SQL Error: ORA-00955 - sql

I cant create this table.
It says that the columns names are already used by another object ???

The error means that you have an object in your database with the same name that of your table.
Either use a different name for your new table
Drop the existing object with same name if you do not need it.
To check the existing object, you could query [ALL|USER|DBA]_OBJECTS view:

The problem is not with your column name, but with the name of your table. There is already a table named DEPT_X1 in your database, perhaps because you've executed this command more than once. To verify this execute the following query:
If this query returns data it means that there is already something named DEPT_X1 in your database. To find out what it is look at the OBJECT_TYPE column in the data returned by the query above. If OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE' it means that the existing DEPT_X1 is a table; if OBJECT_TYPE = 'SEQUENCE' it means DEPT_X1 is a sequence; etc. Let's say for the sake of argument that the existing DEPT_X1 is a table and that you want to get rid of the one that's already there so you can create another. You'd want to use a DROP TABLE command similar to the following:
After running the above successfully you could then re-create the table using your existing script. If the existing DEPT_X1 is some other kind of database object you'd have to use the correct DROP command for that particular kind of object - there are many different DROP commands which are documented here (see chapters 17 and 18).
Best of luck.


Choosing table from the right owner in Oracle SQL

I am quite new to SQL, and my first "job" is to get something out of an Oracle SQL database.
Just to see what's actually found in my connection I use the following:
SELECT owner, table_name FROM dba_tables
This gives me a bunch of tuples with an owner name and table_name. However, some table names are the same for different owners.
So when I run a command like:
How do I ensure that this table is coming from owner1 and not owner2, where both of them actually have a table called MyTableName ?
You can do:
SELECT * FROM <owner>.MyTableName
You can specify exactly which table with
select * from some_owner.my_table;
If you do this:
select * from my_table;
You will be selecting from the version of MY_TABLE that belongs to the owner/user with which you you are connected to the database. So, if you connected as user SCOTT, then
select * from my_table;
effectively becomes
select * from scott.my_table;
Note that this behavior can be overridden by the use of synonyms. Suppose user SCOTT has a synonym like this:
create synonym scott.my_table for fred.my_table;
Then SCOTT issues
select * from my_table;
Then oracle will check first for a synonym, and finding it will effectively transform the query to
select * from fred.my_table;
So in the end, the precedence is this. When you reference a table without qualifying it with the owner, oracle will look for it in this sequence:
is there a user synonym by that name? if so, use what it references if the user has been granted necessary privileges.
is there a global synonym by that name? if so, use what it references if the user has been granted necessary privileges.
does the user itself own a table by that name? if so, use that table.
return error "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist"

Check if QTemp table exists in Db2

Is there a Db2 function that allows me to check if a table already exists?
I have a stored procedure that executes a command to create a table, however I only want to call it if the table doesn't exist.
I can't query the catalogs because files in Qtemp don't show in there.
You can query SYSIBM.SYSTABLES to have information about tables.
For your case:
SELECT count(1)
WHERE NAME = 'tableName' AND TYPE = 'T'
You can also check views and temprary tables by changing TYPE.

How to find the name of a table based upon a column name and then access said table

I have a column name "CustomerIDClass" and I need to find the table it's associated with within an entire Oracle database.
I've run this to determine the owner and name of the table where this column name appears:
select * from DBA_TAB_COLUMNS
where COLUMN_NAME LIKE '%CustomerIDClass%';
and I'm getting this response:
I don't have enough reputation to post the image, so here's the link: http://i.imgur.com/a7rcKoA.png
I have no idea how to access this (BIN$Csew==) table. When I try to use it as a table name I get errors or messages saying that no rows were returned.
My main goal here is to write a simple statement that lets me search the database for the "CustomerIDClass" and view the table that contains this column name.
This table is in the recycle bin. You have to issue FLASHBACK TABLE "Customer1"."BIN$Csew==$0" TO BEFORE DROP command, given you have the appropriate privileges.
Doc: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/statements_9012.htm
Do note that in oracle the column names are stored in capital but you are using mixed case in your like statement therefore the select clause will not return any result
Try the below
select * from DBA_TAB_COLUMNS

