Access 2010 VBA and filtering - vba

Good Day,
I need some assistance please. I am rebuilding a third party Access database after it's catastrophic failure and the failure of the 3rd party developer to fix his mess. I am an avid Access Developer and know my way around an Access Database well. I am not a super VBA coder, but I can do more than my bit in VBA as well as a few other languages.
Currently, I have a database test bed with a login form that stores 3 values as public variables (gstrLevel as String, gstrUser as String, gintID as Integer). I am able to set my own "permissions" with ease in that once they login I can use the values to control the switchboard etc.
My problem now is the following. We have people recording prospective client interactions and interviews. As part of the process, every time they make contact, they record this into the database and in the process a "followup date" is created. This works like a charm. What I now need to do is warm the users if these followup dates are close or have passed so that prompt action can be taken lest we lose a prospective client.
I have a query that takes the prospective table information, and the notes table information (where the followup date is stored) and then filters the dates correctly. This in turn has been used to create a continues form to display the records that need followup soon. What I cannot seem to do is to get it to only show the logged in users followup records.
I should note that the user/agent field is a lookup field in the prospective table, and thus also creates a combo box in the Followup form. I can lock the form from changes etc, but I can't seem to get it to only display the relevant user/agent details.
I have tried:
Me.FilterOn = True
DLookup as criteria
Using my public variables directly as query criteria
And a few other weird combinations with no success.
My problem, I believe, is the fact that the user/agent is a lookup field, and I am not sure how to filter based on that fact. If I use the gstrUser variable directly I get a type mismatch and if I use gintID directly it shows nothing.
Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.

You probably have a Users table, with a numeric Primary Key (PK), while your gstrUser stores the userName.
So in the source of your Followup form, just add the Users table (joined to the Prospective table on UserId) and apply the filter on the userName field in the Users table (or whatever it's called that matches the contents of gstrUser).


MS Access - Report to only show items that are out of date/or soon to be

Due to the remote nature of working, the team I work in each have a laptop that they're using for their role (we have thinkpad displaylink units when in the office to connect the laptop to screens). I am working to improve the current allocation records file, which was just a big spreadsheet that you just added a new user to the bottom row. It was messy and hard to read at times, so i've decided to move the data into MS Access and created my data entry and user lookup form, which are working perfectly and make the job easier. I have also been able to make a number of reports that will come in handy too (who has what model ect).
Now the issue is, each of the laptops have a warranty and I am able to produce reports which lists the users and their warranty due date, but this will show all the warranty dates, whether they've been passed or in the future. I want to be able to produce 2 report/queries, the first that will just bring up the laptops who have a warranty that have expired, then another one to bring up those who will expire within the next 6 months so that we can make relevant decisions.
If anyone can assist with this, it will be welcome.
Apply filter criteria to report when opening. Either have parameters in report RecordSource or use code (VBA or macro) to build criteria for OpenReport method WHERE CONDITION argument. Expressions for criteria (ExpireDate is field, substitute with your field name):
[ExpireDate] <= Date();
[ExpireDate] BETWEEN Date() AND DateAdd("m", 6, Date())

Oracle Application Express SQL Query to show meaningful information

I am trying to write a query that 1) works and 2) shows meaningful information.
However, I can't seem to complete both scenarios. Both bits of code do work to a degree. My SQL query does work by showing all the useful information a user wants but when you click the edit button it doesn't link properly so it won't allow the user to update that row. The other shows only keys and rowid but when you click edit does show the information and allows it to be updated.
So as not to get another down-voted question, I have taken pictures of each scenario to show the problem, but, ultimately, I need to show meaningful information: an id or key isn't meaningful to the vast majority of users.
Here is my code
and here are the pictures of it in action
below is the code that does not show meaningful information but does work.
select "ROWID",
If i knew how to properly use rowid i am sure this is a simple feat but i dont so if i could get any help it would be useful
who ever renamed this to Application Expression why? what i am using is Apex Application Express it was relevant information that got changed to something wrong which might make it hard for someone with a similar problem to find later.
In the second, simple query, apex can determine which table (and record) you are trying to edit.
In the first query, with the joins, it can't tell which of the five tables in query you want to edit. You probably want to have the edit link pass the primary key of the row from APPLICATIONS to the child page. You would need to build into that page any logic (lists of values etc) that map lookup tables (such as status) to the values needed in the APPLICATIONS table.

