magento migration from one domain to another - sql

I am transferring my magento site from an old domain to a new domain.
I have exported the database file from the old server and I have done all the necessary changes.
Now I'm trying to run the exported file into the new database but sql is stuck at loading for almost an hour.
Please somebody help.
See loading screen attached. Image here
Thank you.

I would suggest making a backup of the whole 'cPanel' and then reimport it back in. This way you won't mess anything up with the database. If you still do need to perform exporting and reimporting back - make sure you disable the key check by adding this before and after your database.
SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;
And to successfully import large database you must increase the memory limit on your 'mysql' within '.ini' file.

I wouldn't do it through a GUI interface. Do you have SSH access? If so, here's how you can run it from Command Line which won't be limited by browser processing.
mysqldump -u '<<insert user>>' -p --single-transaction --database <<database name>> > data_dump.sql
mysql -p -u '<<insert user>>' <<database name>> < data_dump.sql
It's best to do this as the root user so you don't have any trouble.
On import, if you are getting errors that the definer is not a user, you can either create the definer user or you can run this sed command that will replace the definer in your file with the current mySQL user:
sed -E 's/DEFINER=`[^`]+`#`[^`]+`/DEFINER=<<new user name>>/g' data_dump.sql > cleaned_data_dump.sql

As espradley and damek132 said, combine both the answers. Disable foreign key checks, if it's not. But, mostly it's there while exporting the sql dump.
And use the mysql command line through ssh. You should be up and running in half an hour.


how to take backup of only roles/users in postgresql?

I am trying to restore the backup of the database but it's giving me the error of roles, so I got to know that first, we have to take backup of roles/users then we take complete backup but I am unaware of command that can be used. can anyone help me with the command?
You can use pg_dumpall for that with the --globals-only option:
pg_dumpall --globals-only --file=all_roles_and_users.sql -p postgres -h ...
The file all_roles_and_users.sql will contain all roles and role memberships currently defined in the instance (aka "cluster") you connect to.
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How to login to postgresql db - After session kill (for copy database)

I tried to copy a database within the same server using postgresql server
I tried the below query
And got the below error
ERROR: source database "originaldb" is being accessed by 1 other user
So, I executed the below command
SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'originaldb' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();
Now none of us are able to login/connect back to the database.
When I provide the below command
psql -h 192.xx.xx.x -p 9763 -d originaldb -U postgres
It prompts for a password and upon keying password, it doesn't return any response
May I understand why does this happen? How can I connect to the db back? How do I restart/make the system to let us login back?
Can someone help us with this?
It sounds like something is holding an access exclusive lock on a shared catalog, such as pg_database. If that is the case, no one will be able to log in until that lock gets released. I wouldn't think the session-killing code you ran would cause such a situation, though. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
If you can't find an active session, you can try using system tools to figure out what is going on, like ps -efl|fgrep postgre. Or you can just restart the whole database instance, using whatever method you would usually use to do that, like pg_ctl restart -D <data_directory> or sudo service postgresql restart or some GUI method if you are on an OS that does that.

Postgres loading datatable to PgAdmin 4

I am new to Postgres and i am trying to learn from an online tutorial. One of the first thing is to load the data, as follows:
Finally, run psql -U <username> -f clubdata.sql -d postgres -x -q to
create the 'exercises' database, the Postgres 'pgexercises' user, the
tables, and to load the data in. Note that you may find that the sort
order of your results differs from those shown on the web site:
I am using pdAdmin4 and opened the SQL shell. However I wasn't able to load this database. First of all, how can i figure out what is my current username?
Secondly, I have never worked with command line before and am quite unsure how to do this. Could someone break this down step-by-step?
You can run "psql -h" for more help. You never have a current username as such, you have to specify it but start with "-U postgres" and ask again if that doesn't work.
Your sql file to load will need the folder path or you could try the cmd prompt and change to the folder where your clubdata file is. Your command line assumes there is already a database named postgres which there probably is. Try again;
psql -U postgres -f clubdata.sql -d postgres -x -q
The command psql is for the command line client. You need to run this in a terminal.
I wrestled with this input myself, despite a little CLI experience with psql. It may help to remove the -q flag in the end to make the output non-quiet, then you see what's going on.
Lastly, beware that the import creates a schema, so you need to read up on schemas. See this related question for a bit more background:

Proper way to migrate a postgres database?

