Using App_DocumentBeforeSave (in Class1), and Document_New with Call Register_Event_Handler in ThisDocument, I cannot use my usual code to open up a Userform (Autoopen, AutoNew).
How should I place code to allow both DocumentBeforeSave code as well as Userform initiation code?
Sorry for not being more clear. In the template with the working code for changes to a document BeforeSave:
In Microsoft Word Project ThisDocument:
Private Sub Document_Open()
Call Register_Event_Handler
End Sub
Private Sub Document_New()
Call Register_Event_Handler
End Sub
In Modules, Module1:
Dim X As New Class1
Public Sub Register_Event_Handler()
Set X.App = Word.Application
End Sub
In Class Modules, Class1:
Public WithEvents App As Word.Application
Private Sub App_DocumentBeforeSave(ByVal Doc As Document, SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
‘ Then follows my clean up code in this Sub, which also Calls Subs, which are also placed in Class1 under this Sub.
All this works as intended. However, I wrote the code above for all of the Templates we use to generate medical reports, many of which also bring up UserForms upon opening. However, all my templates with UserForms have this code in In Microsoft Word Project ThisDocument to open the Userform whenever the document or template opens:
Sub Autoopen()
Options.ButtonFieldClicks = 1
.Top = Application.Top
.LEFT = Application.LEFT
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Document_New()
Options.ButtonFieldClicks = 1
.Top = Application.Top
.LEFT = Application.LEFT
End With
End Sub
I cannot get the Userform opening code to work with the initializing code for the DocumentBeforeSave – for one thing they both use Sub Document_New(). I tried changing the Userform opening code to Sub AutoNew(), which still didn’t function.
The Userforms without the DocumentBeforeSave code open fine, and the DocumentBeforeSave code works OK without the Userform code. How do I get both to work in the same project? BTW - the error that occurs: it won't save the project/document.
Thank you.
AutoOpen, AutoNew and AutoSave belong in a "plain vanilla" module. It looks like you've tried putting them in a class, which won't work...
I am writing a VBA project containing 1 module (m1) and 1 userform (uf).
In "ThisDocument" I am calling a public sub from "m1" that initializes a collection I then refer to in the userform. This works perfectly fine until I deploy this project to other files.
I save the file as a .dotm in the %Appdata%/Microsoft/word/startup folder so I can use the project in all of my word files. But as soon as I try to use my project in other files the userform opens itself as designed but the collection is empty.
What could be the problem here?
Manually calling the initialization method from the userform works fine.
Private Sub Document_Open()
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public beta As Collection
Sub initBetaCollection()
Set beta = New Collection
beta.Add Array("0041", "A"), Key:="0041"
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Sub txtSearch_Change()
Dim arr As Variant
Dim search As String
'Defining the textinput as "search"
search = txtSearch.Value
For Each arr In beta
If search <> "" Then 'No empty search field
If arr(1) Like "*" & search & "*" Then 'Match found
lbResults.AddItem arr(0)
End If
End If
End Sub
I get the: Run Time Error '424' object required
The problem with using Document_Open in the ThisDocument class or a macro named AutoOpen in a regular module is that both execute specifically for this document (or documents created from the template), only.
In order to have an application-level event, that fires for all documents opened, it's necessary to work with application-level events.
For this, first a class module is required. In the class module, the following code is needed:
'Class module named: Class1
Public WithEvents app As Word.Application
Private Sub app_DocumentOpen(ByVal Doc As Document)
'MsgBox Doc.FullName & ": on Open"
'Code here that should fire when a document is opened
'If something needs to be done with this document, use
'the Doc parameter passed to the event, don't try to use ActiveDocument
End Sub
Then, in a regular module, an AutoExec macro can be used to initialize the class with event handling. (AutoExec: fires when Word starts and loads a template with a macro of this name.)
Option Explicit
Dim theApp As New Class1
Sub AutoExec()
'MsgBox "AutoExec"
Set = Word.Application
End Sub
'Sub AutoOpen()
' MsgBox "Open in AutoOpen" - fires only for this document
'End Sub
I want to detect when user press ctrl-S or click on Save option of Microsoft word using VBA excel macro code.
I found related links about Save changes while closing and Detecting if a document is getting close but I not able to find some example code for detecting saving of word document.
Any help would greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) Word does not work like excel and there the keybinding follows different logic. Thus, in Word, you should try something like this, to bind Ctrl + S. The idea is that on openning of the file you tell the application to bind Ctrl + S to the SaveMe Sub.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Document_Open()
With Application
.CustomizationContext = ThisDocument
.KeyBindings.Add KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(wdKeyControl, wdKeyS), KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryCommand, Command:="SaveMe"
End With
End Sub
Public Sub SaveMe()
MsgBox "User Saved"
End Sub
Put the code in ThisDocument:
Until now, it works this way only for Ctrl+S. If you go for the Save through the menu, it will not follow this logic. This is what you should do then:
For the general solution, follow these instructions:
I. Create a clsWord and put the following code inside:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents appWord As Word.Application
Private Sub appWord_DocumentBeforeSave(ByVal Doc As Document, SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Call SaveMe
End Sub
II. Change the code in ThisDocument to this:
Option Explicit
Dim myWord As New clsWord
Private Sub Document_Open()
With Application
.CustomizationContext = ThisDocument
.KeyBindings.Add KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(wdKeyControl, wdKeyS), _
KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryCommand, Command:="SaveMe"
End With
Set myWord.appWord = Word.Application
End Sub
III. In a module:
Option Explicit
Public Sub SaveMe()
MsgBox "User Saved"
End Sub
Parts of the ideas are taken from the MSDN here - But the code there was not complete :)
As I very often have to problem, that the tick vanishes in the settings: Calculate before save. (I don't know the exact term as my office version is in German).
