Microsoft Asp.Net 5 RC1 -

I am trying to install ASP.NET 5 RC1 but I can't because of an error on setup.
Setup Failed
One o more issues caused the setup to fail. please fix the issues and
then retry setup. for more information see the log file
0x80091007 - the value of hash is not correct
Log File:
[6100:5B24][2015-11-18T13:04:41]i360: Creating a system restore point.
[6100:5B24][2015-11-18T13:04:41]i361: Created a system restore point.
[6100:5B24][2015-11-18T13:04:41]i370: Session begin, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}, options: 0x7, disable resume: No
[6100:5B24][2015-11-18T13:04:42]i000: Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users\moliv\AppData\Local\Temp\{5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}\.be\AspNet5.ENU.RC1.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}\AspNet5.ENU.RC1.exe'
[6100:5B24][2015-11-18T13:04:42]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}, version: 1.0.11117.0
[6100:5B24][2015-11-18T13:04:42]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}, resume: Active, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:42]i305: Verified acquired payload: SetupBlocked_Install at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\SetupBlocked_Install, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\0cb88b2b-7b82-3890-96ab-deccbbb3a255\SetupBlocked.exe.
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:42]i305: Verified acquired payload: Preparation_Uninstall_ASPNET at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\Preparation_Uninstall_ASPNET, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2b825b3c-fe3f-3e14-b083-a41c0f8d1b22\Preparation.exe.
[73DC:2A30][2015-11-18T13:04:42]i338: Acquiring package: DotNetVersionManager_x64, payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64, copy from: D:\Downloads\DotNetVersionManager-x64.msi
[73DC:2A30][2015-11-18T13:04:42]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLastUsedSource' to value 'D:\Downloads\'
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:42]e000: Error 0x80091007: Hash mismatch for path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\DotNetVersionManager_x64, expected: BAEF7329894C48023E4E0F5F7D5C84E2243309F8, actual: FB0D8F2A91BEAC7991DC7A3FC13DA5F3D9E513C0
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:42]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to verify hash of payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:42]e310: Failed to verify payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\DotNetVersionManager_x64, error: 0x80091007. Deleting file.
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:42]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to cache payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64
[73DC:2A30][2015-11-18T13:04:42]e314: Failed to cache payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64 from working path: C:\Users\moliv\AppData\Local\Temp\{5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}\DotNetVersionManager_x64, error: 0x80091007.
[73DC:2A30][2015-11-18T13:04:42]e349: Application requested retry of payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64, encountered error: 0x80091007. Retrying...
[73DC:2A30][2015-11-18T13:04:45]i338: Acquiring package: DotNetVersionManager_x64, payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64, copy from: D:\Downloads\DotNetVersionManager-x64.msi
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:45]e000: Error 0x80091007: Hash mismatch for path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\DotNetVersionManager_x64, expected: BAEF7329894C48023E4E0F5F7D5C84E2243309F8, actual: FB0D8F2A91BEAC7991DC7A3FC13DA5F3D9E513C0
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:45]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to verify hash of payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:45]e310: Failed to verify payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\DotNetVersionManager_x64, error: 0x80091007. Deleting file.
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:45]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to cache payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64
[73DC:2A30][2015-11-18T13:04:45]e314: Failed to cache payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64 from working path: C:\Users\moliv\AppData\Local\Temp\{5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}\DotNetVersionManager_x64, error: 0x80091007.
[73DC:2A30][2015-11-18T13:04:45]e349: Application requested retry of payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64, encountered error: 0x80091007. Retrying...
[73DC:2A30][2015-11-18T13:04:48]i338: Acquiring package: DotNetVersionManager_x64, payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64, copy from: D:\Downloads\DotNetVersionManager-x64.msi
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:48]e000: Error 0x80091007: Hash mismatch for path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\DotNetVersionManager_x64, expected: BAEF7329894C48023E4E0F5F7D5C84E2243309F8, actual: FB0D8F2A91BEAC7991DC7A3FC13DA5F3D9E513C0
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:48]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to verify hash of payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:48]e310: Failed to verify payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\DotNetVersionManager_x64, error: 0x80091007. Deleting file.
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:48]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to cache payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64
[73DC:2A30][2015-11-18T13:04:48]e314: Failed to cache payload: DotNetVersionManager_x64 from working path: C:\Users\moliv\AppData\Local\Temp\{5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}\DotNetVersionManager_x64, error: 0x80091007.
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:48]i351: Removing cached package: Preparation_Uninstall_ASPNET, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\2b825b3c-fe3f-3e14-b083-a41c0f8d1b22\
[6100:58F4][2015-11-18T13:04:48]i351: Removing cached package: SetupBlocked_Install, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\0cb88b2b-7b82-3890-96ab-deccbbb3a255\
[73DC:367C][2015-11-18T13:04:48]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed while caching, aborting execution.
[6100:5B24][2015-11-18T13:04:48]i372: Session end, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}, resume: None, restart: None, disable resume: No
[6100:5B24][2015-11-18T13:04:48]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}
[6100:5B24][2015-11-18T13:04:48]i352: Removing cached bundle: {5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}\
[6100:5B24][2015-11-18T13:04:48]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{5fefbd00-3078-41ea-a615-dbcce6a6f135}, resume: None, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[73DC:367C][2015-11-18T13:04:48]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x80091007, restart: None, ba requested restart: No

