I have pulled the files from GitHub already. Now I need to create a merge-conflict.
How do I intentionally create a merge conflict on GitHub?
Edit the same line in two branches, and try to merge
Merge conflicts in git happen, when two branches were changed on the same line or in the same content of a file before a merge. If you just extend a file or append something, git usually just figures it out by itself.
Use this code:
mkdir git-repo
cd git-repo
git init
touch my_code.sh
git add my_code.sh
echo "echo Hello" > my_code.sh
git commit -am 'initial'
git checkout -b new_branch
echo "echo \"Hello World\"" > my_code.sh
git commit -am 'first commit on new_branch'
git checkout master
echo "echo \"Hello World!\"" > my_code.sh
git commit -am 'second commit on master'
git merge new_branch
script is from: https://jonathanmh.com/how-to-create-a-git-merge-conflict/
title credits: Alexander O'Mara
We have an issue regarding the following:
Azure DevOps Linux Private Agent
Possible issue with corrupt / stale bearer token
Can be fixed with this command by logging onto the box but this is not convenient: git config --global --unset http.extraHeader
Can be fixed with this command as part of script in YAML: git config --global --unset http.extraHeader but not early enough. (See next comment below).
I can't run this command early enough in the pipeline YAML to clear the header as checkout is not controlled by me.
It generally only happens if a previous run fails at some point on the same private agent
Syncing repository: test-project-azure-workspace (Git)
git version
git version 2.26.0
git lfs version
git-lfs/2.10.0 (GitHub; linux amd64; go 1.13.4)
git config --get remote.origin.url
git clean -ffdx
git reset --hard HEAD
HEAD is now at 5f9fd24 sql mi
git config gc.auto 0
git config --get-all http.https://xxxxxxx#dev.azure.com/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/_git/test-project-azure-workspace.extraheader
git config --get-all http.proxy
git config http.version HTTP/1.1
git -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: bearer ***" -c http.proxy="http://10.XXX.XXX.XX:80" fetch --force --tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --unshallow origin
* Couldn't find host dev.azure.com in the .netrc file; using defaults
Here is the code that can remedy the symptom:
- script: |
echo '======================================================================'
echo 'list all of git config values for your convenience:'
echo '======================================================================'
git config --list
echo '======================================================================'
existing_header=$(git config --get http.extraHeader)
if [ ${#existing_header} -gt 0 ]
echo 'We found the http.extraHeader'
echo 'un-setting extra header: http.extraHeader 🔥'
git config --global --unset http.extraHeader
echo 'no extra header: http.extraHeader was not found. Nothing to unset 👍'
condition: always()
workingDirectory: '$(Agent.BuildDirectory)/s'
displayName: 'Remove Git Authentication'
Obviously, I am treating the symptom and not the cause so any pointers as to what is causing this would be a great help.
You can create a "cleaning" job at the start of your pipeline that uses the checkout task with none as the repo to checkout. This will allow you to then run the cleaning script.
- job: cleanAgent
- checkout: none
- script: |
echo "Put your git cleaner here"
A better option is really to clean the agent after you are done by running a cleaning task with a condition of always() at the end of your pipeline. This can be hard if other people also use the agents and don't clean-up though.
- job: cleanupAgents
condition: always()
- script: |
echo "Put your git cleaner here"
I'm using git submodule commands to add this FSM repo in my project. I want to checkout a specific release commit. By default the master branch is checked out.
After adding the git repo, when I run
$ git submodule
It gives
d1b66d66cfa95f238a7498465908a262f4b2326a directory_path/fsmlite
The commit number here belongs to a master branch commit. How can I checkout another commit instead, using its commit number?
There might be some other way to do this, but I got the desired commit by
$ cd directory_path/fsmlite
$ git checkout v0.7.1 (this is the branch I wanted to point to)
$ git submodule update
$ cd parent_dir
$ git submodule
+de19ea0a71cb6082fe9311694a27e8f0cc2f972a directory_path/fsmlite (v0.7.1)
which is the specific commit number I wanted
I want to change a file and commit changes inside a gitlab-ci pipeline
I tried writing normal git commands in script
- git clone git#gitlab.url.to.project.git
- cd project file
- touch test.txt
- git config --global user.name "${GITLAB_USER_NAME}"
- git config --global user.email "${GITLAB_USER_EMAIL}"
- git add .
