paperjs mouse following within the bounds of another object - mouseevent

I have an eye in paperjs, I would like the pupil to follow the mouse but I do not want it to leave the boundary of the outer eye. I have seen this done using Jquery(JQuery follow mouse curser within in a div centered on page), but don't understand how to implement this using paperjs. I have been using the paperjs example sited on their examples page;
Any idea how I can implement this in paperjs? anything helps :)!!

If your eye is a circle and your pupil too, a simple way to do that would be to contrain the pupil position by calculating its distance from the eye center.
That distance must be shorter than eye radius minus pupil radius.
Here is a sketch demonstrating this idea.
// user defined constants
var EYE_RADIUS = 50;
var PUPIL_RADIUS = 10;
// calculate max vector length
// draw a circle for the eye
var eye = new Path.Circle({
radius: EYE_RADIUS,
strokeColor: 'black'
// draw a circle for the pupil
var pupil = new Path.Circle({
fillColor: 'black'
// on mouse move
function onMouseMove(event) {
// calculate vector from eye to pointer
var vector = event.point - eye.position;
// constrain it to stay inside the eye
if (vector.length > MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH) {
vector = vector.normalize(MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH);
// update pupil position
pupil.position = eye.position + vector;


ArcGIS API: Drawing circle fixing center

I am using ArcGIS API v4.8 and the drawing tools to draw circle on my map.
1 issue I notice is when I draw a circle, the center of the circle moves when I move my mouse resizing the circle rather than fixed at the point of the 1st mouse click starts:
How do I fix the center regardless of how I move the radius of the circle? What is missing in my code?
const options = {view, layer: tempGraphicsLayer, pointSymbol, polylineSymbol, polygonSymbol}
let sketchViewModel = new SketchViewModel(options)
let drawCircleButton = document.getElementById('circleButton')
drawCircleButton.onclick = function () {
isDrawLine = false
sketchViewModel.create('polygon', {mode: 'click'})
I have found a similar sample, choose the Draw Circle tool, start drawing a circle on the map, you will notice that the center of the circle moves when you move your mouse, I want it to fix the center instead.
The problem when the center moves along with your mouse move is that the circle drawn is not accurate, as I want to start with the center of the circle I want, the circle can expand outward but the center should not move.
That is because the circle, in the given example, is being draw inside the square object. Basically your start and end point are representing corners, not the center point and outer layer of the circle. So every time you expand circle object, it expands from one corner, while the rest is dragging along your mouse.
Visual example:
There are workarounds for this of course. I've made a small sample code of one of the possible ways to draw a circle from a fixed center point.
Basically I used an ArcGis JS API 4.x constructor called Circle, where you pass a starting point and radius. In my example I've calculated the radius from these two points.
function drawCircle(){//draws the circle;
var graphic = new Graphic({
geometry: new Circle({//circle constructor
center: startPoint,//pass the pointer-down event X Y as a starting point
radius: Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(startPoint.x - endPoint.x, 2) + Math.pow(startPoint.y - endPoint.y, 2)))
}), //calculates endpoint distance from the startpoint and pass it as a radius
symbol: {//circle design
type: "simple-fill",
color: "orange",
style: "solid",
});;//adds the circle

Cesium: Having the camera in an entity's first person view

I would like to have my camera follow the first-person view of a moving entity. I do not believe that trackedEntity will work for this use case because I don't want to look at the entity, but I want to look out from it. I would also like the user to be able to use the mouse to turn the camera with respect to the moving entity (for example, to look out the left window of a moving plane).
In a traditional game engine, I would do this by attaching the camera to the entity, so it would move with it, but retain its own local transform with respect to the entity so that it was free to move with respect to the entity.
The only way I can think of right now is to keep track of the "user-controlled" transform separately and multiply it with the entity transform at every clock tick. Is there a better way?
Have a look at Cesium's Cardboard sandcastle example. Here you are on board of a hot-air balloon and perceive the world from there. After scrolling out, you can pan with the mouse to look around. Since the calculations are quite complicated, I cannot give any details how it works, but it seems that the camera view is aligned to the moving direction of the entity. The essential part of the script is:
// Set initial camera position and orientation to be when in the model's reference frame.
var camera =;
camera.position = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.25, 0.0, 0.0);
camera.direction = new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
camera.up = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
camera.right = new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
viewer.scene.postUpdate.addEventListener(function (scene, time) {
var position = entity.position.getValue(time);
if (!Cesium.defined(position)) {
var transform;
if (!Cesium.defined(entity.orientation)) {
transform = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(position);
} else {
var orientation = entity.orientation.getValue(time);
if (!Cesium.defined(orientation)) {
transform = Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(
// Save camera state
var offset = Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(camera.position);
var direction = Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(camera.direction);
var up = Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(camera.up);
// Set camera to be in model's reference frame.
// Reset the camera state to the saved state so it appears fixed in the model's frame.
Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(offset, camera.position);
Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(direction, camera.direction);
Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(up, camera.up);
Cesium.Cartesian3.cross(direction, up, camera.right);
Maybe you can try to modify the camera vectors or multiply the transform with another rotation matrix to simulate turning one's head (to look left/right/back) while being in the initial perspective. For instance, you can try to combine the example above with code from a repository called Cesium First Person Camera Controller.
Had to figure this out myself as well.
Camera.setView and self-defined utility functions are your friend.
E.g. Here is a naive implementation of rotation (does not work well when the pitch of the camera is too "birds-eye-view" like):
Cesium.Camera.prototype.rotateView = function(rotation) {
let { heading, pitch, roll } = rotation;
heading = this.heading + (heading || 0);
pitch = this.pitch + (pitch || 0);
roll = this.roll + (roll || 0);
const destination = this.position;
orientation: {
Similarly you can update the position with the position of the entity by providing destination.

