How to login not with a username but a different selector? - authentication

I want to implement "Login with username or customerID (never both) and password" where I let the user enter a username or their customerID in the first field and password in the second field.
The accounts-password package lets me login using a username by calling
var selector = {username: <username>}
Meteor.loginWithPassword(selector, <password>);
I tried to select the user using the selector.
var selector = {customerID: <customerID>}
But it seems that I can use only _id,username or email in this way to select a user or I get a Match failed error.
Isn't there any other method to log a user in without a username, _id or email?

This workaround is the farthest I have reached:
1. First retrieve the username or _id using customerID.
2. Then login using the retrieved username/_id and password.
findIDFromCustomerID: function(customerID){
user = Meteor.users.findOne({customerID: customerID});
return user._id;
throw new Meteor.Error(403,"User not found");
if(data && !err){
Meteor.loginWithPassword({id: data}, <password>);
But in this, I feel that I leave a small window for the misbehaving users.


When I am trying to send amount data to user dashboard directly by using auth middleware, then getting error "Attempt to read property "name" on null"

I am trying to send product details to user dashboard, if user is login then it should directly show on dashboard and if not then it should be ask for register then on same popup he can edit the amount and pay on next click.
I am trying to send using session however getting error.
Attempt to read property "name" on null
public function addToCart(About $about)
if (Auth::check()) {
$cart = new Account(session()->get('cart'));
$cart= new Account();
session()->put('cart', $cart);
//return redirect()->back();
return view('amount', compact('cart'));

appleAuthRequestResponse returning null for fullName and email

I am confused why me below snippet of code is showing null for email and fullName in console after user is authenticated successfully. I have read the documentation carefully and tried every possible thing I could. Any help would be highly appreciated.
async function onAppleButtonPress() {
// performs login request
const appleAuthRequestResponse = await appleAuth.performRequest({
requestedOperation: AppleAuthRequestOperation.LOGIN,
requestedScopes: [AppleAuthRequestScope.EMAIL, AppleAuthRequestScope.FULL_NAME],
//api getting current state of the user
const credentialState = await appleAuth.getCredentialStateForUser(appleAuthRequestResponse.user);
if (credentialState === AppleAuthCredentialState.AUTHORIZED) {
// user is authenticated
console.log("email is",;
console.log("full name is",appleAuthRequestResponse.fullName);
You can still retrieve the e-mail from the identityToken provided by appleAuthrequestResponse with any jwt decoder like jwt-decode
const {identityToken, nonce, email} = appleAuthRequestResponse
const {email} = jwt_decode(identityToken)
Apple only returns the full name and email on the first login, it will return null on the succeeding login so you need to save those data.
To receive these again, go to your device settings; Settings > Apple ID, iCloud, iTunes & App Store > Password & Security > Apps Using Your Apple ID, tap on your app and tap Stop Using Apple ID. You can now sign-in again and you'll receive the full name and `email.
Source here.

Updating existing mongodb data MERN

So I'm creating a webpage with users, and when the user first signs up for the site they are prompted to input a first name, last name, email, etc. In the user's profile page, I added a form to change the users name. I'm able to get all the info I need into the back end, but I'm not sure of the syntax to actually update the database with it.
This is my router.put function. It accepts two parameters, with first being the first name that the user wants to change it to, and email to look up the user in the database.
router.put("/updateFirst/:first/:email", function(req, res) {
console.log("------------update first hit------------");
.then(res => {
console.log("updateFirst res: " + res);
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: This is my getUserByEmail function
module.exports.getUserByEmail = function (email, callback) {
console.log("getUserByEmail", email)
var query = { email: email };
return User.findOne(query, callback);

How to use DirtyKeys to know if "email" field in PFUser has been modified?

I'm using cloudcode of Parse-Server and mailgun to send email-verification Code to users that signup or change their email.
The BeforeSave Method :
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave(Parse.User, function(request, response) {
var verificationCode = Math.floor(Math.random()*999999);
var text = "Hi ... this is a verification code:" + verificationCode;
var data = {
from: 'WBP Team <>',
to: request.object.get("email"),
subject: 'Please verify your e-mail for you Account',
text: text
mailgun.messages().send(data, function (error, body) {
if (error) {
response.error("Email not sent..."+error);
var user = Parse.User.current();
user.set("emailVerificationCode", verificationCode);;
response.success("Email Sent");
Now the email is sent everytime the user modify any filed. But I would like to use the method only when the user change the email.
This has been answered here: you just check if request.object.dirtyKeys() contains "email"; if this is the case, the email property was changed, and you can send your verification.
Note that this check also catches the first saving (i.e. creation) of a user; if you want to avoid sending a mail then, you can use request.object.isNew() to find out if the operation is a create or an update.

Laravel route with variable in the url

I am trying to implement the password reset logic. The user gets the link to reset the password in the email. The url looks like
I have the route defined for it:
Route::get('reset/{resetcode}', function(){
return View::make('users.reset_password');
The form is rendered in the view to submit the email, new password etc. For the post of the form I have route defined as:
Route::post('reset/{resetcode}', array( 'as' => 'reset', 'uses' => 'UserController#passwordReset'));
I grab the resetcode from post route inside the passwordReset controller below
public function passwordReset($resetcode)
$validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), UserModel::$rulesPasswordReset);
if ($validation->passes())
// Find the user using the user email address
$user = Sentry::findUserByLogin(Input::get('email'));
// Check if the reset password code is valid
if ($user->checkResetPasswordCode($resetcode))
// Attempt to reset the user password
if ($user->attemptResetPassword($resetcode, 'new_password'))
// Password reset passed
// Password reset failed
// The provided password reset code is Invalid
catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\UserNotFoundException $e)
echo 'User was not found.';
else return Redirect::route('reset')->withInput()
->with('title', 'resetrequestfailure')
->with('message', 'Seems like you made some errors.');
The problem I am having is when I do Redirect::route after the validation fails. I am getting the resetcode from the route defined for post. When validation fails, the redirect route messes up and I cannot get the resetcode the second time. The supposed url of format
It has to do with /{resetcode} part of the route and this is variable, so how can I get the correct resetcode even after the validation fails meaning that the url remains intact. Or how can I fix it to the appropriate Redirect::route after the validation failure.
You need to include the $resetcode on your return
else return Redirect::route('reset', $resetcode)->withInput()