I would like to insert rows into a table using a select statement to query specific data but use data from a different table as part of the insert. EXmaple:
Table A: Clients where data is being queried and copied
Table B: MailOptOut where data is being inserted
I want to insert in MailOptOut table two values, a hardcoded field 'Summer Promotion' and then the acct# from the clients table (client.acct_no)
Here is my code that isn't working:
('Summer Service Promo', client.acct_no),
('Referral Rewards Doubled', client.acct_no),
('Holiday Decorating 1', client.acct_no),
('Holiday Decorating 2', client.acct_no)
select client.acct_no, mailcoptout.* from plshared.dbo.client left join PL00.DBO.mailcoptout on mailcoptout.ACCT_NO = client.ACCT_NO
where client.U_SOLICIT = 'y'
and client.acct_no = '131335'
and client.INACTIVE <> 'y'
and mailcoptout.MC_NAME is null
Is this what you are trying to do?
select x.mc_name, client.acct_no
from plshared.dbo.client c left join
PL00.DBO.mailcoptout mc
on mailcoptout.ACCT_NO = client.ACCT_NO cross join
(select 'Summer Service Promo' as MC_NAME union all,
select 'Referral Rewards Doubled' as MC_NAME union all
select 'Holiday Decorating 1' as MC_NAME union all
select 'Holiday Decorating 2' as MC_NAME
) x
where c.U_SOLICIT = 'y' and
c.acct_no = '131335' and
c.INACTIVE <> 'y' and
mc.MC_NAME is null;
Hello I have the following query in postgres. And I get the following result.
create temporary table "query_table" as
"airgoLocator_surgerytimes".iqnum as "surgery",
adminssion_time as "Admissió in",
pre_enter_time as "Preparació in",
quiro_enter_time as "Quiròfan in",
quiro_exit_time as "Quiròfan out",
recu_enter_time as "Recuperació in",
exit_time as "Sortida",
max(case when ("airgoLocator_phase".name='Inici anestèsia') then "airgoLocator_phasehistory".timestamp else NULL end) as Inici_anestesia,
max(case when ("airgoLocator_phase".name='Inici cirurgia') then "airgoLocator_phasehistory".timestamp else NULL end) as Inici_cirurgia,
max(case when ("airgoLocator_phase".name='Fi cirurgia') then "airgoLocator_phasehistory".timestamp else NULL end) as Fi_cirurgia,
max(case when ("airgoLocator_phase".name='Fi anestèsia') then "airgoLocator_phasehistory".timestamp else NULL end) as Fi_anestesia
inner join
"airgoLocator_surgerytimes".iqnum = "airgoLocator_surgery".iqnum
inner join
"airgoLocator_surgery".id = "airgoLocator_phasehistory".surgery_id
inner join
"airgoLocator_phasehistory".phase_id = "airgoLocator_phase".id
--where "airgoLocator_surgerytimes".iqnum = '0018571064'
group by "airgoLocator_surgerytimes".iqnum, "airgoLocator_surgerytimes".adminssion_time,
"airgoLocator_surgerytimes".pre_enter_time, "airgoLocator_surgerytimes".quiro_enter_time,
"airgoLocator_surgerytimes".quiro_exit_time, "airgoLocator_surgerytimes".recu_enter_time,
"airgoLocator_surgerytimes".exit_time, "airgoLocator_phase".name, "airgoLocator_phasehistory".timestamp,
"airgoLocator_surgerytimes".id, "airgoLocator_phasehistory".phase_id
order by "airgoLocator_surgerytimes".id desc, phase_id asc
select * from "query_table" where surgery = '0018571064';
My question is how can I get rid of the null fields and the repeated data so that I am left with a single row with all the information. For example like this:
Due to the way you are adding the rows into your temp table, with null values, we have to filter for the columns that do not have null values. You can get the result you want in two different ways. Using either group by, or using inner join on the same table multiple times. Here is an example of both:
Using group by:
select distinct
max(t1.inici_anestesia) [inici_anestesia],
from table2 t1
group by surgury, Admission, preperation, Quirofan_in, Quirofan_out, recuperacion, sortida
Using inner join method:
select distinct
from table2 t1
inner join table2 t2 on t2.surgury=t1.surgury and t2.inici_anestesia is not null
inner join table2 t3 on t3.surgury=t1.surgury and t3.inici_cirurgia is not null
inner join table2 t4 on t2.surgury=t1.surgury and t4.fi_cirurgia is not null
I can tell you a solution, but you need to know your data and check if this solution does not match with your expected result.
You can remove those columns from group by clause and wrap them with MAX Function in SELECT clause.
But if the values in different rows (except null values) are different you miss them. In this case you may decide to use SUM function. It depends on your business goal.
Because your query is very long; I provide you a simple sample to understand.
Create Table Test (
ID int,
groupColumn1 int,
groupColumn2 int
INSERT Test (ID, groupColumn1, groupColumn2)
Values (1, 10, 20),
(1, 10, NULL),
(1, NULL, 20)
select ID, Max(groupColumn1) groupColumn1, MAX(groupColumn2) groupColumn2
From Test
Group by ID
There is a SQL Server table (see the screenshot below) that I cannot change:
Products have identifiers and process parameters. There are 2 processes, A and B. Every process stores data in an own row.