How to find schema name in Oracle ? when you are connected in sql session using read only user

I am connected to a oracle database with a read only user and i used service name while Setting up connection in sql developer hence i dont know SID ( schema ).
How can i find out schema name which i am connected to ?
I am looking for this because i want to generate ER diagram and in that process at one step it asks to select schema. When i tried to select my user name , i dint get any tables as i guess all tables are mapped with schema user.
Edit: I got my answer partially by the below sql Frank provided in comment , it gave me owner name which is schema in my case. But I am not sure if it is generic solution applicable for all cases.
select owner, table_name from all_tables.
Edit: I think above sql is correct solution in all cases because schema is owner of all db objects. So either i get schema or owner both are same. Earlier my understanding about schema was not correct and i gone through another question and found schema is also a user.
Frank/a_horse_with_no_name Put this in answer so that i can accept it.
Call SYS_CONTEXT to get the current schema. From Ask Tom "How to get current schema:
select sys_context( 'userenv', 'current_schema' ) from dual;
To create a read-only user, you have to setup a different user than the one owning the tables you want to access.
If you just create the user and grant SELECT permission to the read-only user, you'll need to prepend the schema name to each table name. To avoid this, you have basically two options:
Set the current schema in your session:
Create synonyms for all tables:
So if you haven't been told the name of the owner schema, you basically have three options. The last one should always work:
Query the current schema setting:
List your synonyms:
Investigate all tables (with the exception of the some well-known standard schemas):
How about the following 3 statements?
-- change to your schema
-- check current schema
-- generate drop table statements
SELECT 'drop table ', table_name, 'cascade constraints;' FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE OWNER = 'yourSchemaName';

In sqlite How to add column in table if same column is not exists in table

How can I add a column in an SQLite table if and only if the same column does not exist in the table?
Using ALTER TABLE I am able to create a new column but want to know how to check whether that column already exists in the table or not?
SQLite returns an error like "no such column: foo" if the table doesn't contain the column:
select foo from yourTable limit 1
Also you can get the create-table statement:
select sql from sqlite_master where tbl_name = 'YourTableName'
and then parse the result, looking for the column-name. I don't know of an elegant way to query the list of columns for a specified table, though one may exist.
Also if you attempt to do this:
alter table YourTable add column foo {column-def whatever it is}
you get an error from SQLite if the column already exists. You could trap that error too.
Finally you could do this:
select sql from sqlite_master
where tbl_name = 'YOURTABLE' and sql like '%"foo" CHAR%'; -- or whatever type
and if the specified table contains the column which is surrounded by double-quotes in the query, and with the type you have specified, you will get a result, otherwise an empty set. Specifying the datatype ensures that your LIKE substring match occurs on a column-name.
There's no way (that I know of) to do it all in a single SQLite query. You must use application code to manage the If/Elseness.
Check if table exists or not:
select count(*) from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = MyTable';
Check if column exists in table or now
pragma table_info(thumbnail);
However, a better approach may be explicit database schema updates based on schema versions your application maintains (e.g. specific alter table statement to go from schema version 1 to 2):
pragma user_version;
It seems like that it is impossible to do checking if the column not exists and addindg the new column in one command, because Sqlite don't support "IF NOT EXISTS" for column. "IF NOT EXISTS" works only on table.
Here is what I will do:
rev = ExecuteStatement("SELECT columnNamexx FROM tableNamexx limit 1;");
if(rev != SQLITE_OK){ // add col to table
ExecuteStatement("ALTER TABLE tableNamexx ADD COLUMN columnNamexx INTEGER DEFAULT 0;");
You can view the table columns by using '.schema tableName'