SSRS data driven subscription error - sql

I have a data driven subscription with 71 parameters. Every-time I run my subscription I get 5 errors and 71 of 71 processed with 5 errors. But when I count my report only 66 reports have been created. I tried to check the log but couldn't find any errors other than at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.RevertImpersonationContext.Run(ContextBody callback)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.ExtensionClassFactory.CreateExtensionObject(Extension extConfig, Boolean typeOnly).
library!ReportServer_0-43!3b10!11/10/2015-11:46:20:: i INFO: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
library!ReportServer_0-43!411c!11/10/2015-11:46:20:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.LogonFailedException: Logon attempt for user 'user' failed., Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.LogonFailedException: Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The user name or password is incorrect
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.LoginUtil.Login(String userName, IntPtr ptrPwd, String domain)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.LoginUtil.Login(String userName, SecureStringWrapper userPwd, String domain)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.ImpersonationContext..ctor(String userName, SecureStringWrapper password, String domain)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---;
Am I missing something,not reading the log properly? any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

To identify which logs are failing, you can view the report server's execution logs:
Use ReportServer
select * from ExecutionLog order by TimeStart DESC
The 'ReportID' field can be looked up in the reportserver's 'catalog' table. I find that having an SSRS report set up that queries this is invaluable.
Once you identify the reports that are failing (via the above queries) then you can try running them manually, to see if they work. If they do work, then set up a subscription for just those reports, and see if they work when run as a subscription.
If you've never had a problem with these before, my bet is that the datasources use pass-through authentication, which works when logged in, but not when run automatically.
Let us know how you get on!


Datastream Troubleshoot: "An unknown error occurred. Please try again. If the error persists, contact Google support"

We are trying to replicate data from AlloyDB to Bigquery using Datastream.
We Get "An unknown error occurred. Please try again. If the error persists, contact Google support."
In the Datastream console --> objects list, we see all source tables with Object Status "Failed" and Backfill status "Completed".
In Bigquery we see only a subset of the tables (not all the "Completed" objects were synced).
In the Logs Explorer I can see this error on BQ:
I also see this error: error: {
code: 11
message: "Unsupported primary key column either does not exist or is a pseudocolumn at [1:401]"
The column referred in the error is of type enum.
The desired situation is having all the AlloyDB tables replicated into Bigquery.
The error message is not very informative...
What does it mean?
What would be the best way to go about troubleshooting this?
We're actively working on making these error messages be more informative, and improvements are continuously being rolled out as we identify more edge cases. Assuming you followed all the steps in the documentation, then you may need to open a ticket with support for further investigation. If a support ticket isn't an option, you can still report the issue using the public issue tracker
I just had this same issue but connecting to a PostgreSQL in AWS RDS:
Beginning with Postgres 10, passwords are encrypted using SCRAM-SHA-256 in PostgreSQL. Google DataStream still expects MD5 password encryption, or it will generate an "unknown error" in the logs and fail the backfills.
You'll need to update your postgresql.conf (or RDS Cluster Parameter Group if you're using AWS like me):
password_encryption = 'MD5'
Restart the database and make sure the parameter has changed with:
SHOW password_encryption;
Reset the password of your users:
ALTER USER "{username}" with password '{password}';
More info from the PostgreSQL docs:

Runtime error : DBSQL_SQL_ERROR exception : CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB, where to focus?

More info from stms :
Short Text
SQL error "SQL code: -10108" occurred while accessing table "CDHDR".
What happened?
Database error text: "SQL message: Session has been reconnected."
Return value of the database layer: "SQL dbsl rc: 99"
The problem is that client is running this code through the job in which I am not available to debug it. All I know is that it is working for other countries selected but for some specific it is not so the question is :
Was it a temporary connection error between two servers or is it data overload issue due to SELECT statement?
At the moment I am not really sure which thing I have to look on the system, the same program once produced the error for exceeding the limit in the db query ( > 10 minutes) so this might be related to system configuration or what?
Thanks in advance

BMXAA0021E - User name and password combination are not valid. Try again

The following message appears in the SystemOut for Maximo, usually shortly after starting the server:
[16/08/16 12:30:05:468 BST] 00000037 SystemOut O 16 Aug 2016 12:30:05:468 [ERROR] [MAXDEVSVR] [CID-CRON-32] BMXAA0021E - User name and password combination are not valid. Try again.
psdi.util.MXAccessException: BMXAA0021E - User name and password combination are not valid. Try again.
at psdi.server.SimpleCronTask.start(
at psdi.server.CronTaskManager.callCronMethod(
at psdi.server.CronTaskManager.access$400(
at psdi.server.CronTaskManager$
How do I get rid of this?
For me, this turns out to be related to the scheduled reports cron-task. The "Run As" user may be inactive or blocked.
You can either deactivate the cron-task instance for each report, change the user, or use the following SQL to remove the instances:
delete from CRONTASKINSTANCE where exists(
select null from maxuser where userid = RUNASUSERID and status != 'ACTIVE'
Note that this query does not limit to the REPORTSCHEDULE cron-task so make sure you run a select beforehand to ensure that you aren't deleting something useful.

