Disable Fody Costura - fody

Is there a way to disable Fody Costura? I need to perform some troubleshooting and I want to know that Fody Costura is not part of the problem. I would prefer to disable it instead of removing the nuget which would be one solution.
Removing <Costura/> from the Fody configuration gives the following error since I do not use any other weavers:
Fody: No configured weavers. It is possible you have not installed a weaver or have installed a fody weaver nuget into a project type that does not support install.ps1. You may need to add that weaver to FodyWeavers.xml manually. eg. <Weavers><WeaverName/></Weavers>. see https://github.com/Fody/Fody/wiki/SampleUsage

Yes you can comment out or remove the <Costura /> line from FodyWeavers.xml

AFAIK, there is no way to turn off Costura but you can exclude all of your references manually:
Notice it doesn't include .dll/.exe extension (it's Foo instead of Foo.dll)
Also, if you are embedding native / unmanaged dll, make sure you switched Build Action of those libraries to None
For more information:

open the .csproj file, search for "fody", then remove all the tags that include it. such as
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Fody.1.29.4\build\dotnet\Fody.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Fody.1.29.4\build\dotnet\Fody.targets'))" />
<Import Project="..\packages\Fody.1.29.4\build\dotnet\Fody.targets" Condition="Exists('..\packages\Fody.1.29.4\build\dotnet\Fody.targets')" />
those are after this tag
<Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">

<DisableFody Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">true</DisableFody>

I know this is an older thread, but I found success also with including an empty IncludeAssemlies section in FodyWeavers.xml. Costura then includes none.


PackageReference condition is ignored for old project format

I'm trying to centralize some of our project configurations by using the Directory.Builds.props/Directory.Build.targets files. Unfortunately we have a mixture of the old and new (sdk-style) project format. And not all of our projects can be converted to the new format due to some features not available in in the new format.
The issues that I'm running into is that I would like to have all our test projects automatically reference certain nuget packages. For projects in the new format, this works fine. However projects in the old format seem to ignore any conditions for the PackageReferences that I specify. It doesn't seem to matter what I use for the condition.
Here is an example of a very simple Directory.Build.Targets file:
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<PackageReference Include="Moq" Version="4.12.0" Condition="False" />
In this case I should never see the Moq package included in any project.
For all the projects in the old format it is included regardless.
I have also tried to use the condition on:
ItemGroup itself
Choose/When block
Putting a condition on a property group or property works as expected on the other hand.
I haven't see any mention in the documentation that conditions are not supported for ItemGroup or PackageReference.
Is there something I'm missing?
I don't believe non-SDK projects support PackageReference; I suspect they are being ignored regardless of any condition you specify. Check for a packages.config file in the same directory as the project file-- if I am right it is present and references the package(s) in question.
The Nuget docs currently state:
You can use a condition to control whether a package is included, where conditions can use any MSBuild variable or a variable defined in the targets or props file. However, at presently, only the TargetFramework variable is supported.
My experience was that the Condition="" was ignored by Visual Studio, but respected by the msbuild command line. However, in my testing the <Choose><When Condition=""> block did seem to be respected by both tools.

How do you disable Roslyn Analyzers when using msbuild through the command line?

The Roslyn Analyzers are installed as nuget packages, which are dependencies of the FxCop Analyzers (also installed as nuget packages).
I have enabled full solution analysis as instructed here: How to Enable and disable full solution analysis for managed code.
I have a fairly large solution with most of the projects using the FxCop/Roslyn Analyzers and Visual Studio builds fine, usually in under a minute.
However, when running msbuild through the command line using:
"C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/MSBuild/15.0/Bin/MSBuild.exe" "C:\Source\MySolution\MySmartClient.sln" /p:Configuration=Develop;Platform="Any CPU" /
Building the solution takes anywhere from 4-15 minutes. The same is true on the build server which uses the same command.
I've tried /p:RunCodeAnalysis=False and that has no effect. I've also used process monitor to emulate the msbuild command that VS sends to msbuild with no change.
And, according to this doc: How to: Enable and disable automatic code analysis for managed code
The Enable Code Analysis on Build check box only affects static code analysis. It doesn't affect Roslyn code analyzers, which always execute at build if you installed them as a NuGet package.
These excessive build times are not practical. Is there any way to disable when using msbuild through the command line?
It's not really supported, but there is a workaround:
Create a Directory.Build.targets (msbuild >= v15.0), After.{SolutionName}.sln.targets (msbuild < 15.0) file in your solution root folder and add:
<Target Name="DisableAnalyzers"
Condition="'$(UseRoslynAnalyzers)' == 'false'">
Disable analyzers via an MSBuild property settable on the command line.
<Analyzer Remove="#(Analyzer)" />
You can pass in /p:UseRoslynAnalyzers=false now to remove all analyzers configured in the project.
See also:
You can edit the condition to also trigger on RunCodeAnalysis=False or Never.
<Target Name="DisableAnalyzers"
'$(UseRoslynAnalyzers)' == 'false'
or '$(RunCodeAnalysis)' == 'false'
or '$(RunCodeAnalysis)' == 'never'" >
To disable a specific analyzer, use this trick:
We just spent 2 hours figuring out how to disable an analyzer based on an MSBuild property, AMA.
The documentation has changed since the original answers. There is now this page documenting how to disable code analysis from analyzers:
There are 3 MSBuild properties you can use to control analyzer behavior (all default to true):
RunAnalyzersDuringBuild Controls whether analyzers run at build time.
RunAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysis Controls whether analyzers analyze code live at design time.
RunAnalyzers Disables analyzers at both build and design time. This property takes precedence over RunAnalyzersDuringBuild and RunAnalyzersDuringLiveAnalysis.
Edit: it looks like there is an issue being tracked where these props don't work unless your project has Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.targets included. So your mileage may vary until this is fixed.
In case anyone else happens to find themselves here, I came across this issue on the dotnet/roslyn project on Github:
Feature: MSBuild switch for turning on/off analysis #23591
The preceding issue describes a work-around:
Substitute for old MSBuild properties? #1431
<RunCodeAnalysis Condition="'$(RunCodeAnalysis)' == ''">true</RunCodeAnalysis>
<PackageReference Include="<whatever analyzers package you are depending on>" Condition="'$(RunCodeAnalysis)' == 'true'" />
# You'll need to run a restore when changing this value
msbuild /p:RunCodeAnalysis=false
Although, I had a couple of differences though since I'm not using package references. This worked for me.
<Analyzer Include="<whatever analyzers package you are depending on>" Condition="'$(RunCodeAnalysis)' == 'true'" />
<!-- I added the condition to the EnsureNugetPackageBuildImports too. -->
<Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
<ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
<Error Condition="'$(RunCodeAnalysis)' == 'true' AND !Exists('<relative path to the prop of whatever analyzers you are depending on>')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '<relative path to the prop of whatever analyzers you are depending on>'))" />

