How to retain a DOM element in Mithril, across redraws - mithril.js

I would like to find out, in Mithril, what is the best practice for preserving a DOM element across redraws.
I have an iframe which contains a link for naviagtion as it's content.
I need to preserve this iframe across Mithril's redraws.
I've tried the following solution where the iframe is being rendered with it's redraw.stategy set to 'none' in the compoent's controller function.
var iframeComponent = {
controller: function() {
view: function() {
return m('.backpane-container', [
m('iframe#bpaneId.backpane-frame[frameborder=0][scrolling=yes]', {
'src': url,
'config': configureBackPane.bind(this, controller)
However, the iframe appears to be changing across redraws:
Is this the correct way to go about retaining a DOM element..? Or is there a
another approach to achieving this?
Thank you.

In your case you can use the key-attribute to preserve the iframe element. It connects the DOM-nodes to the vDOM-nodes. So even if they change position, the nodes are shifted in place and will not recreated.
see here for more detail

I had changed the order of the sibling elements where the iframe was being added to the virtual DOM. This was causing the diff engine to redraw.
Changing the order in which the DOM elements being rendered fixed my problem.


Object reactivity of complex object

I have an issue with complex object reactivity.
I've read everything I can on stack to find a way to solve it, but nothing works. I've looked at object reactvity and array caveats on vuejs, but not working either.
So I'm asking some help please.
Let me explain the project:
I have 2 columns :
- on the left side, I CRUD my content
- on the right side, I display the results
I have my object, and I'm adding new elements on its "blocks" property (text, images, etc...)
"uid": 1573224607087,
"animation": "animationName",
"background": {
"bckColor": "#ff55ee",
"blocks": []
On click event, I add a new element via this method. Everything is ok, I can CRUD a block.
addBloc(el) {
if (el.type == "text") {
const datasA = {
type: "text",
slideId: this.pagination.currentPage,
content: el.content,
css: {
color: "#373737",
this.$bus.$emit("newElement", datasA);
To modify the order of my elements on the display side, I added a drag and drop module to move my block on my DOM tree. Smooth dnd
The problem is, when I drang&drop my element, my object is updated correctly, but the DOM isn't. The dragged element goes back to its initial position.
What is strange, when I try to modify my block (the one I dragged), it modifies the other one.
I'me adding a small video, so you can see what's happening.
Small animation to show you what's going on
I add some more explainations.
I use event bus to communicate between my components, and the right side is using its own object!
I don't know how I can solve this issue.
Tell me if you need more information.
Thank you all !
EDIT 1 :
I added an id to each block to see what happens when I start Drag&Drop. ==> blocks are moving correctly. The problem is not coming from the method onDrop() but from my nested components if I understand well. They don't update. I'm going to search for this new issue.
I've added a new gif to show what's going on.
This is the nested structure
TheSidebar.vue => top container
:get-child-payload="itemIndex => getChildPayload(i, itemIndex)"
v-show="pagination.currentPage === i"
v-for="(input, index) in slides[i].blocks"
blockId #{{input.uid}}
v-if="input.type == 'text'"
Then I have my AppContainer.vue file, which is a top level. In this I have the specific elements of each input type
And I have AppElement.vue file, which is common elements, I can use everywhere
Something like this
Know I don't know yet, how to force vue to update AppContainer.vue and AppElement.vue
EDIT 2 :
As suggested in this article I've changed the key of the component and now , when I drag and drop my elements, they stay where they are dropped.
What I see also, is that the AppElement inputs, are related to their own AppContainer. So everything is ok now, but I don't know if it is best practices.
The issue appears to be that the Smooth dnd library you are using is not updating the array of blocks that you are passing to it, it is likely making a copy of the array internally. So when you change the position of the blocks by dragging and dropping, you are not changing your blocks array, just the internal copy.
Looking at the Smooth dnd documentation, if you wanted to access the modified array you could try using the drag-end event handler:
onDragEnd (dragResult) {
const { isSource, payload, willAcceptDrop } = dragResult

select2 scroll to error not working with jquery validation and mvc

Posting this here in case someone else has the same problem...
When using a select2 dropdown in a C# MVC4 site, the page is not scrolled to the correct position when validation fails. Validation as such works and error scrolling also works for other controls, just not select2's. The reason AFAICS is that select2 replaces the original select with it's own markup and then set the original select as display:none. jquery.validate then has no valid target to scroll to.
We are using twitter bootstrap for styling, but I don't think it has any impact on this problem.
The jquery.validate documentation (as well as many answers here on StackOverflow) suggests that you use $.validator.setDefaults to assign the invalidHandler, but I couldn't get this to work in (it does work for focusInvalid however), probably due to us using the MS unobtrusive library. Instead I used this code in my jquery ready handler:
$(function() {
focusInvalid: false
function scrollToError(error, validator) {
var elem = $(validator.errorList[0].element);
if (elem.length) {
if (':visible'))
return elem.offset().top - 16;
elem = elem.prev($(".select2-container"));
if (elem.length) {
return elem.offset().top - 16;
return 0; // scroll to top if all else fails
$('form').bind('invalid-form.validate', function(error, validator) {
// fix scrolling and validation for select2
if (!validator.numberOfInvalids())
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: scrollToError(error, validator)
}, 500);
I set focusInvalid to false to disable and avoid conflict with the standard scroll and focus behavior.
The bind() call is used instead of the invalidHandler option and is the same as used by the validate plugin.
scrollToError() selects the first invalid element and returns the position to scroll to, either a normal visible element or a previous item with the 'select2-container' class (i.e a select2 element) or top of page if all else fails.
Standard behavior (showing validation errors etc) still works as before.
Hope this helps someone and if you have a better solution I would be very interested in knowing about it.

