Event Goal Conversion - pdf

I wonder if someone can help me with getting my PDF download event to show up as a conversion? I have read other posts on here and also asked on the Google forum but so far I haven't managed to get it going. Please note, I am using the new, universal tracking code.
What I have done so far:
Set up in Google Tag Manager event tracking - this works perfectly and is recording in GA.
I have added the code to the PDF link that I am trying to track anchor text
Set up Goal in GA with event type set to Event with the fields set to 'equal to', except for value which is marked 'greater than'. Category - PDF, Action - Download, Label - Brochure, Value - 250.
What am I doing wrong? Nothing comes up when I verify this goal and nothing comes up in real time conversion tracking.
Thanks in advance.

You might have an error with your Google Analytics event configuration. Try this:
Remove the goal Value in the Goal Details (Event Conditions)
Change to NO "Use the Event value as the Goal value for the
Set the value yourself (e.g. 5$)
Make your to remove the value from the GA javascript or Tag in GTM


Why Odoo 15 emails do not show images?

When I open an email sent from Odoo, it does not show any images:
If I inspect the link of the image, I see:
If I paste that link on a new tab, I get a 404. However, if I paste the substring:
I see the main company logo.
I have only one database running in the instance. I am using the IP http://myip:myport to access Odoo so far. I have that IP http://myip:myport set in the parameter web.base.url. I also have web.base.url set to True and report.url set to, although I think both have nothing to do here.
I've googled about this problem for hours, but the solution is not very clear.
Does anyone know the solution to this problem or have any idea of what can be happening?

How do I add a DatePicker to a custom field

I have TRAC 1.0.1 running.
For my tickets I would like to have a DueDate. Entering the DueDate should be done by using a DatePicker. Because it is convenient, and you can not enter wrong values.
I added following plugin to TRAC: http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/DateFieldPlugin
The description says, that it provides validation for custom fields and a DatePicker for Milestone and Ticket fields.
My trac.ini configuration file looks like this:
duedate1 = text
duedate1.date = true
duedate1.date_empty = true
duedate1.label = Due Date
duedate1.order = 4
duedate1.value = DD-MM-YYYY
first_day = 1
format = dmy
separator = -
TRAC is now checking the input against the format. But what I really want is a DatePicker that pops up and lets me choose the date.
Any help is appreciated.
If the input is being validated but there is no datepicker it sounds like a client side JS / browser problem.
I just created a new Trac env, added the DateFieldPlugin, copied your [ticket-custom]
and [datefield] ini configuration and it seemed to work out of the box just fine. For example on /newticket I can see a datepicker for the Due Date field (using Firefox at least). Given that, all I can really do is give some more details which might help us debug your problem.
The datepicker is added via JavaScript. If you are running Trac 1.0 then you don't need to worry about jQuery or jQuery UI as Trac core now ships with these dependencies. You can see that by looking at the scripts tab in Firebug etc. when you are running tracd. Are you serving your own jQuery or jQuery UI scripts which might be conflicting? Are there any errors shown on the Firebug console tab?
The plugin serves extra JS files when you request certain pages in Trac, including /newticket and /ticket. You should also be able to see these scripts being served in Firebug etc. Is that true for you?
If you inspect the HTML in the ticket.html template displayed on /newticket you should also see something like this for the Due Date input
<input type="text" class="datepick hasDatepicker" value="MM-DD-YYYY" name="field_due_date1" id="field-due_date1">
Note the two datepick and hasDatePicker classes are what tell JS to to render a jQuery Datepicker dialog. Does your custom field have these classes? The plugin should be adding them for you (inside the post_process_request())
If all that is the same for you then maybe it is a browser problem?
While the plugin way was ok, when there was no other way, now it is only second best, because of all the limitations of storing date/time as formatted string instead of POSIX (micro)seconds, just like for other native Trac time fields.
There is a better way: Custom date/time field support has entered Trac core since 1.1.1 ("unstable" development branch moving towards next stable 1.2).
At least if you foresee heavy use and/or long term Trac deployment, you'll appreciate adding true timestamps to your db right from the start. It provides you with the best possible experience like date picker UI, full time zone and TracQuery support, even future time constraints ('nextday', 'nextweek', etc.) are possible right now.
A last note regarding Trac code stability: For what its worth I'm using true custom time fields support via patches in production since 2009 (Trac 0.13dev), runs smoothly in applications with 30.000+ tickets by now.

How do you use modify the color definitions for a Google Calendar to allow custom colors for events?

I'm using the Google Calendar API to create new events. It appears the only method to assign a color to an event is with a colorID (1 to 11) that looks up the specific color from the table.
The default 11 color palette isn't exactly ideal for my needs so I would like to change it but I haven't been able to figure out how. The documentation explains how to obtain these lookup tables and but I can't figure out how to modify them. I assume they can be modified as there is a timestamp in the structure for the last time it was modified.
Anybody know how to modify the colorID table for events?
I know this thread is old, but the answer to the question is that you can't edit the set Event colors. The new custom colors in the new API only correlate with the Calendar color itself, not the Events contained within.
Why Google would only make some of the colors customizable, and not all beats me. Until they realize the desire for more colors it would appear we are stuck with good ol' 1-11.
Added detail from bounty:
I have the same question. I would like to be able to set a custom color for events that I post to the calendar, but don't want to be
limited by the 11 choices. I see in the docs they have added an
additional color setting method
But I'm unclear on the concept of how to go about it.
This part of the documentation demonstrates these properties directly: https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/calendarList/insert
Which will let you add and modify your personal calendar as a demo (scroll to the bottom and try out the API Explorer). To do what you are asking on here, set colorRgbFormat=true then add the backgroundColor or foregroundColor properties with the specified color.
You end up with a request which looks like:
POST https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/users/me/calendarList?colorRgbFormat=true&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer xxxx
X-JavaScript-User-Agent: Google APIs Explorer
"id": "SomeCalendarItem",
"backgroundColor": "#444444"
Note: I think this answers the bounty question - which is different from what the OP asked, but might be what the OP wanted - #Wescotte, please advise if this solves (or doesn't) your issue as well.

Viewing QTMovie duration attributes?

I've probably spent the last 2 weeks searching through Apple Quicktime documentation to resolve what seems like a pretty basic question, but to no avail. Here's the issue...
I've got several short QTMovie files each containing three tracks -- the usual two containing the sound and video, plus an extra video track holding subtitled text images (making two video tracks in all). If I select one of these tracks in Quicktime Pro and export it as an 'Movie To Image Sequence' I might find say, 142 stills spread throughout the duration of the movie. My search method also reports the correct total number of frames.
Now, I've learned that you can take single-frame images, add them to a QTMovie, and set their individual on-screen display times for however long you want using 'attributeForKey:QTMovieDurationAttribute'. But how on earth do I go about accessing that data again? (which essentially just seems like the reverse of this process).
In pseudo-code what I'm trying to do is something like:
select video track #2 ...
call up the first image in the sequence ...
access and note its on-screen duration setting ...
call up the second image ...
access and note its duration ...
... repeat until done.
I'm not after editing this data or anything -- just finding out how I can get access to individual frames in a video track ... and where the HECK this timing info is hiding inside the bowels of QT.
As a senior citizen I think I'm starting to get too old for this sort of thing and Quicktime is a big, often complex and confusing framework, so if anyone can help me out with some advice or (ideally) just a few lines of sample code here I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance :-)
Okay. After several more days of digging and experimentation I finally found the answer to my own question. To get the (next) subtitle image I used:
// access the subtitle track
Track theTrack = [self getVideoSubtitleTrack];
// set flags to find NEXT image (ignoring the current one)...
myFlags = nextTimeStep;
// ... and search forward from current position.
GetTrackNextInterestingTime(theTrack, myFlags, playheadPos, fixed1, &nextInterestingTime, NULL);
This only finds the start of an image object though, and iterating through the track finds the leading edge of each successive image. But I wanted the end time of the current text too.
After getting the start time, I experimented with the seven available flags and found that setting the flag to 'nextTimeTrackEdit' gets the end time.

Kaltura - Force player to stop with API only?

Is there any way to force a Kaltura videoplayer to stop ONLY using code and the Kaltura API?
Currently I have solved it by adding a Access Control Profile named "Free preview" under Settings > Access Control in KMC and then added this profile to the Entries I've choosen.
I then add the session to the players flashvars to restrict non-members to only watch the preview, not the whole clip.
But I would like to restrict ALL, or even better selected Categories of clips by using only code, so I don't need to involve KMC.
Is that possible?
Alt) Can you create a new player in KMC and restrict it to viewing only X seconds, no matter what length of Entry? Then I can do the check if user is valid or not and get the category via API and show it in the "preview-player" och the "default player".
If I use the mediaProxy.mediaPlayTo attribute the clip stops, but is easily started again by presing play.
Would greatly appreciate an answer
I got this answer from a guy named oferc in a different forum:
You can listen to the head move event and pause the clip it goes beyond a certain time (then if someone pressed play, you can stop it again)
function jsCallbackReady(player_id) {
my_kdp = $("#"+player_id).get(0); // document.getElementById(player_id) if you do not use jquery/ prefer pure js
my_kdp.addJsListener("kdpReady", "kdpReady"); // when you load the player with an entry (and the player is ready to begin playing it using doPlay for instance)
function kdpReady() {
function headMove(position) {
if (position > "30") { // Your Time, example 30 seconds
Works like a charm!
fredrik_w - neither of the ways you chosen here are a good option to restrict access.
in both cases, your videos are made public, and can be easily accessible by anyone.
The best way to limit access to a video is by defining an Access Control, and like everything in Kaltura, you can define an ACL using API as well.
Check this out as a reference sample-