.net core (csproj) global.json 'projects' equivalent

With .net core (project.json) I used to switch between nuget packages and source code by adding the path to source code to the projects field in the global.json. After I did that it would add all the projects that it could find in that path that could replace the nuget packages I referenced.
I used this feature alot because I have my own nuget packages that I use, but I want to test the changes in my other project before I publish. But once I switched to Sdk 1.0.0/VS 2017/csproj .net core that feature seemed to disappear.
The alternative is just manually adding each project, switch the references manually (since they are broken up into project, nuget and sdk references), and then after switch it all back.
Any thoughts or advice would be great.
Sounds like there is no equivalent in csproj (as expected), but there are msbuild workarounds for now (As of the initial VS 2017/.NET Core SDK 1.0.0 release)
Yes, I too had gotten used to this functionality and built my workflow around it. I am still looking for a solution but I'm currently playing with the idea of using conditional logic in the csproj files. Since it's now msbuild, you can do things like this:
<When Condition="Exists('..\..\..\MyProject')">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\MyProject\src\MyProject\MyProject.csproj" />
<PackageReference Include="MyProject" Version="1.0.0" />
This replaces the hard reference to a package with a conditional that uses a project reference if it can find the source code (in this case the directory), and a package reference if can't.
So by default you would be referencing the package, but if you want to debug one of your projects, you check it out in the location that the conditional checks, and add the project to your solution.
This way you only need to change your solution file (by adding the project) when you want to include source code, instead of rewiring all your project references.
For others that are interested in attempting to emulate with Global.json did, I worked around this for now using a couple powershell scripts and a custom json file that mimics it. Check out my answer here:

Preventing MSBuild from building a project in a .sln without using Solution Configurations

