SQL query date column sorting issue - sql

I am writing a SQL query which will return data of customer bills payments.
We have these payments in two different tables, one is "Bills" and other is "receipts". When my query data it shows that "receipts data" (from receipts table) in ascending order. I have two more date columns to show in result set which are "bill month" and "due date" (from bills table). When I try to apply order by on any of these mentioned columns it shows wrong data. Please help.
My query is attached below. thank you.
select distinct
bil.bill_id as Bill#, --(bill), this table has bill month and due date column
rec.receiptid as IDs, --(receipts),this table has receipt payment date,amount
sp.spaceno as spaceno,-- (space), this table has property names
lo.description as locaiton,-- (location),this table has details of property
one.name as owner_name,-- (owner), this table has owners information
bt.billtype as Particular,--(billtype),where bill types are saved
rec.rdate as Date,-- this column of receipt table showing wrong date data
dc.dr as opening,-- (DCnotes), this table has total payable amount column
rec.amount as dr,-- this column tells the paid amount
bil.amount as cr,-- this columen tell the payable amount
bil.balamount as balance,-- this column tells the net total of dr-cr columns
bil.billmonth as BillMonth,-- bill month column from bill table
bil.duedate as DueDate -- bill due date column from bill table
bills bil
inner join
Owners one on bil.ownerid = one.ownerid
inner join
Receipts rec on bil.spaceid = rec.propertyid
inner join
DCnotes dc on bil.spaceid = dc.property
inner join
BillTypes bt on bil.billtypeid = bt.billtypeid
inner join
Spaces sp on bil.spaceid = sp.spaceid
inner join
Locations lo on sp.locationid = lo.locationid
bil.siteid = '15'
This is the image of SQL query result:
This is the image of required data in report:
Please check attached images of required data and SQL query result


MS Access Query - Display All Rows from Original Joined Table

I need to write a query that displays ALL revenue centers for a month whether they have revenue or not. This seems like a simple request but I have seemed to hit a brick wall. Below is my SQL:
SELECT ID_ItemNominal, ItemNominal_Description, Sum(Nz([ITM_Net],0)) AS ITM_Net_Total
FROM TSub_ItmNominal LEFT JOIN (T_Invoice RIGHT JOIN T_LineItems ON T_Invoice.ITM_Reference = T_LineItems.ITM_Reference) ON TSub_ItmNominal.ID_ItemNominal = T_LineItems.ITM_Nominal
WHERE (((Year([ITM_Date]))=[report_year] Or (Year([ITM_Date])) Is Null) AND ((Month([ITM_Date]))=[report_month]))
GROUP BY TSub_ItmNominal.ID_ItemNominal, TSub_ItmNominal.ItemNominal_Description
HAVING (((TSub_ItmNominal.ID_ItemNominal) Like "4*"))
ORDER BY TSub_ItmNominal.ID_ItemNominal;
ID_ItemNominal = the Integer code for the Revenue Center
ItemNominal_Description = the description of the Revenue Center
ITM_Net = the Currency amount for the Line Item on the Invoice, to be SUM for a month total
ITM_ Date = the Date of the Invoice
My thought was to use the LEFT JOIN to say that I want to see ALL of the revenue centers, even if those records do not have any data for that month. What I get is the centers that DO have revenue for the year but DO NOT have revenue for the month are not shown / filtered out.
What the Current query provides:
40500 | Sales - Digital | $###.##
40700 | Sales - Misc | $###.##
40800 | Sales - Mail | $###.##
40900 | Sales - Clothing| $0.00
We have not done any revenue under 40900 this year so far so it shows as a result in the query. We have done revenue in 40600 this year but not for the month of April. The 40600 seems to be filtered out by the WHERE part of the query as well as any other revenue centers that we have revenue for the year but not the selected date.
I would like to see these revenue centers included in the query but show as $0.00 for the month.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I feel like I am close but I just can't seem to get the correct results. Thank you in advance!
You could join the original table with all rows and join your query to it like
SELECT t1.ID_ItemNominal, t1.ItemNominal_Description,t2.ITM_Net_Total
FROM TSub_ItmNominal AS t1 LEFT JOIN (SELECT ID_ItemNominal, ItemNominal_Description, Sum(Nz([ITM_Net],0)) AS ITM_Net_Total
FROM TSub_ItmNominal LEFT JOIN (T_Invoice RIGHT JOIN T_LineItems ON T_Invoice.ITM_Reference = T_LineItems.ITM_Reference) ON TSub_ItmNominal.ID_ItemNominal = T_LineItems.ITM_Nominal
WHERE (((Year([ITM_Date]))=[report_year] Or (Year([ITM_Date])) Is Null) AND ((Month([ITM_Date]))=[report_month]))
GROUP BY TSub_ItmNominal.ID_ItemNominal, TSub_ItmNominal.ItemNominal_Description
HAVING (((TSub_ItmNominal.ID_ItemNominal) Like "4*")) ) AS t2 ON t1.ID_ItemNominal = t2.ID_ItemNominal
WHERE ((([t1l].[ID_ItemNominal]) Like "4*"))
ORDER BY t1.ID_ItemNominal;
Usually, when you run LEFT JOIN + WHERE you run an analogous INNER JOIN. But according to your specifications, the sub items table should be optionally joined since it can contain actual sales data not exhaustive of all revenue centers.
Therefore, run the WHERE filtering within a subquery and then have this subquery left joined to main set of revenue centers. Also, for readability below converts RIGHT JOIN to LEFT JOIN and uses table aliases instead of full table names.
SELECT main.ITM_Nominal,
SUM(NZ(sub.[ITM_Net], 0)) AS ITM_Net_Total
FROM (T_LineItems AS main
LEFT JOIN T_Invoice AS inv
ON inv.ITM_Reference = main.ITM_Reference)
SELECT ID_ItemNominal, [ITM_Net]
FROM TSub_ItmNominal
WHERE ID_ItemNominal ALIKE '4%'
AND YEAR([ITM_Date]) = [report_year]
AND MONTH([ITM_Date]) = [report_month]
) AS sub
ON sub.ID_ItemNominal = main.ITM_Nominal
GROUP BY main.ITM_Nominal,
ORDER BY main.ITM_Nominal;

