Vertical Text in Access 2003 Forms - vba

I have been trying with no success lately to implement vertical text on an Access 2003 form im designing. There is a vertical option in the properties of every text box, but its not in the right direction. Text boxes marked with the attribute vertical = true start their text at the top side and then run downwards, exactly not as I want.
So my question is:
Is there native support for vertical textboxes other then the vertical attribute in Ms Access 2003
Failing #1, is there a way to shift text in text boxes by 180°.
Is #1 or #2 dependant on wether or not you have fixed text or text obtained from a data source.

Microsoft really messed this up by only implementing the one vertical direction, and not the other. :(
If you are desperate enough, you can try one of the solutions by the Great Wizard aka Stephen Lebans: or
There are other external solutions (commercial), like Total Access Components.
You'll have to try it out, but in comparison to the 90° rotation, making a label caption dynamic or giving a text box a constant text is trivial.


SSRS Report Builder Design Layout Issues

I can't seem to figure out why the design aspect of Report Builder/Report Designer is so messed up. Either I don't understand why it is doing this (most likely) or this is just the way it is.
Every Element I add to my report seems to not show up, align or look correct in the actual preview. If I add a line that snaps to another line which looks correct in design, looks totally incorrect in the final version. This is just one example of many, see below for images showing this behavior.
If I have a field (text box) tied to a data set and I position it in a certain area, it creates weird white space, is centered wrong or worse, when re-positioning the aforementioned line element, it seems to move other nearby elements in some erratic way. In the obfuscated example, the carrier fields are all basically stacked on top of each other, while in the preview they are spaced properly, but further down in the document if I do the same thing it ends up looking drastically different.
Is this a bug? Is this how RDL and Report Designer work? Is there some trick to element positioning? Is it relative to other elements, based off of foreground vs back ground elements? Does copying a text box to create more text boxes affect them in some way vs. creating a new element each time? I can't figure it out and do not know what to search for to find the answer to this.
This seems to be a "quirk" of how Report Designer works and I just haven't found the secret to it yet. If there is some exact positioning dialog available, I would prefer to use it instead of my mouse and these issues as I have a down-to-the-MM spec document for how this should be designed, but I cannot figure it out.
I am using Report Builder 14 for SQL Server 2016. It is a one page form (an ASN label) held within a table and all elements are within a rectangle element.
Is there an online resource or Report Designer guru who can point me in the right direction when it comes to this?
Example of the vertical line element looking incorrect in Preview/Final
Example of the vertical line element looking correct in Design View
EDIT: Like HOW does this even make sense?
SSRS renders so that the elements do not overlapp. In addition every element get enough space, vertical and horizontal. Basically you cant control this but there is a workaround.
If you put a rectangle in your report and place textboxes in that rectangle, they get rendered like you placed them. This also works in a tablix cell.
Another solution for your problem would be to display everything in one tablix cell. Your expression would be looking like this:
="Ship to: " & Fields!Adress.Value & ". Postal Code: " & Fields!PostalCode.Value
You even can add line breaks and tabs into that expression.

How to increase the size of input box in MS Access reports or forms based on user input?

I have a text box in MS Access Report which is set to unbound. I want to be able to collect an address in that field which can be any length based upon the customer address. I right clicked the box and set the size property to "To-Fit". However this did not do anything at all. The report needs to be printed which is why I cannot have a part of an address cut off because of the size of the text box.
Is there a way to make the size of the text box dynamic?
Thank you
Unfortunately there is no such feature for reports. For form controls you could use Horizontal Anchor but not for reports.
So you have two possibilities to let your adress not be cutted:
1: Let it grow vertically
To achieve this you would have to set the property Can grow of both, the textbox and the containing section to Yes.
If the text now doesn't fit in the textbox it will be resized in height.
2: Control it via VBA
You could use the format event to control the width of the textbox via VBA.
Here is an example of how to do this, but I didn't ever try it.
Unfortunately it is in mdb format, so you would need an older Microsoft Access Version (I expect Microsoft Access 2007 should be able to, 2003 for sure) to open it and grab the code.
It uses Windows APIs and could be not so easy to get it running.
What it does (just the steps):
It first calculates the width of the text to be displayed in respect to the current font, fontsize and its properties.
Knowing this the control can be resized regarding.

Word 2010 ActiveX control forms - formatting issues

Hopefully a quick one
I am creating a form in Word with a Save macro that uses an ActiveX Label as a button. The label works fine as a button but I am having 2 issues:
when using the document in normal mode, the coding text in curly brackets for the label is still visible - see image
How do I get rid of this?
When printing the form, the button pushes the header text down a line:
You can see in the first picture that there is no gap here.
Thanks for your help.
(1) Press Alt+F9 to toggle off display of field codes (and make sure you're not in Design Mode).
(2) is impossible to be sure without having the document in front of me but...
Printing problems are notorious with ActiveX controls, which were designed for use with UserForms, not for the document surface. Your best bet for stability would be to use a one-row, two-column table with the button on the left and the address on the right.
Or use a MacroButton field code instead of an ActiveX control.

TextBox Not Displaying Full Text in Microsoft Access

Currently I'm working on generating report using Microsoft Access. I have encounter problem where I'm unable to display full text in the text box. Control Source for this text box is from SQL Query.
This is example on what I'm getting right now:-
Appreciate any help or suggestion.
While viewing the form in Datasheet View (not Design View), double-click the edge of the column or drag to desired width. You must save the form for the formatting to stick. The width of datasheet form columns are not tied to the Width property in the property sheet. That's how it works in Access 2010 anyway.
You have to expand the Size of the text box that is all.

ReportViewer: two text colors, one cell

Is it possible to have 2 areas of text in one cell such that each can have a different color? You can do this in crystal reports but I cannot see a way to do this in ReportViewer. What it is doing is essentially highlighting an important text fragment if it appears in a cell description to draw the users attention. I am fairly new to reportviewer so it for now I am assuming it's my lack of knowledge that is making this difficult. I am using VS2010.
Turns out VicarlnATutu wasn't quite right.
You can do this, but only if you are using VS2010 (which I am) because it includes the new SSRS rendering engine for SQL-Server 2008. This allows you to put some basic HTML into a field and have multiple formats in one cell. For more info see below:
One thing that tripped me up is what they call a 'placeholder' in the MS documentation is the little bit of text inside the textbox control that shows up by default. You can select two different things on the control in VS2010. One is the textbox itself. Right clicking on the textbox gives you 'text box properties'. The other thing you can select is the default text INSIDE the textbox. Right clicking on this 'placeholder' text gives you a different context menu where you can select 'placeholder properties'. This is where you can change the cell to accept HTML.
No, unfortunately not. I don't know if there are custom controls out there for ReportViewer, but the built-in TextBox only supports setting color (be it Foreground or Background) for the entire thing.
ah, good to know. kind of a unintuitive way to tell a TextBox to display HTML, but nice to know that you can!