Dynamic URLs in HANA XS - hana-xs

I'm trying to implement simple product catalog using HANA XS Javascript. Pages of the catalog should be rendered on the server side.
How can I handle "dynamic" URLs based on data read from HANA database? For example, http:///myapp/store/[product-slug]/ (products are stored in HANA database and have unique slugs).

You can create a router function on your application.
On 'http:///myapp/index.html', create a javascript function called 'getSlug'. This function get the path url and split string based on '/', the result will be:
[0] store
[1] [product-slug]
Create a function to router the content. You need to have column in product table with slug.
The router function will receive an array of slugs. On this function you need to implement the structure of your app.
For example, every time that fisrt item is 'store', load html of products into the div.
This is a kind o single page application. Every time that load this page, call this function:
$(document).on('load', function(){


Prestashop 1.7 How to Display data from database to tpl

i'm new on Prestashop, i have a little problem on prestashop 1.7, i just bought a module for my orders, on the page of details when i launch smarty i can see the array $order_reference with some information, but when i go to the page of my history i can't access to this information, i don't know how to add this information to access it with my page history, do i have to create a function on history controller or class with dbclass or do u have any others solutions to add my details information of my order ?
The problem is my information is in a another table who call eo_orderreference and i can't access to it with my orders object. I think i need to write a function but as i see on internet it is wrong to write it on a tpl file, i have to do it on my class but i don't know how.
This is the information i want to add
SELECT 'order_reference' FROM eo_orderreference
Sorry i can't upload image because it contains sensible informations.
Thank for your time.
Smarty templates are meant to display data,
you should perform your query in the PHP file that recall your TPL and then use the Prestashop
method to return data to your TPL as smarty variables that you can show at front office.
See here for more details.
you can create the sql query within a function either within a module or a controller.
For example:
public function getAccessories($id_product)
// Your code
into a hook or initcontent, you can call the function on the query sql and assign it a template:
public function hookDiplayAccessoryExtraProduct($params)
$accessories = $this->getAccessories((int)$params['id_product']);
'accessories_custom' => $accessories,
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/front/accessory.tpl');

Store Axios data into Global Variable

I am trying to store the response data from an axios call into a global variable permenantly instead of it being called every time upon refresh. Since the json file is pretty large it takes the site around 2-4 seconds to load and I want this to only load once on start up
You have multiple choices :
You can use a store, like vuex : https://vuex.vuejs.org/fr/guide/
Which allow your to store datas in an object outside of your component and call il from where you want
If it is a paginated list, you can use a dynamic pagination to load chunks of your datas :
Imagine, you have 10000 items, your user can only see 20 items per page, so just load 5 first pages, and each time the user click on next button, load 20 next elements (It's an exemple, you can improve it at your convinience)
Or your can combine both ;)

How to regularly update mongoose db in express js without req

I want to retrieve 'Content' instances sorted by a ranking factor, which changes by likes, dislikes and time. First solution I came up was adding 'ranking factor' virtual field on the 'Content' model, but mongoose didn't allow me to sort the instances by the virtual field when retrieving them. So the only solution I have now is adding 'ranking factor' field on the model and update all content instances regularly using setTimeOut function of node js. Then where should I add setTimeOut function in express js structure?
I considered adding setTimeOut(2000, // update all content instances here) on app.js file, but there was a feeling that it is not somewhat right. I'm planning to add the codes like below.
setTimeOut(2000, Content.findAndUpdate(*, {rankingFactor: calculateRankingFactorWithTime(window.currentDate, this.likes, this.dislike}))

Kentico Ecommerce: getting top selling categories

I am using Kentico 7.0, ecommerce version.
I would like to create a sidebar menu that shows the eshop's top selling product categories. I am a kentico newbie so I am looking around for the correct terminology/guidance so that I can dig deeper.
The ideal approach in my opinion would be to be able to add a field on categories, which is used to filter categories for the menu. This way I can either have some kind of job that updates the fields automatically based on sales, OR provide a manual override for an admin to specify whether a category will show up on the menu. Of course some kind of weight would also be needed to specify menu item ordering.
Which way should I look?
HAve you tried using the "Top N products by sales" web part that is available? you can configure from which part of the content tree (products) it should pull the data - in the Path property you can use also a path expression or macro that is resolved dynamically so the web part can display different products in different sections.
There are many ways to code for Kentico. I personally find the API is a bit clunky and on quite a few occasions I was surprised that a method didn't exist requiring extra calls to get the required results. I do use the Kentico API more when putting data in to Kentico. Pulling it out I use the following.
Write a SQL stored procedure to get the top X categories - GetTop5Categories.
Look at the COM_* tables, specifically COM_OrderItem, linking OrderItemSKUID back to COM_SKU (or View_COM_SKU_Joined if you need to get to the IA).
This will get you the top selling products with a group by, a count, a top X and an order by.
Then you can link to other tables such as CMS_Category or CMS_Document (depending on how you setup your categories). The bonus of this is that procs are compiled, you do all your data manipulation there (it's what MSSQL specialises in!) and you only send back what you need to in the result set.
DOMAIN (leveraging EF)
I usually create a separate class library project myproject.domain and put an Entity Framework edmx in there mapped back to the Kentico DB. Add the proc to the EDMX, then create a Function Import MyProject_GetTop5Categories from your newly imported proc.
add a reference to the domain project from your web project, and a 'using at the top of the codebehind of the control.
using myproject.domain;
then in Page_Load for the control:
var entities = new MyProjectModelContainer();
var list = entities.MyProject_GetTop5Categories().ToList();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<ul>");
foreach(var category in list)
sb.Append("<li><a href='"+category.Link+"'>" + category.Name + "</a></li>");
listPlaceHolder = sb.ToString();
handwritten so probably a typo or two in there :)

How to use a hidden page item within an SQL report query without submitting

Using: Oracle ApEx 3.0.1
I have a SQL report region that contains a hidden page item as part of the "where clause". My problem is, based on a value entered by the user, I need to assign this value entered to my hidden item, so that it can be used within the where condition of my SQL but this would need to be done without actually submitting the form.
At the moment, I can set the value via an on-demand process but my SQL is still not returning any values as the hidden page item within the query is not set (as page has not been submitted).
I am not sure how to do this and whether in actual fact, this is possible to do, without having submitted the page.
Since you are on Apex 3, you don't have dynamic actions, but that doesn't hinder so much.
I've set up an example on apex.oracle.com. To get in the workspace, use workspace 'tompetrusbe' + apex_demo / demo.
There is a dynamic action there, which can do the work too, but i've disabled it.
What you need to make it work:
an ajax callback process, with the following line:
apex_util.set_session_state('P2_PAR_ENAME', apex_application.g_x01);
Give your report region a static id, i called mine 'report_emp'. This so i can easily retrieve it.
In the javascript region of the page, you then need to call the app process, and then refresh the region. Also bind the event which needs to trigger this action. I've done it here through the onchange event of the parameter textfield.
function refresh_report(oTrgEl){
//alert('refresh: ' + $v(oTrgEl));
//calling the application process which sets the session state of P2_PAR_ENAME
var oGet = new htmldb_Get(null, &APP_ID., 'APPLICATION_PROCESS=set_session_state', &APP_PAGE_ID.);
oGet.addParam("x01", $v(oTrgEl));
oGet.get(); //the app process just sets something, it returns nothing
//refresh the report region
function bind_events(){
//call this onload
In the query of the report i use where ename like '%'||UPPER(:P2_PAR_ENAME)||'%'.
When you type (for example) 'bl' in, and tab out (to trigger the onchange), the region will refresh and will be filtered.
You'll just need to adapt to your solution :)