SQL script of joining multiple tables shows duplicated record

The McLean family is challenging their total condo fees. Retrieve all invoice data related to condo fees (including details) for the McLean family for invoice 20065.  Selecting appropriate data to calculate the total condo fees for invoice number 20065. 
Tips: guest# is 'G5'.
startdate is '2019-08-03'
And they stayed in the condo for a week.
I write a script. But always shows duplicated output (two duplicated records). How can I do this without using the keyword "distinct"?
The expected output only shows one row of record.
select i.inv#, i.condo#, i.guest#, g.rlname, cs.startdate, cs.enddate, c.WeeklyFee
from guests g join reservations r
on g.guest# = r.guest#
join invoicedetails id
on r.rid = id.rid
join invoice i
on id.inv# = i.inv#
join condostays cs
on i.guest# = cs.guest# and i.condo# = cs.condo#
join condos c
on cs.condo# = c.condo#
where i.guest# = 'g5'
and i.inv# in (20065)
and startdate = '2019-08-03';
My output of showing duplicated records
Expected output (only one row of record output):

Calculate differences between two columns of two different tables

I want to calculate the difference between purchase order amount and purchase invoice amount. But I am not able to fetch the purchase invoice amount i.e. "pi.grand_total" and hence also not able to fetch the difference of "(pi.grand_total - po.grand_total)" . Please help.Below is my query.
PO = Purchase Order
PI = Purchase Invoice
po.name AS "PO #:Link/Purchase Order:120",
po.supplier AS "Supplier:Link/Supplier:120",
po.Company AS "Company:Data:120",
po.currency AS "Currency:Link/Currency:120",
po.base_grand_total AS "Grand Total:Currency:120",
po.status AS "Status:Data:120",
po.per_received AS "Per Received:Data:120",
CEILING(po.per_billed) AS "Per Billed:Data:120",
po.delivery_date AS "Delivery Date:Date:120",
pi.grand_total AS "Final PI Total:120",
(pi.grand_total - po.grand_total) AS "Amount Difference:120"
"tabPurchase Order" as po
LEFT JOIN "tabPurchase Invoice" as pi ON po.name = pi.parent
po.per_received = 100
CEILING(po.per_billed) < 100
ORDER BY po.delivery_date ASC
You are using LEFT JOIN. This means when your second table has no data which matches with your first table you will receive no data from second table but nonetheless your first table will return all of its data.
You probably should check your join condition. If you wanted to join these two tables the way you want then use NVL Function for pi.grand_total column. Because it is on the left join it could have a NULL value thus NULL minus po.grand_total will give you NULL. NVL function turns NULL values into intended values like NVL(pi.grand_total,0)
A good example how joins work