THREEJS: Rotating the camera while lookingAt

I have a moving camera in camera container which flies arond the scene on giving paths like an airplane; so it can move to any position x,y,z positive and negative. The camera container is looking at his own future path using a spline curve.
Now I want to rotate the camera using the mouse direction but still keeping the general looking at position while moving forward with object. You could say, i want to turn my head on my body: while moving the body having the general looking at direction, i am turning my head around to lets say 220 degree up and down. So i can't look behind my body.
In my code the cameraContainer is responsible to move on a pline curve and to lookAt the moving direction. The camera is added as a child to the cameraContainer responsible for the rotation using the mouse.
What i don't get working properly is the rotation of the camera. I guess its a very common problem. Lets say the camera when moving only on x-axes moves not straight, it moves like a curve. Specially in different camera positions, the rotation seems very different. I was tryiing to use the cameraContainer to avoid this problem, but the problem seems nothing related to the world coordinates.
Here is what i have:
// camera is in a container
cameraContainer = new THREEJS.Object3D();
// Here goes the rotation depending on mouse
// Vertical
var mouseVerti = 1; // 1 = top, -1 = bottom
if(window.App4D.mouse.y <= instance.domCenterPos.y) // mouse is bottom?
mouseVerti = -1;
// how far is the mouse away from center: 1 most, 0 near
var yMousePerc = Math.abs(Math.ceil((instance.domCenterPos.y - window.App4D.mouse.y) / (instance.domCenterPos.y - instance.domBoundingBox.bottom) * 100) / 100);
var yAngleDiffSide = ( - / 2;
var yRotateRan = mouseVerti * yAngleDiffSide * yMousePerc * Math.PI / 180; += yRotateRan; // rotation x = vertical
// Horizontal
var mouseHori = 1; // 1 = top, -1 = bottom
if(window.App4D.mouse.x <= instance.domCenterPos.x) // mouse is left?
mouseHori = -1;
// how far is the mouse away from center: 1 most, 0 near
var xMousePerc = Math.abs(Math.ceil((instance.domCenterPos.x - window.App4D.mouse.x) / (instance.domCenterPos.x - instance.domBoundingBox.right) * 100) / 100);
var xAngleDiffSide = ( - / 2;
var xRotateRan = mouseHori * xAngleDiffSide * xMousePerc * Math.PI / 180; += xRotateRan; // rotation y = horizontal
Would be really thankful if someone can give me a hint!
I got the answer after some more trial and error. The solution is to simply take the initial rotation of y in consideration.
When setting up the camera container and the real camera as child of the container, i had to point the camera to the frontface of the camera container object, in order to let the camera looking in the right direction. That lead to the initial rotation of 0, 3.14, 0 (x,y,z). The solution was to added 3.14 to the y rotation everytime i assigned (as mentioned by WestLangley) the mouse rotation.
cameraReal.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1));
cameraReal.rotation.y = xRotateRan + 3.14;

KineticJS doesn't update object's position at initial onResize call

This is an experiment with KineticJS and its goal is to simply keep an objected centered in the screen, as the window gets resized.
It works fine except that it doesn't center the object (a circle) at the initial resize event handler call. As I start resizing - and keep doing it - the circle gets centered. But initially the circle starts at the top left corner of the screen (0,0).
$(document).ready( function(){
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: 'container',
width: $(container).width(),
height: $(container).height()
var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();
var circle = new Kinetic.Circle({ radius: 70, fill: 'red' });
function onResize(){
$(container).css('height', window.innerHeight - 20);
function updatePosition(){
circle.setPosition(stage.getWidth() / 2, stage.getHeight() / 2);
// initial call
Any clue on why that happens? Thanks
Yeah, you are missing a call to draw the stage after the onResize function is called.
Your order of events is to add things to the stage, then place the circle in the center, but the stage (or layer) needs to be drawn again to account for the new position of the circle.
In the jsfiddle, I placed 3 draw functions, I recommend you choose one of the
functions rather than the

Titanium Mapview Click Get the Lat and Long

I am looking to create a simple mapview in Titanium (appcelerator), but what I want/need to do is have the user click, or longpress on the the map and get the latitude and longitude from that selection on the map. The mapview does have a mapview.addEventListener('click',function(evt)), but I dont get a these values when clicked. Any help with this would be awesome!
It is very easy to just calculate the latitude and longitude from the click or longpress coordinates (if were not too zoomed out). Use this function inside the event listener taken from this question at Appcelerator Q&A:
var calculateLatLngfromPixels = function(mapview, xPixels, yPixels) {
var region = mapview.actualRegion || mapview.region;
var widthInPixels = mapview.rect.width;
var heightInPixels = mapview.rect.height;
// should invert because of the pixel reference frame
heightDegPerPixel = -region.latitudeDelta / heightInPixels;
widthDegPerPixel = region.longitudeDelta / widthInPixels;
return {
lat : (yPixels - heightInPixels / 2) * heightDegPerPixel + region.latitude,
lon : (xPixels - widthInPixels / 2) * widthDegPerPixel + region.longitude
Note that you cant listen for a longpress event on the MapView itself so nest it in a regular container view and add the listeners to that. Example usage like this:
var container = Ti.UI.createView({
top : 0,
left : 0
container.addEventListener('longpress', function(e) {
var coordinate = calculateLatLngfromPixels(mapview, e.x, e.y);
var longitude =;
var latitude =;
This will work if your looking at a (relatively) small area of the earth, when youre fully zoomed out, you would have to use a mercator projection to get real coordinates because of the curvature of the earth, if you want to be fully zoomed out then use the module.
There is a module in the marketplace for that. It costs $0.99 to purchase and will give you the coordinates of a map