How to create and use array of type extensions in Fortran? [duplicate] - oop

I am trying to use pointers to create links between objects. Using Fortran and here is the code piece:
module base_pars_module
type,abstract,public :: base_pars
end type
end module
module test_parameters_module
use base_pars_module
type, extends(base_pars) :: test_pars
procedure :: whoami
end type
function whoami(this) result(iostat)
class( test_pars) :: this
write(*,*) 'i am a derived type child of base_pars'
end type
end module
module base_mask_module
use base_pars module
type, abstract , public :: base_mask
class(base_pars),pointer :: parameters
end type
end module
module test_mask_module
use base_mask_module
implicit none
type, extends(base_mask) :: test_mask
end type
end module
program driver
type(test_pars) , target :: par_Test
type(test_mask) :: mask_test
iostat= par_test%whoami()
end program
parameters at base_mask_module is a pointer with base_pars class. I would like to use this pointer to refer par_test object which is test_pars type that extends base_pars type. So the pointer and the target has the same class. But when I compile this it gives an error:
Error: 'whoami' at (1) is not a member of the 'base_pars' structure
Is it a bug or am i doing something wrong?

When you have polymorphism like this there are two things to consider about an object: its dynamic type and its declared type. The parameters component of test_mask (base_mask) is declared as
class(base_pars),pointer :: parameters
Such a component therefore has declared type base_pars.
Come the pointer assignment
mask_test%parameters has dynamic type the same as par_test: test_pars. It's of declared type base_pars, though, and it's the declared type that is important when we care about its components and bindings. base_pars indeed has no whoami.
You need, then, something which has declared type par_test. Without changing the definitions of the derived types you can do this with the select type construct.
select type (pars => mask_test%parameters)
class is (par_test)
iostat=pars%whoami() ! pars of declared type par_test associated with mask_test%parameters
end select
That said, things get pretty tedious quite quickly with this approach. Always using select type, distinguishing between numerous extending types, will be quite a bind. An alternative would be to ensure that the declared type base_pars has a binding whoami. Instead of changing the main program as above, we alter the module base_pars_module:
module base_par_modules
implicit none ! Encourage good practice
type,abstract,public :: base_pars
procedure(whoami_if), deferred :: whoami
end type
integer function whoami_if(this)
import base_pars ! Recall we're in a different scope from the module
class(base_pars) this
end function
end interface
end module
So, we've a deferred binding in base_pars that is later over-ridden by a binding in the extending type test_pars. mask_test%parameters%whoami() in the main program is then a valid and the function called is that offered by the dynamic type of parameters.
Both approaches here address the problem with the binding of the declared type of parameters. Which best suits your real-world problem depends on your overall design.
If you know that your hierarchy of types will all have enough in common with the base type (that is, all will offer a whoami binding) then it makes sense to go for this second approach. Use the first approach rather when you have odd special cases, which I'd suggest should be rare.


Select Type: Can not call subroutine defined only in derived type?

I recently started to dive into OOP with Fortran. I have a type hierarchy where I have an abstract base type genericProblem and a derived type specificProblem. specificProblem has a subroutine that is not defined in genericProblem, called "InitializeWith" in my example.
It seems that I misunderstood the select type construct. I thought it was made specifically for such cases where I know I can expect the variable problem to be of a certain (derived) type of genericProblem and that the compiler should know that "I'm apparently of type specificProblem now function calls specific to that type are ok".
I am however getting a
This is not a field name that is defined in the encompassing structure.
error with the example below, so I am probably missing out something. Could someone point me in the right direction?
subroutine AssignSomething(problem,rhsTarget)
class(genericProblemT), intent(in out) :: problem
class(genericProblemT), target, intent(in) :: rhsTarget
select type (lhsProblem => problem)
type is (specificProblemT)
! Try setting up the rhsProblem:
call lhsProblem%InitializeWith(rhsTarget) ! Gives an error
class default
! give error for unexpected/unsupported type
throw some error
end select
end subroutine AssignSomething