I was able to fix it by moving to a different folder (desktop in this case)

Answered by Damian Edwards in his comment on the announcement page:
Please note, if you're experiencing an error when trying to install
RC1 on Windows "0x80091007 - The hash value is incorrect", delete any
previous MSIs for DNVM and ASP.NET VS tooling from the folder you
downloaded the RC1 installer to. We're working to fix this issue.

After I moved the loader to a new folder, still no joy. Tried several times with different locations. No luck, same error.
I finally went to the C:\ProgramData\Package Cache folder and found the most recent package (only had one today from my first install attempt). I deleted that.
After that, I was able to use the AspNet5.ENU.RC1_Update1.exe to successfully install the update.
This seems a lot safer to me than removing all of the Package Cache folder contents. Which I've read will surely impact other aspects of your VS install.

Moving the downloaded file to an empty folder

I've actually solved it by deleting the .dnx folder under my C:\Users\myuser\ and everything from C:\ProgramData\Package Cache

If you run the installer from a folder that contains previous versions of the MSI installers for DNVM (DotNetVersionManager-x64.msi or DotNetVersionManager-x86.msi) or the ASP.NET tools for Visual Studio (WebToolsExtensionsVS14.msi or WebToolsExtensionsVWD14.msi), the installer will fail with an error "0x80091007 - The hash value is not correct". To work around this issue, run the installer from a folder that does not contain previous versions of the installer files.

I was able to fix it by deleting a folder from C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Temp. I got the folder name from the below line in the log file.
Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Temp{ce3f8ea8-1d35-48c9-a8c2-dd3011cd434b}.be\AspNet5.ENU.RC1_Update1_KB3137909.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache{ce3f8ea8-1d35-48c9-a8c2-dd3011cd434b}\AspNet5.ENU.RC1_Update1_KB3137909.exe'
In this case I deleted {ce3f8ea8-1d35-48c9-a8c2-dd3011cd434b}.

I had a slightly different problem with the installer, apparently the installer was not able to download the msi installers. But when I followed the links in the logfile I could manually download them. See question on GitHub
I had to download and manually execute three installers this was, I got all links from the logfile. I restarted the main installer after each manual sub-install and finally the installer ran through.


Error when I want to create react app: error Couldn't find package "jest-watch-typeahead#^1.0.0" required by "react-scripts" on the "npm" registry

I get this error when I use CRA and I start it with yarn. Although I searched for that on the stack I can't find a solution for that:
info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...
info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...
error Couldn't find package "jest-watch-typeahead#^1.0.0" required by "react-scripts" on the "npm" registry.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Aborting installation.
yarnpkg add --exact react react-dom react-scripts cra-template --cwd F:\projects\notes has failed.
Deleting generated file... package.json
Deleting notes/ from F:\projects
error Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: C:\Users\arman\AppData\Local\Yarn\bin\create-react-app
Arguments: notes
Directory: F:\projects
info Visit for documentation about this command.
It says about network connections, but my connection doesn't have any problem and I ran it several times. Is it possible that my problem is sanctions against Iran?
What's the problem and what do I have to do for fixing it?

