Google autocomplete API replacement? - api

I am using this API for the keyword autocomplete
This api is stopped working since August 10th, 2015.
Google suggested us to use CSE instead but CSE seems for us to search the web content, not for auto suggestion.
What service / api should I use if I want to re-enable my "autocomplete" in search box?

Bit of a late reply, but I find it funny that firefox is actually using for the search autosuggest on the about:newtab page. Though they maybe using a specially crafted header or something to make that work. You can check the requests with the browsertoolbox (regular inspector or firebug won't work).
Google CSE does actually have an autocomplete function, but apparently that only works if you set CSE to show results of sites you specified, not for showing results of the entire internet.
Currently I'm seeing it works for neither, even after waiting a couple of days for google to create an index for the autosuggest.
If in the meantime you have found a better solution please let me know!


How to get same Localized results from Google CSE Json API

i am using the Google CSE Json API in order to receive results on generic queries from Google.
I have configured the Google Engine to return results from all web sites.
i though that this setting would make me use Google as if i was using it from the Google web site via the regular search engine.
BUT - i don't get same results that i would have expected to get from the site. i have major differences and i was wondering why.
From the past reading that i have made, i know that the API uses a certain server(s) around UK, making the results not the same due to the locale settings.
i have read the documentation on the CSE site and saw that there are 2 parameters that i thought would have improved the state:
googlehost - specifying the domain to use. this parameter is deprecated according to the documentation, hence i used the second parameter
gl - specify a country code for the search
both parameters didn't affect my results at all.
i am struggling with this for quite a long time and would appreciate a proper solution for it.
all i want is to have a CSE that acts the same as the google website. Running a search here and there should not differ in the returned results.
your help is highly appreciated.

Google Custom Search refinement redirect

So I'm using Google Custom Search (Google CSE) and I'm trying to use the refinement functionality to redirect search queries to Google Scholar.
Basically I'm following exactly the documentation found here. However it turns out that, despite there being documentation, this functionality doesn't exist, and it doesn't appear that Google has any plans to implement it in the near future (see the StackOverflow post here).
My question is, does anyone have a hack/workaround for this problem, so that I could use Google CSE to search Google Scholar?
Server Side
You can use something like to parse the results from google scholar yourself and expose it as an API that you could consume and render any way you liked.
It would use scholar search under the hood. However, since this isn't an official API this might break at any time, it also requires you to have server side resources to service the requests, but would let you have the nicest interface that you have full control over.
You can open an iframe at the particular URL, and this can be embedded inside your page. It looks a bit clunkier, but it means you don't have to link externally and you can embed it locally
<iframe src='{query}'></iframe>
See documentation here. It might be specifically what renders well for you.
External Link
Alternatively, you can just open a new tab/window with:
<a href='{query}' target='_blank'> My Link </a>

How to acquire API key for Airbnb

I know that Airbnb haven't opened their API to the public yet, but searching the internet I found some people are using it.
I tried to contact them, and also Airbnb, but without any answers.
Does anyone here knows any contact email, page, or phone number that I can refer to?
I have read here that you can find your API key by looking at the requests that AirBNB uses in their own website. So use the web-developer tools in chrome, or firefox, or firebug in firefox and search trough the requests in the network panel until you find the key being used in any JSON request. Some urls contain this key param, you copy that :) works for me!
Oh BTW, i'd like to remind you that the API is currently not officially released to fetch data in the background while you are logged in. When you use this key, they'll know your identity. You might get blocked or at least warned by AirBNB for using their API while you are maybe not allowed to. Read their terms & conditions to make sure. I am not taking any responsibility, of course ;)
You can now find your API key on the meta tags of the source code when logged in to your dashboard. Search for canonical_host and you will find:
Just to update this set of answers, the api is on the following address but you need to request access first.
It offers an FAQ that informs you about the process and it will always be updated
As far as I can tell, they have shut down this service as of today.
"Unfortunately, this is no longer available" will be what the API returns.
It started working again after a few days. Very odd, maybe an internal problem, or we were rate limited or something.
Log into, open up the web developer console, go to the network tab, filter by type json, and look at the url and find "client_id".
I found this answer here

add google search box to my site

I've been researching how to add a Google search box to my site. Basically, the text box and a 'Go' button, which will search the web - except from my site. I used to see these every where.
Come to think of it now though I haven't seen it in a long time. And all the stuff I've come across in research is from early 2010 at the latest. Some searches say Google deprecated the API for what I'm looking for in 2009?
Is it still possible to get code for putting in a Google search on your page? Do you know where? Bing or Yahoo would do, too. Thanks,
You should look at Google Custom Search Engines -
Try the google jsapi, look at the Hello World - Google Web Search API Sample and adjust to your layout,

Alternative to the deprecated google REST web search API

I have been using the Google Websearch API for over 1 year now. The service was deprecated in Nov 2010 but continues to provide results to date. More recently, google has started to enforce the 1,000 queries (?) per day limit on this deprecated service. I swear, last month I made over 10,000 API calls in one day without any errors from the service (same IP, same API key).
So I guess my question is has anyone found an alternative yet? I know yahoo boss is pretty good but I am working exclusively on Google for my projects. I do not mind spending money for for this service either as long as i can get 64 results from Google.
On that thought, how are services like Zoomrank able to bypass all Google limits? I have a subscription with Zoomrank and I can get daily rankings for all my keywords. Do they have a tie-up with Google or are they just accessing some secret service I don't know about.
Some people have suggested the new Google custom search, but i dont know how does that help me search the web? Google CS is limited to the CSE you create and searches within those engines. If I am looking for web results for Pizza, Google CS doesnt help me.
Thanks for your input. Much appreciated
UPDATE: #ggez44 points to some official Google documentation of the solution described below here:
You can use the Google Custom Search Engine to search the entire web.
In brief:
Create a CSE that searches a single site (e.g.
In the CSE control panel's Basics section, set to "Search the entire web but emphasize certain sites"
In the Sites section, delete the single site that you added when you created the CSE
Full details here:
Once that's implemented, you can enable billing in the Google API Console at a CPM of $5, to a total of 10,000 queries.
Google API Console: