Yii2 - configure google cloud messaging - google-cloud-messaging

I would like to configure GCM in my yii2 application. Any working packages that are available ?
I tried
which doesn't install due to composer errors. (duccio/apns-php not found)
Is there any basic template through which I can configure it easily?

All should work properly. Just add
"bryglen/yii2-apns-gcm": "dev-master",
into your composer.json and type
composer update


NestJs - CLI Plugin - enabling the Swagger plugin for npm dependencies

I created a npm DTO library used on different projects (front / back)
On the back side, I use NestJs and I would like to activate the Swagger CLI-Plugin of NestJs (https://docs.nestjs.com/openapi/cli-plugin) on the created library, any idea how to do it?

AWS vuejs Amplify - Failed to pull the backend

I created an app using Admin UI then created a fresh Vue JS application.
When I run amplify pull --appId d2v01y74i7xjqk --envName staging on the CLI, I am getting the following error:
Invalid feature flag configuration
These feature flags are defined in the "amplify/cli.json" configuration file and are unknown to the currently running Amplify CLI:
This issue likely happens when the project has been pushed with a newer version of Amplify CLI, try updating to a newer version.
I have upgraded amplify to the latest 4.45.0 version.
Does anyone know how this can be resolved?
I finally got this working, and it was frustrating to say the least.
curl -sL https://aws-amplify.github.io/amplify-cli/install | zsh && $SHELL
Once i ran this, it worked for me aftewards.

How to use Laravel sanctum with Breeze

I have installed Laravel Breeze and then Sanctum. But, it is not working as it should. Please guide me, how can I set up it?
I want to create the admin panel with Laravel Breeze and Vue application for the front users.
For a start you can install Breeze with Vue + Inertia scaffolding unless you're implementing everything by hand using API calls with Sanctum. First option is easier to implement.
php artisan breeze:install vue
php artisan migrate
npm install
npm run dev

Sockets not working in release build React Native

I'm working on a project where I require sockets. So I implemented a socket connection and was working on debug but not in release build.
I need to get sockets working on release build without using socket.io.
I'm using React Native : 0.61.5
And internet permission is mentioned in manifest file.
Please help.
As mentioned on Github: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/24361
Make sure your config.urlServer is not an HTTP endpoint but should be HTTPS. Latest RN versions target recent Android SDK that blocks insecure HTTP connections automatically
If anyone is facing the same issue, because of the "http" just add android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" in tag in android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml
and you should be good.

pakage .json file cannot add android platform

I cannot able to add android platform in package.json file after installing firebase cloud messaging.
"platforms": [
This is not very clear what you're saying but the way to add the android platform is to use the Ionic CLI.
You have options to use Cordova or Capacitor.
If you are just starting out it's probably best to use Cordova.
You type this into the command line:
ionic cordova platform add android
The documentation for this command is here:
ionic cordova platform - Ionic Documentation
This will update the json files for you and add all the required configuration.
You should review the documentation though if this is your first time as there are many steps before this to configure your machine: