Grafana integration with SAP HANA [closed] - sap

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to monitoring my SAP HANA database with something like Grafana, but I can't realize a way to integrate Grafana with SAP HANA, there are any way to use Granafa with HANA db? Somebody knows a Grafana like application that I could use instead?

I recommend using collectd daemon to monitor host metrics on the server running the database. The daemon supports multiple storage backends using so called write plugins:


How to query Apache Ignite cache using some SQL query tool? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there explanation and step by step example on how to set JDBC/ODBC with some comercial or open source tool (e.g. datagrip, sql-workbench or some other sql-console), and query Ignite cache with regular SQL query?
p.s. Looking for external client example, not a java code to query it.
Check this:
It uses DBeaver as an example, but the same can be applied to other tools as well.

Redis Desktop Manager for Aerospike? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is there an Aerospike tool that's similar to Redis Desktop Manager in that it can go into a host and view/edit the entries/records that's stored just on that server?
aql, which is a native Aerospike tool, is like sql, which obviously doesn't have this functionality.
You have AMC, a GUI management console, but it is not a data browser. Early stage projects and community contributions are often promoted in Launchpad, so you should look there.
Sounds like a good community contribution, if you're up for it.

What database do i choose if I need to make an inventory system [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to develop an inventory system(Windows application).
This INV System will be installed on the HQ(always online) and on different sites(locations) which works off line and goes online only once to transfer the data to the server on HQ.
Which database(free)(huge data) can be used is my first question.
Secondly, how to update daily changes made on local database to database on server.
You can use Microsoft SQL Server Express for this. For transfer of data you can either run scripts in SQL or create packages in SSIS that will pull data from sites. These package can be a scheduled jobs or can be run manually.

Looking for a free SQL editor to connect from Mac to Netezza (PureData System for Analytics) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a free SQL editor to connect directly to Netezza (now called PureData System for Analytics) via my MacBook Pro. I do have a JDBC Netezza (.jar) driver
You can go through following links to download and install "Squirrel" tool which is free and supports all platforms -
Hope this will help.

Cross-Platform API for PaaS vendors? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Are there any efforts or products out there that aim at a generic API for PaaS vendors?
Similar to cross-platform APIs for IaaS offerings like Delta Cloud, DMTF Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface (CIMI), Simple Cloud, OCCI, ...
AppScale duplicates the App Engine API.
OCCI v. 1.2, which is to be released shortly, has a Platform specification, which introduces OCCI classes Application, Component and ComponentLink.
The release will surely be announced at