I would like to get a table result without useless NULL values. One product on one row, no more. Desired cells are highlighted. See the 2nd screenshot for the desired output:
select a.id,
isnull(b.state, a.state) as state,
isnull(b.process, a.process) as process,
isnull(b.length, a.length) as length,
isnull(b.force, a.force) as force,
isnull(b.angle, a.angle) as angle
from table as a
left join table as b
on a.id = b.id
and b.process = 'B'
where a.process = 'A'
DECLARE #T AS TABLE (id int, state varchar(10), process varchar(10), length int, angle int
primary key (id, process));
insert into #t (id, state, process, length, angle) values
(111, 'OK', 'A', 77, null)
,(111, 'OK', 'B', null, 30)
,(159, 'NOK', 'A', 89, null)
,(147, 'OK', 'A', 78, null)
,(147, 'NOK', 'B', null, 36);
select ta.id, --ta.*, tb.*
isnull(tb.state, ta.state) as state,
isnull(tb.process, ta.process) as process,
isnull(tb.length, ta.length) as length,
isnull(tb.angle, ta.angle) as angle
from #t ta
left join #t tb
on ta.id = tb.id
and tb.process = 'B'
where ta.process = 'A'
order by ta.id
Self join? (edited)
isnull(a.length, b.length) as length,
isnull(a.force, b.force) as force,
isnull(a.angle, b.angle) as angle
(select * from tmpdel where process = 'A') as a left join
(select * from tmpdel where process = 'B') as b on
a.id = b.id
I've given this a quick test and I think it looks right.
Say I have the below table which holds customer data:
DECLARE #customer TABLE (ref varchar(10), RepName varchar(10), City varchar(10))
INSERT INTO #customer
SELECT 'CustomerA', 'Tom', 'London' UNION ALL
SELECT 'CustomerC', 'John', 'London'
and I have 2 other identical tables SourceA and SourceB which holds customer data as well,
I have a script which compares data among these 3 tables and inserts the details into the below table:
DECLARE #diffs TABLE (ref varchar(10), existing_value varchar(100), nev_value varchar(100), source_table varchar(100), column_name varchar(100))
SELECT 'CustomerA', 'Tom', 'Tom A', 'SourceA', 'RepName' UNION ALL
SELECT 'CustomerA', 'Tom', 'Tom Ax', 'SourceB', 'RepName' UNION ALL
SELECT 'CustomerC', 'London', 'New York', 'SourceA', 'City'
This table highlights that the rep name in our Customer table is different than sourceA and sourceB. Current value is Tom, but sourceA has the value as Tom A and sourceB has it as Tom Ax, and it also highlights the difference in city but the city is only different in sourceA.
And I use the below table to understand which source to use when I am updating the Customers table:
DECLARE #temp TABLE (column_name varchar(100), source_to_use varchar(100), source_priority int)
SELECT 'RepName', 'SourceA', 1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'RepName', 'SourceB', 2 UNION ALL
SELECT 'City', 'SourceB', 1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'City', 'SourceA', 2
Based on this I need to update the rep name with Tom A and city with New York based on the source_priority. Before writing the update statement I have tried to get the right rows using this:
FROM #diffs d
LEFT OUTER JOIN #temp t ON t.column_name = d.column_name and d.source_table = t.source_to_use
AND source_priority = CASE WHEN EXISTS
SELECT source_priority
FROM #temp x
Where source_priority = 1 AND d.source_table = x.source_to_use
But this does not give me what I want, is there anyway of querying these tables and update the customers table with the differences based on priority?
One way that I can think to do this. Flatten the three tables into a single table with different columns. Then use cross apply to choose the value from #temp. Here is an example that assumes that customers has rows for all customers:
select c.ref, repname.repname
from (select c.*, ca.repname as repname_a, ca.city = city_a,
cb.repname as repname_b, cb.city as city_b
from customers c left join
customersa ca
on c.ref = ca.ref left join
customersb cb
on c.ref = cb.ref
) c cross apply
(select top 1
(case when source_to_use = 'source_a' and repname_a is not null then name_a
when source_to_use = 'source_b' and repname_b is not null then repname_b
when source_to_use = 'source' and repname is not null then repname
end) as repname
from #temp t
where t.column_name = 'repname'
order by priority
) repname;
I'd go for a CTE. Something like this should work:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT d.*, t.source_priority
FROM #diffs d
ON t.column_name = d.column_name
AND d.source_table = t.source_to_use
), mins AS (
SELECT ref, column_name, MIN(source_priority) source_priority
FROM cte
GROUP BY ref, column_name
SELECT cte.ref, cte.column_name, cte.new_value
ON cte.ref = mins.ref
AND cte.column_name = mins.column_name
AND cte.source_priority = mins.source_priority
SQL is not my strong point and I am struggling to find a solution to this issue. I am trying to figure out how I can get a result set based on the following logic. Select record A when A is not in B OR select B if the record appears in B and A. I tried the following union which returns me all the records that match from the current day in the two tables but I cannot figure out how to pull the data I need from the two tables.