That's why I tried to use VBA to solve the problem. I used the following code in my Excel file:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, _
Cancel As Boolean)
If Application.CalculateBeforeSave = False Then
If MsgBox("Caution! Should >calculatebeforesave< be activated?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Application.CalculateBeforeSave = True
End If
End If
End Sub
I put this into "Thisworkbook". But I would like this code to be ran in every workbook I work with (at least all these which allow for macros).
My suggestion was to write ActiveWorkbook_BeforeSave... instead of Workbook_BeforeSave and then put the code in a module in the PERSONAL Macro file. But this doesn't work.
I think you need to use the Excel Applications events rather than workbook events to achieve this, such as in this example
In your PERSONAL workbook right click and insert a a Class Module (Class 1)
Add something similar to below to Class 1:
Public WithEvents appevent As Application
Private Sub appevent_WorkbookBeforeClose(ByVal Wb As Workbook, Cancel As Boolean)
'Add what you would like to happen before a workbook closes
End Sub
Next open ThisWorksheet and add code along these lines (I think the PERSONAL workbook opens automatically when Excel starts):
Dim myobject As New Class1
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set myobject = Application
End Sub
In a VBA project of mine I am/will be using a series of reasonably complex userforms, many of which are visually identical but have different subroutines attached to the buttons. As a result I'm not overly keen on the idea of duplicating them multiple times in order to get different functionality out of the same layout. Is it possible to have a userform detect which subroutine called it and use this in flow control? I would like to be able to do something like this:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
If [the sub that called the userform is called "foo"] then
Call fooSub
Call barSub
End If
End Sub
My backup plan is to have the calling subroutine set a global variable flag and have the userform check that, but that seems like a rather crude and clumsy solution.
Thanks everyone,
You can use the tag property of the form. Load the form, set the property, then show the form:
Sub PassCallerToForm()
Load UserForm1
UserForm1.Tag = "foo"
End Sub
Now that the property is set, you can determine what to do in the form:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
If Me.Tag = "foo" Then
Call fooSub
Call barSub
End If
End Sub
You can also use public variables:
' in userform
Public Caller As String
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
MsgBox Caller
Caller = Now()
End Sub
' in caller
Sub callUF()
Dim frm As New UserForm1
frm.Caller = "Test Caller"
MsgBox frm.Caller ' valid after Me.Hide
Set frm = Nothing
End Sub
Personally, I would not have one userform doing two disparate activities. The code would get hard to read pretty quickly, I think. Copying the layout of a userform is pretty trivial.
To copy a userform: Open a blank workbook. In the Project Explorer, drag the userform to the new workbook. Rename the userform in the new workbook. Now drag it back to the original workbook. Change the code in the userform copy.
If you absolutely don't want separate userforms, I recommend setting up a property of the userform. Userforms are just classes except they have a user interface component. In the userform module
Private mbIsFoo As Boolean
Public Property Let IsFoo(ByVal bIsFoo As Boolean): mbIsFoo = bIsFoo: End Property
Public Property Get IsFoo() As Boolean: IsFoo = mbIsFoo: End Property
Public Sub Initialize()
If Me.IsFoo Then
End If
End Sub
I always write my own Initialize procedure. In a standard module:
Sub OpenForm()
Dim ufFooBar As UFooBar
Set ufFooBar = New UFooBar
ufFooBar.IsFoo = True
End Sub
I have a VBA addin which I want to run every time someone opens a document. It's working fine for opening existing documents (AutoOpen) and creating new documents from the File > New menu (AutoNew) but when I just open Word up for the first time, neither of these events are firing. The only event I can seem to hook into is the AutoExec event and this is not great as the document doesn't exist yet so ActiveWindow is null.
Can anyone help?
Sub AutoNew
MsgBox "New"
End Sub
Sub AutoOpen
MsgBox "Open"
End Sub
Sub AutoExec
MsgBox "Exec"
End Sub
I would start with DocumentOpen and NewDocument. An additional level of complexity exists if you need to support ProtectedView documents; Word triggers a different event. I've found that if I try to check for that event (and it doesn't occur) it raises an error. I didn't had much luck and eventually it wasn't worth the time I was spending. I've posted an example below of some code that opens the Style Pane when a document is opened or a new one created (assuming the add-in is loading) and expands the style margin in draft view if not already expanded.
In my UI module:
Dim X As New clsAppEvent 'This is in the declarations
Public Sub OnRibbonLoad(objRibbon As IRibbonUI)
Do While Documents.Count = 0
Loop ' I find this useful as sometimes it seems my ribbon loads before the document.
Call Register_Event_Handler
' Other stuff
End Sub
Private Sub Register_Event_Handler()
Set X.App = Word.Application
End Sub
Then, in a class module I call clsAppEvent:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents App As Word.Application
Private Sub App_DocumentOpen(ByVal Doc As Document)
App.TaskPanes(wdTaskPaneFormatting).visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub App_NewDocument(ByVal Doc As Document)
App.TaskPanes(wdTaskPaneFormatting).visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub App_WindowActivate(ByVal Doc As Document, ByVal Wn As Window)
If Wn.StyleAreaWidth <= 0 Then
Wn.StyleAreaWidth = 60
End If
End Sub
Other than the caveats I've noted above, the one problem I've had is if a user has Auto code in their Normal template as well. This has only come up once so I haven't investigated it.
I wish I could find the site where I learned about this (and from which the Register_Event_Handler was derived. If I find it I'll add a comment.