Why won't my proxy work with AWS API Gateway? - apache

I have an api gateway endpoint and I want to be able to access it from my webpage; the api gateway will response with a string.
I would like to make an ajax request to the endpoint then use the response of that to do my work on the ui.
So in my proxy.conf file, I added:
ProxyPass /proxyme https://API_ENDPOINT
ProxyPassReverse /proxyme https://API_ENDPOINT
When I execute:
I get a 404. Am I missing something to make this proxy work? I'm sure that I restarted my apache when I added the proxy.
Please let me know if additional detail is needed.
Does it matter if my site is http and gateway is https?
Edit 2:
My object is to have my frontend js code hit some url:
and it should hit the api endpoint via a proxy:
once the data is received, my js will kick in and do rendering.

HTTP to HTTPS is a big no no and there's no way around it.


frontend cloud run app can not access my backend cloud run app due a MixedContent problem

I have two cloud services up and running.
frontend (URL: https://frontend-abc-ez.a.run.app/)
backend (URL: http://backend-abc-ez.a.run.app/)
Frontend is calling the backend through a nuxt.js server middleware proxy to dodge the CORS problematics.
The call is coming through - I can see that in the backend log files. However the response is not really coming back through because of CORS. I see this error in the console:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://frontend-abc-ez.a.run.app/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint 'http://backend-abc-ez.a.run.app/login'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
What I find weird is that I configured the backend url with https but it is enforced as http - at least that is what the error is telling me. Also I see a /login path segment in the unsecure URL. Why is that? I never explicitly defined that endpoint. Is it the security layer proxy of the run service itself?
Anyway - I need to get through this properly and am having a hard time to understand the source of the problem.
For some reason as I rechecked the applications today in the morning everything went fine. I have really no idea why it is working now. I did not change a thing - I waited for the answers here before I'd continue.
Very weird. But the solution so far seems to be waiting. Maybe Cloud Run had some troubles.

How to pass original URI, with arguments, to Traefik ErrorPage handler specified in `query`?

I'm trying to use nginx to serve a custom error page using the Error Page middleware so that 404 requests to a lambda service (which I don't control) can be handled with a custom error page. I want to be able to get the context of this original request on that error page, either in Nginx for further forwarding, or else as a header for further handling e.g. in PHP or whatnot so I can provide contextual links on the 404 page.
However, right now after the redirection to Nginx in Traefik's ErrorPage middleware it seems the request has lost all the headers and data from the original service query.
The relevant part of my dockerfile:
traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix:/myservice;ReplacePathRegex:^/myservice/(.*) /newprefix/$$1
Nginx receives the forwarded 404 request, but the request URI comes through as nothing more than the path /myservice-404 specified in query (or /, if I omit traefik.frontend.errors.myservice.query). After the ReplacePathRegex I have the path of the original request available in the HTTP_X_REPLACED_PATH header, but any query arguments are no longer accessible in any header, and nginx can't see anything else about the original URI. For example, if I requested mysite.com/myservice/some/subpath?with=parameters, the HTTP_X_REPLACED_PATH header will show /myservice/some/subpath but not include the parameters.
Is it possible in Traefik to pass another service the complete context about the original request?
What I'm really looking for is something like try_files, where I could say "if this traefik request fails, try this other path instead", but I'd settle for being able to access the original, full request arguments within the handling backend server. If there was a way to send Nginx a request with the full path and query received by Traefik, that would be ideal.
I am routing a request to a specific service in Traefik
If that request 404s, I want to be able to pass that request to Nginx for further processing / a contextual error page
I want Nginx and/or the page which receives the ErrorPage redirect to be able to know about the request that 404'd in the service
Unfortunately this is not possible with Traefik. I tried to achieve something similar but I realized that the only information that we are able to pass to the error page is the HTTP code, that's it.
The only options available are mentioned in their docs: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/middlewares/errorpages/

Call APIs over Http from Webpage served over Https

We have a Java/Jetty server. The servlets on this server are called by some of our internal applications over http.
I have been asked to create a webapp /website which will use many of these servlets / api.
However this is an external customer facing website and needs to be served over https / ssl. The servelet urls look like
Now my webapp is ready and has been deployed on Apache on Debian. Everything works fine but as soon as I enable
https/ssl the backend calls do not go through. On chrome I get "Mixed content. Page was loaded on https but is requestig resource over http...". On Safari I get -could not load resource due to access control checks.
I understand the reasons for these errors but I would like to know ways to solve this.
I have full control over apache server and website code.
I have very limited control over internal jetty server and no control over servelt code.(don't want to mess with existing apps).
Is there something I can do just with apache configuration? can I use it as a reverse proxy for the Jetty(http) server?
Thanks for your help.
"Mixed content. Page was loaded on https but is requestig resource over http..."
That error message means your HTML has resources that are being requested over http://... specifically.
You'll need to fix your HTML (and any references in javascript and css) that request resources (or references resources) to also use https://....
If you try to call an http service from an https site you will have Mixed content error.
You can avoid that error using apache2 proxy settings inside your example.org.conf
You can find it inside the folder /apache2/sites-enabled
Add some code:
<VirtualHost *:443>
ProxyPass /service1 http://internalServer:9999
ProxyPassReverse /service1 http://internalServer:9999
From your https site you have to fetch the url
to reach the service.
In that way you can call your services http from a https site.

Application proxy returning 404

I've set up an application proxy for my app, but when I try to access the URL in my test shop, it returns a 404 error.
Proxy URL: http://localhost:3000
Path: tools/track
Test Shop Proxy URL: http://harber-inc8996.myshopify.com/tools/track
When I go to that proxy URL (which I believe you can see for yourself), it returns a 404 error.
Now that I'm writing this out, I'm wondering...is the issue that the Proxy URL can't be localhost?
You can't use localhost as a proxy.
The reason behind this is that Shopify actually has to be able to send a request to the proxy location. From Shopify's perspective localhost is... itself.
You have to provide a publicly accessible address for your proxy.
There are a couple of ways to do this. The easiest/most popular way to go is either with localtunnel or showoff.io. Localtunnel is free but gives you different URL every time you start it. Showoff will give you a permanent address but costs money. Such is life.

Are there any samples/tutorials which tells how to call servlets on J2EE server from iPhone app?

Sorry for posting basic question but please give me your advise.
I have to write iOS application which communicates with web application deployed on Tomcat server.
The web application requires client-app to call the "logon" servlet with username and password to get JSESSIONID. Once client get JSESSIONID, the web application allows to invoke other servlets.
But I couldn't figure out how to manage the session to invoke these servlets.
Would you please introduce me the examples/tutorials to learn how to invoke these kind of servlets?
Thank you in advance.
Here's a decent example of making an http request from iOS:
iOS: How to make a secure HTTPS connection to pass credentials?
There's nothing magic about making the call to a j2ee tomcat server - it's just an HTTP request, so any way you can make an HTTP request will work for you.
Maybe this one too:
Can I make POST or GET requests from an iphone application?
edit: ahh, looks like this is the one you want:
The JSESSIONID is nothing special. If your application is set up to handle cookies coming back from your HTTP request then the JSESSIONID will come back as a cookie in the header. Otherwise you will be issued a redirect to a URL with the JSESSIONID in it. From there, if you handle cookies, the JSESSIONID will be passed automatically with each request with all of the other cookies. Otherwise you'll have to put it into the URL of each request manually.
Download the liveheaders plugin for Firefox and try hitting your servlet with the webbrowser and you can see how the JSESSIONID gets passed around. Next, turn off cookies in Firefox and you can see how it's passed around in the URL and you can see the redirect that Tomcat issues if you watch the headers in liveheaders.