Defining and invoking a constructor in Fortran

I can't figure out how I define a simple constructor for a class. What I want to do is allocate an array in mytype and later populate it in the main program.
What I have is this:
module types
implicit none
type mytype
real, allocatable :: someArray(:)
end type mytype
module procedure :: init
end interface
subroutine init(this)
class(mytype), intent(inout) :: this
allocate( this%someArray(5) )
end subroutine init
end module types
program test
use types
implicit none
type(mytype) :: array
call array%init
do i=1, 5
array%someArray(i) = real(i)
print *, array%someArray(i)
end do
end program test
When I compile I get the error
Error: MODULE PROCEDURE at (1) must be in a generic module interface
What does that mean? How can I define a generic module interface?
The language's model for a user provided constructor is a generic function with the same identifier as the type, that simply returns an object of the type. Beyond the ability to have a generic with the same name as a type, this is nothing special.
module types
implicit none
type mytype
real, allocatable :: someArray(:)
end type mytype
interface mytype
module procedure :: init
end interface
! init would typically be private.
function init()
type(mytype) :: this
allocate( this%someArray(5) )
! Non-pointer function result must be defined.
this%someArray = 0
end function init
end module types
program test
use types
implicit none
type(mytype) :: x
x = mytype()
do i=1, 5
x%someArray(i) = real(i)
print *, x%someArray(i)
end do
end program test
(The example is somewhat pointless given other aspects of the language, such as parameterized types, array constructors, automatic allocation or even the out-of-the-box capability of the built-in structure constructors.)
The error message from the compiler perhaps means to reference a generic interface, as a procedure statement is only permitted in an interface block for a generic.
Specific type bound procedure references - things with the syntax object % binding - are generally used when you have a parent type that has a method with a particular signature (set of dummy arguments, bar the passed argument), and you want to override that method in extensions - i.e. invoke a different procedure that has the same signature. Constructors don't fit this - typically the information that needs to be passed to a constructor (i.e. the signature of the call) is type specific.

Extending derived types in separate module without changing the type's name

I can extend a program by adding a module file in which I extend originally defined derived types like e.g.:
module mod1
type type1
real :: x
end type
end module
module mod2
use mod1
type,extends(type1) :: type2
procedure,pass :: g
end type
function g(y,e)
class(type2), intent(in) :: y
real,intent(in) :: e
end function
end module
program test
use mod2
type(type2) :: a
write(*,*) a%g(5e0)
end program
But with this solution I need to change the declaration of 'a' (type1->type2) in the calling program, each time when I'm adding another module. So my question is if there is a way around this, i.e. I can add a type bound procedure to a derived type in another module without changing the original name of the type.
I totally understand that this might not work since I could then declare a variable and extend its type later, what sounds problematic for me. So, I thought about the deferred statement. But this isn't really what I want, since I first have to ad it to the original definition and second I need to provide an interface and thus need to know about the variables of the later coming function (here g) already. However, maybe someone has a nice solution for this.
All this is of course to bring more structure in the program, especially when I think about different people working on one program at the same time, such a possibility to split workpackages seems rather useful.
You can rename entities that are use associated by using the renaming capability of the USE statement.
USE m1, chicken => type1
TYPE, EXTENDS(chicken) :: type1
type1 in module m2 is a different type to type1 in module m1.
You could also do this renaming in the USE statement in your main program, or via some intermediate module.
If both type1 names are accessible in another scope and you reference the name type1, then your compiler will complain.
If you use this trick and other programmers read your code, then they might complain.
To some extent submodules would help you, but they are implemented in the most widely used compilers. You could defer the implementation of the procedure to the submodule, but you would have to specify the interface anyway.
It isn't possible in any other way as far as I know.

Does fortran permit inline operations on the return value of a function?

