MongoDB aggregate query with JAVA driver - mongodb-query

I am trying to execute a query on my database using mongo java driver but am facing some problem.
I have executed this query from the mongo shell and it seems to work fine.
db.userData.aggregate([ { $group: {"_id": "$username"}},{$group:{"_id":"userCount","counter":{$sum:1}}}])
This returns to me the total number of unique users in my databse.
Result is
{ "_id" : "userCount", "counter" : 5 }
I want to try the same in JAVA. I can do aggregate queries with 1 $group like the following (returns unique users with number of documents in the database for that particular user).
AggregateIterable<Document> iterable = db.getCollection("userData").aggregate(asList(
new Document("$group", new Document("_id", "$username").append("count", new Document("$sum", 1)))));
But i do not know what to do if my query uses $group twice.

AggregateIterable<Document> iterable = db.getCollection("userData").aggregate(asList(
new Document("$group", new Document("_id", "$username").append("count", new Document("$sum", 1))),
new Document("$group", new Document("_id", "$username").append("count", new Document("$sum", 1)))));
This somehow returns the correct answer but it is confusing to me how it is working. Can somebody explain a bit.


Return inserted id with TypeORM & NestJS raw query: await connection.manager.query(`INSERT INTO

I'm looking to return the id or better yet, all information that was inserted, using a raw query with TypeORM and NestJS. Example as follows:
await connection.manager.query(`INSERT INTO...`)
When assigning the query to a constant and console logging it below, it does not yield any helpful information:
OkPacket {
fieldCount: 0,
affectedRows: 1,
insertId: 0,
serverStatus: 2,
warningCount: 1,
message: '',
protocol41: true,
changedRows: 0
As you can see, it returns no pertinent information, the insertId above is obviously incorrect, and it returns this every time, regardless of the actual parameters of the query.
I know with more typical TypeORM queries you can use .return(['name_of_column_you_want_returned']).execute()
and it will return the relevant information just fine. Is there any way to do this with a raw query? Thank you!
tl;dr You're getting the raw mariadb driver response (OkPacket) from the INSERT command, and you'd need a new SELECT query to see the data.
You're using the TypeORM EntityManager, and the docs don't mention a return value. Looking at the source code for query, the return type is any. Since it's a raw query, it probably returns an object based on the type of database you're using rather than having a standard format.
In this case, you're using MariaDb, which returned an OkPacket. Here's the documentation:

Slick Plain Sql Generic Return Type

I am trying to write a configurable sql query executor using Slick. User provides a prepared statement with ? and at run time the exact query is formed by replacing ? with values.
Generally this is how one would run a plain sql query using slick.
val query = sql"#$queryString".as[(String,Int)]
In my case i would not know the result type so i want to get back a generic result type. Maybe a List of Tuples with each tuple representing a row of result SET.
Any ideas on how this would be done?
I found a solution from one of the scala git issues. Here it is
ResultMap extends GetResult[Map[String, Any]] {
def apply(pr: PositionedResult) = {
val resultSet =
val metaData = resultSet.getMetaData();
(1 to pr.numColumns).map { i =>
metaData.getColumnName(i) -> resultSet.getObject(i)
and then we can simply do val query = sql"#$queryString".as(ResultMap)
Hope it helps!!

Groovy SQL Multiple ResultSets

I am calling a stored procedure from my Groovy code. The stored proc looks like this
SELECT * FROM blahblahblah
SELECT * FROM suchAndsuch
So basically, two SELECT statements and therefore two ResultSets.
sql.eachRow("dbo.testing 'param1'"){ rs ->
println rs
This works fine for a single ResultSet. How can I get the second one (or an arbitrary number of ResultSets for that matter).
You would need callWithAllRows() or its variant.
The return type of this method is List<List<GroovyRowResult>>.
Use this when calling a stored procedure that utilizes both output
parameters and returns multiple ResultSets.
This question is kind of old, but I will answer since I came across the same requirement recently and it maybe useful for future reference for me and others.
I'm working on a Spring application with SphinxSearch. When you run a query in sphinx, you get results, you need to run a second query to get the metadata for number of records etc...
// the query
String query = """
SHOW META LIKE 'total_found';
// create an instance of our groovy sql (sphinx doesn't use a username or password, jdbc url is all we need)
// connection can be created from java, don't have to use groovy for it
Sql sql = Sql.newInstance('jdbc:mysql://','sphinx','sphinx123','com.mysql.jdbc.Driver')
// create a prepared statement so we can execute multiple resultsets
PreparedStatement ps = sql.getConnection().prepareStatement(query)
// execute the prepared statement
// get the first result set and pass to GroovyResultSetExtension
GroovyResultSetExtension rs1 = new GroovyResultSetExtension(ps.getResultSet())
rs1.eachRow {
println it
// call getMoreResults on the prepared statement to activate the 2nd set of results
// get the second result set and pass to GroovyResultSetExtension
GroovyResultSetExtension rs2 = new GroovyResultSetExtension(ps.getResultSet())
rs2.eachRow {
println it
Just some test code, this needs some improving on. You can loop the result sets and do whatever processing...
Comments should be self-explanatory, hope it helps others in the future!

Elastica return empty resultset when it should return some results

Hello I have a problem with elasticsearch php api, elastica.
if I run this:
$elasticaQueryMatch= new Elastica\Query\Match();
$elasticaQueryMatch->setField('fax', "16147591649");
$elasticaResultSet = $elasticaIndex->search($elasticaQueryMatch);
I get 7 results and the telephone number for all of the results is "16147591649"
Then if I run this:
$elasticaQueryMatch= new Elastica\Query\Match();
$elasticaQueryMatch->setField('telephone', "16147591649");
$elasticaResultSet = $elasticaIndex->search($elasticaQueryMatch);
I get 0 results
Fixed it by creating a new index, changed my mapping and then rebuilt my index. It was the mapping and the analyzers for certain fields that were causing issues.

I am executing query using WildcardQuery of Lucene,but it doesn't work

I am executing query using WildcardQuery of Lucene.but I don't know why the result cannot be found.
Below are the details.
Here is the code for create WildcardQuery,and The record of Field Name :'Full Name' Value:'ABC123DD456CC' is existed Index Document.
BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery();
for (IndexQueryField field : quickSearchFields)
Query query = new WildcardQuery(new Term(queryField.getFieldName(),"ABC*DD*CC"));
booleanQuery.add(query, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
The part of code: Executing query:
Session hibernateSession = (Session) em.getDelegate();
FullTextSession session = SwitchSession.getFullTextSession(hibernateSession, specifyIndexName);
// Set Hibernate flushMode
// Ignore Hibernate Cache
FullTextQuery query = session.createFullTextQuery(booleanQuery,XXX.class);
List list = query.setFirstResult(1).setMaxResults(100).list();
The list is empty, i am sure the 'ABC123DD456CC' is existed in Lucene Document.
I just want to do it with WildcardQuery. Any help will be thankful!
I believe that last line should be:
List list = query.setFirstResult(0).setMaxResults(100).list();
Since results are numbered from 0. If there is only 1 document matching that search, which seems likely enough, that probably explains why you're getting nothing (having skipped the first and only result, at index 0).