Process SMS when notified via websocket - pushbullet

So I managed to connect to the websocket with my API token and I do get notifications. For incoming calls, I do get a push with all info like so:
{"type":"push","targets":["stream"],"push":{"type":"mirror","source_device_iden":"XXXXXXX","source_user_iden":"ujC7S24sQxw","client_version":206,"dismissible":true,"title":"5555551212","body":"Incoming call","application_name":"Pushbullet","package_name":"","notification_id":"6","icon"
"Big value here"}}
So I can see that call came from 555-1212 (I changed number for privacy) and it all makes sense. However, for SMSs, all I get is a notification that SMS changed. No body field so I can't see where it came from and what the message is. All it says is sms_changed for type:
What am I doing wrong? I would like to get the SMS message and sender info so that I can publish it. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

This is not publicly documented yet and we might be changing the implementation in the near future so I'm hesitant to make it public. Also I don't know the specifics of the current implementation.
You can view how it works right now by using and looking at the network traffic (in chrome inspector) when you do SMS stuff on the website.


Firebase Error Message - The document has moved

We are sending lots and lots of FCM Messages to our millions of users. As the message is triggered by an external event (Kick off in a football match) we sent many messages at the same time.
Sometimes the sending of an FCM message fails and we get an error message like this:
<H1>302 Moved</H1> The document has moved
2022+19:04:17+GMT">here</A>. </BODY></HTML>
(I removed some text for privacy reasons.)
For sending the messages we use
implementation ''
We got thousands of error messages like this in one minute. In the next minute everthing worked fine again.
I have search the internet for information about it. But i couldn't find any abuse rules for FCM. Does anybody has information about this kind of error?
firebaser here
At first glance, your project may be getting throttled, but it may also be another problem in the API calls or the FCM backend. It’ll be challenging to pinpoint or even narrow down what is the specific cause of the error on a public forum without going into project-specific details. I would recommend reaching out to Firebase support as they can offer personalized help. Please provide the latest request and response (with timestamp) you have so they can check what happened to the message delivery.

Simple time-based chest push notification setup

Hello I am trying to create a simple push-notification system similar to this common use case:
1. The user gets a chest and can either watch an ad to skip the wait time or wait one hours for the chest to open. The app sends an upstream request which sets up a downstream push notification that shall be delivered in one hour to let the user know the chest is ready.
2a. The user then waits an hour, gets a push notification (outside of the app) to open their chest and they do!
2b. They wait 20 minutes then decide to watch the ad. The app sends an upstream request which cancels the pending push notification which would have otherwise been delivered in 40 minutes.
Okay awesome so that is the problem and I am having a hard time understanding how to do this. I have looked over the documentation for each of these programs but they seem designed for downstream push notifications. It just seems odd there is no built-in support for this use case. It seems like such a common use case.
I so far found 3 solutions that will integrate into my cross-platform Unity setup and provide services for free or super-cheap:
Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
Amazon seems to group clients into "Topics" so I guess I would be setting up a one-device-topic and essentially. I can subscribe and unsubscribe from them but it doesn't seem to support a topic with a 60 minute delay.
2a. Create a topic: (it would just include the current device)
2b. Subscribe to it
2c. Send a message to it
So basically I can add attributes to my message but it would seem I need to implement the server-side code to read a delay attribute then somehow queue a message for delay. Maybe I am missing something?
For Firebase I pretty much see the same thing as Amazon. There are topics and a means to send upstream messages but with the messages I don't see anyway here to get the time delay I see conditions towards the bottom of that article but I don't know if it is meant for this use case.
OneSignal has the easiest to scroll-through API. I'll refer to some strings that you can CTRL-F by using the format ("Create Notif") because everything is on this one page:
So basically I can ("Send to Specific Devices") which I guess would be the sending device, then I can ("Schedule notification for future delivery.") using the send_after parameter. And finally, if need be, I can ("Cancel notification"). So this appears to be everything I need. I'm currently looking at this option and trying to figure out how to actually get this working.
So there is my progress over the last few hours researching each of these options. I am hoping you can help me better understand how I may be misunderstanding the above options as this seems to me a very common use-case. Perhaps I am just not googling the question correctly. Any help appreciated.
Whenever there's a likelihood that you'll need to cancel a significant percent of the notifications you send, you should use local notifications. That way you can easily schedule and cancel them locally without making any network requests. Also, this solution works for offline devices which is great for games (played on planes, etc...)

What is the protocol of GPS tracking device TK103?

I am currently working on getting a location of a vehicle to a server. I am using TK103 as my GPS device. It is sending ##,imei:<my_imei>,A; to the server when the server is started.
This is the only document of the protocol I could find on internet:*/
I followed it. But it does not work properly. It needs to send "ON" command many times to work and any of other commands did not work. Could you please help me to identify the problem.
When you get message like ##,imei:123456789012345,A; you need to respond with LOAD.
When you receive just IMEI number like 123456789012345; you need to respond with ON.
Here you can find the source code of the decoder for this protocol:

Can RestKit receive Asynchronus responses?

I am using RestKit to request data and perform actions using this data.
Once I have parsed the data and displayed it to the user, they can select an item to initiate playback. When the user has selected the playback the server will respond with a response code, but the server also notifies the app when the playback has finished.
client server
request data ->
<-respond with JSON
request_playback ->
<-playback_started OK
<-playback_stopped OK
Hope that the diagram helps out.
I need the App to be aware of changes on the server, in this example playback started/stopped or recording started/stopped.
So basically Is there a way for RestKit to accept a response that is not initiated by a request?
Thanks for your help.
You should look into things like 'long polling' or 'reverse AJAX' or 'web sockets'. These are all techniques to be able to leave a connection open to the server and continuously receive responses from the server.
Maybe an alternative cleaner solution is to use Apple's push notification mechanism.

C2DM collapse_key implementation explanation needed

I cannot see any explanation of the implementation of the collapse_key.
I think i understand what it does but not how it do it!
Android Cloud to Device Messaging Framework
I have a C2DM framework set up and sending 4 types of messages to many phones.
String messages very basic looks kind of like this:
If the phone is off many of this can get piled up waiting for phone on-line.
as far as i can tell my system works but what will the collapse_key do for me here?
addEncodedParameter(sb, "collapse_key", "no_ide_what_to_put_here");
You mentioned retrying the same message 3 times and using the same key value. It doesn't really have to be the same message. If you've got a message that indicates the current price of a stock, for instance, and you really only care about the latest price, then you could send different messages with the same key. When the device comes back online, it only gets the latest price quote message.
This may have been what you were saying already, but wanted to make it clear it's not only for "retrying sending same message".
I found this text: “collapse key” used for overriding old messages with the same key on the Google C2DM servers" I think if im retrying sending same message 3 times I must use same key value right. Google cloud server will send the latest msg with the same key value
...but be aware of the following (from
"Note that since there is no guarantee of the order in which messages get sent, the "last" message may not actually be the last message sent by the application server."
But maybe this is not an issue if you don't generate a lot of messages.