done the calling code will THEN continue. Not only does the calling code continue, but it can get/grab/pull/take any values from that pop up form WIHOUT having to use global vars.
The approach is thus thus:
dim strF as string
strF = "frmPopAskInfo"
docmd.OpenForm strF,,,,,,acDialog
' above code waits for user input
if application.AllForms(strF).IsLoaded = true then
' user did not cancel, get values from form
me!AccountNo = forms(strf)!AccountNumber
etc. etc. etc.
docmd.Close acForm,strF
end if
Now the only other issue? Well, the "ok" button on the popup for DOES NOT close the form, what it does is set visible = False. This will kick the form out of dialog mode.
me.Visible = False
So, if the user hits the cancel buttton (close form) or hits the X upprer right (close form), then the form will NOT be loaded when your calling code continues. But, if they hit OK button, then you don't close the form, but ONLY set visbile = false.
This allows the calling code to continue, you are free to get/grab/take values from that form, and then once done, you close the form.
So a form close in that popup = user canceled the form.
So, a popup form, and even a modal form? They do NOT halt the VBA calling code, but a acDialog form does!
You can thus place 2 or 5 little buttons that pops up this form, the user can pick/choose/select/enter values. When they hit ok, your calling code continues, and you are free to pull values from that form. So while all 3-4 buttons might pop up that form, each individual button launch of the form can have code that follows and updates the given control the pop button was placed beside.

Title of Message box not setting up

I am writing some code in Visual Basic 6. It also uses the Msgbox funtion. Now I searched this and I got to know that if you want to set the title of the Message box then this is the syntax:
For example, I write this:
MsgBox ("Incorrect Answer!","QM")
It says:
Compile Error
Expected: =
Can someone tell me what is the problem?
With VB6, you can either request a response, and do something based on the answer, or you can simply display a message.
If you want to know what button was clicked, you need to use the function format - that is, you must use the brackets.
If you simply want to display a message, then you don't use the brackets.
So if you want to just display the message, then continue, do this:
MsgBox "Incorrect Answer!", , "QM"
But if you want to know which button the user clicked (e.g. to offer them a try again, cancel, then you need a variable, and you use the brackets to signifify that it's a function:
Dim response = MsgBox("Try again?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "QM")
You can then look at the response variable to find out which button the user clicked.
A couple of pages for reference:

Copy Value from combo list on login screen to username field on new form

Newer to access...I am trying to copy the value selected from the combobox on the log in screen to a field on the new form that opens after successful login.
The field I need copied is called cmoemployee on the Login form.I need that to go to the username field on the mainframe form.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have tried many different ways but I can't seem to get it.
I actually know what you mean here. This can be a complete pain as the variables are deleted when you open a new form In general it is better to show what you have tried so people are able to help you fix it. Anyway, I've tried to do this so I know how frustrating it can be. There are two main ways that this can be done. You can open the form with openargs (I do not think this is a good option for you as you will have to have the openargs constantly transferring from one form to the next and will be cleared if one form misses them.
A better option would be to use tempvars which are not deleted. This is the code I used to do something similar:
I am going to assume your combobox is two columns (but only displays one) and the bound column is the primary key to an employee table. In which case this would work (or you can modify it to meet your needs)
Log in:
'Check Password (or however you check it
If StrComp(txt_Password, DLookup("[Password]", "tbl_Employee", "[ID] = " & cmoemployee), 0) = 0 Then
TempVars.Add "MyEmpID", cmoemployee.Value 'TempVars will store the combobox value
Msgbox "Incorrect Password Please try again"
End If
On Load event of mainfraim form:
[UserName] = TempVars!MyEmpID
That should get you started, so you can build the rest. Let me know if you have any questions.

How to change the Contents of a msg box

I have a form for creating a record, I also have a button on the top of the form for to return to a form called home. When the form is being viewed and half the information is put in and the home button is clicked an error pops up saying " you cannot add or change a record beacasue a related record is required in a table "Elements"." How do I Change what the content of the error message is ?
You can put checks in your button_click sub to circumvent -- check to make sure all fields are filled in, and if not, display your own message box followed by
Exit Sub
That will short circuit the rest of the method so you should not get the standard message.
Here is a resource on error-handling in VBA:
I'm not sure, however, if you can create a handler in VBA for standard program error messages.

Access 2010 Me.Refresh/Me.Requery

I have a form that I want refreshed when the submit button is clicked. Preferably those that have default values will be restored and those without will be blank.
The submit button has an attached OnClick Macro that, checks to make sure all fields are filled, if so an action query runs that inserts a new row into a table.
So its after this action query that I want the refresh to occur. I have tried researching and come across suggestions that suggest using VBA code Me.Requery or Me.Refresh. I'm not 100% on how to incorporate this into the macro. The RunCode command doesn't recognize the function I put the code in, and The convert macro to VBA option in the top left is grey'd out.
I'm new to Access and just not seeing where the communications are for code and macros if someone could please elaborate for me I would be greatly appreciated.
Please consider my solution as a brief introduction to VBA. If you care to learn the language, you will find there is very little you cannot do.
Within your submit button properties, there should be an 'Event' tab. In this tab, the On Click should be set to [Event Procedure]. Click the three dot button just to the right of that, and it will launch the VBA editor.
All you need to have here between the Private Sub and End Sub lines are these lines of code:
DoCmd.RunMacro ("Mac_1")
Me.TextBox1.Value = "Null"
Me.CombBox1.Value = "Null"
MsgBox "Your Save Was Successful.", vbOKOnly, "Saved"
"Mac_1" is the name of the macro you want to execute. the ME.Refresh executes as soon as mac_1 finishes, and will refresh the page. Be sure to enclose it in a proper quote (") and not a double tick ('').
The Requery command can be used from both within VBA code or a macro. It sounds like you are using the macro designer so you can use the Requery macro action instead of VBA.
Just add this to your macro after you have inserted your new data.
This macro action lets you specify a control to requery. The parameter can be left blank to requery the source of the active object. More information can be found here.
In response to your comments, I think you should try experimenting with the SetProperty macro action (more details here).
I have attached this macro to a button click event and the value from the TextBox called txtInputValue is cleared. The Value field is left blank as you want to fully remove the value from the text box.