Syntax error in query expression with wildcard - sql

I am getting a syntax error 3075 in the following code. I am trying to open a recordset where the field [subject] contains the [ID] from an open form (Edit_Shipment_frm!Text105). The subject field will be laid out like: Information Request - 1715, where 1715 is the [ID]. I know I need to use a wildcard before [ID] in the criteria. I am struggling to find a way to do this that access will accept. Does anyone have any ideas? I don't see any missing operators below so it must just not like my syntax. Thank you in advance!
Set rst1 = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Subject, Contents FROM LinkedTable WHERE Subject = *" & [Forms]![Edit_Shipment_frm]![Text105])

You can't use the asterisk like this. Correct SQL would be
... WHERE Textfield LIKE '*" & [string that contains a part of Textfield] & "*'"
but you have it the other way around (your ID is part of the search string).
You need to extract the ID from the form field. If [Text105] (please give this field a meaningful name!) always looks like "some string - ID", you can use the Split() function:
S = "SELECT Subject, Contents FROM LinkedTable WHERE Subject = " & _
Split([Forms]![Edit_Shipment_frm]![Text105], " - ")(1)
Set rst1 = db.OpenRecordset(S)
Split() returns a 0-based array, so Split(..., " - ")(1) gives the part after " - ".
But to get some error checking (e.g. if " - " can be part of the string before the ID), you should put the extracting into a separate function, where you check for NULLs, and use UBound() of the array.


Syntax error in where clause in Access

The error I am getting is Syntax error in where clause in Access.
Here is the code:
SQL = "Select * FROM tblPermitAgencyInformation & WHERE [RecordID] = " & Me.AgencyInfoRecordID.Value
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)
RecordID is an autonumber field and the AgencyInfoRecordID is an integer.
It looks like you misread the article you state. It appears to be attempting to format the adhoc query in the text variable.
Note: it says
strSQL = "SELECT wazzle FROM bamsploot" & vbCrLf & " WHERE plumsnooker = 0"
You need to make sure that you have the ampersands outside of the quotes, (they are used to append variables and strings together in this case)
Follow June7 advice and remove the ampersand there. It should help you get running.
Make your code this:
SQL = "Select * FROM tblPermitAgencyInformation WHERE [RecordID] = " & Me.AgencyInfoRecordID.Value
Hope that helps

Inserting Single/double type to DB using VBA in access

I need some help with an issue that is doing my head in.
I need to update a database in access and its been working fine operating with Long and Integers.
Look at this code.
sql = "UPDATE DBNAME SET Long_Field = " & Long_Variable & " WHERE ID = " & id
DoCmd.SetWarnings (False)
DoCmd.RunSQL sql
This code runs flawlessly, it takes a long variable and puts it into the correct field which is set as Long.
However, if I want to populate a single/double field (ive tried both)
sql = "UPDATE DBNAME SET Double_Field = " & double_Variable & " WHERE ID= " & id
DoCmd.SetWarnings (False)
DoCmd.RunSQL sql
I keep getting Run-Time error 3144: Syntax error in update statement.
I can literally just switch out the field name and the variable name and the code runs flawlessly, but as soon as i try to send a double value, for example (5,8), to a field in the table that is set to double, it gives me this error.
I assume that you want a dot as decimal separator in your string.
The conversion from double to string is done using the separator from the system locale settings so in your case a comma.
This means that
double_variable = 5.8
sql = "... " & double_variable & " ..."
will produce ... 5,8 ... in the sql variable.
The easiest way to fix that is to use
"..." & Replace(CStr(double_variable), ",", ".") & "..."
This will replace all , with .. I put the CStr there to make sure it gets converted to a string first. It will also work if the system locale changes since nothing will happen if there is no ,. The only caveat is that if for some reason the conversion inserts 1000s separators it will fail but that would only be relevant in other circumstances as I don't think CStr will ever do that.
The current answer is not the easiest, neither the simplest.
The universal method is to use Str as it always returns a dot as the decimal separator:
sql = "UPDATE DBNAME SET Double_Field = " & Str(double_Variable) & " WHERE ID = " & id & ""

How do I save the result of an SQL COUNT query with VBA in Access 2007?