Verdaccio - publish without being logged in?

so if I understand verdaccio docs correctly, I should be able to publish a package if I set "publish" to "$all" in the config file.
But even though my config file looks like this:
storage: ./storage
access: $all
publish: $all
proxy: npmjs
proxy: npmjs
- {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http}
if I try to publish a scoped package the command npm publish fails with ENEEDAUTH
am I missing something?
Can somebody tell me how to publish a package to my private verdaccio repo WITHOUT have to be authenticated?
npm version: 7.4.3
node version: 15.7.0
verdaccio version: 4.11.0
Originally posted here
But in a nutshell, npm#7 requires a token to publish, thus, is just a matter of fake a token to bypass npm. Verdaccio won't be able to verify the token and will fallback to an anonymous user, since your package access is set to $all this role is also included for anonymous users.

WiX Bootstrapper issues installing prerequisites for Outlook add-in, error 0x80091007

I'm trying to use WiX Bootstrapper project to install prerequisites for my Outlook add-in MSI. It needs two things:
.NET Framework 3.5
Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime
So I created a WiX Bootstrapper project in Visual Studio and I'm doing the bundle identification and installation as such:
<Bundle Name="BootstrapperTestApp" Version="" Manufacturer="<company>" UpgradeCode="<guid>"
AboutUrl="" Copyright="Copyright (C) 2020 by">
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
<util:RegistrySearch Id="idOffice2007Installed" Variable="OFFICE2007INST"
Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\InstallRoot" Result="exists" />
<util:RegistrySearch Id="isVSTORInstalled" Variable="VSTOR"
Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSTO Runtime Setup\v4R" Result="exists" />
<!-- We need .NET 3.5 to be installed -->
<ExePackage SourceFile="Source\dotNetFx35setup.exe" Permanent="yes" Vital="yes" Cache="no" Compressed="no" PerMachine="yes"
DisplayName=".NET Framework 3.5"
InstallCommand="/q /norestart"
InstallCondition="NOT NETFRAMEWORK35" />
<!-- We need VSTO 2010 Tools for Office Runtime for .NET to be installed. (Note that we need it only for Office 2007) -->
<ExePackage SourceFile="Source\vstor_redist.exe" Permanent="yes" Vital="yes" Cache="no" Compressed="no" PerMachine="yes"
DisplayName="Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime 3.5"
InstallCommand="/q /norestart"
InstallCondition="OFFICE2007INST AND NOT VSTOR" />
<!-- Our actual add-in MSI -->
<MsiPackage SourceFile="$(var.SourceMSI)" Vital="yes" />
I have 3 issues that come up, so I'd appreciate any help:
I can't seem to find a download link for .NET 3.5 to use here. Is the link I'm using above the correct one?
If I build and run this bootstrapper MSI in a VM that has .NET 3.5 installed, my bootstrapper still begins downloading and installing it. Why?
Lastly, if I let it run, when it switches to installing VSTO 2010 Tools for Office Runtime, it tries for 3 times and then fails with an error code 0x80091007. I'm attaching the full log for that:
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i001: Burn v3.7.1224.0, Windows v6.2 (Build 9200: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\BootstrapperTestApp.exe, cmdline: ''
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\BootstrapperTestApp_20200702141743.log'
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\BootstrapperTestApp.exe'
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'BootstrapperTestApp'
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i100: Detect begin, 3 packages
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i000: Setting numeric variable 'OFFICE2007INST' to value 1
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i000: Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VSTO Runtime Setup\v4R'
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i000: Setting numeric variable 'VSTOR' to value 0
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i052: Condition 'NETFRAMEWORK35' evaluates to false.
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i052: Condition 'VSTOR' evaluates to false.
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i101: Detected package: dotNetFx35setup.exe, state: Absent, cached: None
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i101: Detected package: vstor_redist.exe, state: Absent, cached: None
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i101: Detected package: TestAppInstaller.msi, state: Absent, cached: None
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:43]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i200: Plan begin, 3 packages, action: Install
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i052: Condition 'NOT NETFRAMEWORK35' evaluates to true.
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: dotNetFx35setup.exe
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_dotNetFx35setup.exe' to value 'C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\BootstrapperTestApp_20200702141743_0_dotNetFx35setup.exe.log'
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i052: Condition 'OFFICE2007INST AND NOT VSTOR' evaluates to true.
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: vstor_redist.exe
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_vstor_redist.exe' to value 'C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\BootstrapperTestApp_20200702141743_1_vstor_redist.exe.log'
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_TestAppInstaller.msi' to value 'C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\BootstrapperTestApp_20200702141743_2_TestAppInstaller.msi_rollback.log'
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_TestAppInstaller.msi' to value 'C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\BootstrapperTestApp_20200702141743_2_TestAppInstaller.msi.log'
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i201: Planned package: dotNetFx35setup.exe, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: Yes, dependency: None
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i201: Planned package: vstor_redist.exe, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: Yes, dependency: None
