ASP.Net VB Database connection issue [duplicate] - sql

email belongs to table booking and its defined as type "Text" in our Microsoft sql server
SELECT email,
COUNT(email) AS NumOccurrences
FROM Booking
GROUP BY email
HAVING ( COUNT(email) > 1 )
after running the above query(trying to find duplicates emails in the booking)
I got the error message like this:
The text, ntext, and image data
types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE
I am using Microsoft Sql

since you are using SQL Server, why not change the data type to VARCHAR(100)?
To work around this error without changing the datatype, the TEXT or NTEXT column needs to be converted to VARCHAR or NVARCHAR when used in either the ORDER BY clause or the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statement. eg, which is alittle bit messy
SELECT CAST(email AS NVARCHAR(100)) email,
COUNT(CAST(email AS NVARCHAR(100))) AS NumOccurrences
FROM Booking
SQL Server Error Messages - Msg 306

I had an issue with the accepted answer because of an issue with my ORM. This answer is only a workaround for when the accepted answer won't work, and is only valid if you only have the column in group by because it is required so you can include the column in the select.
It casts the column inside of aggregate function, so that it is not required in the group by, and the error will not occur and the returned data should still be correct.
MIN(CAST(email AS NVARCHAR(4000))) as email
Ideally you'd find a way to avoid this hack, but this may be useful in some circumstances.


The text, ntext, and image data > types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE > operator

email belongs to table booking and its defined as type "Text" in our Microsoft sql server
SELECT email,
COUNT(email) AS NumOccurrences
FROM Booking
GROUP BY email
HAVING ( COUNT(email) > 1 )
after running the above query(trying to find duplicates emails in the booking)
I got the error message like this:
The text, ntext, and image data
types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE
I am using Microsoft Sql
since you are using SQL Server, why not change the data type to VARCHAR(100)?
To work around this error without changing the datatype, the TEXT or NTEXT column needs to be converted to VARCHAR or NVARCHAR when used in either the ORDER BY clause or the GROUP BY clause of a SELECT statement. eg, which is alittle bit messy
SELECT CAST(email AS NVARCHAR(100)) email,
COUNT(CAST(email AS NVARCHAR(100))) AS NumOccurrences
FROM Booking
SQL Server Error Messages - Msg 306
I had an issue with the accepted answer because of an issue with my ORM. This answer is only a workaround for when the accepted answer won't work, and is only valid if you only have the column in group by because it is required so you can include the column in the select.
It casts the column inside of aggregate function, so that it is not required in the group by, and the error will not occur and the returned data should still be correct.
MIN(CAST(email AS NVARCHAR(4000))) as email
Ideally you'd find a way to avoid this hack, but this may be useful in some circumstances.

Set CASE statement to variable and then use that variable in GROUP BY clause

I am using SQL Server 2008 and have a very large CASE statement that is also used in the GROUP By clause. I would like to set the CASE statement to a variable in order to minimize code maintenance and maximize reuse. The problem is that I get this error:
Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference.
This CASED column is not the only column referenced in the GROUP By clause so I'm not sure why I get this error.
I've searched the site but didn't find a problem quite like mine (surprisingly). So, how do I go about getting around this?
UPDATE: I have included the DB type. As far as adding the code for what I have, I'm not sure that would add anything but bulk as it is over 200 lines. It's not a complex statement at all. It just takes various country codes and maps them to their full country names. For instance, the U.S. has over 50 codes so I am using the CASE statement to consolidate them. This allows me to group my info by country.
The best way to do this is with a subquery:
select var, count(*)
from (select t.*,
(case <nasty expressions go here>
end) var
from t
) t
group by var
The error that you are getting is because the variables in the group by is a constant. I'm not sure why the error message is not clearer.
And, in the event that you actually do want to include a constant in the group by for some reason (as I have had occasion to do), then a column helps:
group by (case when coalesce(col, '') = coalesce(col, '') then 'some constant' end)
At least in SQL Server 2008, the engine does not recognize the expression as a constant.

Error when summing converted column

I have a table in SQL Server that contains 2 columns: Question_asked, Response
The Response column is of the datatype varchar(500) and holds the users response to the question that is held in the column Question_asked
I have created a view V_age_attr with the following SQL statement:
question_asked, cast(Response as integer)
question_asked = 'What is your age'
If I run a simple SQL query the results return as expected. But in some circumstances like when using a sum/group by query. I get an error msg (actual msg I get):
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '2011-08-13 00:00:00' to data type int
In the table, main_table, one of the questions is the start_date, so the column Response does hold date values in the table, but not in the view I created.
Again, I can run a select query and check all the values for my cast(Response as integer) and they all are integer values.
My main question is: can anyone tell me if this is known/expected behavior in SQL Server 2008 R2, and/or does anyone else have another way to get a subset of values from this type of table other than creating a view?
Thank you
Alas, filtering by isnumeric doesn't necessarily work. SQL is a descriptive language, not a procedural language. So, the operations do not necessary work in the order specified.
In this case, SQL Server will attempt to do the conversion when reading the data and then apply the filter. Too late. You have an error.
The case statement is the only statement that guarantees order of evaluation, at least when aggregation functions are not involved. The following should fix the conversion problem:
select question_asked,
(case when isnumeric(Response) = 1 and
Response not like '%.%'
then cast(Response as int)
end) as Response
from main_table
where question_asked = 'What is your age'
This version also checks for a decimal point in Response. ISNUMERIC will return 1 when there is a decimal point, but that will fail the conversion as well.
Given the bug that Martin has highlighted, I would actually use the original condition in the CASE statement, which will apply to any numeric type, not limited to Gordon's int interpretation. Better than ISNUMERIC, but TRY_CONVERT would be better from SQL Server 2012 onwards. You would hope SQL Server can re-use the condition resolution in the WHERE clause to assist in the SELECT, or vice-versa.
question_asked, case when question_asked = 'What is your age'
then cast(Response as integer)
question_asked = 'What is your age'
Filter using ISNUMERIC - there may be non-integral data as responses which are messing up the aggregate functions.
CASE(response AS INT)
question_asked = 'What is your age'
AND ISNUMERIC(response) = 1
Edit: if that still doesn't work, you may need to do some more aggressive type-checking on your response column. Check out the responses here:
How to get if a string is a number in T-SQL

