VB.NET - Export hidden form as application. - vb.net

It is possible to export one hidden form as a fully application including icon?
Form example I have two forms, the main one with one button and the hidden one with a message box on loading event. What I want is after the button from first form is pressed the hidden from (form2) to be built as a standalone application in a path selected by me with an icon from a selected path or from resources.
If this is impossible I heard about one method where you first create an application, then you combine the code from something1.vb and something2.vb, then you can use them to compile in another application.
Sorry for this bad explained request. Thank you so much!

No. It´s not possible to compile code at runtime - if I understood what you need.
You can at maximum:
1 - Create an EXE application and ZIP it.
2 - In your 1st form, unzip the application into a folder.
But certainly you will have troubles with antivirus and, in the best situation, in your unziped application since it wasn´t correctly installed.


vb.net: keep form always keep back and never got font by click

I want to make a desktop item manager program using vb.net.
I hope to create a form there and use the menus etc. to make the desktop icons work.
You want to set the form to always be behind the other windows. Like a widget.
How to do this?

Any criteria on selecting the startup form?

In .NET do you have any criteria that qualifies a certain form to be the startup form?
For example, if I have a basic calculator program and it has 3 forms
namely frmConfig, frmCalculator and frmProfile.
frmConfig - The settings page, includes whether I should automatically round off or out put the whole decimals, etc.
frmCalculator - The main page, the calculator itself where you can do all the calculations that you want.
frmProfile - The login page, you can see the history of your calculations here.
From that 3 different kinds of forms how do I properly choose the
startup form?
Does it mean that the startup form should always be the first form to see
when the application is running?
Because for example I can make the frmConfig as the startup form then on OnLoad event of it it will hide itself then open the frmCalculator because frmCalculator depends on frmConfig's default setting.
To make this question not broad I am looking for the most common way of setting up the startup form, maybe there is a standard way?
You can set your startup form by accessing the My Project from the Solution Explorer, then going to the Application page
Image: Choosing startup form

Controlling output to a TV display while control panel is on laptop screen?

I have a program written in VB.Net with Visual Studio 2008. I have one window form to display on a laptop that controls the information seen/sent on another form that is to be continually displayed on an output from the laptop to a TV, Projector or Monitor.
Or I would like to accomplish this:
Computer/laptop - Has window form 1 that controls the program
TV/Ouput - Has window form 2 that shows updated data on the screen for people to see
I do not want people to see the control form that is on the laptop.
Is their a way to assign a form to use an output to other screen only?
You can create two forms, one is the control panel with startup on the primary screen (default). For the other form, set the location to that of the secondary screen (i.e. TV or projector). To do this, iterate through i.e. Screen.AllScreens.Where(x=>!x.Primary).First(). The WorkingArea property gives the rectangle in which to place the second form.
Try this application. I had developed it for our local channel...
or try this...
I don't know if I completely understand your problem...
There are several ways of making 2 forms to communicate, one could have a reference to the other, or you could have some "manager" or "controller" class that knows about both of them. If both forms are from different apps you must resort to sockets, named pipes, a message queue, have some middle layer like a webservice, etc.
About sending the display... again, I don't know if I've understood you, if both the form1 and form2 are located in the same computer, you can use System.Windows.Forms.Screen to get the laptop monitor and TV information, like their resolution and coordinates, and locate the forms themselves or other content in the corresponding screen.
You have two ways to go ahead.
A. Using separate Projector or monitor as second monitor for your laptop(Dual Monitor).
To start with the configuration of dual monitor refer this and this.
For this kind of setup your both forms would be running on the same machine. To adjust the display form on second monitor refer this and this
Controlling the second form can be achieved by creating instance of that form and controlling the instance from first form.
B. Using two machines one as controller and second as presenter.
For this kind of setup. You will need two applications to run. And need socket(TCP/UDP) communication to communicate between both.
I feel you are looking for first solution.
Are you just trying to send text to the second form?
Will following work or am I not understanding your question?
frm2.label1.text = me.textbox1.text

.net Components ... a Custom Form

I've been working in the creation of some custom components adding functionalites to the basic components such as a Datagridview.
Now I want to create a custom Form ... I mean, when I choose add new item in the VS menu, there is a Windows form and some varians of it like an about box, or Dialog, that are simple Forms with a custom controls already on it.
I want to have a login form for my set of applications, so this login is avialable for all the development team to use it in the different modules.
How can I develop the form and then add it to the "Add New Item" screen?
Thanks !!!
I suggest you read this (assuming you use MSVS 2010, if not, there should be articles for other versions):
I found the Way to create a Form with special usage, and then deploy it to other applications, like a login screen.
I used the Inherit Forms :) ... here is some documentations, it was really easy !!!
The form is later deploy using a dll just like a component.
Greetigns !!!

Modify Outlook Form Code programmatically

How to programmatically get at outlook form code?
To clarify from one of the comments - Outlook form code is the VBA code that sits behind the form - it can be customised in the form design mode to do pretty much what the user needs to do.
Our product relies heavily on form code, but certain bits of it need to be customised per installation. We are looking for some way to automate this process, as we have upwards of 30 custom forms it is a tedious process to do it manually...:-)
Use a configuration file (use ReadFile etc)
Or put the configuration information in a "special" item in a public shared folder
You can also use the "Office Profile Wizard" to package it up with a custom vba module iwht the configuration information in that
You should never write out customised code, that is a big can of worms