FreeSwitch Verto module - webrtc

I'm following the section to config module but having some points I didn't understand in topic.
Could you please help me explain?
To test if a call originated from a Verto client, test in
your dialplan for the variable Caller-Source to equal mod_verto in a
condition. There is also the variable Other-Leg-Source if the current
leg is using SIP or SS7 and the connected leg might be a Verto call.
<extension name="verto call" continue="true">
<condition field="caller-source" expression="mod_verto">
<action application="log" data="INFO ***** Verto WebRTC Call ***** "/>
Where is these codes I will put? In conf/dialplan/default.xml?
Bridging from WebRTC (mod_verto) to PSTN/ITSPs WebRTC is slow to
establish media. So we need to provide SDP asap. We can do this by
answering and sending some silent packets, instead of waiting for
normal call setup: Dialplan:
<extension name="itsp_send_call">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^(\d+)$">
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="playback" data="silence_stream://2000"/>
<action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_number=333444555"/>
<action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_name=ciaociaociao"/>
<action application="bridge" data="{absolute_codec_string=pcmu}sofia/gateway/itsp/$1"/>
And these code too? Where should I put them?

Those extension definitions can go wherever in your dialplan is necessary, it's the implementer choice.
This could be dialplan/default.xml - and if you're just starting out maybe that is the right place to put them. But if your configuration is already having a more complex dialplan configuration they may go elsewhere.
These two references are examples. The FS team is expecting you to decide where to put the examples - which you may need to modify for your specific environment.
In mine for example, I have the "verto call" extension early in my dialplan/default.xml - and have it also "set" some values and execute a webhook (see mod_curl)
I don't specifically use that itsp extension but modified that for my existing outbound gateway which I keep in dialplan/outbound.xml


Integration of cloud hub with on premise splunk

In one of the requirement i want to integrate splunk with existing mule esb server that we are using(we are using cloudhub).
How can we achieve that?
Any help will be great.
You can use the Splunk connector to integrate within your applications. If you want to just send event data from existing applications see this other documentation page: Sending Data from Runtime Manager to External Monitoring Software
Add below configuration in your log4j file.
<Configuration packages=",com.splunk.logging">
<Http name="SPLUNK" url="" token="19954BDA-7A21-4FFA-A1E5-B3DFB7C75D55" disableCertificateValidation="true">
<PatternLayout pattern="%m" />
where you should prefix "input-" to the domain name you have for splunk & the token will be the one that of http even collector.
Also while logging give reference of above http splunk appender :
<Root level="INFO">
<AppenderRef ref="SPLUNK" />
Let me know if it works

What are the minimum capabilities for Application Insights to work?

I'm trying to get Application Insights added to an existing project, which only flags the following as capabilities:
<Capability Name="ID_CAP_LOCATION" />
<Capability Name="ID_CAP_NETWORKING" />
<Capability Name="ID_CAP_PHONEDIALER" />
<Capability Name="ID_CAP_MAP" />
I've added the call in my App's constructor to:
And of course, I've checked the ApplicationInsights.config file to check the InstrumentationKey matches that shown on my portal.
Do I need to add additional capabilities to allow these to work, as I'm not seeing anything show up on the Azure Portal for the subscription, and I'm not seeing anything in the debug output to suggest that any diagnostics are being attempted to be sent?
The only required capability appears to be ID_CAP_NETWORKING.
One other thing to watch out for; when using the UI to associate with your applciation insights it will add include a schema in the applicationInsights.config file, which stops it working.
So, instead of:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<InstrumentationKey xmlns="">xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx</InstrumentationKey>
It should look more like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Blackboard with Struts

I am a beginner here, and this is my first time creating a building block for Blackboard. I understand that I could use Struts in building block thus I used Struts 1.3 to develop the building block for Blackboard version 9.
I am confuse while doing Dispatch Action, Blackboard doesn't seem to be able to find my forwarded page, and I keep ended up in this error "The specified resource was not found, or you do not have permission to access it".
Link in my jsp:
This is a test
struts-config.xml setup:
<action path="/teststruts" type="com.test.action.TestAction" parameter="execute" scope="request" validate="false">
<forward name="success" path="./thistest.jsp" />
<forward name="error" path="./index.jsp" />
My dispatch action simply mapping.findforward to one of the path.
Really scratching my head here.
Fix the relative path by removing the ./ from the front of your link.
Also verify that your Blackboard Building Block is starting up correctly by looking at the
blackboard/logs/tomcat/sdtout-stderr log after you "disable and enable" the code from the Building Blocks management page. Also verify that your servlet contains a error.jsp as sometimes the 404 error comes from struts forwarding the error on to an error page that does not exist.
Try to use
<permission name="suppressAccessChecks" type="java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission" />
But i don't think is a good idea to use struts or another framework to develop Blackboard BB. It can generate conflicts with the libraries used by Blackboard, if not with the current version, when updating Blackboard version.
One approach we took when trying to do complex modules in blackboard is to create a full webapp for Blackboard tomcat's instead of a BB. Using this technique it is possible to use whatever you want, since it is an independent application, but at the same time you can comunicate with Tomcat through the context. Yoy have to add the application to the server.xml and add some permissions in catalina.policy to do so... but maybe it could be a little bit tricky...

Need help using ldap to convert ${CCNetModifyingUsers} to list of email addresses

I am trying to configure an email publisher to send email upon failure to the user[s] that contributed to a failed build. If that's not possible because it's a list, then perhaps I can configure tasks that do a forced build, in which case I could use ${CCNetUser}.
This is my attempt at configuring it because I could not find anything helpful other than the LDAP Email Converter page in the documentation.
<ldapConverter domainName="" />
<!--not sure if needed: ldapLogOnUser="LdapQuery" ldapLogOnPassword="****"-->
<cb:define userEmail="${CCNetModifyingUsers}" />
<user name="buildmaster" group="buildmaster" address="$(userEmail)" />
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I finally figured this out.
The solution, which was not clear from the documentation, was to use this type of user node:
<user name="${CCNetFailureUsers}" group="failure" address="" />
The user name uses the dynamic variable that resolves to the list of users that contributed to the failed build, the group defines notification for Failed builds (and exceptions in my configuration) and a blank address is what triggers the ldapConverter.

How to use WIX to deploy and run WCF service

I am trying to make an installer which deploys my wcf service, at the moment it is creating the virtual directory, but when I try connect my app to it, I get a
CommunicationException was unhandled
by user code The remote server
returned an error: NotFound.
I notice that if I create a virtual directory manually that it will connect and work, so I'm assuming IIS is doing something behind my back which is making it work.
This is the code I am using to create the virtual directory,please note this is inside a iis:WebSite tag if more information is needed please let me know.
<iis:WebVirtualDir Id="VAWebService" Directory="VAWebService" Alias="VAWebService">
<iis:WebApplication Id="VAWebService" Name="VAWebService"
AllowSessions="yes" WebAppPool="VA_AppPool" />
<iis:WebDirProperties Id="MyWebSite_Properties" AnonymousAccess="yes"
WindowsAuthentication="no" DefaultDocuments="service1.svc"
AccessSSL="yes" AccessSSL128="yes" AccessSSLMapCert="yes"
AccessSSLNegotiateCert="yes" AccessSSLRequireCert="yes"
Read="yes" Write="yes" Execute="yes" Script="yes" />
Does any one know how to fix this? any help would be appreciated.
I'm pretty sure you don't need Write or Execute set to yes. You probably don't need AccessSSLMapCert or AccessSSLNegotiateCert or AccessSSLRequireCert either, unless you are using client certificates to authenticate to the site. Are you setting these when you configure the site using IIS?