ESRI: dynamically hide features from web map - esri

I am trying to implement this function with ArcGIS Server JavaScript API:
I have a web map created by ArcGIS Online (or a web map created on the fly using JSON). Within the web map, I have a point feature layer (or MapServer layer). Initially the entire layer is shown on the map.
Now I am receiving a list of feature IDs received from another server, and I need to hide those points with the feature IDs on the map whilst maintaining the visibility of other points.
I am receiving the lists of feature IDs every 5 mins. Once a new set of IDs is received, I need to make the corresponding point invisible. If a previously hidden point is not included in the new list, they need to be turned back on again on the map.
Any ideas on how to startthis?
Thank you!!

It sounds to me that you are trying to implement an AVL system.
Anyway, the best way for receiving data for another server is using AJAX. Then, every time you receive new points, you'll need to clear the feature layer point and then to add the newest information from the server.
If you put your code in a fiddle, I'll help you.


Restrict access of partial implmented API in Production

We need to develop an API which takes a CSV file as an input and persists them in database. Using vertical slicing we have split the reuirement into 2 stories
First story has partial implementation with no data validation
Second story completes the usecase by adding all validations.
Sprint-1 has first story and sprint-2 has second. After imlemneting first story in sprint-1 we want to release it to production. However, we dont want to make the API accessible to public which would be big security risk as invalid data could be inserted into database (story1 ignores validation)
What is the best strategy to release story1 at the end of sprint1 while addressing such security concerns?
We tried disbling the access via toggle flag such as ConfigCat. However, we dont want to implment something which is not required for actual implementation
is there really such a risk that in 1 sprint, someone may start using the API? And if you haven't added it to any documentation, how would they know of it's existance?
But let's say it is possible - what about using a feature toggle? When the toggle is activated, the end point spits out null or even a HTTP error code. Then you can enable to feature toggle when you're ready for people to start using the endpoint.

Telerik Sitefinity Add Property User

In my Sitefinity back-end there is a user section that I would like to add some setting. Something like DisplayLink where it would be a boolean value that I can set on Login of the user. Is there a way I can do that? I am using sf 14 and can't find anyway to add some setting for the user.
I believe this is what you need the view externally and modify.
However keep in mind these views pull in the XHR JSON and you just expose it to the grid... Open your console and view the XHR network traffic to see the JSON object per user. There's a "Comment" field you might be able to leverage, but man the best way would be to just use a ROLE... because they can be filtered, and already come across in that JSON.
Another thing to note, is this is an OLD UI screen and likely will get revamped in the next few releases of Sitefinity rendering everything you're doing pointless... (have to re-do it with likely the new AdminApp Extensions)

Whats the best way to refresh the interface after I add a item data to database?

How to refresh the interface after you add a strip of data to the backend database in Vue.js?
I mean, if I add a item data to the database. there are two case for refresh the interface.
refresh the list api to get the page data.
append the added item data to local list.
what is the best way to do this?
I think both the solutions are valid it depends on what kind of write operation we are planning to do. Given that you do all the validations on the front-end which leaves lesser chance for errors on the backend. I do the following based on the use case.
Add/Update the item locally and then based on the response from the server I remove it again in case of an error. This is an optimistic technique used by a lot of websites and worls really well for CRUD kind of operations.
Let's say that your new operating is going to creaate a new user in a 3rd party api. So doing an optimistic thing might not be the best. So what I do is make the request, show a toast/alert that the request is happening, and then use sockets or long polling to get the changes. When the request is finally done show the data. In the meanwhile you can insert a dummy item showing loading.

Get Mandatory Transition Fields Jira Rest Java Client

I want to get the Fields necessary for a particular issue to make a transition from Open to Resolved and Resolved to Closed. Any ideas on how to move forward with this ?
All I see of the internet are examples of adding custom fields.
To perform a transition in JIRA, making use of the rest APIs
you need to GET the transition id from
From the response, you can find the possible transitions for the issue, corresponding transition ids and the fields(with required flag) for each transition.
You can generate a request JSON from above response and POST to
To do multiple transitions, need to come up with some logic, by getting issue status each time in a loop and performing transitions based on the response.
This is very high level, hope this helps

Which plugin is used to show the data in front end of socrata

Is it possible to implement the view(the table) that socrata gives to users to implement in a mvc application? Especially the scroll effect where it takes only ms to load data.
If not can anyone suggest any lightweight grid for same (scroll with faster loading)
The scroll effect is making use of paging by loading data dynamically, rather than trying to load the entire dataset at once.
If you are using SODA.NET, the Resource object has a GetRows(limit, offset) method that you can use to retrieve paged sets of rows in the dataset.
There are any number of ways you could implement the scroll-to-load, including client-side AJAX requests. See this answer to a related question for a starting point.