IBM Mobile Quality Assurance REST API Available? - ibm-mobilefirst

Now I am working on the IBM MQA (Mobile Quality Assurance). But I want to get some informations from MQA Service such as device's information , session, bugs, .... The IBM have the rest API to support it ? Can anyone give some suggestion about this problem ?
Thank you.

We are working to improve the MQA filtering features however at this time we don't have a way to filter crashes by devices. We recently announced that MQA in Bluemix now supports integration with the following bug tracking systems: Jira, TFS, HP Quality Center, GitHub, FogBugz.
If you use one of these BTS's, its possible to use their sorting or filtering process, if any however unfortunately at this time there are no MQA APIs available.


Does Machine Vision API work offline?

Does the Google Mobile Vision ( API work offline? Or does it need Internet connectivity? The sample app does not require any Internet permission. Which means the API works entirely offline. I am looking for a positive confirmation of this.
PS. Also I am looking for more information on this API. For example, does it use neural networks? If so what algorithms were used? I can not find any detail discussion anywhere.
The API does an initial library download the first time that it is used, and then works offline from that point on.
I tried the official sample app here.
I installed the sample app on a device in airplane mode, and continued to run under airplane mode - It works without problem.
(Note that I only tested the OCR part)
But as far as I know, all google services libraries made use of an already installed (On most device, probably, except China models) application named Google Play Services. As long as this application is installed in the device (With a reasonably updated version), the Vision API should works even under no internet connectivity.

How to Client Side and Server Side integration of IBM TeaLeaf

I have to implement TeaLeaf analytics for our application so i am doing sample POc for android and iphone environment for hybrids application. Anyone please advice me how can i implement the TeaLeaf stuff in my POC.
Below that activity i did,
create sample app version project and add android/iphone environment
application-descriptor.xml i added IBM teaLeaf SDK
what else i have do? i was searching google and following ibm knowledge center also there is not much clarity for tutorial and how can i test in development environment.
below that link i referred :
If I understand your question correctly, it seems like you're attempting to create a connection between IBM MobileFirst Platform 6.3.0 and IBM Tealeaf. I work on integrations of IBM Tealeaf On-Cloud with client e-commerce platforms and it seems like you might be dealing with IBM Tealeaf On-Premise.
That being said, my understanding of the process for the On-Cloud implementation is that there are a few libraries you need to make sure are being included on pages you'd like Tealeaf to observe:
Tealeaf.js (distributed by IBM)
JQuery, if the page uses it ... also note that if the site uses JQuery, you need to provision from IBM the JQuery flavor of Tealeaf.js instead of the W3C flavor.
Pako.js (again this assumes the On-Cloud version of Tealeaf, as this is a library for compressing data a being sent to IBM cloud-service collectors. In the On-Premise version my understanding is that this data is written to a file that is saved to the local hardware.)
How the libraries are included is something you'd decide when working with the client's server and development team - every organization has their preferences. Generally though they'd be inserted on pages that need to be monitored and the Tealeaf.js config would be edited to specify the endpoint of the collector for the regional data center on which space was provisioned for the client (in the US, either in Dallas or Washington DC.)
As for the On-Premise implementation of Tealeaf, you can jump in to the documentation here:

Crosswalk not supported on Mobile First Platform

I am building mobile app.
I would like to use Crosswalk with Mobile First Platform (MFP).
Currently MFP does not support Crosswalk
What is a rough estimated date of MFP supporting Crosswalk?
Mostly, I will use MFP. To use with MFP, instead of using Crosswalk, what other feature/library/Swappable WebView do you recommend me to use?
Development estimations or confirmations cannot be provided. If you are an IBM customer you can contact IBM directly and submit your inquiries and business justifications.
When using MobileFirst Platform it is currently not possible to swap the provided Cordova library with any available alternative at this time.

Cross platform app deployment & testing without buying devices

I have developed an app in android studio i would like to make it cross platform just dont know how to test my app on windows, apple and other devices in the market. So still have not been able to choose the cross platform cloud OR cross platform IDE yet. Can some one share their experience if they have done this or any alternative process for developing - testing - deploying without device?
I am not an expert, but I would suggest searching for a mobile virtual machine - either one that can be used on a mobile device or on a computer.
Here is an interesting article about VMware. Maybe it can give some ideas.
Here is the best answer i could found.
Check out this link here has shed load of information that is indeed useful.

Worklight 6.2: Is it possible to decommission the device using any WL API

Worklight 6.2: Is it possible to decommission the devices using any Worklight API apart from Licence Tracking in Worklight Server?
Not sure how an API would be of help here.
Anyway, the only available feature that allows you to disable a specific device, is the License Tracking feature you have mentioned in your question.
Feel free to submit feature requests: