EXC_BAD_ACCESS on alloc - objective-c

If this issue has been posted before, I can't find it.
I'm attempting to allocate and initialize an instance of NSString in the initialization method of a subclass of NSOperation (for use with NSOperationQueue). The NSString pointer is an ivar (not a property).
The program crashes with "EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)".
To isolate the problem, I've separated the alloc and init functions. The main thread is crashing on:
m_myString = [NSString alloc];
The code is in an "if" block:
if (someCondition)
m_myString = [NSString alloc];
m_myString = [m_myString initWithCString:aCharPointer encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
m_myString = [NSString alloc];
m_myString = [m_myString initWitCString:aDifferentCharPointer encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
Examining the thread shows that it's crashing on objc_release. I don't understand why release would be called on an object in the allocation method, but that seems to be the case...
It's worth mentioning that I successfully alloc and init another instance variable NSString in the same method before the if block.
Has anyone else run into this before, and if so, how'd you solve it?
I'd be glad to give more info upon request.


Block based enumeration getting BAD_ACCESS

I have a block based enumeration setup to go through an array of NSDictionaries like this:
__block NSURL *contentURL;
//This method of enumerating over the array gives the bad_access error
[documents enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSString *aName = [(NSDictionary *)obj objectForKey:#"Name"];
if([aName isEqualToString:name]) {
contentURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[(NSDictionary *)obj objectForKey:#"Content"]];
NSLog(#"Content URL for issue with name %# is %#", name, contentURL);
Which if I use this method I get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on contentURL when I try to print it out in the NSLog statement.
If however, I enumerate through the array like this:
NSURL *contentURL;
//This method of enumerating over the array works fine
for (NSDictionary *obj in documents) {
NSString *aName = [obj objectForKey:#"Name"];
if([aName isEqualToString:name]) {
contentURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[obj objectForKey:#"Content"]];
NSLog(#"Content URL for issue with name %# is %#", name, contentURL);
All works fine. Why is this?
I ran into a similar problem a while ago.
Turns out that some of the block-based enumeration methods wrap the enumeration in an autorelease pool. Since you're assigning an autoreleased object, it gets deallocated before -enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: returns.
(I ran into the problem with -[NSDictionary enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:, but the same principle applies here)
Try this instead:
contentURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:[(NSDictionary *)obj objectForKey:#"Content"];
Out of interest, are you using ARC? If you are, I'd have expected it to add in a -retain on assignment.
You are using ARC, so this isn't the answer to your question. Assigning to a __block variable will retain the object (unless you've encountered a bug in ARC, which is unlikely. The code you've provided doesn't have this issue when compiled using Apple LLVM 5.0).
It is likely that your problem is elsewhere and changing from using the convenience constructor is just masking the problem.
Likewise, the autorelease pool set up for the duration of the enumeration is likely revealing a problem that is caused elsewhere in your code. It explains why switching to using fast enumeration seems to fix the problem, but as before it is likely just masking a problem caused elsewhere in your code.
I'll leave the answer here because the information about autorelease pools may still be relevant to people who stumble across this.
If you're using ARC, as you say you are, then the code you show cannot produce the problem you describe. You must have some problem somewhere else, or your code is not as you describe.

Regarding memory management in Objective C

According to the static analyzer if we have the following property:
#property (retain, nonatomic) SomeObject * object;
and then we assign the property like so:
self.object = [SomeObject alloc] init];
a leak occurs. This makes sense because the alloc init adds +1 to the retain count and then the retaining property also increments the retain count. What is the best solution here? typically I just add an autorelease like so:
self.object = [[SomeObject alloc] init] autorelease];
But sometimes this creates problems for me and I end up over releasing the object causing my app to crash. I don't have any specific examples right now but I remember I had to take out some autoreleases cause of the application crashing. Is there something I am missing here?
EDIT: I have a concrete example now of the issue I was running into.
NSMutableArray *newData = [NSMutableArray array];
//If this is true then we are showing all of the items in that level of hierarchy and do not need to show the summary button.
if (!(contextID.count >= 1 && [[contextID objectAtIndex:contextID.count - 1] isEqual:[NSNull null]]) && contextID.count != 0)
GeographyPickerItem * firstItem = [[GeographyPickerItem alloc] init];
firstItem.primaryString = [NSString stringWithString:#"Summary"];
firstItem.subString = [NSString stringWithString:#""];
firstItem.isSummaryItem = YES;
[newData addObject:firstItem];
[firstItem release]; //TODO: Figure out why this is causing EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors
self.hierData = newData;
The code above is in the init method of a viewcontroller. HierData is a retained property, which is released in the viewControllers dealloc method. GeographyPickerItem retains the two strings, primaryString and subString and releases them in its own dealloc method. My application crashes (sometimes) when the viewControllers are de-alloced following a pop off of a navigation controller. It crashes with a EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal in the dealloc method of GeographyPickerItem (either on [substring release] or [primaryString release]).
I don't understand why this is happening because I believe I am following proper memory management guidelines. If I comment out firstItem release everything is fine.
The autorelease method you mention is fine, as is the other common idiom of:
SomeObject *thing = [[SomeObject alloc] init];
self.object = thing;
[thing release];
If you end up overreleasing later on, that is your problem. This part, which you're apparently doing correctly, is not the problem.
SomeObject * new_object = [SomeObject alloc] init];
self.object = new_object;
[new_object release];
or use ARC
check the GeographyPickerItem, if the strings properties are assign (and change to retain), or check if you always initialize them (before release).
also remember the difference of manually allocating :
[[NSString alloc] initWith...]
You must release or autorelease.
[NSString stringWith...]
No need to release.
or use ARC like meggar said
Turns out the issue was simple, my dealloc method called super dealloc at the start of the method rather than at the end. You always have to release your instance variables before you call [super dealloc]!

autoreleasing NSString in class method causing app crash in iOS

The error I receive is as follows:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); //breakpoint that says Thread 1: Program Received Signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS".
[pool release];
return retVal;
My two questions can be found at the bottom of this post :)
I am currently working on an assignment for an iOS programming class and have hit a road bump.
I have found a fix, shown below, but it doesn't make sense to me. Check it out:
#implementation MyClass
// This class method takes an (NSMutableArray *) and returns an NSString with its contents printed out.
+ (NSString *)myString:(NSMutableArray)anArray
// NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] init]; OLD CODE THAT CAUSES MEMORY LEAK
NSString *myString = [[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease]; //NEW CODE THAT RELEASES FIRST ALLOCATION OF myString WHEN THE FIRST stringByAppendingFormat: IS CALLED
NSString *vp = VARIABLE_PREFIX; //#defined above to be #"%
for (id object in anArray) {
if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
if ([object hasPrefix:vp]) {
myString = [myString stringByAppendingFormat:#"%#",[object substringFromIndex:1]];
myString = [myString stringByAppendingFormat:#"%#",object];
}else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
myString = [myString stringByAppendingFormat:#"%#",object];
return myString; //shouldn't I autorelease myString right before this line? NO NOT ANY MORE. THIS myString IS NOT THE ORIGINAL THAT I alloc-init, BUT AN AUTORELEASED OBJECT RETURNED BY THE stringByAppendingFormat: message.
When I try to send the message [myString autorelease];, the program crashes with the above error. It is working fine now as shown above, but I do not understand why.
Every time I send a message containing the "magic words" alloc, init, copy I have to call release, it don't I? Or are the rules different in a Class method (can the Class itself own a file?). I do not call retain in the object that is calling this file.
Here are my two questions:
Why does this crash when I try to release theDescription using autorelease?
Does my code create a memory leak?
This is my very first question on stack overflow! Thank you for your help!
Why does this crash when I try to release theDescription using autorelease?
Assuming you mean myString, it crashes because myString is already autoreleased. You got it by calling -stringByAppendingFormat:, which returns an autoreleased string. Now, you're probably thinking: "But I created it by calling +alloc, so I should release it." That's true, but NSStrings are immutable, and when you call -stringByAppendingFormat: you get a different string back, and that string is autoreleased. Autoreleasing it a second time is an error.
Does my code create a memory leak?
Yes, but not really. The "leaked" object is the empty string that you allocate in the beginning. You never release that string, so you've got a leak. However, NSString is apparently optimized so that [[NSString alloc] init] returns a singleton, so in this particular case it doesn't make any difference that the empty string isn't released. The other strings that are assigned to myString are all autoreleased, so none of those objects are leaked.
Why does this crash when I try to release theDescription using
With the updated code, the problem is that ypu are reassigning the pointer to myString using the methid which already returns an autoreleases object: stringbyappending, therefore if you call autorelease on this object which is already going to get autoreleased i will crash.
Aditionaly the first assugnment in the alloc init gives a memory leak when ypu reassign with stringbyappendingstring, since you lose the reference to the previously created string with alloc init and therefore you will never be able to release it.
Sorry for the formatting on my iPhone atm =)