How can I hide a dijit/form/button?

I think it is a common sense that providing a simple way to hide/show and enable/disable a button, but I cannot find any document that describe dojo has done such thing.
Any way, I hope it is my fault that I have missed out something while googling, thanks!
The following coding is what I have tried but they just make the button's text invisible:, {'visibility':'hidden'});, {'display':'none'});
UPDATE Question:
To oborden2:
I have tried your code, the result is same as the above code, here is the captured screen:
To MiBrock:
I have also tried your code and also get the result that same as the above code:
Form widgets in Dijit are special. For all normal Dijit widgets, the domNode (outermost node) of the widget receives the id property. However, with form widgets, the focusNode (which corresponds to the <input> element) receives the ID instead, so that things like <label for="foo"> work properly. In this case, the outermost node has no ID, and you’re actually just hiding the inner HTML input element.
If you already have reference to the widget:
require([ 'dojo/dom-style' ], function (domStyle) {
domStyle.set(widget.domNode, 'display', 'none');
If you only have a reference to the ID of the widget/original DOM node:
require([ 'dojo/dom-style', 'dijit/registry' ], function (domStyle, registry) {
domStyle.set(registry.byId(nodeId).domNode, 'display', 'none');
require(["dojo/dom-style","dojo/domReady!"], function(domStyle){
The variable "domNode" stays for the id of the Node that should be influenced. This is the way we make it.
Regards, Miriam
Try using the Toggler module
require(["dojo/fx/Toggler"], function(Toggler),{
// Create a new Toggler with default options
var toggler = new Toggler({
node: "btnInsert"
// Hide the node
// Show the node;
I imagine you would want to link this to some event using Dojo's on module. Link it up to whatever condition triggers the button's need to be hidden.

FileUploadField 'stuck' after submitting form with ExtJS4/DWR

im using extjs4 with dwr3 to upload a file
this is all i have in my form
{xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
name: 'file',
fieldLabel: 'Archivo',
allowBlank: false,
buttonText: 'Seleccionar...'
}, {
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Cargar',
action: 'cargarArchivo'
when i click the button (labeled Cargar) it submits the file and stays in the same page, so far so good. Problem is, when i choose another file, the text in the field stays the same instead of showing the new file chosen
this is what i have in my controller:
init: function() {
'NciImport button[action=cargarArchivo]': {
click: this.cargaArchivo
cargaArchivo : function (button){
clickedButton = button;
bsNciNiv.cargaArchivoNci(dwr.util.getValue('file'), function(x,y,z){
clickedButton.up('form').down('fileuploadfield').createFileInput(); // funny solution
The bsNciNiv.cargaArchivoNci part is my DWR service
the line i commented as funny solution kind of works, after adding it the rest works as expected, but i really dont think it is the right solution, just added it as a hint in case its useful
can anyone confirm if this is a bug or if theres a way to fix this? thanks
(btw not sure if this has anything to do with dwr3, but i tagged it anyway)
I just ran into this same problem using Ext-JS 4.1.1 and DWR3. I debugged the DWR javascript and found the cause. When the dwr method parameters include a fileupload field, dwr constructs a multipart post message and a hidden iframe rather than using XmlHttpRequest. As part of this process, it replaces the original fileupload element (this itself is a hidden element, created and managed by the Ext FileUpload component) with a clone (same ID and properties). As a result, the Ext field's fileInputEl property is no longer referring to the replaced element and the component's onFileChange() event handler is not registered for the new element's 'change' event. So, it isn't a bug in Ext-JS.
I worked around it in my callback like this:
var fileInputId =;
MyDwrService.fileUpload(uploadField.fileInputEl.dom, arg2, function(results) {
uploadField.fileInputEl = Ext.get(document.getElementById(fileInputId));
scope: uploadField,
change: uploadField.onFileChange
It worked for me in Firefox, Chrome and IE8
My guess is that this component was not designed to upload multiple files (in series).
The issue you are seeing is probably due to this hidden element not getting cleared:!/api/Ext.form.field.File-property-fileInputEl
You can probably file this as a bug with Sencha although they might consider it a feature :)

Resorting ISOtope elements after Search

I'm developing a new Hall of Fame for the Wisconsin Badgers. My beta version is viewable at
My question is, when the search feature is used how do I bring the visible elements to the top. It show the correct elements and uses display:none to hide the others. However it does not re-position the elements after the search and the display:none elements still take up space.
It has to do with the "-webkit-transform" style that isotope uses. How do I go about changing this or is there a better way to search using isotope?
I am using for the search as I could not think of a way to do it with isotope alone.
I would use quicksearch's show and hide options to add appropriate classes that can be used for filtering by Isotope
$('input#id_search').quicksearch('div.member', {
show: function () {
hide: function() {
onAfter: function() {
$container.isotope({ filter: 'quicksearch-visible'});