I have a dev version and a production version running in django.
I recently started populating it with a lot of data and found that the django loaddata tries to load everything into memory before adding it into the db and my files will be too big for that.
What is the proper way to push my data from my dev machine to my production?
I did...
pg_dump -U user -W db ./filename.sql
and then on the production server I did...
psql dbname < filename.sql
It seems like it worked, all the data is there, but it came up with some errors such as
relation xxx already exists
constrain xxx for relation xxx already exists
and there were quite a few of them, but like I said everything appears to be there. Is this the right way to do it?
Edit: I have in the production machine the database with information and I don't want truncate the tables before import.
This is the script that I use:
pg_dump -d DATABASE_NAME -U postgres --format plain --inserts > /FILE.sql
Edit: As you says in comments that you don't want truncate the tables before import, you can't do this type of import into your production database. I suggest empty your production database before import the dev database dump.

Export DB with PostgreSQL's PgAdmin-III

How to export a Postgresql db into SQL that can be executed into other pgAdmin?
Exporting as backup file, doesn't work when there's a difference in version
Exporting as SQL file, does not execute when tried to run on a different pgAdmin
I tried exporting a DB with pgAdmin III but when I tried to execute the SQL in other pgAdmin it throws error in the SQL, when I tried to "restore" a Backup file, it says there's a difference in version that it can't do the import/restore.
So is there a "safe" way to export a DB into standard SQL that can be executed plainly in pgAdmin SQL editor, regardless of which version it is?
Don't try to use PgAdmin-III for this. Use pg_dump and pg_restore directly if possible.
Use the version of pg_dump from the destination server to dump the origin server. So if you're going from (say) 8.4 to 9.2, you'd use 9.2's pg_dump to create a dump. If you create a -Fc custom format dump (recommended) you can use pg_restore to apply it to the new database server. If you made a regular SQL dump you can apply it with psql.
See the manual on upgrading your PostgreSQL cluster.
Now, if you're trying to downgrade, that's a whole separate mess.
You'll have a hard time creating an SQL dump that'll work in any version of PostgreSQL. Say you created a VIEW that uses a WITH query. That won't work when restored to PostgreSQL 8.3 because it didn't support WITH. There are tons of other examples. If you must support old PostgreSQL versions, do your development on the oldest version you still support and then export dumps of it for newer versions to load. You cannot sanely develop on a new version and export for old versions, it won't work well if at all.
More troubling, developing on an old version won't always give you code that works on the new version either. Occasionally new keywords are added where support for new specification features are introduced. Sometimes issues are fixed in ways that affect user code. For example, if you were to develop on the (ancient and unsupported) 8.2, you'd have lots of problems with implicit casts to text on 8.3 and above.
Your best bet is to test on all supported versions. Consider setting up automated testing using something like Jenkins CI. Yes, that's a pain, but it's the price for software that improves over time. If Pg maintained perfect backward and forward compatibility it'd never improve.
Export/Import with pg_dump and psql
export PGPASSWORD='123123123';
2.Export DB with pg_dump
pg_dump -h <<host>> -U <<username>> <<dbname>> > /opt/db.out
/opt/db.out is dump path. You can specify of your own.
3.Then set again PGPASSWORD of you another host. If host is same or password is same then this is not required.
4.Import db at your another host
psql -h <<host>> -U <<username>> -d <<dbname>> -f /opt/db.out
If username is different then find and replace with your local username in db.out file. And make sure on username is replaced and not data.
If you still want to use PGAdmin then see procedure below.
Export DB with PGAdmin:
Select DB and click Export.
File Options
Name DB file name for you local directory
Select Format - Plain
Ignore Dump Options #1
Dump Options #2
Check Use Insert Commands
Uncheck tables if you don't want any
Import DB with PGAdmin:
Create New DB.
By keeping selected DB, Click Menu->Plugins->PSQL Console
Type following command to import DB
\i /path/to/db.sql
If you want to export Schema and Data separately.
Export Schema
File Options
Name schema file at you local directory
Select Format - Plain
Dump Options #1
Check Only Schema
Check Blobs (By default checked)
Export Data
File Options
Name data file at you local directory
Select Format - Plain
Dump Options #1
Check Only Data
Check Blobs (By default checked)
Dump Options #2
Check Use Insert Commands
Check Verbose messages (By default checked)
Note: It takes time to Export/Import based on DB size and with PGAdmin it will add some more time.