I have been trying to test a Yodlee integration using their DAG test accounts but I am uncertain if I am using them in the correct way:
Once I configure Yodlee to link to the expected catalog/account, the initial import fetches all the expected transactions held on the relevant XML file. At this point I can then upload an updated XML file to DAG. In order to simulate the addition of new transactions to a bank account in a realistic way, should I upload a new XML file containing only the new transactions, or do I need to add the new transactions to the existing XML file (retaining those original transactions that have already been imported)?
Chris since dag's are dummy accounts what happens is when you add a new xml The new transactions will be appended. For example - Initially if you added an xml with 2 transactions and then again if you will add new xml with lets say 2 existing and 2 new transaction then there will be total 6 transaction(duplicates will not be identified for dag accounts).
So in your case you need to upload an xml with only new transactions and you will get old as well as new transactions.
this is link to the form, already used jmeter to do this but in backend only one user was reflecting https://testapp-app.kloudsoft.co/survey/38e288e2-7957-4a05-b024-fb337df2f0f6
I am expecting 1000 differnt users in the back end
Need a tool from which i can do this form automation
If you recorded your test using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder it's absolutely expected that you're able to see only one user (the name and/or email which was used during recording)
You need to parameterize the credentials using one of the following approaches:
Generate 1000 users/emails, put them into a CSV file and use CSV Data Set Config to read them
Use JMeter Functions like __RandomString() to generate random users
Use Counter configuration element and/or __counter() function to generate an incremented number on each iteration or each time the function is called
I have a Data Factory V2 pipeline consisting of 'get metadata' and 'forEach' activities that reads a list of files on a file share (on-prem) and logs it in a database table. Currently, I'm only able to read file name, but would like to also retrieve the date modified and/or date created property of each file. Any help, please?
Thank you
According to the MS documentation.
We can see File system and SFTP both support the lastModified property. But we only can get the lastModified of one file or folder at a time.
I'm using File system to do the test. The process is basically the same as the previous post, we need to add a GetMetaData activity to the ForEach activity.
This is my local files.
First, I created a table for logging.
create table Copy_Logs (
Copy_File_Name varchar(max),
Last_modified datetime
In ADF, I'm using Child Items at Get Metadata1 activity to get the file list of the folder.
Then add dynamic content #activity('Get Metadata1').output.childItems at ForEach1 activity.
Inside the ForEach1 activity, using Last modified at Get Metadata2 activity.
In the dataset of Get Metadata2 activity, I key in #item().name as follows.
Using CopyFiles_To_Azure activity to copy local files to the Azure Data Lake Storage V2.
I key in #item().name at the source dataset of CopyFiles_To_Azure activity.
At Create_Logs activity, I'm using the following sql to get the info we need.
select '#{item().name}' as Copy_File_Name, '#{activity('Get Metadata2').output.lastModified}' as Last_modified
In the end, sink to the sql table we created previously. The result is as follows.
One way , I can think of is please add a new Getmetdata inside the FE loop and use paramterized dataset and pass a filename as the paramter . The below animation should helped , I did tested the same .
When a user regenerates the data of a schema, will the regenerated test data results in the same sequence of data as it was generated earlier or will the data be shuffled?
When you use the regenerate functionality of HCL OneTest Data, it is possible to get the same sequence of test data. In order to get the same sequence of test data while regeneration, you must enter some seed value while you generate the test data for the first time.
For more information, you can refer https://help.hcltechsw.com/onetest/hclonetestserver/10.1.2/com.hcl.test.otd.help.doc/topics/t_help_regenerate_data.html
I have an Update entity endpoint in my .NET Core Microservice API that needs to be tested for performance. For all other endpoints, I am able to store the ID in a CSV file and load it before processing, however I want to reuse the values in the CSV for update, which requires updating and keeping track of the Row Version attribute for the ID.
I will be testing using 100 Users and 100 Orders, so I will need to match every user to one order so they don't try updating the same entity.
Read CSV with ID and current row version
Call Update endpoint on the ID and row version, read in new Row Version from response body
Store the new row version and the ID within JMeter to reuse in the test
Call Update endpoint on the ID and new row version
The problem with storing inside of the CSV is JMeter will be reading and writing from the same file. I am looking for a way to use a Java like collection inside of my script to not have to read and write from a file.
The dictionary would look like {'q28937-3423572903485-324875', rowVersion: 42}
Add a Post Processor as a child of your HTTP request (the first update) to extract the new ID and rowVersion.
Then in the next update, you should use Jmeter variables ${ID} and ${rowVersion} which holds the new values that you extracted using Post Processor.
Note that variables are not shared between threads, from Jmeter user manual best practices - 16.13
Variables are local to a thread; a variable set in one thread cannot be read in another. This is by design.
Also check
Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) with JMeter guide.
CSV data set config Jmeter User Manual
Good day
I needed to create a data replication between two databases. I created the Local Publication with one table for testing purposes. I then created the Local Subscription and it worked 100%. I tested it and the data gets updated. I then started to add more tables to the Local Publication that I created. I noticed that the new tables did not pull through to the new database through the Local Subscription I created. Do I need to create a new Subscription for the updates? Do I need to delete the current Subscription or is there another way that I can just update the Current Subscription?
Got this description from this Article: http://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2502/limit-snapshot-size-when-adding-new-article-to-sql-server-replication/
You must start snapshot agent, but check that already replicated tables are not marked for reinitialization, because in such case data from old tables will be transfered once more.