awk to print out lines for cumulative sum - awk

I want to print out lines of a file until the cumulative sum of the third field is greater than 0.99, then print out only the first line for which the cumulative sum is greater than or equal to 0.99. However, if field 2 of the first line for which cumulative sum of field 3 is greater than or equal to 0.99 matches field 2 of the next line, then both lines should be printed.
My file looks like:
rs76832595 -4.4524 0.501109
rs74660964 -4.9815 0.49886
rs12992037 -4.9815 9.8159e-06
rs934367 -4.3376 3.06953e-06
Desired output:
rs76832595 -4.4524 0.501109
rs74660964 -4.9815 0.49886
rs12992037 -4.9815 9.8159e-06
In the above example, the cumulative sum of field 3 exceeds 0.99 at line 2, but I print line 3 as well since field 2 of lines 2 and 3 are equal. If these fields had not been equal, I would print out lines 1 and 2 only.
I have the following command, which works for the cumulative sum, but not for comparing field 2 between adjacent lines:
awk '{sum+=$3;print $0;if(sum>=0.99)exit}' file
Can someone modify this to incorporate the above requirements?

The following should work according to your specifications:
Given file containing
rs76832595 -4.4524 0.501109
rs74660964 -4.9815 0.49886
rs12992037 -4.9815 9.8159e-06
rs934367 -4.3376 3.06953e-06
The following awk-script
awk '{sum+=$3; print $0; if(sum >= 0.99 && prev_row == $2)exit;prev_row=$2}' file
will produce
rs76832595 -4.4524 0.501109
rs74660964 -4.9815 0.49886
rs12992037 -4.9815 9.8159e-06
The change in the script consisted of adding a prev_row=$2 at the end of the statement to keep track of the previous row, and incorporating prev_row into the if-statement.


Removing more than 2 duplicates from a CSV file

I have found the following script to remove duplicates:
awk -F, '!x[$7]++' 'business-records.csv' > 'business-records-deduped.csv'
When it finds duplicate records instead of deleting all the duplicates and keeping only the first record it would be amazing if it could keep the first 2 or 3 records and remove the rest. So basically allowing the original and one duplicate but deleting the entire row of any more than one or two duplicates.
How to adjust it so that it keeps the original record and the first duplicate and deletes the entire rows of any more than the first duplicate?
You can use awk like this:
awk -F, '++x[$7] <= 2' business-records.csv > business-records-deduped.csv
This will keep 2 duplicate records for 7th column and will delete any more dupes as you desire.
I propose following minimal ameloration of your code
awk -F, '2>x[$7]++' 'business-records.csv' > 'business-records-deduped.csv'
Explanation: ++ is post-increment operation so execution order might be somewhat counter-intuitive
x[$7] gets value from array x for key being content of 7th field, if not present assume 0
2> is test deciding about printing, if this condition does hold line is printed
++ does increase value inside array x, therefore next time you encounter same 7th field content value will be bigger by 1
Observe that sole thing altered is test, regarding non-negative integers ! is true for zero and false for values above 0.

sum 4th field data between the pattern

suppose my data is :
*dnet *1234 1.2
1 port *12 2.3
3 port1 *34 0.2
7 *15 0.1
*dnet *234 0.2
2 *12 0.1
4 *123 *234 1.2
fields are separated by space.
In this I want to get the sum of 4th fields of data present inside each *dnet. Some fields have 4th field data some has not. I want 4th field sum value for each *dnet seperate.
I tried using awk but could not get. It will be thankful if someone helps.
the output for above will look like
*dnet *1234 1.2 2.5
*dnet *234 0.2 1.2
Commented, slightly simplified, version of the comment...
awk '
# look for header line
$1=="*dnet" {
# print any previously calculated sum
if (header) print header, sum
# reset sum for next block of lines
sum = 0
# save new header line
header = $0
# skip remaining actions
# if we get here, we know this is not a header line
# if there is a 4th field, add it to the sum
$4 {
sum += $4
# print the final sum
if (header) print header, sum
' datafile

Find average of numbers from a specific line

I have a text file with 2 columns of numbers.
10 2
20 3
30 4
40 5
50 6
60 7
70 8
80 9
90 10
100 11
110 12
120 13
130 14
I would like to find the average of the 2nd column data from the 6th line. That is ( (7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14)/8 = 10.5 )
I could find this post Scripts for computing the average of a list of numbers in a data file
and used the following:
awk'{s+=$2}END{print "ave:",s/NR}' fileName
but I get an average of entire second column data.
Any hint here.
This one-liner should do:
awk -v s=6 'NR<s{next} {c++; t+=$2} END{printf "%.2f (%d samples)\n", t/c, c}' file
This awk script has three pattern/action pairs. The first is responsible for skipping the first s lines. The second executes on every line (from s onwards); it increments a counter and adds column 2 to a running total. The third runs after all data have been processed, and prints your results.
Below script should do the job
awk 'NR>=6{avg+=$2}END{printf "Average of field 2 starting from 6th line %.1f\n",avg/(NR-5)}' file
Average of field 2 starting from 6th line 10.5

