Could be a web page displayed in telnet command line? - telnet

I remember one time i've tiped a web address in telnet with port 80 and seen a piece of html.
My question is:
What a page must have to be viewed in telnet command line.
I know that images couldn't be viewed, but the text could be?
Links to tutorials or guidelines are welcome.

There are some text browsers around, e.g. lynx or w3m
Just install them on your server (every linux distri has packages for them) and use it in your command line, even over telnet or ssh.


ColdFusion server running, XAMPP running, but browsing to URL http://localhost/coldfusion/cfusion/wwwroot/variable.cfml shows CFML source?

As the title states, Apache server is running, localhost is available, ColdFusion server is running when I check Get-Service in a terminal on Windows 10. Apache runs on port 80, and the ColdFusion server runs on port 8581. So why is it that I see CFML source code and not the processed CFML when I go to where my file is saved at http://localhost/coldfusion/cfusion/wwwroot/variable.cfml? is the correct URL. Thanks for those that at least looked I appreciate it :) Although I would love some clarification if any one is there to offer it? The basic trouble shooting page on Adobe was quite helpful....

Remote web server pages do not update after making changes via SSHFS

I've been troubleshooting this for a while now and can't seem to find a solution. I have a remote LAMP server in my office and sometimes need to work from home. I use a SSHFS between my home computer and work to accomplish this.
However, I have run into an issue where when I update the local files, the changes get pushed to the server immediately as they should. I have verified that the changes are there via SSH and VIM. However, if I refresh and even force refresh the page in Chrome the changes do not appear.
I also created a local file which showed up immediately on the server and I could view in Chrome, but any subsequent changes to the file are not rendered.
Any time that I'm in the office the changes are rendered immediately as well.
Anybody have any ideas?
Apache 2.4.7
Sublime Text 3 Editor
Client SSHFS: win-sshfs
Server SSH: OpenSSH_6.6.1p1
My guess is that the modified time isn't updated correctly on the remote filesystem. I'm not so sure what would be the fix for this but this at least could be a first trail to follow?
In fact, I just did a little search around and found this bug :
With a possible workaround in Sublime 2, I'll let you check if there is such a setting in Sublime 3

The Grinder - What is 'Insert Command' in TCPProxy Console

Grinder documentation saying lot of benefits of TCPProxy console. Like, record the response, auto generate the Jython test scripts and a lot. I am very happy for that. Sorry to say, but I am not able to find how to use it. Like, I see some thing 'Insert command and press enter' text box and 'insert command' button. But I did not find any details, what should I write in that text box. And how to use TCPProxy Console.
But Grinder Documentation showing some generated scripts also. But how it generated, I did not find any details.
Please help me, if any body know.
TCPProxy Console is very easy to use than I expected. It is some thing like Selenium Mozilla Firefox plugin.
One of friends from grinder-user gave a solution. I hope it will helpful to you also.
Start TCP Proxy (details in the above doc), default port is 8001.
Configure browser to use the localhost:8001 port so HTTP traffic generated by your browser goes through TCP Proxy
Run the steps in the browser for the testcase
Click STOP on the TCP Proxy dialog and the resulting grinder script will be generated

Logging the output of VBoxHeadless

I want to be able to launch a VM in headless mode and log the outputs of its tty to the command line.
Basically I have a situation where the VM will be launched remotely (hence the command line requirement), but every once and a while, the VM's bootup sequence freezes, and right now there's no way for me to debug why the VM is not booting up properly unless I go there manually and view it in a non-headless mode.
The VM itself does not have a GUI, it just boots into TTY mode.
So is there anyway I can get some debugging output from the TTY while it's headless?
One crazy idea would be using non-headless mode and taking screenshots of the window that opens, but there must be a better way!
You can use the following command to output a PNG file of the current screen, even in headless mode:
vboxmanage controlvm [vmname] screenshotpng screen.png
I am trying to get some integration testing for bootstrapped virtualboxes up and running and ran into the exact same problem. After finding out that VRDP is a dead end, because RDP cannot send text but only bitmaps, I remembered that some cloud providers require grub to output to ttyS0.
What is ttyS0 you ask? It's the serial console of course :-)
Here's how to configure Debian to output to serial console
VirtualBox allows you to redirect the serial port into either a file or a pipe, meaning you should be able to get all the information you desire by simply reading the specified filepath.

how to test open graph on localhost

I've done a lot of research and haven't found a definitive answer to this. Is there anyway to test the open graph on localhost? I don't haven any issues using the graph api on locahost.
I've changed my website url in the app settings and have even tried setting up a domain in my hosts file but the debugger linter for open graph tries to use the actual domain instead of my localhost and when using locahost directly the linter completely fails connecting.
Does anybody have any workarounds for this?
Using a local proxy is the right solution. ngrok didn't work for me neither.
A similar tool that did work with facebook debugger is localtunnel ✅
npm install -g localtunnel
lt --port 8000
# or using npx without installing localtunnel
npx lt --port 8000
Generates a url that looks something like https://<random_hash> Using this url in facebook open graph debugger worked for me as of October 18th 2017. I only had to hit Fetch new scrape information button. 🍻
Cool thing about localtunnel is that you can easily host your own localtunnel server with so if it ever stops working with, you can run your own somewhere in the cloud ⛅
You can use ngrok to create a random public subdomain that routes to your local webserver very easily, even through NAT or firewalls.
Just download ngrok and run ./ngrok http 8080 (assuming 8080 is your local webserver http port).
This will create a random subdomain like that routes to your local webserver and that you can use with Facebook to test your open graph tags.
Its very simple to test Open Graph in any local environment using Chrome or Firefox using plugins. I have used one to quickly show in chrome how the Open Graph looks to the viewer to test results. Here is a quote of what it does.
This extension shows how people will see your site in the most popular
social networks This extension is for professionals who creates a
media content.
To check meta-information of your site or article just open it in a
Chrome and click extension's icon. Also you could add an URL manually.
Here is a direct link to the plugin (Chrome)
Firefox add-on
As a bit simpler approach you can use a browser extension like - which will show your Social Cards directly in the Browser (which of course might fail, if you wrongly didn't set them serverside :))
To test open graph (and Twitter cards) I also had to expose localhost (Docker) to Facebook and Twitter. I used Serveo
It works very well for this, no need to install anything as it works with ssh port forwarding.
$ ssh -R 80:localhost:3000
Then navigate to the url given, and there you go.
You have to setup a public domain which points to your public ip address.
Use or a similar service and setup your router to forward your port 80.
There are several tools you can use for serving something up over your localhost, each with varying degrees of functionality.
I prefer (obviously)
Other great options here:
If anyone is looking to preview the :og tags on while developing on subdomains (using in localhost. You can use
Simply use following command to forward your local server requests. No installation required.
ssh -R
you can put your desired port in place of 3000.