SELECT 'a',PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId, sProductDescription
FROM PurchaseOrderLine
WHERE PurchaseOrderLine.dRequiredDate = convert(date, getdate())
SELECT 'b',PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId, sProductDescription
FROM GoodsIn
INNER JOIN PurchaseOrderLine
ON PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId = GoodsIn.iPurchaseOrderLineId
WHERE GoodsIn.dDateDelivered = getdate())
You can do a left outer join, and use a ISNULL or CASE statement in the select to return the required values.
I'll demonstrate:
CASE WHEN b.iPurchaseOrderLineId IS NOT NULL THEN 'b' ELSE 'a' END AS [Source],
ISNULL(b.sProductDescription, a.sProductDescription) AS [sProductDescription]
FROM PurchaseOrderLine AS a
LEFT JOIN GoodsIn AS b ON a.iPurchaseOrderLineId = b.iPurchaseOrderLineId
AND b.dDateDelivered = GETDATE()
WHERE b.iPurchaseOrderLineId IS NOT NULL
OR a.dRequiredDate = CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE())
Hope that helps!
Hope This will help You: Just an example similar to you.
create table A(id int , name char(12))
create table B(id int , name char(12))
insert into A values (1,'ABC'),(3,'WXY')
insert into B values (1,'ABC'),(2,'AAA')
SELECT a.id,a.name FROM A inner join b on a.id=b.id and a.name=b.name
If I understand you correctly, assuming GoodsIn=B, you may try something in this fashion.
SELECT 'a',PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId, sProductDescription
FROM PurchaseOrderLine
ON PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId = GoodsIn.iPurchaseOrderLineId
WHERE PurchaseOrderLine.dRequiredDate = convert(date, getdate())
AND GoodsIn.iPurchaseOrderLineId IS NULL
SELECT 'b',PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId, sProductDescription
FROM GoodsIn
INNER JOIN PurchaseOrderLine
ON PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId = GoodsIn.iPurchaseOrderLineId
WHERE GoodsIn.dDateDelivered = getdate());
You could also try literally as you described (assuming sProductDescription is in PurchaseOrderLine):
"Select record A when A is not in B"
SELECT 'a',PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId, sProductDescription
FROM PurchaseOrderLine
WHERE iPurchaseOrderLineId NOT IN(SELECT iPurchaseOrderLineId FROM GoodsIn)
or in this way:
SELECT 'a',PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId, sProductDescription
FROM PurchaseOrderLine
WHERE GoodsIn.iPurchaseOrderLineId=PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId)
or using EXCEPT:
SELECT 'a',PurchaseOrderLine.iPurchaseOrderLineId, sProductDescription
FROM PurchaseOrderLine
SELECT 'a', iPurchaseOrderLineId, sProductDescription
FROM GoodsIn;
Just hints, tailor them to your needs.
I know something must be wrong with my syntax but I can't seem to figure it out.
I want to populate this column prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc from either expir_prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd or ren_prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd depending on the value in type_indicator but before it goes into prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc it should look up the prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc from pc_ref_detail_product_cd and select the one corresponding to its expir_prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd or ren_prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd.
I apologize for the terrible indenting, I know it is difficult to read but this is the best way I know how to put it.
,case when type_indicator in ('R','C') then
select prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc
from pc_ref_detail_product_cd a inner join op_pif_coverage_rpc_new b
on a.prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd = b.expir_prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd
else when type_indicator in ('N','O') then
select prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc
from pc_ref_detail_product_cd a inner join op_pif_coverage_rpc_new b
on a.prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd = b.ren_prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd
else NULL
AS prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc
FROM dbo.op_pif_coverage_rpc_new
Here is the code I used to create my reference table
create table pc_ref_detail_product_cd(
prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd char(2),
prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc char(30)
insert into pc_ref_detail_product_cd (prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd, prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc)
values ('01', 'CORE'),
('02', 'FORECLOSED'),
('04', 'TRUST'),
If you need to select column from different table depending on value in additional column you need to include all tables in query, with appropriate JOIN and than use case statement like so
SELECT CASE WHEN a.MyColumn = 0 THEN b.SomeColumn
WHEN a.MyColumn = 1 THEN a.SomeColumn
END AS SomeColumn
FROM MyTableA AS a
JOIN MyTableB AS b
ON a.ID = b.ID
Instead of select statement in case statement, you just going to select column from ether table that you need for each particular case.
I got it figured out. Here is the SQL I used. Sorry if it wasn't apparent what I wanted to do from my horrible code in the original question.
,case when type_indicator in ('R','C') then
(select prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc
from pc_ref_detail_product_cd a where expir_prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd = prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd)
when type_indicator in ('N','O') then
(select prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc
from pc_ref_detail_product_cd a where ren_prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd = prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_cd)
else NULL
AS prop_and_cas_dtl_prdct_desc
FROM dbo.op_pif_coverage_rpc_new