- git commit -m "testing autocommit"
- git push
I get cannot find command git or something along those lines, I know it has something to do with tags, but if I try add a git tag it says no active runner. anyone has an idea how to run git commands on gitlab-ci ?
First you need to make sure you can actually use git, so either run your jobs on a shell executor located on a system that has git or use a docker executor and use an image that has git installed.
Next problem you will encounter is that you can't push to Git(lab) since you can't enter credentials.
So the solution is to create a ssh keypair and load the ssh private key into your CI environment through CI/CD variables, also add the corresponding public key to you your Git(lab) account.
Source: https://about.gitlab.com/2017/11/02/automating-boring-git-operations-gitlab-ci/
Your .gitlab-ci.yml will then look like this:
stage: touch
- 'which ssh-agent || ( apt-get update -y && apt-get install openssh-client -y )'
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
- ssh-add <(echo "$GIT_SSH_PRIV_KEY")
- git config --global user.name "${GITLAB_USER_NAME}"
- git config --global user.email "${GITLAB_USER_EMAIL}"
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- cat gitlab-known-hosts >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- git clone git#gitlab.url.to.project.git
- cd project file
- touch test.txt
- git add .
- git commit -m "testing autocommit"
- git push
Gitlab CI/CD will clone the repository inside the running job automatically. What you need is the git command installed. You could use bitnami/git image to run the job in a container having the command installed.
This worked for me (trying to verify if a tag is available):
stage: .pre
image: bitnami/git:2.37.1
# list all tags
- git tag -l
# check existence of tag "v1.0.0"
- >
if [ $(git tag -l "v1.0.0") ]; then
echo "yes"
echo "no."
If you need to authorize the job agains some gitlab registry (or api) please note that there are some predefined variables for user and password (tokens). For this kind of actions you might be most interested in these variables:
The CI_DEPLOY_USER must have a deploy user created and named "gitlab-deploy-token" to have his password loaded in the CI/CD. Read here more.
Suppose I have a git svn clone that I created like this:
$ mkdir foo
$ cd foo
$ git svn clone -s -r 100:HEAD http://svn.example.com/project
and then I git clone it like this:
$ cd ..
$ git clone foo bar
$ cd bar
So now bar has foo as its origin.
How do I make bar track the original SVN server? The git-svn man page provides an example of the case where the original git svn clone includes the full revision history, but this doesn't seem to cover the case that the original git svn clone doesn't start from r1. When I try the various things I see described, what git svn fetch does is always start a disconnected history starting at r1.
I have setup an empty svn on a server and I have been working on locally making commits along the way. Now I wish to commit my repo to an svn server. For this I tried:
git-svn checkout http://remote.svn.server.com
git-svn dcommit
Git complains that:
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/bin/git-svn line 411.
Committing to ...
Unable to determine upstream SVN information from HEAD history
Since I started on my local computer first, and the repo online is empty, I can't find any info on how to make this work.
I needed something like this recently and the process is relatively straightforward.
There's good tutorial by Brandon Dimcheff, "Commit a linear git history to subversion" (replaces old broken link), which these steps are based on.
As of Git version 1.6.3 these are the steps:
$ svnadmin create svn_repository
$ svn mkdir -m "Initial setup" file:///full/path/to/svn_repository/trunk
$ mkdir gitrepo && cd gitrepo
$ git init
$ echo 'Hello from Git' > file.txt
$ git add file.txt
$ git commit -m "Hello from Git"
$ git svn init --trunk=trunk file:///full/path/to/svn_repository/
$ git svn fetch
$ git branch -a # Lists remotes/trunk
$ git rebase --onto remotes/trunk --root master
# => Applying: Hello from Git etc.
$ git svn dcommit
# => Committing to ... Committed r2 ... etc
You can do a svn checkout of svn_repository now and see your Git repo.
Here is what I would do:
git-svn clone http://remote.svn.server.com otherdir
Then in other dir pull the changes locally from your previous dir. Then you should have a git repo that is "connected" via git-svn and you should be able to use dcommit on it.
This might also be a useful read.