Could not build module 'Darwin' on xcode 7.1 - ios9.1

I'm facing wired problem after installing Xcode 7.1. While I'm running existing project (Previously successfully built on Xcode 7) I'm getting error like this:
1. Could not build module 'Darwin' on #import <Availability.h>
2. Cannot open file '/Applications/': Invalid argument on #include <mach/arm/thread_state.h>
Just look at the screenshot you will find more.
I also removed the frameworks and imported the latest one avilable on Xcode 7.1 and iOS 9.1. But still I have the same issue.
Please help.


Xcode 12 Error : error: 'SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD.h' file not found #import <SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD.h>

after upgrading to Xcode 12 From App Store, the project not able to build and i get Errors :
error: 'SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD.h' file not found #import <SVProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD.h>
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Failed to emit precompiled header '/Users/mohammedrezk/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/APPNAME-bxzcdxjpyvptvrdegichefojwviu/Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/APPNAME-Bridging-Header-swift_2E6RO3XQ4PJKS-clang_AGVOYNG8YIID.pch' for bridging header '~/APPNAME-Bridging-Header.h'
I searched alot for issues with XCode 12 and I Updated Cocoa Pods to 1.10. because i found some answers related to Umbrella Header issue with Xcode 12 and CocoaPods, but still have the issue and not able to build and run the project
Please, any solution for this?
It confused me several days, finally I found the answer.Xcode12 set Architectures $(ARCHS_STANDARD) by default.If you select Any iOS Device or your iPhone, not simulator,the issue goes away.About the Architectures setting, you can see Xcode 12, building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, for architecture arm64.

xCode 12 Beta 4, Lexical or Preprocessor issue - header file not found. Simulator only - works on device

macOS Catalina 10.15.5. xCode 11.6, xCode 12 beta 4. Objective-c app with 7 cocoapods. The app runs fine in xCode 11 and in xCode 12 on device. It fails to compile in xCode 12 simulator with Lexical or Preprocessor issue on the first cocoapod it encounters. If I eliminate that one it fails on the next. I've tried the standard steps - clean build folder, restart xCode, delete pod files and reinstall, pod repo update, clean derived data, etc. This was also an issue in beta 3.
Any ideas?
Try upgrading the Project Xcode compatibility to Xcode 11 and change the VALID_ARCHS to $(ARCHS_STANDARD).
It worked for me
you can try: add "x86_64" at "TARGETS ->Build Settings -> User-Defined -> VALID_ARCHS", and it's works too.
I started getting this error with a project when building it with Xcode 12.5 Beta3 for the first time when it was working previously with Xcode 12.4. The error was occurred during the build process when it encountered the Firebase packages that I had installed via the Swift Package Manager (not Cocoapods).
The simple solution for me was to just update the packages to the latest versions via File -> Swift Packages -> Update to Latest Package Versions.

RestKit breaks build in archive mode - Xcode 8

I'm using Xcode 8.2.1 with CocoaPods 1.1.1. I've got a iOS application using RestKit 0.27, with Objective-C and Swift 3 code. Everything builds and works flawlessly in simulator and on the device, but the project won't compile when archiving it for distribution:
/Users/***/MyProject-Bridging-Header.h:16:9: note: in file included from /Users/***/MyProject-Bridging-Header.h:16:
#import "CustomRKObjectRequestOperation.h"
/Users/***/Services/CustomRKObjectRequestOperation.h:10:9: error: 'RestKit/RestKit.h' file not found
#import <RestKit/RestKit.h>
<unknown>:0: error: failed to import bridging header '/***/MyProject-Bridging-Header.h'
I found a similar issue here:, but suggested fix doesn't work, probably because it's for Xcode 7.1.
It turns out FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS in Release configuration did not have any references to any of the Pods frameworks. Everything is working fine now, nothing to do with RestKit.

xCode 7.1: Could not build Objective-C module 'GoogleMaps'

I am using the GoogleMaps iOS SDK in my app and added it with cocoapods. However, after updating xCode from 7.0 to 7.1 I'm suddenly getting the following error: Could not build Objective-C module 'GoogleMaps'
In addition xCode also gives me an error in the GoogleMaps.h file in the GoogleMaps.framework:
Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'GoogleMaps'
I already deleted my DerivedData folder, updated cocoapods, reinstalled the GoogleMaps iOS SDK and cleaned and build the framework's scheme and my app's scheme. But nothing helped so far.
Answered in this similar question: xCode 7 error: include of non-modular header inside framework module with Google Maps
...but essentially you'll need to create an Objective-C bridging header file whereas you may not have needed one with Xcode 7.0. The why still eludes me.
you should open the .xcworkspace not .xcodeproj
once you added cocoa pods your project folder will contain the .xcworkspace file

google drive SDK and IOS 7.1

i was working with google drive sdk on my ios 7 app , everything was working fine , until i update my xcode from xcode 5.0.2 with ios 7 sdk to xcode 5.1 with ios 7.1 sdk , and now i get this errors :
error: /Applications/ can't open file: /Users/bluesettlesarlau/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/GDrive-agxtlrnwyhhlgmfclyzmszawcbcn/Build/Intermediates/ (No such file or directory)
unused variable 'kOAuth2ClientIDKey'
unused variable 'kOAuth2ClientSecretKey'
unused variable 'kOAuth2RedirectURIKey'
unused variable 'kOAuth2ResponseTypeKey'
unused variable 'kRefreshFetchArgsKey'
any one can help me ?
try to update google drive sdk, it works for me.
svn checkout google-api-objectivec-client-read-only
You have two options:
Delete the unused variables from your copy of the Google library (send a bug report to the Google project so they can fix this for everyone).
Not recommended - Update the build settings in your project and disable this warning. Don't actually do this. This is a good warning because in many cases it means you have a bug or typo in your code that should be fixed.