Querying via a form with value from textbox as criteria

The situation: metadata about biological specimens are collected in an Access table. The specimens come from human patients and patient data are collected in a separate table. To limit the amount of private health information we have hanging around, the patient database must be updated with new patients only when we actually receive samples from them.
So that the data entry workers know when they need to update the patient table, I want a button in the specimen data entry form that will pass an entered patient id value as criteria to a query.
The query looks like this right now:
SELECT Patients.[Patient id]
FROM Patients
WHERE (((Patients.[Patient id])=[Forms]![Specimen entry]![patient id]));
but it never has results, even when I run it from records that I know correspond to patients in the patient table. How do I fix this?
Suggestions about what to call this situation so that I can make better searches about it would also be appreciated. I'm an Access novice.
The query looks correct, but make sure the WHERE clause is comparing numbers to numbers or strings to strings (not a number to a string). Also confirm that the form and textbox names are correct. A quick test using your query worked for me.
Depending on how you plan to present the information, you can also dynamically create the query in VBA and then pass the information to the form.
For searching, I'd recommend some combination of access, dynamic, query, and vba.
alternative option
If you're only looking to see if a single patient exists in the table, it may be simpler to use the dlookup function:
If IsNull(DLookup("[Patient ID]", "Patients", "[Patient ID]='" & Me.Patient_ID & "'")) Then MsgBox "does not exist"
This will check to see if the patient exists (return a number) or does not exist (returns NULL).

Disable Query in Access with VBA

A coworker in accounting was complaining about how she ran a query twice and it doubled her values and she got confused. Im just a Junior IT person who has very little VBA experience. I am basically just trying to add code to make it so my queries in our databases can't be run more than once unless you restart the database. I was thinking of doing a boolean check to see if a query has been run and if it has don't allow it to be run again. Or maybe I could just do a simple if statement. Please let me know if you have any input on this issue.
I couldn't find anything on the Googs either.
I would think on a date and a session ID as default values in each table, you could code the addition of both etc.
These are populated, date =date() as default value and sessionID is the DMAX from your SessionID table, as extra column in said query.
This SessionID table is incemented by a startup popup form, running macro.
The Primary Key of each table being operated on would be the date and the sessionID not allowing dupes. You probably dont need the date, just a sessionID in the PK.
It is not always the best idea to implement ad-hoc ideas by users like this.
You should analyze what happened here, and make sure it cannot happen in the application design, not by arbitrary rules.
Example: If the update query adds fees to a bill, and this must happen only once per bill, then the update query should also set a flag "fees added" in the bill record. And it should not update bills with this flag set.

How to join two objects in Rally

I would like to join the user object and project permission object to see how many users have been assigned to a project, for audit purpose. I don't see a common field with common values (email address or first name/last name) between these objects. I used Excel plugin to retrieve two separate data sheet and unable to map them. Any thoughts on this on how to do this?
You're probably seeing something similar to the following when you query on ProjectPermissions:
In this situation, the default User object selected from the "Columns" picker in the query dialog, gives you the User's DisplayName, which doesn't unambiguously map to a Rally UserID.
Note, however, that you can add dot-notation sub-fields of Objects manually by typing them into the Columns field. In the following example, I've included User.Username and User.LastLoginDate as additional fields I want to show on the Permissions report:
Of course, you could also just include User.Username, and run a second query on the User object with all fields selected, and do a join in Excel.
One note of caution - if you have many users (say 1,000), and a lot of projects, (say 1,000, which is not uncommon in large Rally subscriptions), querying directly against the ProjectPermissions endpoint can rapidly result in total results that number on the order of 10^6. This will probably time out in an Excel query.
The Rally User Management: User Permissions Summary script works around this by querying Permissions in a loop on a user-by-user basis. It's slow, but it returns results without timeouts. Certainly not as convenient as Excel either - you need to install Ruby 1.9.2+ and the rally_api gem to get it working.