Get estimated execution time during design phase [closed] - sql

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am going to develop some business logic. During requirement phase, I need to provide SLA.
Business always want everything in less than second. Some time it is very frustatung also.They are not bothered about complexity.
My DB is SQL server 2012 and transaction DB.
Is there any formula which will take number of tables, columns etc and provide estimate?

No, you won't be able to get an execution time. Not only do the # of tables/joins factor in, but how much data is returned, network speed, load on the server, and many other factors. What you can get is a Query plan. SQL Server generates a query plan for every query it executes. And the execution plan will give you a "cost" value that you can use as a VERY general guideline about the query's performance. Check out these two links for more information...
1) this is a good StackOverflow question/answer.
2) sys.dm_exec_query_plan


How to delay all queries for a specified timespan? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'd like to delay all the queries I receive in my test database for a specified amount of time. My intent in doing this is to test the "loading" feature in my program. I do not want to alter my queries though! WAITFOR doesn't work for me. If possible, the ideal would be to delay all the queries of a specific connection.
Summarizing: I'd like to delay all the queries of my database via some kind of configuration.
How to do that in SQL Server?
To the best of my knowledge, this is not an out-of-the-box feature.
Most people who want to test their data access code write specific test cases to do that. Again, there are lots of different scenarios; the closest to what you describe would be to capture all the requests going to your server, and then write a harness to replay those queries under test conditions.
Is it really needed? And is there a way to put a delay on the code level? I mean do something like this before the database request.

Quality and Speed of SQL Query [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to know how much first query effect to speed of query or server
Consider we have 50K request during one minute .
First query:
And for second query we use round on client side, it means combination of client and server side
SELECT width FROM Home
You could use a tool such as SQL Query Stress to put a load on your server. This will allow you to simulate as many users as you want to execute the query as many times as you like;
You could then use a tool such as Brent Ozar's fantastic sp_AskBrent to get some important metrics out of the system.
Ultimately it's going to be down to you to see how your server performs in each instance and make a decision on which route to go down.

Issues while implementing Google Big Query [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Our company is going to implement Big Query.
We saw many drawbacks in Big Query like
1. Only 1000 requests per day allowed.
2. No update delete allowed.
and so on...
Can u guys highlight some more drawbacks and also discuss on above two.
Please share any issues come during and after implementing Big Query.
Thanks in Advance.
"Only 1000 requests per day allowed"
Not true, fortunately! There is a limit of how many batch loads you can do to a table per day (1000, so one every 90 seconds), but this is about loading data, not querying it. And if you need to load data more frequently, you can use the streaming API for up to a 100,000 rows per second per table.
"No update delete allowed"
BigQuery is an analytical database which are not optimized for updates and deletes of individual rows. The analytical databases that support these operations usually do with caveats and performance costs. You can achieve the equivalent update and deletes with BigQuery by re-materializing your tables in just a couple minutes:

should I create a counter column? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Optimization was never one of my expertise. I have users table. every user has many followers. So now I'm wondering if I should use a counter column in case that some user has a million followers. So instead of counting a whole table of relations, shouldn't I use a counter?
I'm working with SQL database.
Update 1
Right now I'm only writing the way I should build my site. I haven't write the code yet. I don't know if I'll have slow performance, that's why I'm asking you.
You should certainly not introduce a counter right away. The counter is redundant data and it will complicate everything. You will have to master the additional complexity and it'll slow down the development process.
Better start with a normalized model and see how it works. If you really run into performance problems, solve it then then.
Remember: premature optimization is the root of all evils.
It's generally a good practice to avoid duplication of data, such as summarizing one data point in another data's table.
It depends on what this is for. If this is for reporting, speed is usually not an issue and you can use a join.
If it has to do with the application and you're running into performance issues with join or computed column, you may want to consider summary table generated on a schedule.
If you're not seeing a performance issue, leave it alone.

sql database convention [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Apologies in advance if this is a stupid question. I've more or less just started learning how to use SQL.
I'm making a website, the website stores main accounts, each having many sub-accounts associated with them. Each sub-account has a few thousand records in various tables associated with it.
My question is to do with the conventional usage of databases. Is it better to use a database per main account with everything associated with it stored in the same place, store everything in one database, or an amalgamation of both?
Some insight would be much appreciated.
Will you need to access more than one of these databases at the same time? If so put them all in one. You will not like the amount of effort and cost 'joining' them back together to do a query. On top of that, every database you have needs to be managed, and should you need to transfer data between them that can get painful as well.
Segregating data by database is a last resort.