SQL Server Agent. Can I add detail to the log [duplicate] - sql

Is it possible to log custom messages from your SQL Server Agent job in the job history messages?
If not what's the best way to go about doing such a thing?

For T-SQL job steps, you can use the print statement. For CmdExec steps, use Console.Writeline in your executable. If there is a lot of output, then by default SQL Agent will not keep all of, and will only keep a certain number of characters. To have it keep all output for a step, you go to the step properties, Advanced, and check the "Include step output in history" checkbox.

I haven't done it for a while, but I believe text generated by a PRINT statements in the code executed by the job will end up in the history table. If that doesn't work, RAISERROR with severity less than 11 should do it. (11 and up definitely will, but then jobs are marked as having failed.)


How to check if an SQL Script executed successfully in MS SQL Server?

I have created multiple SQL DB Maintenance scripts which I am required to run in a defined order. I have 2 scripts. I want to run the 2nd script, only on successful execution of 1st script. The scripts contain queries that creates tables, stored procedures, SQL jobs etc.
Please suggest an optimal way of achieving this. I am using MS SQL Server 2012.
I am trying to implement it without using an SQL job.
I'm sure I'm stating the obvious, and it's probably because I'm not fully understand what you meant by "executed successfully", but if you meant no SQL error while running:
The optimal way to achieve it is to create a job for your scripts, then create two steps - one for the first script and for the second. Once both steps are there, you go to the advanced options of step 1 and set it up to your needs.
Can you create a SQL Server Agent Job? You could just set the steps to be Step 1: Run first script, Step 2: run second script. In the agent job setup you can decide what to when step 1 fails. Just have it not run step 2. You can also set it up to email you, skip to another step, run some other code etc... If anything the first code did failed with any error message, your second script would not run. -- If you really needed to avoid a job, you could add some if exists statements to your second script, but that will get very messy very fast
If the two scripts are in different files
Add a statement which would log into a table the completion and date .Change second script to read this first and exit,if not success
if both are in same file
ensure they are in a transaction and read ##trancount at the start of second script and exit ,if less than 1
SQL Server 2005’s job scheduling subsystem, SQL Server Agent, maintains a set of log files with warning and error messages about the jobs it has run, written to the %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG directory. SQL Server will maintain up to nine SQL Server Agent error log files. The current log file is named SQLAGENT .OUT, whereas archived files are numbered sequentially. You can view SQL Server Agent logs by using SQL Server Management Studio.

How to execute a SQL script if a SQL Job step fails

We have got a SQL job that comprises of several steps. Currently, the On Failure property is set to Quit the job reporting failure which only notifies the relevant parties of the failed step. Is it possible to execute a SQL script if the step fails (for further processing etc.) as well as sending the notification? We are using SSMS 2014.
You can create another step that will be executed each time another step fails.
In this step, simply put a Script Transact-SQL (T-SQL) in it.
Then on this new step, weither it fails or not : Quit the job reporting failure
Make sure no step falls in this step from success.

Modify statement prior execution

I use an application connected with an sql database. I found using the profiler that the application runs an update query with a syntax error. I don't have access to the application's source code. The result is that the record is not updated. Is there a way to modify the query every time it is executed with something like trigger? I can't use INSTEAD OF because there ism't any record updated or inserted.
This answer
suggests a way to log to a text file all the errors. You could write a little utility and schedule it to run every hour or whatever, which could read through this log, find the erroneous sql statements, fix them, then run them itself.

Is it possible for SQL Server to report an incorrect number of rows affected?

I have a utility which:
grabs sql commands from a flat text file
executes them sequentially against SQL Server located on the same machine
and reports an error if an UPDATE command affects ZERO ROWS (there should never be an update command in this file that doesn't affect a record, hence it being recorded as an error)
The utility also logs any failed commands.
Yet the final data in the database seems to be wrong/stale, even though my utility is reporting no failed updates and no failed commands.
I know the first and most obvious culprit is some kind of logic or runtime error in my programming of the utility itself, but I just need to know of it's THEORETICALLY possible for SQL Server to report that at least one row was affected and yet no apply the change.
If it helps, the utility always seems to correctly execute the same number of commands and the final stale/wrong data is always the same i.e. it seems to correctly execute a certain number of commands that are being successfully queried against the database, then failing.
I should also note that this utility is exhibiting this behavior across 4 different production servers each with their own dedicated local database server, and that these are beefy machines with 8-16 GB RAM each that are managed by a professional sysadmin.
Based on what you say...
It is possible for the "xx rows affected" to be misleading if you have a trigger firing. You may be reading the count from the trigger. If so, add SET NOCOUNT ON to the trigger
Alternatively, the data is the same, so you actually do dummy update with the same values. Add a WHERE clause to test for differences for example.
SET Message = ''
(1 row(s) affected)

What is your FIRST SQL command to run to troubleshoot SQL Server performance?

When the SQL Server (2000/2005/2008) is running sluggish, what is the first command that you run to see where the problem is?
The purpose of this question is that, when all answers are compiled, other users can benefit by running your command of choice to segregate where the problem might be.
There are other troubleshooting posts regarding SQL Server performance but they can be useful only for specific cases.
If you roll out and run your own custom SQL script,
then would you let others know what
the purpose of the script is
it returns (return value)
to do to figure out where problem is
If you could provide source for the script, please post it.
In my case,
I run to figure out if there are any locks (purpose) to return SQL server lock information. Since result set displays object IDs (thus not so human readable), I would usually skim through result to see if there are abnormally many locks.
Feel free to update tags
Why run a single query when a picture is worth a thousand words!
I prefer to run the freely avaialable Performance Dashboard Reports.
They provide a complete snapshot overview of your servers performance in seconds. You can then choose the a specific area to investigate (locking, currently running queries, wait requests etc.) simply by clicking the apporpriate area on the Dashboard.
One slight caveat, I beleive these are only available in SQL 2005 and above.
I want to see "who", what machines/users are running what queries, length of time, etc. I can also easily scan for blocks.
If something is blocking a bunch of other transactions I can use the spid to issue a kill command if necessary.
sp_who_3 - Provides a lot of information available elsewhere but in one nice output. Also has several parameters to allow customized output.
A custom query which combines what you would expect in sp_who with DBCC INPUTBUFFER(spid) to get the last query text on each spid ordered by the blocked/blocking graph.
Process data is avaliable via master..sysprocesses.
sp_who3 returns standand sp_who2 output, until you specify a specific spid, then gives 6 different recordsets about that spid including locks, blocks, what it's currently doing, the T/SQL it's running, and the statement within the T/SQL that is currently running.
Ian Stirk has a great script I like to use as detailed in this article: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-ca/magazine/cc135978.aspx
In particular, I like the missing indexes one:
DatabaseName = DB_NAME(database_id)
,[Number Indexes Missing] = count(*)
FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_details
GROUP BY DB_NAME(database_id)
DBCC OPENTRAN to see what the oldest active transaction is
Displays information about the oldest
active transaction and the oldest
distributed and nondistributed
replicated transactions, if any,
within the specified database. Results
are displayed only if there is an
active transaction or if the database
contains replication information. An
informational message is displayed if
there are no active transactions.
followed by sp_who2
I use queries like those:
Number of open/active connections in ms sql server 2005