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i201: Planned package: TestAppInstaller.msi, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:17:45]i300: Apply begin
[0EAC:0778][2020-07-02T14:17:47]i360: Creating a system restore point.
[0EAC:0778][2020-07-02T14:17:51]i361: Created a system restore point.
[0EAC:0778][2020-07-02T14:17:51]i000: Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\{ec724e25-c6e3-47ba-91a3-8e894c092324}\.be\BootstrapperTestApp.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{ec724e25-c6e3-47ba-91a3-8e894c092324}\BootstrapperTestApp.exe'
[0EAC:0778][2020-07-02T14:17:51]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {ec724e25-c6e3-47ba-91a3-8e894c092324}, version:
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:17:51]w343: Prompt for source of package: dotNetFx35setup.exe, payload: dotNetFx35setup.exe, path: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\dotNetFx35setup.exe
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:17:51]i338: Acquiring package: dotNetFx35setup.exe, payload: dotNetFx35setup.exe, download from:
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:18:32]i305: Verified acquired payload: dotNetFx35setup.exe at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\dotNetFx35setup.exe, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\B0CA05C12EBB9A3610206BAD7F219E02B7873CBD\dotNetFx35setup.exe.
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:18:32]w343: Prompt for source of package: vstor_redist.exe, payload: vstor_redist.exe, path: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vstor_redist.exe
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:18:32]i338: Acquiring package: vstor_redist.exe, payload: vstor_redist.exe, download from:
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:18:40]e000: Error 0x80091007: Hash mismatch for path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vstor_redist.exe
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:18:40]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to verify hash of payload: vstor_redist.exe
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:18:40]e310: Failed to verify payload: vstor_redist.exe at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vstor_redist.exe, error: 0x80091007. Deleting file.
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:18:40]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to cache payload: vstor_redist.exe
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:18:40]e314: Failed to cache payload: vstor_redist.exe from working path: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\{ec724e25-c6e3-47ba-91a3-8e894c092324}\vstor_redist.exe, error: 0x80091007.
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:18:40]e349: Application requested retry of payload: vstor_redist.exe, encountered error: 0x80091007. Retrying...
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:18:40]w343: Prompt for source of package: vstor_redist.exe, payload: vstor_redist.exe, path: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vstor_redist.exe
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:18:43]i338: Acquiring package: vstor_redist.exe, payload: vstor_redist.exe, download from:
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:18:51]e000: Error 0x80091007: Hash mismatch for path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vstor_redist.exe
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:18:51]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to verify hash of payload: vstor_redist.exe
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:18:51]e310: Failed to verify payload: vstor_redist.exe at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vstor_redist.exe, error: 0x80091007. Deleting file.
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:18:51]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to cache payload: vstor_redist.exe
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:18:51]e314: Failed to cache payload: vstor_redist.exe from working path: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\{ec724e25-c6e3-47ba-91a3-8e894c092324}\vstor_redist.exe, error: 0x80091007.
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:18:51]e349: Application requested retry of payload: vstor_redist.exe, encountered error: 0x80091007. Retrying...
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:18:51]w343: Prompt for source of package: vstor_redist.exe, payload: vstor_redist.exe, path: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vstor_redist.exe
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:18:54]i338: Acquiring package: vstor_redist.exe, payload: vstor_redist.exe, download from:
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:19:02]e000: Error 0x80091007: Hash mismatch for path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vstor_redist.exe
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:19:02]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to verify hash of payload: vstor_redist.exe
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:19:02]e310: Failed to verify payload: vstor_redist.exe at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\vstor_redist.exe, error: 0x80091007. Deleting file.
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:19:02]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed to cache payload: vstor_redist.exe
[0C54:0428][2020-07-02T14:19:02]e314: Failed to cache payload: vstor_redist.exe from working path: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\{ec724e25-c6e3-47ba-91a3-8e894c092324}\vstor_redist.exe, error: 0x80091007.
[0EAC:0D58][2020-07-02T14:19:02]i351: Removing cached package: dotNetFx35setup.exe, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\B0CA05C12EBB9A3610206BAD7F219E02B7873CBD\
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:19:02]e000: Error 0x80091007: Failed while caching, aborting execution.
[0EAC:0778][2020-07-02T14:19:02]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {ec724e25-c6e3-47ba-91a3-8e894c092324}
[0EAC:0778][2020-07-02T14:19:02]i352: Removing cached bundle: {ec724e25-c6e3-47ba-91a3-8e894c092324}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{ec724e25-c6e3-47ba-91a3-8e894c092324}\
[0C54:09AC][2020-07-02T14:19:02]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x80091007, restart: None, ba requested restart: No

