What is the default schema in Hive? - hive

For Pig, the default schema is ByteArray. Is there a default schema for Hive if we don't mention a schema in Hive? I tried to look at some Hive documentation but couldn't find any.

Hive is schema on Read --- I am not sure this is the answer...If some one could give an insight on this that would be great
Hive does the best that it can to
read the data. You will get lots of null values if there aren’t enough fields in each record
to match the schema. If some fields are numbers and Hive encounters nonnumeric
strings, it will return nulls for those fields. Above all else, Hive tries to recover from all
errors as best it can.

There is not default schema in Hive, in order to query data in hive you have to first create a table explaining the content of your data (by using create external table ... location).
So you basically have to tell hive the "scheme" before querying the data.


ACID table error in IMPALA?Hive upgraded to Hive3

I am very new to Hive and Impala.
I was trying to run an already existing table in IMPALA but I got the following error.
AnalysisException: Table dev_test.customer not supported. Transactional (ACID) tables are only supported when they are configured as insert_only.
The version is Hive 3. I am clueless as in what to do. I did see some documentation, articles online, but still could not solve the issue. I have attached a screenshot of the error screen. Let me know if you need more information.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Unfortunately you cant see the data through Impala and you have to use hive.
you can change table properties to insert_only to see this data.
alter TABLE tmp2 set
'transactional'='true', 'transactional_properties'='insert_only'
When you set a table to FULL ACID or hive upgrades to full acid, table file format changed to ORC and this is not supported by Impala so you can not access them. So you need to use hive to access these tables.
If you choose the workaround and change table properties, you will loose all ACID benefits like UPD/DEL etc.

How to create a bucketed ORC transactional table in Hive that is modeled after a non-transactional table

Suppose I have a non-transactional table in Hive named 'ccm'. It has hundreds of columns and one partition field.
I know how to create a copy with "create table abc like ccm' but I would like abc to be bucketed, ORC, and have transaction support set on via TBLPROPERTIES.
I do not want to mention all the columns in ccm when I compose the HQL.
Can I do this?
This answer may have the correct way to proceed in your case, and it also explains some limitation of the method used.
Create hive table using "as select" or "like" and also specify delimiter
So, from the example, you should add the missing parts:
TBLPROPERTIES ("transactional"="true")
I have some doubts that you can achieve exactly your expected results but i would consider it as a step forward

Writing Avro to BigQuery using Beam

Q1: Say I load Avro encoded data using BigQuery load tool. Now I need to write this data to different table still in Avro format. I am trying to test out different partition in order to test the table performance. How do I write back SchemaAndRecord to BigQuery using Beam? Also would schema detection work in this case?
Q2: Looks like schema information is lost when converted to BigQuery schema type from Avro schema type. For example both double and float Avro type is converted to FLOAT type in BigQuery. Is this expected?
Q1: If the table already exists and the schema matches the one you're copying from you should be able to use CREATE_NEVER CreateDisposition (https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/model/bigquery-io#writing-to-bigquery) and just write the TableRows directly from the output of readTableRows() of the original table. Although I suggest using BigQuery's TableCopy command instead.
Q2: That's expected, BigQuery does not have a Double type. You can find more information on the type mapping here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/loading-data-cloud-storage-avro#avro_conversions. Also Logical Types will soon be supported as well: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/35905894.

Add unique value in hive table

I want to add a unique value to my hive table whenever i enter any record, that value should not be repeated in the entire hive table. I am not able to find any solutions or any function for this. In my case i want to enter the record in hive using pig latin. Please help.
HIVE does not provide RDBMS database like constraints.
The suggested approch using PIG Script is as below.
1. Load data
2. Apply DISTINCT to data
3. Store data at a location
4. Create external hive table at the same location.
Step 3 and 4 can be combined if you can use HCATALOG which allows you to directly store data in Hive table.
Official documentation :Link 1 link 2
did you take a look to this? https://github.com/manojkumarvohra/hive-hilo it seems to provide a way to generate sequence numbers in hive using hi/lo algorithm

Trying to copy data from Impala Parquet table to a non-parquet table

I am moving data around within Impala, not my design, and I have lost some data. I need to copy the data from the parquet tables back to their original non-parquet tables. Originally, the developers had done this with a simple one liner in a script. Since I don't know anything about databases and especially about Impala I was hoping you could help me out. This is the one line that is used to translate to a parquet table that I need to be reversed.
impalaShell -i <ipaddr> use db INVALIDATE METADATA <text_table>;
CREATE TABLE <parquet_table> LIKE <text_table> STORED AS PARQUET TABLE;
INSERT OVERWRITE <parquet_table> SELECT * FROM <text_table>;
Have you tried simply doing
CREATE TABLE <text_table>
FROM <parquet_table>
Per the Cloudera documentation, this should be possible.
NOTE: Ensure that your does not exist or use a table name that does not already exist so that you do not accidentally overwrite other data.