Expand Join to not limit data

I have a weird question - I understand that Joins return matching data based on the 'ON' stipulation, however the problem I am facing is I need the Business date back for both tables but at the same time i need to join on the date in order to get the totals correct
See below code:
Occupied-(Comps+House) AS DandT,
Coalesce(gd.Projected_Occ1,0) AS Projected_Occ1,
Occupied-(Comps+House)+Coalesce(gd.Projected_Occ1,0) as Total
from Occupancy o
left join Group_Details_HF gd
on o.Business_Date = gd.Business_Date
and o.Resort = gd.resort
Occupied-(Comps+House) AS DandT,
Coalesce(gd.Projected_Occ1,0) AS Projected_Occ1,
Coalesce(Occupied-(Comps+House),0)+Coalesce(gd.Projected_Occ1,0) as Total
from Occupancy_Forecast o
FULL OUTER JOIN Group_Details_HF gd
on o.Business_Date = gd.Business_Date
and o.Resort = gd.resort
Currently, this gives me the desired results from the Occupancy and Occupancy forecast table however when the business date does not exist in the occupancy forecast table it ignores the group_details table, I need the results to combine the dates when they exist in both or give the unique results for each when there is no match
I have decided to create another pivot table storing the details from Group_Details_HF and then Union together the two tables which has given me the desired result rather than fiddling with the join :)

Access 2013 SQL, three tables, two using sum wrong results

Can someone please help me with this issue? I've scoured the Internet looking at dozens of examples, but i just can't find a solution that works.
I am using Access 2013. The problem is that I am trying to make a query that will highlight all part numbers from a supplier that either has customer back orders and/or overdue deliveries.
I am using three tables:
tbl_Inventory_Master which I require the part number, on hand stock value, and the supplier code.
For any back orders I need to join the tbl_Customer_Back_Order table as I need the count of back order lines and the sum of the back order quantity.
If the supplier has a late delivery, then I need to add the tbl_On_Order table showing the count of overdue deliveries and the sum of the overdue quantities.
The query is retrieving the data but the returned quantities are double what they should be.
I.Inventory_Part_Num, I.Description, I.On_Hand_Stock,
COUNT (B.Part_Number) AS Back_Order_Count, SUM(B.Back_Order_Qty) as BO_Qty,
COUNT(O.Part_Number) AS Late_Deliveries_Count, SUM(O.Order_Qty) AS Late_Qty
FROM (tbl_Inventory_Master AS I
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Customer_Back_Order AS B
ON I.Inventory_Part_Num = B.Part_Number)
LEFT OUTER tbl_On_Order AS O
ON I.Inventory_Part_Num = O.Part_Number
I.Customer_Code = '274' AND
GROUP BY I.Inventory_Part_Num, I.Description, I.On_Hand_Stock
For example, for the part number 2022940 I should have 10 back order lines and an overdue quantity of 43. Instead, the query is returning 20 back order lines and an overdue quantity sum of 86.
From the on order table I have three orders totaling 144 pieces, instead the query is returning 960.
Can someone please advise, as this is driving me crazy?
You are joining along unrelated dimensions, so you need to aggregate before joining:
SELECT I.Inventory_Part_Num, I.Description, I.On_Hand_Stock,
B.Back_Order_Count, B.BO_Qty,
O.Late_Deliveries_Count, O.Late_Qty
FROM (tbl_Inventory_Master AS I LEFT OUTER JOIN
(SELECT B.Part_Number, COUNT(*) as Back_Order_Count,
SUM(B.Back_Order_Qty) as BO_Qty
FROM tbl_Customer_Back_Order AS B
GROUP BY B.Part_Number
) as B
ON I.Inventory_Part_Num = B.Part_Number
(SELECT O.Part_Number, COUNT(O.Part_Number) AS Late_Deliveries_Count,
SUM(O.Order_Qty) AS Late_Qty
FROM tbl_On_Order AS O
GROUP BY O.Part_Number
) as O
ON I.Inventory_Part_Num = O.Part_Number
WHERE I.Customer_Code = '274';
Notice the outer aggregation is no longer needed.