IBM MobileFirst CLI 7.1 install fail on MacOS

I just download IBM MobileFirst CLI 7.1 from
I clicked install_mac to install but no happen, no install wizard appear. I try right click install_mac to Show Package Contents and click Contents/MacOS/install -> the install wizard appear, I canceled this installation.
Then I try click install_mac again, the install wizard appear, no problem util final step, it show message
The installation of IBM MobileFist Platform Command Line Interface is finished, but some warnings occured during the install. Please see the installation log for details.
In log tmp
Install File:
Install File:
Install File:
Install File:
Install File:
Install File:
Install File:
Install File:
Install File:
Install File:
Install File:
Install File:
Expand Archive:
Expand Archive: /Applications/IBM/MobileFirst-CLI/null
Additional Notes: WARNING - Unknown archive type:
Could not find file to extract:
Install Directory: /Applications/IBM/MobileFirst-CLI/public/
Copy File: Destination:
Additional Notes: WARNING - Source /Applications/IBM/MobileFirst-CLI/mobilefirst-cli/node_modules/generator-worklight-server/ant-tools/worklight-ant-builder.jar
does not exist.
Copy File: Destination:
Additional Notes: WARNING - Source /Applications/IBM/MobileFirst-CLI/mobilefirst-cli/node_modules/generator-worklight/project/templates/project/externalServerLibraries/
does not exist.
Copy File: Destination:
Additional Notes: WARNING - Source /Applications/IBM/MobileFirst-CLI/mobilefirst-cli/node_modules/generator-worklight/project/templates/project/externalServerLibraries/
does not exist.
Copy File: Destination:
Additional Notes: WARNING - Source /Applications/IBM/MobileFirst-CLI/mobilefirst-cli/node_modules/generator-worklight/project/templates/project/externalServerLibraries/mfp-xs-loader.jar
does not exist.
Copy Folder: Destination:
Additional Notes: WARNING - There was a problem copying
Custom Action:
Install Directory:
Install Uninstaller: IBM MobileFirst Platform Command Line
Interface(Install All Uninstaller Components)
Create LaunchAnywhere: Create
Install Uninstaller: IBM MobileFirst Platform Command Line
Interface(Install All Uninstaller Components)
More information
OS: MacOS High Sierra 10.3
jdk: javac 1.8.0_151
Please help.
New CLI 7.1 just release by IBM to fix this problem