When to release. Instruments says I have a leak

Sometimes I wonder where I would be able to get great information other than from the stack overflow community. I suppose the Objective-C memory management handbook wouldn't be bad, but I feel like you guys can tell me why as opposed to just what to do.
I have the following code:
NSString* rawTickerData = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: op.requestData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSArray* lines = [rawTickerData componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
for(NSString* line in lines)
NSArray* fields = [line componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
if([fields count] > 1)
[self.tickerData addObject:fields];
[rawTickerData release]
Instruments tells me that fields is leaking, but trying to release it after the if statement or doing an autorelease gives an EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
The same thing happens for lines. Releasing it anywhere or trying to do autorelease gives EXC_BAD_ACCESS or "trying to double free" (for autorelease).
Yet, instruments is still saying that these are leaking. Am I missing something?
Unless I'm missing something, the code you've posted is correct. fields is an autoreleased object that gets retained when added to self.tickerData. lines is also autoreleased, so it isn't leaking (at least not in the code shown).
If you're leaking anywhere, it's because you're not properly cleaning up self.tickerData. If you comment out the [self.tickerData addObject:fields]; line, are you still getting leaks reported? If not, make sure you're calling [tickerData release] (or something similar, like self.tickerData = nil) somewhere, probably in your dealloc implementation.
In these cases the best practice is to release your object's at the end of each loop, if you retained them. In this case your fields variable gets an autorelease object, the best option is to use an NSAutoReleasePool to release your objects at the end of the loop.
NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSString* rawTickerData = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: op.requestData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSArray* lines = [rawTickerData componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
for(NSString* line in lines)
NSArray* fields = [line componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
if([fields count] > 1)
[self.tickerData addObject:fields];
[pool drain];
[rawTickerData release];
This will flushes all the autoreleased objects if they are don't needed. If you dont use autorelease pool, your objects are living until your method terminates.
If this doesn't resolve your leak problem i suggest to initialize your array like this:
NSArray *lines = [[NSArray alloc]initWithArray:[line componentsSeparatedByString:#","]];
//and release at the end of the loop
[lines release];

Am I leaking memory here?

Consider the following method, where I build a string and return it. I would like to release the building blocks of the string, but then the string is based on values that no longer exists. Now what?
Am I leaking memory and if so, how can I correct it?
- (NSString) getMiddahInEnglish:(int)day{
NSArray *middah = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"Chesed", #"Gevurah", #"Tiferes", #"Netzach", #"Hod", #"Yesod", #"Malchus"];
NSString *firstPartOfMiddah = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#", [middah objectAtIndex: ((int)day% 7)-1]];
NSString *secondPartOfMiddah = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#", [middah objectAtIndex: ((int)day / 7)]];
NSString *middahStr = [NSString string#"%# She'bi#%", firstPartOfMiddah, secondPartOfMiddah];
[middah release];
[firstPartOfMiddah release];
[secondPartOfMiddah release];
return middahStr;
At the end of the method, the return string, middahStr has not been released. Is this a problem? Am I leaking memory?
Quite the opposite: You are over-releasing.
middah you alloc and init. Then you release it. All is well.
firstPartOfMiddah and secondPartOfMiddah, you call an NSString "stringWith" convenience method. This is equivalent to invoking alloc, init, and autorelease. Your releasing them is a mistake, as they are essentially given to autorelease to release later.
middahStr you call the convenience method, but return it. All is well. It will be released later by the autorelease pool.
Rule of thumb (I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions): If you don't alloc it, don't release it.