I want to inhibit the building of certain projects within a solution from building (within a TeamCity Build Configuration in order to optimize the speed of my Commit Build feedback if you must know).
I'm aware of the Solution Configurations mechanism but don't want to have to force lots of .sln files to end up with every permutation of things I want to be able to switch off. I have Convention based rule where I want to say "If I'm doing the Commit Build, I dont want to do the final installer packaging". (And I don't want to break it out into a separate solution).
I'd prefer not to use a solution involving find and replace in the .sln file or in a .proj file created via [MsBuildEmitSolution][1]. I'm aware of questions here which cover the out of the box solution and this slightly related question.
I see MSBuild /v:diag is saying:
2>Target "Build" in file "Z.sln.metaproj" from project "Z.sln" (entry point):
Using "MSBuild" task from assembly "Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a".
Task "MSBuild"
Global Properties:
<ProjectConfiguration Project="{C83D035D-169B-4023-9BEE-1790C9FE22AB}" AbsolutePath="X.csproj" BuildProjectInSolution="True">Debug|AnyCPU</ProjectConfiguration>
<ProjectConfiguration Project="{15E7887D-F1DB-4D85-8454-E4EF5CBDE6D5}" AbsolutePath="Y.csproj" BuildProjectInSolution="True">Debug|AnyCPU</ProjectConfiguration>
So the question is:
Is there a neat way of me getting to do an XPath replace or similar to have the effect of changing BuildProjectInSolution="True" to BuildProjectInSolution="False" for Project Y above
Failing that, is there a relatively simple edit I can do within a .ccproj (An Azure 1.4 Package) or a .csproj (a general project) file to cause the effects (including triggering of dependent projects) of the project being enabled within a commandline msbuild Z.sln solution build to be nullified?
Not sure it qualifies as neat, but you can set CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets to import an msbuild file to over-ride the BuildDependsOn property, pointing it to your own custom build task. Basically, by setting CustomAfterMicrosoftCommonTargets you get msbuild to import an msbuild file containing the following:
<Target Name="OldBuild" DependsOnTargets="$(OldBuildDependsOn)" />
<Target Name="MyBuild">
<CallTarget Targets="OldBuild" Condition="<IfIWantThis>" />
You can use the following MyBuild target to Include/Exclude projects based on regular expressions passed in as IncludeInBuild and ExcludeFromBuild properties. (If you want complex regexes, you may fall foul of MSBuild special character escaping, but this works well enough for simple matching)
> msbuild /p:ExcludeFromBuild="Tests|Install|Azure"
<Target Name="MyBuild">
<CallTarget Targets="OldBuild" Condition="('$(IncludeInBuild)'=='' OR
System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))'=='True') AND
('$(ExcludeFromBuild)'=='' OR
System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))'=='False')" />
You could always pass the particular projects you want to build as parameters to the MSBuild.
The MSBuild command line would look like this:
MSBuild /t:<Project Name>:Rebuild;<Another Project Name>:Rebuild
In TeamCity, you would put <Project Name>:<Target Action> in the target field in the MSBuild runner.
I add a system parameter under Parameters
Name: system.ExcludeFromBuild
Kind: System property (system.)
Value: path to your csproj

How to always execute a target in MSBuild

I have an MSBuild file that manipulates the AssemblyInfo file before the application is compiled. At the end of the build, it restores the AssemblyInfo file. It does this by backing up the file, manipulating it, and then after build time, restoring the file.
This works fairly well except when an error occurs during the build. It then does not restore the original file. Is there a way I can tell MSBuild to execute a target at the end of a build no matter if it succeeded or failed?
Based on your last comment to the original question I would take another approach, and forget the approach you are currently taking. You should know that your version info doesn't have to be in the AssemblyInfo.cs file. It can be in any code file, just as long as you only have attributes AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion defined once each. With that being said what I would do is follow these steps:
Remove AssemblyVersion & AssemblyFileVersion from AssemblyInfo.cs
Create a new file, name it whatever you want want in my case I put it at Properties\VersionInfo.cs. Do not add this file to the project.
Edit the project file to include that file into the list of file to be compiled only when you want it
Let's expand a bit on #3. When you build a .NET project, the project itself is an MSBuild file. Inside that file you will find an item declared Compile. This is the list of files that will be sent to the compiler to be compiled. You can dynamically include/exclude files from that list. In you case you want to include the VersionInfo.cs file only if you are building on the build server (or whatever other condition you define). For this example I defined that condition to be if the project was building in Release mode. So for Release mode VersionInfo.cs would be sent to the compiler, and for other builds not. Here are the contents of VersionInfo.cs
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersion("")]
In order to hook this into the build process you have to edit the project file. In that file you will find an element (maybe more than 1 depending on project type). You should add a target similar to the following there.
<Target Name="BeforeCompile">
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)'=='Release' ">
<Compile Include="Properties\VersionInfo.cs" />
Here what I've done here is to define a target, BeforeCompile, which is a well-known target that you can override. See this MSDN article about other similar targets. Basically this is a target which will always be called before the compiler is invoked. In this target I add the VersionInfo.cs to the Compile item only if the Configuration property is set to release. You could define that property to be whatever you wanted. For instance if you have TFS as your build server then it could be,
<Target Name="BeforeCompile">
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)'!='' ">
<Compile Include="Properties\VersionInfo.cs" />
Because we know that TeamFoundationServerUrl is only defined when building through TFS.
If you are building form the command line then something like this
<Target Name="BeforeCompile">
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(IncludeVersionInfo)'=='true' ">
<Compile Include="Properties\VersionInfo.cs" />
And when you build the project just do msbuild.exe YourProject.proj /p:IncludeVersion=true. Note: this will not work when building a solution.
What about changing the problem:
Add a "template" AssemblyInfo.cs.template to version control that represents your "ideal" AssemblyInfo.cs with regex hooks in there
Before build, copy the template to the real and apply your regexes
Add some kind of subversion ignore for AssemblyInfo.cs (I'm no svn expert, but I'm pretty sure there is a way you can tell it to ignore certain files)
In the event that your devs need to add some kind of customization that would normally appear in an AssemblyInfo.cs (eg InternalsVisibleTo), then get them to add it to a different .cs file that IS checked in.
As a further refinement, combine Sayed's solution with mine and remove version info stuff from the actual AssemblyInfo.cs and have a VersionInfo.cs.template that is checked in, that creates a VersionInfo.cs in BeforeBuild.
I never used it, but from the documentation it seems that the OnError Element is useful to what you're trying to achieve.
Causes one or more targets to execute,
if the ContinueOnError attribute is
false for a failed task.