combine specific output and display in specific header

I am trying to combine all matching text before the left of the | and output that to the column "Gene". The amount of lines in the match are outputted to the "Targets" column, the average of $3 to the "Average Depth" column, along with the average of the #'s to the right of the = to the " Average GC" column. I am having some trouble in doing this and need some expert help. Thank you :).
chr10:79793602-79793721 RPS24|gc=59.7 150.3
chr10:79795083-79795202 RPS24|gc=41.2 111.4
chr10:79797665-79797784 RPS24|gc=37 69.8
chr11:119077113-119077232 CBL|gc=67.9 27.3
chr11:119103143-119103420 CBL|gc=41.9 240.3
chr11:119142430-119142606 CBL|gc=42.6 177.1
chr11:119144563-119144749 CBL|gc=46.2 324.4
current output
Gene TargetsAverage DepthAverage GC
gc 803 0.0 0.0
desired output
ID times depth GC
RPS24 3 110.5 46.0
CBL 4 192.3 49.7
awk -F'[ |=]' '
id[$2] += $4
value[$2] += $5
printf "%-8s%8s%8s%8s\n", "Gene", "Targets", "Average Depth", "Average GC"
for (i in id)
printf "%-8s%8d%8.1f%8.1f\n", i, occur[i],value[i]/occur[i],id[i]/occur[i]
}' input
#Chris - Your editing of the question has not been very helpful, but I can confirm that, except for the first printf statement, the program runs as expected, which is in accordance with the "desired output". I have used three different awks; the only difference between the outputs is (as expected) the ordering of the rows. You may have to be more specific about the version of awk you are using.
Solution in TXR:
$ txr table2.txr data
ID times depth GC
RPS24 3 110.5 46.0
CBL 4 192.3 49.7
Code in table2.txr:
ID times depth GC
# (all)
#nil:#nil-#nil #id|#nil
# (and)
# (collect :gap 0)
#nil:#nil-#nil #id|gc=#gc #dep
# (set (gc dep) (#(tofloat gc) #(tofloat dep)))
# (end)
# (bind n #(length gc))
# (bind avg-gc #(format nil "~,1f"
(/ [reduce-left + gc] n)))
# (bind avg-dep #(format nil "~,1f"
(/ [reduce-left + dep] n)))
# (output)
#{id 9} #{n 6} #{avg-dep 13} #{avg-gc}
# (end)
# (end)
What lumps together the entries with the same ID is the two parallel branches of the all directive. The first branch loosely matches the pattern of a single line, extracting the ID, binding it to the id variable. This variable is visible to the second branch, where its appearance introduces a back-referencing constraint. Here, multiple consecutive (:gap 0) lines are matched at the same position (thus including the one which was matched in the first branch of the all). Only lines with the matching id are processed; the collect ends when a non-matching id is encountered (due to the :gap 0 constraint) or when the input ends.

How to do multi-row calculations using awk on a large file

I have a big file that is sorted on the first word. I need to add a new column for each line with the proportional value: line value/total value for that group; group is determined by the first column. In the below example, the total of group "a" = 100 and hence each line gets a proportion. The total of group "the" is 1000 and hence each line gets the proprotion value of the total of that group.
I need an awk script to do this.
Sample File:
a lot 10
a few 20
a great 20
a little 40
a good 10
the best 250
the dog 750
zisty cool 20
a lot 10 0.1
a few 20 0.2
a great 20 0.1
a little 40 0.4
a good 10 0.1
the best 25 .25
the dog 75 .75
zisty cool 20 1
You describe this as a "big file." Consequently, this solution tries to save memory: it holds no more than one group in memory at a time. When we are done with that group, we print it out before starting on the next group:
$ awk -v i=0 'NR==1{name=$1} $1==name{a[i]=$0;b[i++]=$3;tot+=$3+0;next} {for (j=0;j<i;j++){print a[j],b[j]/tot} name=$1;a[0]=$0;tot=b[0]=$3;i=1} END{for (j=0;j<i;j++){print a[j],b[j]/tot}}' file
a lot 10 0.1
a few 20 0.2
a great 20 0.2
a little 40 0.4
a good 10 0.1
the best 250 0.25
the dog 750 0.75
zisty cool 20 1
How it works
-v i=0
This initializes the variable i to zero.
For the first line, set the variable name to the first field, $1. This is the name of the group.
$1==name {a[i]=$0; b[i++]=$3; tot+=$3+0; next}
If the first field matches name, then save the whole line into array a and save the value of column (field) three into array b. Increment the variable tot by the value of the third field. Then, skip the rest of the commands and jump to the next line.
for (j=0;j<i;j++){print a[j],b[j]/tot} name=$1;a[0]=$0;tot=b[0]=$3;i=1
If we get to this line, then we are at the start of a new group. Print out all the values for the old group and initialize the variables for the start of the next group.
END{for (j=0;j<i;j++){print a[j],b[j]/tot}}
After we get to the last line, print out what we have for the last group.
awk '{a[$1]+=$3; b[i++]=$0; c[j++]=$1; d[k++]=$3} END{for(i=0;i<NR;i++) {print b[i], d[i]/a[c[i]]}}' File
sdlcb#Goofy-Gen:~/AMD$ cat ff
a lot 10
a few 20
a great 20
a little 40
a good 10
the best 250
the dog 750
zisty cool 20
sdlcb#Goofy-Gen:~/AMD$ awk '{a[$1]+=$3; b[i++]=$0; c[j++]=$1; d[k++]=$3} END{for(i=0;i<NR;i++) {print b[i], d[i]/a[c[i]]}}' ff
a lot 10 0.1
a few 20 0.2
a great 20 0.2
a little 40 0.4
a good 10 0.1
the best 250 0.25
the dog 750 0.75
zisty cool 20 1
Logic: update an array (a[]) with first column as index for each line. save array b[] with complete line for each line, to be used in the end for printing. similarly, update arrays c[] and d[] with first and third column values for each line. at the end, use these arrays to get the results using a for loop, looping through all the lines processed. First printing the line as itself, then the proportion value.