How to prevent CAST errors on SSIS?

The question
Is it possible to ask SSIS to cast a value and return NULL in case the cast is not allowed instead of throwing an error ?
My environment
I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and Sql Server 2005 on Windows Server 2003.
The general context
Just in case you're curious, here is my use case. I have to store data coming from somewhere in a generic table (key/value structure with history) witch contains some sort of value that can be strings, numbers or dates. The structure is something like this :
table Values {
Id int,
Date datetime, -- for history
Key nvarchar(50) not null,
Value nvarchar(50),
DateValue datetime,
NumberValue numeric(19,9)
I want to put the raw value in the Value column and try to put the same value
in the DateValue column when i'm able to cast it to Datetime
in the NumberValue column when i'm able to cast it to a number
Those two typed columns would make all sort of aggregation and manipulation much easier and faster later.
That's it, now you know why i'm asking this strange question.
Thanks in advance for your help.
You could also try a Derived Column component and test the value of the potential date/number field or simply cast it and redirect any errors as being the NULL values for these two fields.
(1) If you just simply cast the field every time with a statement like this in the Derived Column component: (DT_DATE)[MYPOTENTIALDATE] - you can redirect the rows that fail this cast and manipulate the data from there.
(2) You can do something like this in the Derived Column component: ISNULL([MYPOTENTIALDATE]) ? '2099-01-01' : (DT_DATE)[MYPOTENTIALDATE]. I generally send through '2099-01-01' when a date is NULL rather than messing with NULL (works better with Cubes, etc).
Of course (2) won't work if the [MYPOTENTIALDATE] field comes through as other things other than a DATETIME or NULL, i.e., sometimes it is a word like "hello".
Those are the options I would explore, good luck!
In dealing with this same sort of thing I found the error handling in SSIS was not specific enough. My approach has been to actually create an errors table, and query a source table where the data is stored as varchar, and log errors to the error table with something like the below. I have one of the below statements for each column, because it was important for me to know which column failed. Then after I log all errors, I do a INSERT where I select those records in SomeInfo that do not have an errors. In your case you could do more advanced things based on the ColumnName in the errors table to insert default values.
INSERT INTO SomeInfoErrors
'PeriodStartDate must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY',
ISDATE(PeriodStartDate) = 0 AND [PeriodStartDate] IS NOT NULL;
Tru using a conditional split and have the records where the data is a date go along one path and the other go along a different path where they are updated to nullbefore being inserted.

Sql trying to change case letter and group similar nvarchar values

I am using sql server 2008 and I'm trying to build a query for displaying some overall results from a single sql table.
I want to display count(fieldname) for each date, for example I want to know how often the name "izla" is repeated in the table for each date but it could be also "IZLA" or "Izla", so i must find a way to group this data together as one and find count for the three of them.
The problem is that if i try using uppercase or lowercase so that they are considered automatically the same I have the problem: when izla is converted to upper it becomes İZLA or on the other hand when IZLA is converted to lowercase it is displayed ızla.
The big question is how can i group this data together? Maybe the problem comes from using nvarchar but i need the column type to be like that (can't change it).
When you group, you should use an Accent Insensitive collation. You can add this directly to your group by clause. The following is an example:
Declare #Temp Table(Data nvarchar(100))
Insert Into #Temp Values(N'izla')
Insert Into #Temp Values(N'İZLA')
Insert Into #Temp Values(N'IZLA')
Insert Into #Temp Values(N'Izla')
Select Data,
From #Temp
Group By Data
Select Data Collate Latin1_General_CI_AI,
From #Temp
Group By Data Collate Latin1_General_CI_AI
When you run this example, you will see that the first query creates two rows (with count 3 and count 1). The second example uses an accent insensitve collation for the grouping, so all 4 items are grouped together.
I used Latin1_General_CI_AI in my example. I suggest you examine the collation of the column you are using and then use a collation that most closely matches by changing the AS on the end to AI.
Try replacing ı and such with english equivalent after lowercasing
This all comes down to collation, which is the way that the system sorts string data.
You could say something like:
SELECT *, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY fieldname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI), COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY fieldname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS)
FROM yourtable
This will provide some nice figures for you around how many times each name appeared in the various formats. There are many collations, and you can search in Books Online for a complete list. You may also be interested in Latin1_General_BIN for example.