eBay APIs :: Get related categories using title string - ebay-api

Ok, so this has been asked once before with no answers so i'll give it another bash..
On the eBay website one of the first things you do when listing an item is pass in a string which is the listing title. Given this title string, eBay will go and examine all the categories and pick out a short selection of categories where it thinks you listing will be best suited.
I need to use the bulk File Exchange API and need to find the best category programatically. How can I find the most appropriate categories using one of eBays APIs i.e. is there an API for that?
The only solution I have come up with is to get all the categories using those APIs, then traverse the every category performing some kind of ranking on my inputted listing title (cosine similarity or something).
Any ideas, thanks.

Sounds like you may be able to make use of GetSuggestedCategories.
From the documentation:
Specify keywords describing an item you are looking for using the
Query input field. GetSuggestedCategories returns a list of up to 10
categories that have the highest percentage of listings whose titles
or descriptions contains the specified keywords.


Is it possible to use GetSellerList to get all the items listed by a different seller?

I am looking for a way to get all the items listed by a different seller. While this is possible to do through the eBay Browse API, there is a delay of a few minutes from when a seller lists an item to when it is visible in the eBay search.
As such, I am looking for a method to return all the items a particular seller (that is not me) has listed that will return the most up to date results.
I have found the https://developer.ebay.com/devzone/xml/docs/reference/ebay/GetSellerList.html method, but I am not certain if it is possible to use it on other sellers. Can I use this method or is there another method that can achieve the required functionality
under the title of the linked url it is written:
Use this call to retrieve items listed by the authenticated user, including item data.
therefore it is clearly not possibile
you could use finding API setting in the filter the username of the seller and get the list of (almost) all the item sold by such seller with few details:
if you need full details then you need to call getItem for each itemID retrieved by finding API
but since eBay released some years ago new APis, if you have to start a new project it can be wise not using the old trading APIs (and also Finding??) that though not deprecated yet, they might be soon

VirtoCommerce API getting item prices

I am using VirtoCommerce 2.9 and have some questions regarding the API and what would be the best way to get all the information I need, while keeping the number of API requests down.
Right now I am using the endpoint /api/catalog/search to find items that matches a number of attributes. But the response does not include prices and product texts. Both I would like to present to the end user. What would be the correct or best way to retrieve this information?
Currently search service does not return the description and price for the products.
To get this details you need to use separate queries
to get product detail with description and
to retrieve actual products prices. You can call them in parallel for better performance.
Be aware to use WithProperties response group because it may cause
perfomance problem. Anyway product returned with all properties values
and this 'response group' is only responsible for retrieving properties meta-information
(as possible dictionary values, multilingual, required or optional flag etc) this information often used in admin area and in storefront almost not used.
Indexed search module will be serious changed in future versions, and you will be able to have more control over the product details in the search index.

Using APIs to Filter Albums by Years

So I'm working on an application that has a feature that generates a list of 100 or so artists that are similar to those in the user's music catalog using the Echo Nest API. Then, a user can supply a certain year, and, based on the similar artists, the application will return a list of albums that were released on that year.
The only problem is that I have no idea how to filter albums based on year. The Echo Nest API doesn't really do much with albums. The Discogs and Last.fm APIs work with albums, and the Discogs API has data about albums' release dates, but there is no way to filter an initial query by release date. For example, if I have the artist Fleet Foxes and I want to filter it by albums released in 2011, there is no option to search for albums by the Fleet Foxes confined to release dates of 2011.
The only option I can really see at this point is iterating over EVERY album an artist has and only adding those albums that meet my specifications. However, this is obviously very heavy on both the APIs and my server, especially considering that many of the artists in the list of 100 similar artists will have no albums that match my criteria and that many artists have well within the range of 100 albums when you take into consideration singles, remixes, etc.
Does anyone see a better way of doing this?
If an API really doesn't have any way to filter by year, then yes, of course you will have to pull down all of the releases and filter them after the fact.
If you think this is a burden on your code and/or their server, you should file a feature request to add the filtering.
However, you should make sure first that they really don't provide such a thing. Most REST APIs separate "fetch" and "search". For example, http://api.example.com/artists/12345/releases may not have any way to filter it, but http://api.example.com/search?type=releases&artist=12345&year=2011 may exist.
Without looking into all of the APIs in detail, a quick check of Discogs' "Run a search query" docs shows that you can include a year criterion in the search (although it looks like maybe you can't actually search by artist ID, just by artist name?).

Specify items per page

I'm trying to query Picasa Web Albums to pull album/photo data (obviously!) however initially I only need to pull the first 4 photos. Is there any way to limit a particular field or specify the items per page?
I've already accomplished something similar with Facebook's Graph API however I'm unable to find anything similar for Picasa. The only items I can find related to limiting the response is specifying which fields, but nothing related to the number of rows.
Use max-results argument. See doc here.

eBay API - filter items by store/custom categories

My scenario: I have a client with an eBay store with custom categories. On their website, they would like to list the items they have for sale. They would like this list to be filterable by custom category.
I've been searching for a couple days now, and I'm still a bit unsure about the best way to proceed.
From what I can gather, the only way to get a list of categories defined in a store is through the GetStore call in the Trading API. This seems to be supported, though I need to get a user token from my client's eBay account. I will assume this works.
I do not, however, see any method of filtering items based on custom categories. I've looked through the documentation of both the Trading and Finding APIs, but all I see are filters on pre-defined eBay categories.
Is it possible to filter on custom/store categories?
I had a task to link seller products to custom categories and the only way I found is to retrieve a list of custom categories with "GetStore" from Trading API, retrieve all seller items with "findItemsAdvanced" call form Finding API, and loop through all retrieved items and get details with "GetItem" call from Trading API.
After that I could find custom categories under $xml->Item->Storefront->StoreCategoryID and $xml->Item->Storefront->StoreCategory2ID.
After digging through and posting in the eBay forums, I found out that no, it is not possible to filter on custom/store defined categories via the API. The only way to filter on custom/store defined categories is on the eBay hosted store.
This is apparently eBay's way to make the store hosted on their site more feature rich than anything you can do via the API.
Even though this question is old, I believe it interesting to give a more recent answer. As stated above, you cannot directly filter items sold by a store using custom store categories (StoreCategoryID). The easiest way to work around this is using the GetSellerList API using a coarse granularity level, which allows you to get the storeCategoryID of each Item on sale within a starting time range or an end time range. You can then filter the items yourself. Here's a link to a forum answer: https://ebay.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1178
Yes no way to get items by Custom categories.
It sounds like either getCategoryInfo or GetCategories might help you.