I'm trying to count the number of records in a table that meet a certain criteria. My preference is to use SQL, not Dcount, as I want to get better at SQL. Here's my current code below:
Dim countString As String
Dim count
countString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Engagement Letters` WHERE 'Client ID' = " & Me.cboSelectClient
count = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(countString).Fields(0).Value
Yeah I know, I've used spaces in my tables and field names - I will change that. Though I think I should still be able to run this query as is, so I will leave it as is for now.
When I run the above, I get runtime error 3464 - data type mismatch in criteria expression. I've had the below dcount function work fine:
count = DCount("[Engagement Letter ID]", "Engagement Letters", "[Client ID] = " & Me.cboSelectClient)
And also the below COUNT query without the WHERE works fine:
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Engagement Letters`"
My knowledge of SQL is very minimal, and my knowledge of more advanced VBA is also quite minimal, so I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. Can anyone help me with this?
Try building your string like this.
countString = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Engagement Letters]" & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE [Client ID] = " & Me.cboSelectClient
Debug.Print countString
Use square brackets around object (table and field) names which include spaces or any characters other than letters, digits, and the underscore character.
For the table name, you used `Engagement Letters`, and the backticks appear to work the same as square brackets. Perhaps they always work equally well, but I don't know for sure because I use the brackets exclusively. And brackets instead of backticks might help you avoid this mistake ...
WHERE 'Client ID' = " & Me.cboSelectClient
... that was asking the db engine to compare the literal string, "Client ID", to the numerical value (?) you pulled from cboSelectClient.
I used vbCrLf between the 2 parts of the SELECT statement because I find that convenient when examining the completed string (via Debug.Print).

