using yyparse() and fprintf - printf

I've a piece of code for a compiler for basic arithmetic (add, diff). In my mparse.y yacc file, I've read input from a file in main function. To invoke parsing, I've put the condition as follows:
fprintf(stderr,"Parsing complete.");
the last statement of yyparse, after completion is supposed to be:
printf("The last statement of yyparse");
The problem is, if I use fprintf(), I get the following absurd output:
Parsing Complete
The last statement of yyparse.
Whereas, if I use printf instead of fprintf, I get the normal output.
The last statement of yyparse
Parsing complete.
Shouldn't the second option be correct, ie, all the statements of yyparse should be executed first and then the printf after if? Why this weird behaviour?

This is the result of stderr and stdout being buffered differently. It has nothing to do with yyparse.
Stdout is normally line buffered, which means that output is kept in a buffer until a newline is printed or the file descriptor is closed.
Stdout is normally unbuffered, so its output is immediate.
If you mix output to stdout and stderr, the order of actual output can be inverted.
By the way, if you just want to output a fixed string, it is better to use puts(msg) (to print to stdout) or fputs(msg, file). puts automatically outputs a newline at the end of the string; if for some reason you don't want that, use fputs(msg, stdout)


How do I read a line of input from a user, until an EOF is hit, in GNU Prolog?

I have been reading the GNU Prolog documentation to figure out how to read a line of input until an end_of_file atom is reached. Here is my pseudocode for writing such a goal:
read_until_end(Chars, Out):
if peek_char unifies with end_of_file, Out = Chars
otherwise, get the current character, add it to a buffer, and keep reading
I implemented that like this:
read_until_end(Chars, Out) :-
peek_char(end_of_file) -> Out = Chars;
peek_char(C) -> read_until_end([C | Chars], Out).
prompt(Line) :-
write('> '),
read_until_end([], Line).
Here's what happens in the REPL:
| ?- prompt(Line).
> test
Fatal Error: global stack overflow (size: 32768 Kb, reached: 32765 Kb, environment variable used: GLOBALSZ)
If I print out C for the second branch of read_until_end, I can see that peek_char always gives me the same character, 'b'. I think that I need a way to progress some type of input character index or something like that, but I can't find a way to do so in the documentation. If I knew a way, I would probably have to use recursion to progress such a pointer, since I can't have any mutable state, but aside from that, I do not know what to do. Does anyone have any advice?
You are using peek_char/1 to get the next character, but that predicate does not consume the character from the stream (it just "peeks" the stream). Therefore an infinite recursion undergoes in your code that ends with a global stack overflow.
You should use get_char/1 to read and consume the character from the stream, and reverse/2 the list of collected chars:
read_until_end(Chars, Out) :-
Char = end_of_file -> reverse(Chars, Out)
read_until_end([Char | Chars], Out)
To avoid the need to reverse the list you may slightly modify your procedures to build the list in order (without using an accumulator):
read_until_end(Output) :-
Char = end_of_file -> Output=[]
prompt(Line) :-
write('> '),

String interpolation in Perl6

I have difficulty figuring out why the statement
say "\c500";
produces the character 'Ǵ' on my screen as expected, while the following statements give me an error message at compile time ("Unrecognized \c character"):
my $i = 500;
say "\c$i";
even though
say "$i"; # or 'say $i.Str;' for that matter
produces "500" (with "$i".WHAT indicating type Str).
You'll have to use $i.chr, which is documented here. \c is handled specially within strings, and does not seem to admit anything that is not a literal.
The string literal parser in Perl 6 is a type of domain specific language.
Basically what you write gets compiled similarly to the rest of the language.
In the case of \c500, you could view it as a compile-time constant.
(BEGIN 500.chr)
Actually it is more like:
(BEGIN 500.HOW.find_method_qualified(Int,500,'chr').(500))
Except that the compiler for string literals actually tries to compile it to an abstract syntax tree, but is unable to because there hasn't been code added to handle this case of \c.
Even if there was, \c is effectively compiled to run at BEGIN time, which is before $_ has a value.
Also \c is used for more than .chr
"\c9" eq "\c[TAB]" eq "\cI" eq "\t"
(Note that \cI represents the character you would get by typing Cntrl+Alt+i on a posix platform)
So which of these should \c$_ compile to?
If you want .chr you can write it as one of the following. (spaces added where they are allowed)
"abc$_.chr( )def"
"abc{ $_.chr }def"
"abc{ .chr }def"
'abc' ~ $_.chr ~ 'def'