Invalid operation result set is closed errorcode 4470 sqlstate null - DB2 data extract

I am running a very simple query and trying to extract the results to a text file. The entire query is essentially what is below, I am selecting everything from one single table with one piece of where criteria which is limiting the data to one month's worth. After it has extracted around 1.2 gig this error shows up. Is there any way that I can work around this other than extracting smaller date ranges? I am trying to pull a couple of years worth of data so if I can only get it a few days at a time it will take a lot of manual work.
I am currently using the free trial of a DB2 query tool - Razor SQL if that makes a difference, I can probably purchase different software if it would help. I am trying to get IBM's tool but for some reason it freezes during the download so I am still working on that. I have searched about this error but everything I see seems much more complex than what I am doing and I can't tell if it applies or not. Thanks in advance.
select *
from MyTable
where date_col between date '2014-01-01' and date '2014-01-31'
I stumbled at this error too, found out it is related to db2jcc.jar (type 4) driver.
Excerpt: If there are no items in the result set left (or to begin with), the Result set is closed automatically and therefore the Exception. Suggestion is to handle it in the application, perhaps in my case, I started checking if( but otherwise, there is a work around. Check out the source link below for how you can set some properties to Data source and avoid exception.
Source :
"Invalid operation: result set is closed" error with Data Server Driver for JDBC
In my case, i missed some properties in WAS, after add allowNextOnExhaustedResultSet the issue is fixed.
1.Log in to the WebSphere Application Server administration console.
2.Select Resources > JDBC > Data sources > Application Center DataSource name > Custom properties and click New.
3.In the Name field, enter allowNextOnExhaustedResultSet.
4.In the Value field, type 1.
5.Change the type to java.lang.Integer.
6.Click OK.
Sometimes you need also check whether resultSetHoldability properties exists. Details refer to here.
I encountered this failure also when ugrading from JDBC Type 2 driver ( JDBC type 4 driver (db2jcc4.jar)
Statement statement = results.getStatement();
if (statement != null)
connection = statement.getConnection(); // ** failed here
Solution was to check if the statement is closed or not as follows.
Changed to:
Statement statement = results.getStatement();
if (statement != null && !statement.isClosed()) {
connection = statement.getConnection();
Creating property bellow with type Integer it's worked for me:
I had the same issue on WAS 7 so i had to add and change few this on Admin Console.
This TeamWorksRuntimeException exception should be fixed by applying APAR JR50863 which is available on top of BPM V8.5.5 or included on BPM V8.5 refresh pack 6.
For the case that the APAR does not solve the problem, try following workaround:
Log in to the WebSphere Application Server admin console
Select Resources > JDBC > Data sources > DataSource name (TeamWorksDB) > Custom properties and click New
In the Name field, enter downgradeHoldCursorsUnderXa
In the Value field, type true
Change the type to java.lang.Boolean
Click OK to save your changes
Select custom property resultSetHoldability
In the Value field, type 1
Click OK to save your changes
Source of the Answer :
Restarting the app may fix the problem if connection pool lost session to Db2. If using Tomcat then connection pool property of 'testonBorrow' may reestablish the connection to Db2.

Item with session: <sessionid>, reportPath: , userName: <username> not found in the database

In ReportManager I have many users complaining about this error. When I sift through the RS logs I see the following error many times for different users:
session!ReportServer_0-2!1e40!04/20/2011-09:13:56:: i INFO: LoadSnapshot: Item with session: zlq0epfrvvvfagbyyda2drbm, reportPath: , userName: PROD\user not found in the database
library!ReportServer_0-2!1e40!04/20/2011-09:13:56:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ExecutionNotFoundException: Execution 'zlq0epfrvvvfagbyyda2drbm' cannot be found, ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ExecutionNotFoundException: Execution 'zlq0epfrvvvfagbyyda2drbm' cannot be found
ui!ReportManager_0-1!216c!04/20/2011-09:13:56:: Unhandled exception: Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportServerException: Execution 'zlq0epfrvvvfagbyyda2drbm' cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.GetExecutionInfo()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.SetExecutionId(String executionId, Boolean fullReportLoad)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.LoadFromUrlQuery(NameValueCollection requestParameters, Boolean fullReportLoad)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataOperation..ctor()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.GetHandler(String operationType)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
Clicking on view report again, or hitting back on the browser and running the report again often seems to work - but I don't consider these viable solutions.
I've found dozens of postings on the web and have tried most of them without success. These included upping the SessionAccessTimeout & SessionTime values in the ReportServer.ConfigurationInfo database as well as setting reports to not timeout report execution and upping timeouts in the RS Web.config & rsreportserver.config.
This error will happen on reports that take seconds to run as well as longer running ones. We're running SSRS 2008 with RSWindowsBasic auth over SSL (this was recently changed from RSWindowsNTLM).
Any thoughts/input would be greatly appreciated.
Please try the following, this should fix the issue:
On the server, edit C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config
Set EnableAuthPersistence in rsreportserver.config to False
Maybe your issue is here :
PROD\user not found in the database