Escaping ' in Access SQL

I'm trying to do a domain lookup in vba with something like this:
DLookup("island", "villages", "village = '" & txtVillage & "'")
This works fine until txtVillage is something like Dillon's Bay, when the apostrophe is taken to be a single quote, and I get a run-time error.
I've written a trivial function that escapes single quotes - it replaces "'" with "''". This seems to be something that comes up fairly often, but I can't find any reference to a built-in function that does the same. Have I missed something?
The "Replace" function should do the trick. Based on your code above:
DLookup("island", "villages", "village = '" & Replace(txtVillage, "'", "''") & "'")
It's worse than you think. Think about what would happen if someone entered a value like this, and you haven't escaped anything:
'); DROP TABLE [YourTable]
Not pretty.
The reason there's no built in function to simply escape an apostrophe is because the correct way to handle this is to use query parameters. For an Ole/Access style query you'd set this as your query string:
DLookup("island", "village", "village = ? ")
And then set the parameter separately. I don't know how you go about setting the parameter value from vba, though.
Though the shorthand domain functions such as DLookup are tempting, they have their disadvantages. The equivalent Jet SQL is something like
FROM villages
WHERE village = ?;
If you have more than one matching candidate it will pick the 'first' one, the definition of 'first' is implementation (SQL engine) dependent and undefined for the Jet/ACE engine IIRC. Do you know which one would be first? If you don’t then steer clear of DLookup :)
[For interest, the answer for Jet/ACE will either be the minimum value based on the clusterd index at the time the database file was last compacted or the first (valid time) inserted value if the database has never been compacted. Clustered index is in turn determined by the PRIAMRY KEY if persent otherwise a UNIQUE constraint or index defined on NOT NULL columns, otherwise the first (valid time) inserted row. What if there is more than one UNIQUE constraint or index defined on NOT NULL columns, which one would be used for clustering? I've no idea! I trust you get the idea that 'first' is not easy to determine, even when you know how!]
I've also seen advice from Microsoft to avoid using domain aggregate functions from an optimization point of view:
Information about query performance in an Access database
"Avoid using domain aggregate functions, such as the DLookup function... the Jet database engine cannot optimize queries that use domain aggregate functions"
If you choose to re-write using a query you can then take advantage of the PARAMETERS syntax, or you may prefer the Jet 4.0/ACE PROCEDURE syntax e.g. something like
:village_name VARCHAR(60)
SELECT V1.island_name
FROM Villages AS V1
WHERE V1.village_name = :village_name
SELECT V2.village_name
FROM Villages AS V2
WHERE V2.village_name = V1.village_name
BY V2.village_name
This way you can use the engine's own functionality -- or at least that of its data providers -- to escape all characters (not merely double- and single quotes) as necessary.
But then, it should be like this (with one more doublequote each):
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblTranslation WHERE fldEnglish=""" & myString & """;"
Or what I prefer:
Make a function to escape single quotes, because "escaping" with "[]" would not allow these characters in your string...
Public Function fncSQLStr(varStr As Variant) As String
If IsNull(varStr) Then
fncSQLStr = ""
fncSQLStr = Replace(Trim(varStr), "'", "''")
End If
End Function
I use this function for all my SQL-queries, like SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE (and in the WHERE clause as well...)
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl" &
" (fld1, fld2)" & _
" VALUES ('" & fncSQLStr(str1) & "', '" & fncSQLStr(Me.tfFld2.Value) & "');"
strSQL = "UPDATE tbl" & _
" SET fld1='" & fncSQLStr(str1) & "', fld2='" & fncSQLStr(Me.tfFld2.Value) & "'" & _
" WHERE fld3='" & fncSQLStr(str3) & "';"
I believe access can use Chr$(34) and happily have single quotes/apostrophes inside.
DLookup("island", "villages", "village = " & chr$(34) & nonEscapedString & chr$(34))
Though then you'd have to escape the chr$(34) (")
You can use the Replace function.
Dim escapedString as String
escapedString = Replace(nonescapedString, "'", "''")
Parametrized queries such as Joel Coehoorn suggested are the way to go, instead of doing concatenation in query string. First - avoids certain security risks, second - I am reasonably certain it takes escaping into engine's own hands and you don't have to worry about that.
By the way, here's my EscapeQuotes function
Public Function EscapeQuotes(s As String) As String
If s = "" Then
EscapeQuotes = ""
ElseIf Left(s, 1) = "'" Then
EscapeQuotes = "''" & EscapeQuotes(Mid(s, 2))
EscapeQuotes = Left(s, 1) & EscapeQuotes(Mid(s, 2))
End If
End Function
For who having trouble with single quotation and Replace function, this line may save your day ^o^
Replace(result, "'", "''", , , vbBinaryCompare)
put brackets around the criteria that might have an apostrophe in it.
SOmething like:
DLookup("island", "villages", "village = '[" & txtVillage & "]'")
They might need to be outside the single quotes or just around txtVillage like:
DLookup("island", "villages", "village = '" & [txtVillage] & "'")
But if you find the right combination, it will take care of the apostrophe.
Keith B
My solution is much simpler. Originally, I used this SQL expression to create an ADO recordset:
Dim sSQL as String
sSQL="SELECT * FROM tblTranslation WHERE fldEnglish='" & myString & "';"
When myString had an apostrophe in it, like Int'l Electrics, my program would halt. Using double quotes solved the problem.
sSQL="SELECT * FROM tblTranslation WHERE fldEnglish="" & myString & "";"

