PL/SQL Food Industry "Julian" Date Conversion - sql

I have some 5 digits dates in a format that the food industry generally calls "Julian" dates (Warning: these are not the "Julian" dates you are familiar with. It's misused terminology that "stuck" and became the standard in the industry. Don't comment on that, it's just how it is.)
The first 3 digits of these "Julian" dates are a number representing the day of a year.
January 1 = 001
January 2 = 002
December 31 = 365 or 366
The next two digits are the last two digits of the year. 2015 = 15.
For example 22215 = August 10, 2015 (I believe).
I need an Oracle SQL statement that convers these "dates" into standard dates to join to other date data.

I'd add (count of days) -1 to 1st Jan of year
select to_date('20'||15||'01.01','') + 222-1 from dual

A co-worker found the answer. The "DDD" format:
SELECT to_date('36515', 'DDDYY') FROM DUAL


Why is Redshift datediff giving different weeks when it is the same number of day difference?

I'm trying to find the number of weeks between two days. When the difference is 8 days, I should be getting 1 or 2 weeks, depending on how the function works in Redshift (rounds up or down). However, it should be consistent whichever way it chooses.
I realize that I could simply take the number of days and then divide by 7 and do either a ROUND or a CEIL, but I am simply trying to understand why DATEDIFF(weeks, date1, date2) provides either 1 or 2 when I have the two dates different by 8 days.
DATEDIFF(weeks, '2019-03-17', '2019-03-25') AS week_difference1,
DATEDIFF(days, '2019-03-17', '2019-03-25') AS day_difference1,
DATEDIFF(weeks, '2019-03-16', '2019-03-24') AS week_difference2,
DATEDIFF(days, '2019-03-16', '2019-03-24') AS day_difference2
week_difference1 = 1
day_difference1 = 8
week_difference2 = 2
day_difference2 = 8
As with many software products from the US, the first day of the week in Redshift (at least far as DATEDIFF is concerned) is Sunday, and not the ISO standard of Monday. Therefore when calculating the number of weeks between two dates the boundary is Saturday/Sunday.
In your example, the eight days between the 16th March 2019 and 24th March 2019 crosses two week boundaries (one on 16/17 March and one on 23/24 March), so the resulting DATEDIFF value is 2 (two week boundaries crossed).
However, the eight days between the 17th March and 25th March only crosses one week boundary (23/24 March) so the resulting DATEDIFF value is 1.

What number formats would to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'ydddhh24mi')) produce?

We're transferring a legacy Oracle SQL application to a new platform and I cannot locate proper date format documentation.
What type of numbers would be produced by
SELECT to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'ydddhh24mi')) FROM dual
if sysdate were
January 3, 2015 at 6:04 AM
December 23, 2000 at 4:17 PM
TO_CHAR documentation for Oracle 8 is at; this leads to the format model documentation at Using the table there...
y returns the last digit of the year.
ddd returns the day of the year.
hh24 returns the military hour of the time.
mi returns the minute of the hour.
For January 3rd, 2015 # 6:04 AM this is 50030604.
For December 23rd, 2000 # 4:17 PM this is 03571617.

Year Week column comparison

I have this query that spits out every Week for the past 2 years a company owes us money. I have to narrow the results down based on their starting year and week, which are 2 separate columns. This is my current query. How do I change this so it only shows data where the year is greater or equal to start year and the week is greater or equal to the start week without losing data? So for example if I have a company 023 and its start date is week 5 2012, I'll say year>=2012 and week>=5, but then it will exclude all the weeks in 2013 and 2014 where week is less than 5. I'm not sure how logically to get around that.
SELECT MW.MW_Weeks.Year,
AND (MW.MW_Weeks.Year > YEAR(GETDATE()) - 2);
Use the following:
year >= 2012 and not (year = 2012 and week < 5)
This will get all data whose year is greater than or equal to 2012 and is not before week five in 2012.

