tableView's cell to fit image (vertical or/and horizontal) - objective-c

I use PFQueryTableViewController to download photos from As the uploaded images are from different devices (iphone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus,...) and are of different aspects (horizontal or vertical) i've faced an issue of how to make them all fit in the tableView cell. I know that it is possible to crop photos before they are uploaded (like instagram) but i'd love to save their original size and aspect seeing that it is possible and is used in some apps.So I want to know your advices about:
1) what shall I use to display image (cell's background or imageView) ?,
2) how to make cell fit the image? Now i have it like that Screenshot even with left margin (no idea why it is applied to imageView, not to the label?).


iOS Universal Image Assets

For a new project my client wants to cover all iPhone and iPad sizes. For icons and sprites I'm not really gonna change the shapes of the images, but I'm in a bind with assets for my background images.
Looking at I was wondering if there is some logic to cover both Landscape and Portrait 3:4 and 9:16 in one asset or should I simply make a set of iPhone and iPad and use UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad to figure out what to show before loading my views?
Also I'm wondering what's most effective for all the different device sizes. I know from experience that an iPad 3 wouldn't like to have a background image loaded on 4k resolution and that you want to avoid pixel differences so it won't trigger scaling in UIImageViews. Will iOS automatically figure out that the iPad 3 will use like the #1x variations, whereas the iPad Pro will load the #3x versions?
Yes iOS will automatically figure out which image to load at runtime and load #1x #2x or #3x depending upon the type of device. You don't need to do anything like UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad for each image.
You can also add ~ipad suffix in image names so iOS will pick the appropriate background image for iPhones and iPads. i.e. image_name#2x~ipad.png and image_name#2x.png.

Replicating Preview image viewing with NSPageController

Thanks to Apple's PictureSwiper sample code and the very nice NSPageController tutorial from juniperi here on stackoverflow, it's pretty easy to get tantalizing close to image viewing capabilities in Preview. Specifically I want to replicate the ability to swipe forwards/backwards between images/pages, use pinch-to-zoom resize the images, gesture to rotate the images/pages, and support two-page mode.
But there are some hurdles that make me wonder if NSPageController is the right approach or if it is too limiting and a custom view controller is needed.
1) Images of varying sizes are simply displayed stacked and if the top/upper layer image is smaller, the underlying image(s) show through. Using the same images in preview, they hide the larger "underlying" images/pages and fade the underlying image in/out with the swipe transition. I could hide underlying images by linking the page controller to the view rather than the image cell (like PictureSwiper), but that causes the entire view to scale on pinch to zoom and overall looks clunky.
2) Is it possible to use NSPageController with more than one image cell, e.g. two-page mode?
3) Is page/image rotation possible with NSPageController?
4) Is it possible to lock the zoom level for all the images, so they are uniformly displayed as navigated?
My apologies if this too general of a question, but the gist is whether NSPageController too limited and problematic to extend which would necessitate building a custom controller from scratch.

Why does iPad preview use wrong image?

My question is, why does the iPad preview use a different image than the storyboard for wRegular hAny?
I'm trying to set up a universal app with a menu that will use larger buttons for iPad. In the asset catalog, I've specified the standard image size for wAny x hAny, and loaded a larger image for wRegular x hAny.
The story board looks fine for all size classes, with the wRegular x hAny using the iPad image, and everything else using the iPhone image. But the previews all use the iPhone image, including the iPad preview, despite the storyboards showing the correct images. In the screen shots below, the story board is shown to the left, preview to the right.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I'm trying to avoid using explicit image sizes for each class - is that what I should be doing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've read everything I can on using different image sizes, and still cannot figure this out.
enter code here
You can't have a different images by size class for the same button in Interface Builder. It looks to me like you set the image of the button to be the iPad one first in Regular/Any, then set the iPhone one afterward in Any/Any which changed what you did in Regular/Any.
In this image, see how the Font has a + symbol to the left of it, but Image doesn't? That's for specifying the value per size class. Since Image doesn't have that, it's not a value saved for the specific size class.

Size of Tabbar Image

Currently I am designing the UITabbar of my App. I created a Photoshop layout for the Tabbar, it is 84px high and 640px wide. Is it the right way to create one image with the size of 84x640 and one with the size 320x42. And then name the larger image #2x.png.
I am struggling at this point, because when I log the width of the UITabbar it says 320.00, but I am using the Iphone 3.5inch retina simulator.
Any tips for me to realize the tabbar?
Yes. You should have two images. One for normal displays and one for retina.
Xcode works with point, not pixels, so the width will always be 320.
In the case of retina display one point is 2x2 pixels and in normal mode it is 1x1.
by the way, I think the height for the tab bar should be 320x49 for normal and 640x98 for retina.
the retina image should have the same name as the normal one with the #2x at the end
normal: image.png
retina: image#2x.png
You confused "Points" with "Pixels". The Points are resolution independent. You can normally check your scale factor by calling contentScaleFactor on your UIView.
It should say 2.0 for retina, and 1.0 for non retina.

iOS UI Custom button images

I'm developing a iOS app that is using custom UIButtons with round shape. I wanted to add Image to these buttons and would like to know if I use IB to select an image from my project, do I have to also worry about 2x retina images for retina display?. What should be the image size for both non-retina and retina devices (all iPhones (including iphone 5) and iPad including mini) when I embedded them from IB?
Is there a best resource available on the Internet to get these pngs files for buttons?
Yes you should use all the images. you should just add the images with proper names to the resources folder. And just select the non-retina image rest the compiler will take care of.
The above link will help you with the images sizes
It is easy. Goto interface builder and on the right hand panel you will see this -
All you need to do is first configure your button as custom then include a image file in your project through xcode and then you can select that image in the dropdown in background or image property.
Note that all this is possible to do through code also, its just that IB makes it interactive. Hope this helps.