Macro "trigger on cell change" is also triggered when inserting rows - vba

I'm currently using VBA to check when cells in a certain column are changed, so I can call a different macro to sort them. This works wonderfully, except that it also triggers whenever I insert a new row. So using IsEmpty I added a check to see if the cell in question isn't empty. But I'm obviously doing it wrong, since my macro is still called whenever I insert a row. What am I doing wrong?
The VBA that triggers on cell changes:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim KeyCells As Range
Set KeyCells = Range("A:A")
If Not Application.Intersect(KeyCells, Range(Target.Address)) _
Is Nothing Then
If Not IsEmpty(KeyCells) Then
Call SortByDate
End If
End If
End Sub

You might filter out row insertions by checking the number of cells that received a change. In the case of a row insertion, this is greater than or equal to the worksheet's columns.count. If you are changing anything on that worksheet use application.enableevents = false before starting to change anything and application.enableevents = true before leaving the sub.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' exit immediately on row insertion
If Target.CountLarge >= Columns.Count Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Columns(1)) Is Nothing Then
'escape route
On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
'don't declare or Set anything until you know you will need it
'(this isn't really terribly necessary)
Dim KeyCells As Range
Set KeyCells = Range("A:A")
If Application.CountA(KeyCells) Then 'is there ANYTHING in A:A?
Application.EnableEvents = False
Call SortByDate
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Failing to disable event handling and subsequently changing anything on the worksheet will trigger another change event and the Worksheet_Change event macro will try to run on top of itself.


Can't change value of cell with code in a protected sheet

I have a password protected sheet, with some unlocked cells that user can chage.
Once the user changes any value, it automatically should make changes to other unlocked cells by vba code. This works fine if the sheet is unlocked, but not if it's protected.
example of code:
In Workbook_Open() I set UserInterfaceOnly attribute to TRUE:
Sheets("Sheet Name").Protect Password:="123456", UserInterFaceOnly:=True, Contents:=True
Sheet code: Set date.01 value into date.02 cell if date.01 changes
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("date.01")) Is Nothing Then
Worksheets("Sheet Name").Range("date.02") = Target
End If
End Sub
cells "date.01" and "date.02" are unlocked.
Why can't I update them?
Is SelectionChange event the best option to change cell values? And is it ok to do the assignment like this:
Worksheets("Sheet Name").Range("date.02") = Target
I can see that the changes are applieD when the original cell get the focus back.
What I really want to do is to give a group of cells in different sheets the same value anytime any of them are changed by the user.
My bad, I was using
instead of
I also had to use this to prevent any errors.
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
There was no need of using UserInterfaceOnly as all cells/ranges are unlocked.
you can simply check it's something to do with protection.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("date.01")) Is Nothing Then
Sheets("Sheet Name").unProtect Password:="123456"
`Worksheets("Sheet Name").Range("date.02") = Target`
`Sheets("Sheet Name").Protect Password:="123456", UserInterFaceOnly:=True`
End if
End Sub
Do you apply validation through VBA
The event method to use is Worksheet.Change Event
And the code was like:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("date.01")) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("date.01") = Target
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("date.02") = Target
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("date.03") = Target
Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("date.04") = Target
Worksheets("Sheet5").Range("date.05") = Target
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

Excel VBA Worksheet_Change

I have code that checks for text in a range of cells and opens a MsgBox
The code works well until I delete a range of data both from using a macro for ClearContents and selecting a range of cells and using the delete button. No error if I delete cell contents one cell at a time.
The original code would trigger the MsgBox for every change; I just want it to trigger based on the entry of "Not Met" from a pick list.
The error I get is this:
Run-time error '13': Type mismatch
Following is the modified code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim KeyCells As Range
' The variable KeyCells contains the cells that will
' cause an alert when they are changed.
Set KeyCells = Range("E3:E41")
If Not Application.Intersect(KeyCells, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing Then
' Display a message when one of the designated cells has been
' changed.
' Place your code here.
If Target.Value = ("Not Met") Then
MsgBox "Make sure you enter Gaps, Actions and a Priority Rating"
End If
End If
End Sub
There is no real need to have a Range variable to keep the the Range("E3:E41"), you can do it directly with If Not Intersect(Range("E3:E41"), Target) Is Nothing Then.
Note: Since Target is a Range, there is no need to use it with Range(Target.Address) , Target alone will do it.
Code (short version)
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As range)
If Not Intersect(Range("E3:E41"), Target) Is Nothing Then
' Display a message when one of the designated cells has been changed
If Target.Value = ("Not Met") Then MsgBox "Make sure you enter Gaps, Actions and a Priority Rating"
End If
End Sub
This should give you what you are after:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim KeyCells As Range
' The variable KeyCells contains the cells that will
' cause an alert when they are changed.
Set KeyCells = Range("E3:E41")
If Not Application.Intersect(KeyCells, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing Then
' Display a message when one of the designated cells has been
' changed.
' Place your code here.
If Target.Count = 1 Then
If Target.Value = ("Not Met") Then
MsgBox "Make sure you enter Gaps, Actions and a Priority Rating"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Program excel to return a specific value

