SQL auto converts decimal to numeric when select & insert - sql

I have SQL Server 2008 R2 and linked SQL Server 2012.
When I do the following
SELECT * INTO dbo.Local_table FROM dbo.Linked_table
all decimal columns automatically get converted into numeric.
What is the reason and how can I get rid of it?

This is automatic conversion that occurs with most SQL Servers. You'll find this happening with at least, but not limited to, server year versions 2000-2014. I don't know of a way to get rid of this restriction because it's a built in server feature which restricts arithmetic equations via query statements.
Here is another SO question/answer which might help you:
T-SQL Decimal Division Accuracy
Here is some MSDN for clarification:


SQL Server datetime2 in OPENQUERY

We're migrating form SQL Server 2005 to 2014 for a pretty large environment. And we've noticed that OPENQUERY behaves differently when interacting with MySQL database when it comes to datetime. Previously, it would translate just fine to DATETIME column. With 2014 (I assume started in 2008 or so), it now converts to DATETIME2 (with maximum precision). This causes problems when comparing to or inserting into DATETIME columns.
Is there a way to specify on a server-level (or specify default) for which type those will translate to? Rewriting all of the queries will be quite an undertaking, and I'd like to avoid this now, if possible (rather rewrite as we edit or introduce new things).
Try to Use VARCHAR datatype while migration of date fields, and it is always easy to Convert/Cast in various types as per need.

How to check for hardcoded values in SQL Server Profiler?

To fight against SQL injection risks, I would like to check for hardcoded values (string, dates, boolean, numeric) in SQL statement using SQL Server Profiler 2012. The problem is that there is too much statements to read those one by one.
Do you see a way to filter all my statements and get only those with hardcoded values?

How to insert LONG BINARY from SQL Server to Oracle

I need to get a copy of a SQL Server 2008 table into an Oracle RDBMS. I have database link for SQL Server, database has a table which contains LONG BINARY type column.
When I issue
create table test_ora as select * from mssqltable#dblink
I get the error
Can't convert LONG
I tried to use to_lob, to_char, hextoraw and a ream of Oracle conversion function but still hasn't defeated the issue. Do you have any ideas?
p.s. I'm out of work now so can't tell exact ORA- error number.
There is a way to do that with undocumented Oracle's package:
I would recommend tool called Pentaho Data Integration. This is free, small and superb ETL tool.
Download page: community(.)pentaho(.)com
It will recreated all tables and types for you. How to do it:

Error Converting varchar to Int - Sql on Server vs SQL on local PC

I have a Query requiring Varchar to be converted into INT. Iam not currently posting the query itself as I do not believe the problem to be there.
I setup the query on my home PC using a backup from the servers SQL file. I have Server 2008 R2 installed on both machines.
The Query runs 100% on my PC but gives an error converting varchar to INT when run on the server.
Iam guessing there is a setting somewhere that is not the same? I have checked Regional settings and the problem is not there. any ideas?
The problem lies in how the query is evaluated. You have no guarantee or what order parts of the query will be evaluated in, so on one machine a filter may happen after a convert, on another it could do. Or the WHERE clause conditions can be evaluated in a different order
SQL is declarative, not procedural. With SQL you ask for what you want and the query optimiser honours that how it sees fit. In a procedural language (C#, Java etc) you'd control the execution order.
The reason is full described here: Why use Select Top 100 Percent?

"Invalid character value for cast specification" for linked 2008 SQL server in 2005 instance

I am attempting to create a linked server from a 2005 to 2008 Microsoft SQL Server. I do this regularly for 2005 instances, but this is the first step of my long journey into SQL 2008. I am able to create the linked server as any other linked server, I receive no errors, however any time I try to use the linked server for anything (a simple "SELECT *" statement, for example) I get this error in SSMS:
"OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server {linked server name} returned message "Invalid character value for cast specification"."
What do I need to know about creating a linked server to a 2008 instance in a 2005 instance?
Turns out the tables I kept choosing to test, the most business important tables on the 2008 server, each had fields of the "geography" data type, which is new to 2008. When testing queries on one of the other tables without this datatype the query works correctly.
So...you know... it was...an "Invalid character value for cast specification" after all.
I suspect that this may be a collation issue.
Check that the collation is the same at the server, database and table levels.
To check the detault server collation run the following T-SQL:
exec sp_helpsort
To check the Databasea collation do the following:
SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('DatabaseName', 'Collation') SQLCollation;
It's either collation (my first guess), or Unicode conversions (VARCHAR vs NVARCHAR). I'd upvote John, but I don't have enough reputation.
Was there a particular way that you were able to query the table on the linked server that had the geography fields and not get the error?
I have the same issue where I need to query a linked server and some of the tables have geography fields in them and even if I only select a text field I get the error. The only workaround that I can think of would be to split the geography fields off to new tables so that the queries to the tables don't break.