SWI-Prolog predicate for reading in lines from input file

I'm trying to write a predicate to accept a line from an input file. Every time it's used, it should give the next line, until it reaches the end of the file, at which point it should return false. Something like this:
database :-
loop :-
write('I found a line.\n'),
accept_line([Char | Rest]) :-
C =\= "\n",
Obviously this doesn't work. It works for the first line of the input file and then loops endlessly. I can see that I need to have some line like "C =\= -1" in there somewhere to check for the end of the file, but I can't see where it'd go.
So an example input and output could be...
this is
an example
I found a line.
I found a line.
Or am I doing this completely wrong? Maybe there's a built in rule that does this simply?
In SWI-Prolog, the most elegant way to do this is to first use a DCG to describe what a "line" means, and then use library(pio) to apply the DCG to a file.
An important advantage of this is that you can then easily apply the same DCG also on queries on the toplevel with phrase/2 and do not need to create a file to test the predicate.
There is a DCG tutorial that explains this approach, and you can easily adapt it to your use case.
For example:
:- use_module(library(pio)).
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes).
lines --> call(eos), !.
lines --> line, { writeln('I found a line.') }, lines.
line --> ( "\n" ; call(eos) ), !.
line --> [_], line.
eos([], []).
Example usage:
?- phrase_from_file(lines, 'blah.txt').
I found a line.
I found a line.
Example usage, using the same DCG to parse directly from character codes without using a file:
?- phrase(lines, "test1\ntest2").
I found a line.
I found a line.
This approach can be very easily extended to parse more complex file contents as well.
If you want to read into code lists, see library(readutil), in particular read_line_to_codes/2 which does exactly what you need.
You can of course use the character I/O primitives, but at least use the ISO predicates. "Edinburgh-style" I/O is deprecated, at least for SWI-Prolog. Then:
get_line(L) :-
get_line_1(C, L).
get_line_1(-1, []) :- !. % EOF
get_line_1(0'\n, []) :- !. % EOL
get_line_1(C, [C|Cs]) :-
get_line_1(C1, Cs).
This is of course a lot of unnecessary code; just use read_line_to_codes/2 and the other predicates in library(readutil).
Since strings were introduced to Prolog, there are some new nifty ways of reading. For example, to read all input and split it to lines, you can do:
read_string(user_input, _, S),
split_string(S, "\n", "", Lines)
See the examples in read_string/5 for reading linewise.
PS. Drop the see and seen etc. Instead:
setup_call_cleanup(open(Filename, read, In),
read_string(In, N, S), % or whatever reading you need to do

Non-advancing read in Fortran with free format

I want to read a line in a file, which includes three real numbers, without advancing the pointer. So I wrote: (TXT is the variable representing my file which has a value of 80)
read(TXT, *, ADVANCE='NO') (numbers(i),i=1,3)
However, I got an error message saying:
"error #6568: This use of the ADVANCE, SIZE, or EOR specifier is invalid."
So how should I write it to make it correct?
You can use advance='no' only with an explicit format. The reason is the following : advance='no' just avoids to go to the next record (notice that the file pointer advances anyway, just after the last read value); but with a directed list (format *), one doesn't know how many record are involved by your read statement (the three numbers may be written on four lines for instance).

How to discard the rest of line after syntax error

I'm implementing a small shell, and using lex&yacc to parse command. Lex reads command from stdin and yacc execute the command after yyparse.
The problem is, when there is a syntax error, yacc prompt an error and parse from the begining. In this case, cmd1 >>> cmd2 leads to running cmd2 becuase >>> is a syntax error.
My question is how to discard the rest of current command after encounting a syntax error?
If you want to write an interactive language with a prompt that lets users enter expressions, it's a bad idea to simply use yacc on the entire input stream. Yacc might get confused about something on one line and then misinterpret subsequent lines. For instance, the user might have an unbalanced parenthesis on the first line. or a string literal which is not closed, and then yacc will just keep consuming subsequent lines of the input, looking to close the construct.
It's better to gather the line of input from the user, and then parse that as one unit. The end of the line then simply the end of the input as far as Yacc is concerned.
If you're using lex, there are ways to redirect lex to read characters from a buffer in memory instead of from a FILE * stream. Look for documentation on the YY_INPUT macro, which you can define in a Lex file to basically specify the code that Lex uses for obtaining input characters.
Analogy time: Using a scanner developed with lex/yacc for directly handling interactive user input is a little bit like using scanf for handling user input. Whereas capturing a line into a buffer and then parsing it is more like using sscanf. Quote:
It's perfectly appropriate to parse strings with sscanf (as long as the return value is checked), because it's so easy to regain control, restart the scan, discard the input if it didn't match, etc. [comp.lang.c FAQ, 12.20].