Returning records that partially match a value

I'm trying to get a query working that takes the values (sometimes just the first part of a string) from a form control. The problem I have is that it only returns records when the full string is typed in.
i.e. in the surname box, I should be able to type gr, and it brings up
but at present it's not bringing up anything uless the full search string is used.
There are 4 search controls on the form in question, and they are only used in the query if the box is filled in.
The query is :
SELECT TabCustomers.*,
TabCustomers.CustomerForname AS NameSearch,
TabCustomers.CustomerSurname AS SurnameSearch,
TabCustomers.CustomerDOB AS DOBSearch,
TabCustomers.CustomerID AS MemberSearch
FROM TabCustomers
WHERE IIf([Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![SearchMember] Is Null
AND IIf([Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer].[SearchFore] Is Null
,[Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![SearchFore] Like [customerforname] & "*")=True
AND IIf([Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![SearchLast] Is Null
,[Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![SearchLast] Like [customersurname] & "*")=True
AND IIf([Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![Searchdate] Is Null
,[Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![Searchdate] Like [customerDOB] & "*")=True;
There is an Access Method for that!
If you have your "filter" controls on the form, why don't you use the Application.buildCriteria method, that will allow you to add your filtering criterias to a string, then make a filter out of this string, and build your WHERE clause on the fly?
selectClause = "SELECT TabCustomers.* FROM TabCustomers"
if not isnull(Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!SearchMember) then
whereClause = whereClause & application.buildCriteria(your field name, your field type, your control value) & " AND "
if not isnull(Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!SearchFore) then
whereClause = whereClause & application.buildCriteria(...) & " AND "
if not isnull(Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!SearchLast) then
whereClause = whereClause & application.buildCriteria(...) & " AND "
if not isnull(Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!SearchDate) then
whereClause = whereClause & application.buildCriteria(...) & " AND "
--get rid of the last "AND"
if len(whereClause) > 0 then
whereClause = left(whereClause,len(whereClause)-5)
selectClause = selectClause & " WHERE " & whereClause
-- your SELECT instruction is ready ...
EDIT: the buildCriteria will return (for example):
'field1 = "GR"' when you type "GR" in the control
'field1 LIKE "GR*"' when you type "GR*" in the control
'field1 LIKE "GR*" or field1 like "BR*"' if you type 'LIKE "GR*" OR LIKE "BR*"' in the control
PS: if your "filter" controls on your form always have the same syntax (let's say "search_fieldName", where "fieldName" corresponds to the field in the underlying recordset) and are always located in the same zone (let's say formHeader), it is then possible to write a function that will automatically generate a filter for the current form. This filter can then be set as the form filter, or used for something else:
For each ctl in myForm.section(acHeader).controls
if like "search_"
fld = myForm.recordset.fields(mid(,8))
if not isnull(ctl.value) then
whereClause = whereClause & buildCriteria( ,fld.type, ctl.value) & " AND "
next ctl
if len(whereClause)> 0 then ...
You have your LIKE expression backwards. I have rewritten the query to remove the unnecessary IIF commands and to fix your order of operands for the LIKE operator:
SELECT TabCustomers.*
FROM TabCustomers
WHERE (Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!SearchMember Is Null Or Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!SearchMember=[customerid])
And (Forms!FrmSearchCustomer.SearchFore Is Null Or [customerforname] Like Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!SearchFore & "*")
And (Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!SearchLast Is Null Or [customersurname] Like Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!SearchLast & "*")
And (Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!Searchdate Is Null Or [customerDOB] Like Forms!FrmSearchCustomer!Searchdate & "*");
I built that query by replicating the most likely circumstance: I created a dummy table with the fields mentioned and a form with the fields and a subform with the query listed above being refreshed when the search button was pushed. I can provide a download link to the example I created if you would like. The example works as expected. J only picks up both Jim and John, while John or Jo only pulls the John record.
Two things are going on - the comparisions should be reversed and you are not quoting strings properly.
It should be [database field] like "partial string + wild card"
and all strings need to be surrounded by quotes - not sure why your query doesn't throw errors
So the following should work:
,[customerforname] Like """" & [Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![SearchFore] & "*""" )=True
Note the """" that is the only way to append a single double-quote to a string.
My only thoguht is that maybe a () is needed to group the like
For example a snippet on the first part
,[Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![SearchFore] Like ([customerforname] & "*"))=True
It has been a while since I've used access, but it is the first thing that comes to mind
This is a complete re-write to allow for nulls in the name fields or the date of birth field. This query will not fail as too complex if text is entered in the numeric customerid field.
SELECT TabCustomers.CustomerForname AS NameSearch, TabCustomers.CustomerSurname AS SurnameSearch, TabCustomers.CustomerDOB AS DOBSearch, TabCustomers.customerid AS MemberSearch
FROM TabCustomers
WHERE TabCustomers.customerid Like IIf([Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer].[Searchmember] Is Null,"*",[Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![Searchmember])
AND Trim(TabCustomers.CustomerForname & "") Like IIf([Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer].[SearchFore] Is Null,"*",[Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![SearchFore] & "*")
AND Trim(TabCustomers.CustomerSurname & "") like IIf([Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer].[Searchlast] Is Null,"*",[Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![SearchLast] & "*")
AND (TabCustomers.CustomerDOB Like IIf([Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer].[SearchDate] Is Null,"*",[Forms]![FrmSearchCustomer]![SearchDate] ) Or TabCustomers.CustomerDOB Is Null)