I have a spreadsheet that is going to be used in a survey.
How can I make the cells only to return "x" regardless of what the survey taker type in.
For instance, if I write a "w" in the cell, it should turn into an "x".
I have come to a point where I think there is an option when I protect the workbook or sheet. Because I can tell from another spreadsheet (which has this function) that it only works if the workbook is protected.
I tried to google it, but it seems as if I don't know the right keywords to find the answer.
Also, I have found a set of Vba code that I fiddle with, but I'm not sure this is correct. I don't want to attach the code as I don't want to confuse any response here.
Thank you for any help provided.
Put this code in the worksheet module and test it out, when you change a cell in column A (1) it will activate,
Where is the worksheet Module?
Copy and paste the code ,
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Target, Range("A1,B1,C1,A4,B4,C4")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = 0
If Target <> "" Then Target = "X"
Application.EnableEvents = 1
End Sub
This should work for you (just change the range to the one you need) :
Option Explicit
Sub worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo errorbutler 'error handler - important to have this in case your macro does a booboo
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'turn off automatic calculation to speed up the macro
Application.EnableEvents = False 'turn off events in order to prevent an endless loop
Dim LR, cell As Range 'Declare your variables
Set LR = Range("A1:b3") ' Select range of cells this macro would apply to
For Each cell In Target 'Loops through the cells that user have changed
If Union(cell, LR).Address = LR.Address Then 'Checks if the changed cell is part of your range
cell.Value="x" 'changes the value of that cell to x
End if
Next cell
Errorexit: 'part of error handling procedure
Application.EnableEvents = True 'Turn autocalc back on
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 'turn events back on
Exit Sub
Errorbutler: 'error handling procedure
Debug.Print Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description
Resume Errorexit
End Sub
Oh yes, and this code should be put into the worksheet module - the same way as Dave has shown you

Run-Time error '1004' with my VBA for hiding and unhiding rows

I have code for hiding and unhiding rows in my sheet based on changing the value in my dropdown. Every time I change the dropdown I get Run-Time error of '1004'. I had a private Sub before and changed it to a Sub but that doesn't seem to be the solution.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Target.Parent.Range("L6")
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.Run "dynamic_hide"
End Sub
Sub dynamic_hide()
If Target.Range = "$S$9:$S$51" Then
If Target.Range = 0 Then Rows("F9:T51").EntireRow.Hidden = True
If Target.Value <> 0 Then Rows("F9:T51").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
End Sub
You have a few problems going on here:
First, the default property of a Range object is Value, so Target.Range = "$S$9:$S$51" will always be false. Use Target.Address instead.
Second, don't use Application.Run to call Subs from the same VBProject. Use Call instead.
Third, you've not let the sub dynamic_hide know what Target is since Target is only a parameter of the Worksheet_Change event subroutine. You can solve this by declaring your sub like Sub dynamic_hide(ByVal Target As Range) And then you can use it: Call dynamic_hide(Target)
Lastly, since Target is a range you don't need to use Target.Range since Target is a range so you can simply omit every .Range from Target.Range Target.Parent.Range is fine.

Excel VBA prevent deletion of cells but allow edit

I have made a spreadsheet which a user can enter a postcode and a quantity into 2 cells and I have other cells doing calculations and displaying the results.
I have added some VBA to prevent anyone from deleting rows and columns but I would like to prevent deletion of any cell within a range but also allow a user to make changes to certain cells but also prevent editing of cells with formula in there.
In cell E4, the user can enter a postcode. In E6, the user can enter a quantity. These can be edited but not deleted. E8:E9 and E11:E14 are all drop down lists (validation) which hold data from lists. These can be changed using the drop down but not deleted.
L10:L14, L16, L23:L27, L29, L30:L33 can all have their data edited but not deleted.
What would the VBA for this look like? I guess it would use the Worksheet_Change() event.
Is this what you are trying? Users can edit cell E4 and E6 but they cannot leave it empty. I am also assuming that the cell are not empty before hand.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo Whoa
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("E4")) Is Nothing Then
If Len(Trim(Range("E4").Value)) = 0 Then Application.Undo
ElseIf Not Intersect(Target, Range("E6")) Is Nothing Then
If Len(Trim(Range("E6").Value)) = 0 Then Application.Undo
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume LetsContinue
End Sub
Thanks that is what i want to do. What about the other ranges? Is it just a case of loads of IF THEN or can we use a CASE and loop through? – AdRock 2 mins ago
Add/Delete cell addresses from below as applicable.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo Whoa
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("E4,E6,E8:E9,E11:E14,L10:L14,L16,L23:L27,L29,L30:L33")) Is Nothing Then
If Len(Trim(Target.Value)) = 0 Then Application.Undo
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume LetsContinue
End Sub
You are partly right but Worksheet_Change() is triggered after the change, so after the deletion.
What I'd do is to have a hidden sheet to store the values entered by the user and then you can check in Worksheet_Change() whether the new value is empty (deleted) or not.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$E$4" Then
' check the previous value on the hidden sheet here, if changed, then save it, if empty, then restore it
End If
End Sub