I am trying to design a data structure composed of objects which contain, as instance variables, objects of another type.
I'd like to be able to do something like this:
CALL type1_object%get_nested_type2_object()%some_type2_method()
Notice I am trying to immediately use the getter, get_nested_type2_object() and then act on its return value to call a method in the returned type2 object.
As it stands, gfortran v4.8.2 does not accept this syntax and thinks get_nested_type2_object() is an array reference, not a function call. Is there any syntax that I can use to clarify this or does the standard not allow this?
To give a more concrete example, here is some code illustrating this:
MODULE furniture_class
TYPE furniture_object
INTEGER :: length
INTEGER :: width
INTEGER :: height
PROCEDURE :: get_length
END TYPE furniture_object
FUNCTION get_length(self)
CLASS(furniture_object) :: self
INTEGER :: get_length
get_length = self%length
END MODULE furniture_class
Now a room object may contain one or more furniture objects.
MODULE room_class
USE furniture_class
TYPE :: room_object
CLASS(furniture_object), POINTER :: furniture
PROCEDURE :: get_furniture
END TYPE room_object
FUNCTION get_furniture(self)
USE furniture_class
CLASS(room_object) :: self
CLASS(furniture_object), POINTER :: get_furniture
get_furniture => self%furniture
END FUNCTION get_furniture
END MODULE room_class
Finally, here is a program where I attempt to access the furniture object inside the room (but the compiler won't let me):
PROGRAM room_test
USE room_class
USE furniture_class
CLASS(room_object), POINTER :: room_pointer
CLASS(furniture_object), POINTER :: furniture_pointer
room_pointer%furniture => furniture_pointer
furniture_pointer%length = 10
! WRITE(*,*) 'The length of furniture in the room is', room_pointer%furniture%get_length() - This works.
WRITE(*,*) 'The length of furniture in the room is', room_pointer%get_furniture()%get_length() ! This line fails to compile
END PROGRAM room_test
I can of course directly access the furniture object if I don't use a getter to return the nested object, but this ruins the encapsulation and can become problematic in production code that is much more complex than what I show here.
Is what I am trying to do not supported by the Fortran standard or do I just need a more compliant compiler?
What you want to do is not supported by the syntax of the standard language.
(Variations on the general syntax (not necessarily this specific case) that might apply for "dereferencing" a function result could be ambiguous - consider things like substrings, whole array references, array sections, etc.)
Typically you [pointer] assign the result of the first function call to a [pointer] variable of the appropriate type, and then apply the binding for the second function to that variable.
Alternatively, if you want to apply an operation to a primary in an expression (such as a function reference) to give another value, then you could use an operator.
Some, perhaps rather subjective, comments:
Your room object doesn't really contain a furniture object - it holds a reference to a furniture object. Perhaps you use that reference in a manner that implies the parent object "containing" it, but that's not what the component definition naturally suggests.
(Use of a pointer component suggests that you want the room to point at (i.e. reference) some furniture. In terms of the language, the object referenced by a pointer component is not usually considered part of the value of the parent object of the component - consider how intrinsic assignment works, restrictions around modifying INTENT(IN) arguments, etc.
A non-pointer component suggests to me that the furniture is part of the room. In a Fortran language sense an object that is a non-pointer component it is always part of the value of the parent object of the component.
To highlight - pointer components in different rooms could potentially point at the same piece of furniture; a non-pointer furniture object is only ever directly part of one room.)
You need to be very careful using functions with pointer results. In the general case, is it:
p = some_ptr_function(args)
(and perhaps I accidentally leak memory) or
p => some_ptr_function(args)
Only one little character difference, both valid syntax, quite different semantics. If the second case is what is intended, then why not just pass the pointer back via a subroutine argument? An inconsequential difference in typing and it is much safer.
A general reminder applicable to some of the above - in the context of an expression, evaluation of a function reference yields a value. Values are not variables and hence you are not permitted to vary [modify] them.

Procedure copy in each instance of data type

When we create multiple instances from a data type (class) that has a pass procedure pointer, is the actual procedure (subroutines/functions) copied in each instance? Or is just the pointer copied?
For example consider the following code that compiles and runs correctly.
module mod2
implicit none
type class_type
integer :: a, b, c
procedure :: add => add_it
end type class_type
public :: class_type
subroutine add_it(this)
implicit none
class(class_type), intent(inout) :: this
this%c = this%a + this%b
end subroutine add_it
end module mod2
program tester
use mod2
implicit none
type(class_type), dimension(10) :: objs
objs(:) = class_type(1, 2, 0)
end program tester
Is subroutine add_it duplicated in each of the 10 objects created from data type class_type? Or is the instruction-set of subroutine add_it stored somewhere and the pointers to it, i.e. "procedure :: add => add_it" copied in each object?
Typically neither. Note this is very much implementation specific - what I describe below is typical but different processors may do things differently.
Note there are no procedure pointers in your example. The type class_type has a binding. If the class_type had a procedure pointer, things are different.
Typical implementation for bindings is that the compiler creates a table of machine level pointers, with one entry for each specific binding, with the pointer pointing at the code for the procedure. A table (sometimes known as a "vtable", from the similar technique used for virtual member functions in C++ and similar languages) is created for each type in the program.
For polymorphic objects (things declared with CLASS), the compiler then creates a descriptor that has a machine level pointer to the relevant table for the dynamic (runtime) type of the object. This pointer effectively indicates the dynamic type of the object and may be used in constructs such as SELECT TYPE and invocations of things like SAME_TYPE_AS. If you have a polymorphic array the compiler will initially typically only create one descriptor for the entire array, as individual elements in the array must all have the same dynamic type.
When you call a binding on a polymorphic object, the compiler follows the pointer to the vtable, then looks up the relevant pointer to the procedure binding.
No such descriptor or pointer dereferencing is required for non-polymorphic objects (things declared with TYPE) as the dynamic and declared type are always the same, the compiler knows what the declared type is and the compiler knows, at compile time, which procedure will be called.
If you have a procedure call where a non-polymorphic actual argument is associated with a polymorphic dummy argument, then the compiler will typically create the necessary descriptor as part of making the procedure call. Similarly for passing a polymorphic array element to a procedure taking a polymorphic scalar.
The main program of your code contains no polymorphic entities, and you call no procedures, so there may not be any machine pointers back to the vtable.
Procedure pointer components (components declared PROCEDURE(xxx), POINTER :: yyy before the CONTAINS of the type declaration) can be different for every object (including being different for every element in an array). In that case typical implementation is to store a machine level pointer to the code for the relevant procedure (or a null pointer if the procedure pointer component has not been associated).