Burn Bootstrapper does not uninstall chained MSI

I have a Burn Bootstrapper with 2 MSIs and 2 Exe Packages. My Product MSI does not get uninstalled when I uninstall with the bootstrapper.
relevant Package part from Bundle.wxs
<MsiPackage SourceFile="Resources\MyProduct.msi" ForcePerMachine="yes" Visible="yes" Permanent="no">
(the visibility is only set to be able to uninstall "per hand" later on. The install log seems to be alright regarding installation of the product, and it shows (the MSI) in Add/Remove Programs.
[0020:0D1C][2015-07-15T16:15:50]i201: Planned package: MyProduct.msi, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0B34:0E40][2015-07-15T16:17:43]i305: Verified acquired payload: MyProduct.msi at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\MyProduct.msi, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{5147F2CD-4057-408C-9871-5CF419E4A064}v3.14.0000\MyProduct.msi.
[0B34:0AEC][2015-07-15T16:17:44]i323: Registering package dependency provider: {5147F2CD-4057-408C-9871-5CF419E4A064}, version: 3.14.0000, package: MyProduct.msi
[0B34:0AEC][2015-07-15T16:17:44]i301: Applying execute package: MyProduct.msi, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{5147F2CD-4057-408C-9871-5CF419E4A064}v3.14.0000\MyProduct.msi, arguments: ' ALLUSERS="1" MSIFASTINSTALL="7" INSTALLBASE="1"'
[0020:0D1C][2015-07-15T16:23:38]i319: Applied execute package: MyProduct.msi, result: 0x0, restart: None
[0B34:0AEC][2015-07-15T16:23:38]i325: Registering dependency: {973aefce-662d-437a-b703-e6e06af73ea5} on package provider: {5147F2CD-4057-408C-9871-5CF419E4A064}, package: MyProduct.msi
on uninstall however the state of the package is always absent, thus not uninstalled. is this a possible bug or am I missing something painfully obvious?
uninstall log excerpt:
[0F30:0EE0][2015-07-15T16:24:48]i101: Detected package: MyProduct.msi, state: Absent, cached: Complete
[0F30:0EE0][2015-07-15T16:24:49]i201: Planned package: MyProduct.msi, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: Yes, dependency: Unregister
[0BBC:0FD8][2015-07-15T16:24:50]i326: Removed dependency: {973aefce-662d-437a-b703-e6e06af73ea5} on package provider: {5147F2CD-4057-408C-9871-5CF419E4A064}, package MyProduct.msi
[0BBC:0FD8][2015-07-15T16:24:50]i329: Removed package dependency provider: {5147F2CD-4057-408C-9871-5CF419E4A064}, package: MyProduct.msi
[0BBC:0FD8][2015-07-15T16:24:50]i351: Removing cached package: MyProduct.msi, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{5147F2CD-4057-408C-9871-5CF419E4A064}v3.14.0000\
Tested with a VM and an empty snapshot, to be sure to not have a tainted testing environment. (using WiX 3.8 + wixextba because i need ability to check for two directories listed and a few little checks here and there)
edit: with a fresh head this morning i tried it again, and reread all the logs probably the culprit may be (different guids, new run...)
[0FA0:054C][2015-07-16T10:09:48]w355: Unable to register source directory: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{39A0BA42-7EAB-435C-BADC-C531E5B16763}v3.14.0000\, product: {39A0BA42-7EAB-435C-BADC-C531E5B16763}, reason: 0x80070645. Continuing...
i found nothing regarding this error except for problems with Microsoft Security Essentials. Any clues?
edit2: MSDN Errorcodes 1605 is "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT" yet the MSI Installation log has no "return value 3" and states
MSI (s) (90:78) [11:06:10:483]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: MyProduct. Product Version: 3.14.0000. Product Language: 1031. Manufacturer: MyManufacturer. Installation success or error status: 0.
I can uninstall it when set Visible="yes".
To whom it may concern;
the problem was, that the MSI/wxs had Id='*'for Product. As soon as I fixed the Productcode (which will be changed for every release to get Major Upgrades) the registration does work and the MSI is properly uninstalled.