I need a little suggetion in ov7670+arduino+ethernet shield - camera

I am doing a project using Arduino Uno + Ethernet Shield + OV7670 camera(16 pins). I have solved the part with ethernet shield but I am quite confused about the camera part. How do I exactly connect the camera with the ethernet shield. I have the camera only. nothing with it. Can anyone help me to find a way out?

You will need some duponts. (or cables)DUPONTS and also breadboard BREADBOARD


Where to begin when programming USB dev boards?

I recently acquired a Microchip EVB USB7252. I can use it as a USB hub. There are some pins on the board, and I have been looking for ways to use these as an interface between my computer and other devices (preferably my LCD screen).
So I got the IDE + compiler that is supposed to work for this product (MPLAB), but I could find no way to choose my model and get the correct target board.
I was hoping anybody (with likely more experience than me) could steer me in the right direction here. My only previous experience with dev boards is Arduino, where boards show up automatically as COM ports in the IDE. My ultimate goal here is to connect my peripherals to USB without using virtual COM-ports.
You can Try The IDE call "MPLAB" you said
and i think arduino CANT use "Microchip EVB USB7252"
So Try it And Good luck
It's a long way because USB is not easy protocol. You need to read USB specs first. Take a look at http://www.usb.org. Generally USB communicate between host and devices. There is special protocol used in this communication.
Perhaps the easiest way to do this will be using Linux and libusb or similar library. When you achieve some experience with this protocol you may be trying to write your own USB driver. I could also recommend to analyse some USB stacks like in Linux or in U-Boot one first.
If you have possibility then I'd also try to use some hardware/software USB protocol analyzers for some overview how does the communication look like.

NodeMCU upload timing out when SPI device attached

I am having an issue and looking for some ideas on what could be causing this problem.
I have a NodeMCU 1.0 that works fine and I am able to upload sketches using the Arduino IDE but if I have a SPI device plugged in, sketches will not upload. If I unplugged the device (I'm using pins GPIO 12-15 on the MCU) and then try to upload it works just fine.
As I've been troubleshooting this issue, I did notice that GPIO pins 13 and 15 are marked as RXD2 and TXD2 also so maybe that is related to my problem?
I would just keep working and unplug the device when I need to upload a new sketch but silly me just soldered in the SPI device and I really don't want to have to redo all my solder work.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
So I got it working by grounding the select pin I was using, GPIO15. I think it may have something to do with what is mentioned here:
But I don't quite understand why it worked.

spartan 6 - usb keyboard

I'm attempting to use a usb keyboard to control a game I built on a spartan 6 board. I'm struggling to understand the process to get this to work though.
I see the physical usb port on the board (I'm using a xilinx university board on campus). I understand there are AXI IP's for usb2, but they all require a license (and won't let me export the project to sdk if I use them).
I came across the open usb source at http://jorisvr.nl/usb/. I'm thinking this is exactly what I want/need, but I'm struggling to understand how to implement it.
Right now I think I should use xilinx platform studio to create a custom ip. Within that custom ip make use of the vhdl source for open usb. The process of hooking up all the different ports has me at a loss. But the thing I don't understand the most is the PHY (UTMI) block that's required for the open usb to even work. What is that? Do I need to implement it?
I'm a bit lost. Any guidance would be appreciated. The manual for open usb can be found http://jorisvr.nl/files/fpga_usb_serial_manual.pdf.

Korg Nanokey MIDI Controller for Arduino?

I have a Korg NanoKey which I'd like to use to control a simple synthesizer I've designed on the Arduino platform. (I have an Arduino Uno.) Basically, I don't care about MIDI, I just want to read what note the keyboard has pressed down, but if MIDI is the only way I can do that, then it's okay with me. So my big question is, how do I do this? I haven't been able to find anyone else on the Internet who has already done this.
But more specifically, I see two challenges: First, I'd like to plug my NanoKey directly into the Arduino's USB port, but then I'm wondering if the Arduino would provide the necessary power to the NanoKey. Second, I'm not sure what protocol I would be reading. Can I just read MIDI signals as described in this tutorial?
I don't want to curb your enthusiasm but what you're attempting might be a bit hard basket. A USB system consists of a host controller and one or more peripheral devices. It's the host that controls traffic flow to the devices which means that devices can't transmit data on the bus without an explicit request from the host controller.
I'm not familiar with either the nanoKey or the Arduino platform but I'd be fairly confident that the nanoKey is a USB "device", normally connected to a computer which would act as the host. So what you would need for this system to work is for the Arduino to act as the host when communicating with the nanoKey. The Arduino schematic shows that the Arduino Uno uses an ATmega8U2 for USB coms. Unfortunately the ATmega8U2 is a USB device, so you've got two peripheral devices but no host controller to facilitate the transfer of data between them. You'd be better off using a development board for a micro that provides either USB Host or USB On-the-Go.
I opened up a Korg Nano controller yesterday and was surprised to discover that there's an AVR mega32 inside. It would be a significant undertaking, but with a bit of work you could probably work out the schematic and reprogram it yourself using their programming header breakout. You might not end up with much more functionality than you've got this other way, but it would be very educational.
I agree with the Jono - you are biting off a lot - it might even end up easiest to hook the keys up to the Arduino directly - tearing out the electronics and figuring out a way to multiplex the keys into a single channel without losing polyphony (resistor 'ladder' maybe). I any case, good luck. Amusingly, you'd making an analog keyboard to plug into a digital synthesizer.
Quick and Dirty Arduino MIDI Over USB demonstrates how to send/receive MIDI out over USB, but unfortunately, this probably isn't any help for what you are trying to do, since he's found a way to send and receive MIDI signals from a USB host, not act as a USB host himself - the opposite of your problem. However, I thought perhaps it would be of use, if you ever wanted to control your device from a computer.
As mentioned in the other posts, you would need to use a separate chip to provide the USB Host interface. Here's a great guide to using the USB Host shield by Circuits#Home to interface with an Akai LPK25 (USB Midi Keyboard).
The Arduino sketch is provided, so you should be able to try it out, however debugging the USB Host connection could get tricky real fast if it doesn't work out of the box.

Wireless programming with the Arduino XBee Shield and XBee Explorer

I am trying to enable wireless programming of an Arduino via the XBee Shield and an XBee Explorer. I've seen two tutorials online, XBee radios and Wireless Bootloading for ATmega168/ATmega328 that show you how do it.
However, both tutorials talk about using components to connect the receiver XBee to the Arduino. Well the XBee Shield handles the communication between the receiver XBee and the Arduino, so the extra components aren't necessary (or are they). They talk about using a capacitor or transistor to be able to wirelessly reset the Arduino. Is this already possible with the XBee Shield, or is there some modification I can make to it to make it possible?
How can I use the existing Arduino IDE to program my Arduino wirelessly?
You are correct in the fact that the extra components are needed to reset the Arduino wirelessly and you do need them even if you are using the Xbee shield. I'll assume that one of the tutorials that you were reading was this one. What you are going to want to do is read over the tutorial and build the transistor/capacitor/resistor circuit into a little ball (similar to this) or on a piece of prototyping board with the three signal wires coming out. You need to solder the "Reset signal from XBee" to the D3 pin on the shield which should be labeled (or it can be found on the Datasheet). Then you will have to figure out a way to connect the reset to the reset pin on your Arduino, and the ground to either device (because they should be connected by the shield). This can be as simple as sticking the wire into the sockets on the Arduino. After you do this and setup the environment as per the previously mentioned tutorial, you should be good to go!
If you do have any questions, feel free to ask, I should be able to help.