"No session ID found " - Yodlee login API - api

I get "No session ID found " on Yodlee login API call. Although I am passing correct cobSessionToken.
Endpoint: https://rest.developer.yodlee.com/services/srest/restserver/v1.0/authenticate/login
I am passing input parameters in body
"Error": [
"errorDetail": "No session ID found "

In login and password input parameter, I had to pass autogenerated test user credentials.
login : sbMem(userid)1
password: sbMem(userid)1#123
And content-type should have x-www-form-urlencoded.


Auth0 API Create User returns Client ID Not Found

I am using the Auth0 Management API page to test creating a user.
I am sending the following body to POST:/api/v2/users:
However I get the following response:
"statusCode": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "Sandbox Error: Client: '{{REDACTED}}: Client id not found'"
Obviously the client ID does exist. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
We found the issue was actually internal to another script we had configured in the Action Login Flow

Can you customize Ktor 401 - Unauthorized Response?

When implementing Basic Authentication on Ktor and configuring a Provider, which validates whether the credentials are legit by returning a non null Principal, like in this example:
install(Authentication) {
basic("auth-basic") {
realm = "Access to the '/' path"
validate { credentials ->
if (credentials.name == "fernando" && credentials.password == "foobar") {
} else {
If the credentials are invalid and a null is returned, then Ktor automatically communicates with the client by triggering a 401 - Unauthorized, which in terms of behavior is what is expected...
But I cannot provide/add any extra information, like for example where exactly the issue was: username or password.
Any idea on how to mitigate this?
for resolve this problem you can use StatusPages by install it on application calss.
like below:
install(StatusPages) {
status(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) {
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Your Response Object")
for more informatin please read these links:
The message when the token expires can be shown using StatusPages or by using the challenge method in the JWTAuth class like this:
jwt {
challenge { _, _ ->
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Token is not valid or has expired")

Getting the error "Mandatory grant_type form parameter missing" in postman

Here's the information entered on postman
URL - https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/security/oauth2/token
grant_type - client_credentials
client_secret - {{My_API_Secret_key}}
client_id - {{My_API_key}}
Content Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded
It returns this response :
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Mandatory grant_type form parameter missing",
"code": 38187,
"title": "Invalid parameters"
It's a post request. so you should pass these parameters under different type.
For example in python's requests library it would be inside your data:
requests.post("{}/v1/security/oauth2/token".format(url), data=YOURPARAMETERS, headers=YOURHEADERS )

Create MasterCard tokenization API

I have a mobile app containing payment method via MasterCard. I have this tutorial:
I want to create Tokenization which contains customer's master detail, I have followed this tutorial part:
https://ap-gateway.mastercard.com/api/documentation/apiDocumentation/rest-json/version/latest/operation/Tokenization%3a Create or Update Token (with system-generated token).html?locale=en_US
I tried with :
POST https://ap-gateway.mastercard.com/api/rest/version/41/merchant/{{MyMerchantID}}/token
"sourceOfFunds": {
"type": "CARD",
"provided": {
"number": "5123450000000008",
"expiry": {
"month": "05",
"year": "17"
Note: The number is a mastercard test number.
I am always get this error:
explanation "Invalid credentials."
result "ERROR"
I followed the params in second URL.
Can anyone help? Are the params correct or I missed something?
In your configuration file, you need to set the following:
$configArray["merchantId"] = "[merchantId]";
// API username in the format below where Merchant ID is the same as above
$configArray["apiUsername"] = "merchant.[merchantId]";
// API password which can be configured in Merchant Administration
$configArray["password"] = "your api password";
Setting the above parameters in the config file will solve your problem
Try replacing "ap-gateway" with the real gateway provided for you. Your merchantID is not supported in test gateway.
First, you should ask you bank to enable the tokenization for your merchant account
you have to set Authorization->Basic Auth
Username : Your_MerchantID
Password : ApiPassword
"session": {
"id": "SESSION0002510583427E2239608H32"

Magento 2 rest api throws 401 Unauthorized error

I have create a user role in Magento 2 and a new user
image capture
I used in Chrome the application Postman:
In the GET box: http://example.com/php.index/rest/V1/products/
In Type use Basic Auth with Username and Password
But I get this status '401 Unauthorized' and this requests:
"message": "Consumer is not authorized to access %resources",
"parameters": {
"resources": "Magento_Catalog::products"
I can login in Magento backend with the user and password
Any solution?
You need to pass basic Authorization with access key in header:
Step 1:
Call API: /V1/integration/admin/token with parameters:
This will give you an access key like at0o6w5rhno6sltcuhf3****k0603l
Call API : /V1/products/ with parameters
Put **Header**
Authorization : Bearer at0o6w5rhno6sltcuhf3****k0603l
Content-Type : application/json