Lookup a value from a range of dates in excel

Please help.
We have two tables. A list of accounts and the other is a change log. I need to add a new column in table 1 where the value is the amount in table 2 for the correct account and correct validity period.
table 1:
account# beginning period ending period
1 January 1, 2012 January 31, 2012
2 January 12, 2012 February 12, 2012
table 2:
account # amount valid period beg valid period end
1 10 january 1, 2009 december 5, 2010
1 20 december 6, 2010 june 1, 2011
1 30 june 2, 2011 december 1, 2012
2 13 january 15, 2011 december 15, 2011
2 20 december 16, 2011 february 20, 2012
Although it is a bit complex requirement it could be done with built-in functions (although it can look a bit obscure :-) ). Specifically I mean function SUMIFS.
It has several parameters.
The first one is an area with values to be summed. It is B8:B12 in this example.
The second is an area whith values to be checked with some condition. It is A8:A12.
The third is a criterion to be applied for area from second parameter. It is (inter alia) account #.
So the formula says: sum all values from rows in B8:B12 where account # (A8:A12) is equal to desired account # (e.g. A3).
Ok, it is not all, you need specify the time range. It would be a bit clunky because you must check if two time period are overlapping (it would be easier to check if one date is in specified period).
But it could be done because SUMIFS can take another pairs of criteria range and criterion. But it cannot be used for OR condition, so you had to combine more SUMIFS.
Nice article about overlapping ranges is e.g.
BTW: you have to format cells in B2:C3 and C8:D12 as a date to be able to compare them.

Oracle week calculation issue

I am using Oracle's to_char() function to convert a date to a week number (1-53):
select pat_id,
to_char(contact_date,'ww') week,
the 'ww' switch gives me these values for dates in January of this year:
Date Week
1-Jan-10 1
2-Jan-10 1
3-Jan-10 1
4-Jan-10 1
5-Jan-10 1
6-Jan-10 1
7-Jan-10 1
8-Jan-10 2
9-Jan-10 2
10-Jan-10 2
11-Jan-10 2
12-Jan-10 2
a quick look at the calendar indicates that these values should be:
Date Week
1-Jan-10 1
2-Jan-10 1
3-Jan-10 2
4-Jan-10 2
5-Jan-10 2
6-Jan-10 2
7-Jan-10 2
8-Jan-10 2
9-Jan-10 2
10-Jan-10 3
11-Jan-10 3
12-Jan-10 3
if I use the 'iw' switch instead of 'ww', the outcome is less desirable:
Date Week
1-Jan-10 53
2-Jan-10 53
3-Jan-10 53
4-Jan-10 1
5-Jan-10 1
6-Jan-10 1
7-Jan-10 1
8-Jan-10 1
9-Jan-10 1
10-Jan-10 1
11-Jan-10 2
12-Jan-10 2
Is there another Oracle function that will calculate weeks as I would expect or do I need to write my own?
I'm trying to match the logic used by Crystal Reports. Each full week starts on a Sunday; the first week of the year starts on whichever day is represented by January 1st (e.g. in 2010, January 1st is a Friday).
When using IW, Oracle follows the ISO 8601 standard regarding week numbers (see That is the same standard than the one we generally use in Europe here.
Your problem is also mentioned on the Oracle forum: and Maybe you can find a solution there.
I know this is old, but still a common question.
This should give you the correct results in the smallest amount of effort:
select pat_id,
to_char(contact_date + 1,'IW') week,
Since it looks like you are using your own special definition of the week number you'll need to write your own function.
It might be helpful that NLS_TERRITORY affects the day with which a week starts as used by the D Format Model
see also:
Based on this question, How do I calculate the week number given a date?, I wrote the following Oracle logic:
--if [date field]'s day-of-week (e.g. Monday) is earlier than 1/1/YYYY's day-of-week
WHEN to_char(to_date('01/01/' || to_char([date field],'YYYY'),'mm/dd/yyyy'), 'D') - to_char([date field], 'D') > 1 THEN
--adjust the week
trunc(to_char([date field], 'DDD') / 7) + 1 + 1 --'+ 1 + 1' used for clarity
ELSE trunc(to_char([date field], 'DDD') / 7) + 1
END calendar_week